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Last game was very hilarious. Why? Because ally Nasus killed Shaco late game only with E and Q.


So, the Nasus played Jungle, so the strike farm was insane, he killed and killed and late game, his stack is around 1.1k. He at least reduced the enemy hp to half for every siphon strike. Moreover, his final item are Trinity Force, Spirit Visage, Frozen Heart, Mercury Treads, Banshee Veil, and Spirit of the Ancient Golem, making both his armor and mr around 200.


I played Tryndamere at that game, I got First Blood on Yasuo top, First tower down, then Yasuo didn't want to approach me, obviously because I would win trade. Still, it was a hard fight as mid and bot lost the lane (Enemy mid was Akali while bot were Kog'Maw and Blitz).


But one best thing that happen was simply I managed to duo Baron with Morg, she protect me while I kill Baron. With the help of BT and BotRK and lots of AD, I mitigated Baron damage.


Full Match History here.


Edited by Indonesia Best Pony



Alicorn Sunset Shimmer!

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Nuke Loli too stronk



And just cause the images keep breaking for whatever reason: http://matchhistory.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/NA1/1507230794/204292409



Let's see if this one will work..




Since the match history won't show for some reason on my end and just incase the image borks again, Im just going to say that my end score was 19/5/12 Ranked Annie.

Our Ashe was also complaining early about Kat roaming since I yelled at my friend who was playing support instead of pinging it. She was worried we'd lose when it was only 8 minutes in. >.>

Edited by Haven


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I'm just gonna put this up here for visibility- if anyone here plays support consistently, add me! I really need a support that I can develop chemistry with! x)


NA- RF Sonnet


Silver Herald X Solarshine since 2012!



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So me and my friends where like in a game, we had a troll zed mid that I dont even know what was doing and both our botlaners was failing and our jungler was just well being a farmer. The mid was the random guy btw if you didnt understand that.

soooo we were like REALLY far behind too. and then suddenly we were winning. I think everyone was laughing their ass off from the pure fact that they managed to loose. Look at the match history here :D




Silly muffins, of course i have to eat you.


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Need some OCE bros to come play with me!!!

Oh btw for guys who have gotten a penta who was it with? (Yi doesn't count)

Mine was with Tristana :3


Getting in on this penta train a bit late, but...


Jinx, Ashe, Ziggs (x2), Akali :3


And no, the Akali penta wasn't a bunch of KSing >: I came into the fight late with most of them hovering around half except for Galio and Ziggs. Ziggs died to a single E and Galio was ~75%

  • Brohoof 1

Crackle is best dragon - Rarity is best Marshmallow

Scootaloo is best chicken - Sweetie Belle is best Dictionary

Fluttershy is best tree - Twilight is best Minigun

Rainbow Dash is best turnip bucket - Spike is best Rainbow Dash

All ponies are best pony.

Especially Fluttershy.

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Getting in on this penta train a bit late, but...


Jinx, Ashe, Ziggs (x2), Akali :3


And no, the Akali penta wasn't a bunch of KSing >: I came into the fight late with most of them hovering around half except for Galio and Ziggs. Ziggs died to a single E and Galio was ~75%


Jinx * 3. 1 time in ranked, 2 while leveling up.




Awesome avatar from ask-drpinkieandmisspie Awesome signature by [member=~Sassy Dashie~]

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Played Master Yi.

Was snowballing pretty hard.

Then team started losing teamfights.

We lost.




What do you mean you teamfighted as master Yi? No wonder you lost, thats not his strength at all. Yi is a pretty bad champ for everything beside splitpushing really :/



Silly muffins, of course i have to eat you.


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What do you mean you teamfighted as master Yi? No wonder you lost, thats not his strength at all. Yi is a pretty bad champ for everything beside splitpushing really :/



I know about that, but the team itself is quite messy, They have Malphite and some more CC and I'm the only one who is fed, so no me = lose.


On the other hoof...


Two weeks after Gnar comes out....



Edited by Indonesia Best Pony



Alicorn Sunset Shimmer!

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What do you mean you teamfighted as master Yi? No wonder you lost, thats not his strength at all. Yi is a pretty bad champ for everything beside splitpushing really :/

Only if the enemy team has the proper cc to deal with a farmed up/fed one, that is. Then he's either pure clean up crew or just gonna wreck everyone with his team there to help.


But, if the first part is true, then you're right, he's better off splitting to his heart's content as he'll literally just get melted every time when properly focused.


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I know about that, but the team itself is quite messy, They have Malphite and some more CC and I'm the only one who is fed, so no me = lose.


On the other hoof...


Two weeks after Gnar comes out....




They have worked on that champ for like 2 years I think, Took them time to get him done enough to be announced. 


Only if the enemy team has the proper cc to deal with a farmed up/fed one, that is. Then he's either pure clean up crew or just gonna wreck everyone with his team there to help.


But, if the first part is true, then you're right, he's better off splitting to his heart's content as he'll literally just get melted every time when properly focused.


What i meant was that he doesnt really bring anything but damage to a teamfight. But yeah if they have absolutely no CC at all which rarely happens anywhere but 3s then yeah you are almost free to do whatever you want.



Silly muffins, of course i have to eat you.


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What i meant was that he doesnt really bring anything but damage to a teamfight. But yeah if they have absolutely no CC at all which rarely happens anywhere but 3s then yeah you are almost free to do whatever you want.

Aah, ok.


I mean, he can be a pretty decent distraction used to keep everyone else alive while everyone focuses him like the global taunt he is.

Kinda like Teemo. :lol:

That's gotta count for something, right?


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So.... New yasuo skin coming up...


I can't wait for yas to get this super epic skin (Although I'm a bit less than happy about the changes to shyvana's look >_>)


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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Oh btw for guys who have gotten a penta who was it with? (Yi doesn't count) Mine was with Tristana :3


Got one as Ashe, though that was more cleanup after a major derp on my part. I fired my ult from bottom lane, into the enemies on mid lane. My team saw the arrow, went in to initiate, died before I could get there, and all there was left for me to do was sweep up the remnants of opponents.


Got another as Ahri just yesterday, which was marginally more deserved, and I didn't even cause my entire team to die for that one. In the teamfight I ended up dashing into their front line, then dashing again to their back line, took out their carries, dashed back to the front line, took out their bruisers, then flashed back to the back line to finish off the support. Massive kudos to the Alistar and I believe Jarvan on my team who, despite being able to take out the support with one auto attack, casually kept walking next to her so I could get the credit for that kill. Still not completely my own penta, but more deserved than the Ashe one.  :lol:

Edited by Starstream
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That moment when you felt you were losing, then things gets better and you won!


I was Tryn (as usual), with Fiora, successfully done 2 all ins, but then, Fiora started killing me and others. Before long, the kill difference is ~12. Someone wanted to surrender, but the others decline. At that time, Enemy ADC was lagging hard, since she was dc/connect like a trooper, as described by the enemy player. I was the only one capable of killing Fiora, since my dmg and lifesteal was the only thing that can save me. Funnily, despite the kill difference, our team gold difference is negligible.


Anyway, any other details are here






Alicorn Sunset Shimmer!

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*Ezreal goes 3 and 9*
Better blame the toplaner! -.-


Seriously, ez fed then the after game went something like this "Report shyv for sucking." So I said "Dude, you did worse than me." So him "Shut up you ksed me all game noob." So I said to report ez and his response was "ignore shyv, she's obviously too high to look at the scores. F***ing noob"


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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I feel like I've been totally neglecting this thread :c

I've stopped playing league for a while now too, sadly.

I wanna start again, sadly I have things to put up with that keep me off of online games, such as bandwidth throttling! Thanks ISP!

Really NA's servers are shit ATM anyway, sadly. I wish Riot would fix them.

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Azir is totally my kind of champion, I can't wait to play him.

His Q looks OP as hell though, I guess it will be nerf hard. -_-

He's so much fun to play, holy crap.

Build him with a ton of reduction and you can literally kite, juke, and poke for days whenever a melee champ is trying to get to you. Me and a friend were being silly in a 1v1 and he was Yasuo, but still had a stupid hard time to actually get and stay near me due to all of the sand soldiers I kept spawning and slowing him with. His kite and jukes would be legit god tier if his E didn't stop him whenever he hit an enemy. That's gotten me screwed over so many times in those games. xD

  • Brohoof 1


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He's so much fun to play, holy crap.

Build him with a ton of reduction and you can literally kite, juke, and poke for days whenever a melee champ is trying to get to you. Me and a friend were being silly in a 1v1 and he was Yasuo, but still had a stupid hard time to actually get and stay near me due to all of the sand soldiers I kept spawning and slowing him with. His kite and jukes would be legit god tier if his E didn't stop him whenever he hit an enemy. That's gotten me screwed over so many times in those games. xD

His E doesn't make any sense :confused: he isn't a melee champion... But it's a good escape if you summon a sand soldier and dash to him.
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I had an interesting match today. I was going 2/0 pretty early in top lane as Mordekaiser against a Nasus. At one point Nasus blurted in all chat "Report Lee Sin, never gank". On a whim, I decided to respond with "It's your own fault for pushing your lane so hard." Which was a total lie, since I was constantly forcing him under his tower the entire time, but their jungler picked up on it and followed up with "Yeah, I can never gank for this idiot." That caused Nasus to go on a raging defensive tirade against his team. After a chain of misinformation fueled hate I was left with a lane that I was free to push however hard I wanted without having to worry about ganks, because nobody on their team wanted to cover for Nasus.

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His E doesn't make any sense :confused: he isn't a melee champion... But it's a good escape if you summon a sand soldier and dash to him.

Yeah, Im totally lost as to why they made his E like that.


I also don't really care for his soldiers to work off of his autoattacks nor the fact that they are not able to be targeted unlike Zyra's plants. Id like them just that much more if they worked like those.


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