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I swear to god. Every time. EVERY! FUCKING! TIME! When I play raked in solo Q I get idiots on my team. I know it sounds like I'm being toxic but I'm not. I am really not. The people I get teamed up sometimes are either brain dead, or actually mentally handicapped. 


They are that bad.


Look at my last game.


Morgana was my shit support.


She kept diving in like a special needs kid looking for a damn hug. I would ping danger at a bush AND SHE DIVES RIGHT INTO IT!


With games and ass team mates like these it's no wonder I'm still in bronze. I am so desperate for a good team.


Yeah this happens a lot. Just happened to me last game. I had a 1/5/1 Braum that hard fed a Lucian to the point he couldn't be killed, except by me apparently. http://lolstarz.com/summoner?name=TwillyFSniper&lo=na

Edited by TwillyFSniper


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 Would you be up for teaming up? I main bot so I can Support and ADC pretty well. I can supp for you, I can get you nice and fat. You just got to trust me and listen to me. Most of the time the ADC's I get matched with ping me constantly like I don't know what I'm doing.


I play very aggressively but I know when to slow things down and take my time. But when I know I can take someone I don't take shit. They hassle me or my ADC I get in their face.

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I've got a ton of friends that are saying that I should start playing this. Really tempted I've gotta admit.

I don't know if its the best time to get into it. A lot of people are making smurf accounts due to the amount of exp. needed to level to 30. That said, it's also a good time to get into it, just be aware of that there are a lot of smurfs now.


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I had the weirdest game yesterday.


Warning text wall below


I was playing with some friends in a normal and I went top lane Gangplank. The enemy went with a full assassin/dive comp with no support. We were getting slaughtered by the enemy Zed all game, and to put this into perspective he was full build by 29 minutes and was just switching items at that point. Cut to 20 minutes into the game, everyone but me has died at least 6 times, and I was 1/3 or so.


They have gotten three dragons, our inhib, and can pick off anyone of us so easily, because they all went full AD complete duskblades and all. They eventually reached a 14.2k gold lead. Times were tough, morale was low. If anyone stepped out of the base, they'd immediately get killed. We somehow picked off Zed a few times, but they got Baron and their fourth dragon. The enemy team kept up pressure in mid but got a bit cocky, only to get 3 members picked off.


It was our turn to fight back. We pushed down their mid tier-2 turrent and started to focus the side lanes a bit. When we backed they picked up the fifth dragon, so we just turtled again. After it had worn off, we charged down the midlane. At this point everyone was full build. Our Draven was out of position however, so the enemy team dove for him, meanwhile J4 flanked us from the side.


Chaos ensued. I had assumed our Draven long dead, but he managed to outplay three people and kill all of them. We took the mid inhib, but our base was in shambles from the sidelane pressure. The enemy took the opportunity and got a second baron, but we were not afraid. We took our first dragon, and pushed mid with everything we had. It was a clean ace. The game was over.





Anyway here's the game stats if you're interested. http://matchhistory.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/NA1/2126178965/39038713?tab=overview&participant=2


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 Would you be up for teaming up? I main bot so I can Support and ADC pretty well. I can supp for you, I can get you nice and fat. You just got to trust me and listen to me. Most of the time the ADC's I get matched with ping me constantly like I don't know what I'm doing.


I play very aggressively but I know when to slow things down and take my time. But when I know I can take someone I don't take shit. They hassle me or my ADC I get in their face.

Would be great, ranked solo has been so frustrating anyways... At least one less troll


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http://matchhistory.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/NA1/2137675865/219563804That moment when you accidentally carry as a support. I was playing ARAM as Nami with two of my other friends. Every time my heal would bounce off and hit the enemy or I'd stun them then use my ult I would wind up getting a kill somehow. I would quickly get away from the enemy cause I knew they'd try and target me. I was basically the reason my team didn't die too many times. Plus the Bard and Blitz was a nice bonus and added to the CC.

I play League of Legends and I main both Ezreal and Lux for both bot and mid.


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http://matchhistory.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/NA1/2137675865/219563804That moment when you accidentally carry as a support. I was playing ARAM as Nami with two of my other friends. Every time my heal would bounce off and hit the enemy or I'd stun them then use my ult I would wind up getting a kill somehow. I would quickly get away from the enemy cause I knew they'd try and target me. I was basically the reason my team didn't die too many times. Plus the Bard and Blitz was a nice bonus and added to the CC.

Supports are very strong in ARAM. They all usually have some sort of heal or unique utility affect that catches someone off guard.

  • Brohoof 1


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Supports are very strong in ARAM. They all usually have some sort of heal or unique utility affect that catches someone off guard.

Yes they are! Soraka in ARAM is bloody godlike when her Q heals an odd 60%-90% of her total health. xD

  • Brohoof 1

OC info - http://derpy.me/BarleyHopsOC


"When a door closes, a window opens... Or, something like that."

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Yes they are! Soraka in ARAM is bloody godlike when her Q heals an odd 60%-90% of her total health. xD

Yes I know it's just I wasn't expecting myself to go legendary. Probably helps that I maxed my heal which is my W first and then my Q. Still I kept most of my team alive as much as I could. Bard kept all of us alive with his shrines and Blitz always landed his pull. Also Blitz Pull, Voli Fling and then a Nami Bubble and Stun they're dead no matter what. xD

I play League of Legends and I main both Ezreal and Lux for both bot and mid.


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the flame and the stuff on leblanc ?

 I meant me doing tank annie and going that hard.


But, that too. Though, tbh, her and another were arguing a good chunk anyhow apparently, so its sorta expected. She wasn't just being nice either.


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It's tiring to get tilted every time because of bad teammates -_______- Can't even have one proper teammate xD


Equestria Girl Artist Infernus's adorable brother  :kindness: / PROJECT: Echo, My Little Kohai   B)

Having a bad day? Come relax in my profile, I'll try my best to make you at least smile a bit..  :blush: 


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Yay for more odd/silly tanks. \o/

ps, I rushed the tank stats first. Not the damage. Though, this was actually cause we had a random who messed up in lobby and made me think I was being thrown support. >.>



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Norms is so much better than ranked. At least there are more players that are just inexperienced than trolls.


I have recently gotten two quads playing Ez, one playing AD and one playing AP.

I also had 444 CS in one game as mid Jhin (new favorite champion).

Still suck at Twisted Fate apparently.. But Yasuo counters almost anything when played by a player that can play.


My Record:


  • Brohoof 1


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