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Favorite and Least favorite background ponies?


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What's your favorite and least favorite background ponies? This topic is probably already posted but, I really want to know. My favorite is Doctor Whooves and my least favorite is Carrot Top

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Hmmm favorite bacround pony i would have to go with Cloud Chaser, least favorite , you know i never thought of that i real dont have any i dislike

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Couldn't really choose a favorite. I like a lot of them but, I do have more of a soft spot for Derpy, DJ Pon-3 and Octavia.

All the other background ponies are okay but, I dont have a least favored one.

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My favorite is Octavia. As for my least favorite...I don't really have one.If I was forced to choose one...I would pick Carrot Top as my least favorite; she doesn't really have that much of a personality fanon-wise. 

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My absolute favorite would be Octavia, and I guess my least favorite would be Dr. Whooves. Never really got his appeal, but it's most likely due to me not being a fan of Doctor Who.


Bottlecap is a pretty nice background pony as well.

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My favourite is Marble Pie. That's Pinkie Pie's sister with the gray coat. I always imagined her to have grown up and become the writer of the Daring Do books. Plus she was part of the reason Pinkie Pie found her true destiny in entertainment; by reacting well to the first party she ever threw. Her fanon refinement in some fan fictions I've read is great as well; remaining to help her family with the farm. I'm always curious as to what's happened to her in the present Equestria day.


My least favourite is Shoeshine. Even being a background pony to put in for when an insignificant character is needed, she's still a jerk. Remember when that pony cut in front of Fluttershy during Putting Your Hoof Down? That was Shoeshine. Remember when Spike got rudely interrupted when acting in the Hearth Warming's Eve production? That was also Shoeshine. She was never scripted to be dislikeable, yet she's still downright dislikeable. :\

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No doubt about it my favorite background pony is Cloudchaser. She looked so unique. Her awesome design, colors, and mane just appealed to me. Not to mention her voice is nice and she has two cutie marks.


My least favorite background pony is...um...I have not gave that much thought honestly. If I were to name a background pony I disliked though, it would have to be Twist. I just don't like her. She was just very unappealing in my eyes.

  • Brohoof 1
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My favorite is a tie between Octavia and Lyra.  I especially love how one moment of her sitting on a bench ignited an entire fanon personality for her (HANDS!  MUST HAVE HANDS!!!).


And I don't really have a "least favorite", so..... there.   :wacko:

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My favorite background ponies:


1. Derpy

2. Dj Pon3

3. Octavia

4. Colgate

5. Lyra


Least Favorites

1. Berry Punch (( They make her like beer and Jack Dx ))

2. Bon Bon

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It's really hard to choose favorite and least favorite background character, so I guess I'll go design wise


Favorite: Cloudchaser - Colors just mesh so well together, also, dat mane


least favorite: Probably Bon Bon - Personally I never saw how she caught on, she didn't really have an appealing color scheme, nor did her mane style go well with it, but that's just me

Edited by Megas75
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Derpy is my favorite background pony because I like the message a character like her sends, that it is okay to be different. Octavia and Vinyl Scratch are both tied for my 2nd favorite background pony.

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I'm very happy that no one said applejack. Also no one say applejack. Poor Bon Bon and Carrot top both over shadowed because their best friends happen to have a quirk that everyone likes. Sadly I do like their friends better than them too.

Favorites  Octavia Lyra

Least favorite: none 

  • Brohoof 1
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My favorite background pony would have to be Cloud Chaser, and as for my least favorite background pony it would have to be Berry Punch even though she is a good background pony but I don't find her interesting.

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I'd say my favorite background pony is Sorain' from the Wonderbolts. He's not really in the background per say, but more of a minor character I guess? Hasn't really made that any appearances aside from The Best Night Ever unless there was another moment in time that I didn't catch.

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To be honest I've never understood the appeal of background characters and it confuses me how some people can like them better than characters that have actually been developed on the show. Most of them don't really interest me for that reason. However I do really like Flitter, Cloudchaser and Thunderlane. They have cute, unique designs and have been explored a bit more than some of the others. :)

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I like almost all of them, so I'm not sure if I could choose a favorite. Least favorite, however, would probably be Caramel and Cherry Cola, or at least their designs. I always thought their manes looked weird.

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#1 favorite background character is Colgate. An extremely cute and lovable pony.


My least favorite is Derpy Hooves. I greatly dislike her with a passion.

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My least favorite is Derpy Hooves. I greatly dislike her with a passion.

I'm not defending her by asking this, but is there a specific reason you don't like her? Just wondering.


(Ignore this, just filler characters)

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I've always loved DJ-PON3 that would be my favorite.


Most of the other background ponies I am rather neutral too or I like them, however I have never really liked Derpy. Yes, I am interested in getting some Derpy shirts and such but I've really only found myself just laughing at Derpy rather then loving Derpy.

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I'm not defending her by asking this, but is there a specific reason you don't like her? Just wondering.



This is why I don't always state I dislike Derpy. Every single time I do, I get asked this exact question. It's irritating. I dislike her for being such a boring character, but for some reason has such a large fanbase, mostly because she's cross-eyed, it seems. And half her fans are immature children who spread images of her everywhere you look.

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This is why I don't always state I dislike Derpy. Every single time I do, I get asked this exact question. It's irritating. I dislike her for being such a boring character, but for some reason has such a large fanbase, mostly because she's cross-eyed, it seems. And half her fans are immature children who spread images of her everywhere you look.

One could add to that the perennial "Derpy is crazy about muffins" issue, which is based on a 2 second scene with at least 10 other ponies, any one of which could be saying the "muffins" line. Fans tend to take inconsequential issues too far, which for me (perhaps unfairly, but this is a emotionally driven opinion, not a logically driven one) reflects back on the pony who originated it and makes me like them less.

Edited by Full Spectrum
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This is why I don't always state I dislike Derpy. Every single time I do, I get asked this exact question. It's irritating. I dislike her for being such a boring character, but for some reason has such a large fanbase, mostly because she's cross-eyed, it seems. And half her fans are immature children who spread images of her everywhere you look.

Sorry I asked, I kind of knew I'd get a response like that anyway. About Derpy, I see your point. I mean, I try to like everyone, but besides her eyes and her whole "muffins" thing (as the above user said, it doesn't make much sense) there isn't much interesting about her. Even her design is fairly plain.

  • Brohoof 1
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Favorite background ponies would probably be Lyra and Vinyl Scratch. The personalities that the fans have gave them portray them as eccentric and energetic figures. I guess my least favorite would be Bon-Bon. I do like the Lyra/Bon-Bon shipping, but I feel like the only real reason she's known is because she's seen with Lyra so much. Well that and her "million voices" but she's not the only background pony to have different voices.

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My favorite is Derpy Hooves. I also like Doctor Whooves, Lyra Heartstrings, Bon Bon, Vinyl Scratch, and Octavia. I don't really like Berry Punch that much, though.

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