Jokuc 8,174 September 9, 2013 Share September 9, 2013 Well that would take the Applepie ship to a whole new level. I actually thought about this the first time I saw it, and I think that is actually might be possible! I mean the song is all about how they're a family, and we do know that Pinkie Pie's parents will visit. If it's true that they actually are related, her parents will probably be the ones telling her about it. Though I still have this part of me who's not convinced. We'll have to wait and see :3 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr Dash 1,820 September 9, 2013 Share September 9, 2013 I don't see this as a possibility. Remember that during the panel at SDCC, it was mentioned during a Q&A that Pinkie's sisters will come to visit. What I see is that Pinkie may have lost touch with her family, or maybe her sisters. She still loves them, but upon learning that her sisters are coming for a visit, doesn't really know what to do to reconnect with them. Perhaps she has gone to the Apple family, because they are such a tight nit family, to ask for advice. Then they break out in song to help Pinkie feel better about meeting her sisters whom she probably hasn't seen in while. This makes more sense to me than Pinkie being related to the Apples. But we will just have to wait and see. Like, don't underestimate my power man. Come join us Friday nights for Movie Night @ The CMC Clubhouse: 5pm CST. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kulstor 254 September 9, 2013 Share September 9, 2013 I don't think she's related since I don't recall her being present for any of the Apple family gatherings we've seen on the show so far. She may be taging along, or maybe learning how to treat family, ect as others have already said, in readiness for when her sisters and or family comes to visit. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fhaolan 4,484 September 9, 2013 Share September 9, 2013 I don't think she's related since I don't recall her being present for any of the Apple family gatherings we've seen on the show so far. She may be taging along, or maybe learning how to treat family, ect as others have already said, in readiness for when her sisters and or family comes to visit. You can be related to someone without them being part of family reunions. For example: Me -> Dad -> Dad's Sister (My Aunt) -> Aunt's Husband (My Uncle by marriage) -> Uncle's Sister (?) -> Uncle's Sister's Daughter (?). My Uncle's niece is related to me by marriage, but that doesn't mean she shows up to my family reunions. There's nothing stopping the Pies and the Apples to be related by marriage in some way, and Granny suddenly getting a bee in her bonnet over it. It would be kinda typical for her character, really. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rough Pathway 157 September 9, 2013 Share September 9, 2013 I actually kinda agree with this theory. I'm just gonna leave this here: I think its much more likely that they find out Pinkie's related to them somehow. In the song Granny Smith says "your always welcome with your Apple kin" and everypony points to Pinkie. Plus, Pinkie's color scheme is completely different from her familys, and her color scheme looks alot more like the Apples.So yeah. "Kin", means family and I don't think they would say, "your always welcome with your Apple kin" if she weren't related somehow. Plus, her color scheme is really more similar to the Apples. Also, if you watch the animatic, one point during the song Pinkie appears dressed as a pirate or Waldo. If thats Waldo and not a pirate it could be symbolic, meaning they just "found her" (because Waldo is hard to find) and that they're related. Of course, like others have said, it could just be that Pinkie is having some problem(s) with her sisters and she turns to the Apple family for help. 1 Signature made by the amazing Sir Lunashy I make PMVS. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ded 121 September 9, 2013 Share September 9, 2013 What if there was a mare who's name was Apple Pie?! An-and then she had twins, but they didn't like each-other, so they went their separate ways, and down the family line, Applejack and Pinkie Pie REUNITE! CONSPIRACIES. Well that would take the Applepie ship to a whole new level. Brohoof this person, NOW. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LordDiscord 289 September 10, 2013 Share September 10, 2013 The same way Twilight suddenly had a big brother best friend forever, that she never once mentioned previously. The writers make stuff up on the spot regularly in order to do the story they want to tell at that time. Preplanning is not one of their strong suits. Yes but Shining Armour was never mentioned or seen until the Canterlot wedding episode. Where as AJ and Pinkie Pie have been seen sense the first episode, and there had never been any indication that they were related. I mean if they were the why wasn't Pinkie a roommate of AJ. I believe it will either be a episode where the apples try to teach Pinkie the importance of family or if they do make them related it would be a misunderstanding that Pinkie got in her head and that misunderstanding either spread to AJ or she's trying to get Pinkie to see the truth on her on. I just feel it would be to drastic a twist to have the two suddenly be related. Yes I am a where that they pulled Shining Armour and Cadence out of nowhere, but those can be explained through Twilight just never getting around to mentioning them before where as something like this would really be pulling a story out of nowhere. I don't see this as a possibility. Remember that during the panel at SDCC, it was mentioned during a Q&A that Pinkie's sisters will come to visit. What I see is that Pinkie may have lost touch with her family, or maybe her sisters. She still loves them, but upon learning that her sisters are coming for a visit, doesn't really know what to do to reconnect with them. Perhaps she has gone to the Apple family, because they are such a tight nit family, to ask for advice. Then they break out in song to help Pinkie feel better about meeting her sisters whom she probably hasn't seen in while. This makes more sense to me than Pinkie being related to the Apples. But we will just have to wait and see. Now this seem more logical as Pinkie would feel she needs help to be able to rekindle her relationship with her sisters and may have asked Aj for advice. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mywas 687 September 10, 2013 Share September 10, 2013 Maybe they are, maybe they are not. The real question is...... Does this nail print make my face look fat? That girl totally stole my looks. Credits to Mint Drop for an awesome Sig. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nightfall Gaze 3 September 10, 2013 Share September 10, 2013 I think Pinkie Pie just went along for the ride. She's just that type of pony. It would be awkward if suddenly she and Apple Jack are related. Kind of capricious, really. We must take into consideration what occurs before that scene. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fhaolan 4,484 September 10, 2013 Share September 10, 2013 Yes but Shining Armour was never mentioned or seen until the Canterlot wedding episode. Where as AJ and Pinkie Pie have been seen sense the first episode, and there had never been any indication that they were related. I mean if they were the why wasn't Pinkie a roommate of AJ. I believe it will either be a episode where the apples try to teach Pinkie the importance of family or if they do make them related it would be a misunderstanding that Pinkie got in her head and that misunderstanding either spread to AJ or she's trying to get Pinkie to see the truth on her on. I just feel it would be to drastic a twist to have the two suddenly be related. Yes I am a where that they pulled Shining Armour and Cadence out of nowhere, but those can be explained through Twilight just never getting around to mentioning them before where as something like this would really be pulling a story out of nowhere. Or, Pinkie Pie and Applejack are *unaware* of the relationship until this episode. I personally like the idea that Pinkie gets it into her head that she's actually an Apple rather than a Pie because she's nothing like the rest of her 'family', and the story will be all about accepting the family you have rather than the one you want, but the question there is why does the rest of the Apple family go along with it without some kind of proof. They take family very seriously, after all. They seem to be travelling in the animatic, leaving the farm for an extended trip given the gear they're taking with them, and Pinkie is along for the ride. If I was to guess, I would say they're travelling to the Pie's rock farm, because they're actively trying to track down whether Pinkie *is* an Apple or not. The song is actually all about what it will be like if Pinkie turns out to really be an Apple, and how she will be accepted into the family. The *potential* rather than the *actual* as it were. I'm going to make a prediction here. Pinkie's mom is actually an Apple. Maybe Granny's niece or something. We don't know if Granny had any siblings, and given the frontier culture at the time it would be likely that Granny was one of several children and she's one of the few that is still around from that generation (her cousins from the Apple Family Reunion being the others). So Pinkie's mom left home when she was little, exactly like Applejack did (which is why the Apples were so accepting of this idea at the time, it's was something that happened fairly often), but in her case she didn't come back and fell out of touch. She never told Pinkie she belonged to the Apple family, because she had left it behind to marry Pinkie's father. The whole episode will actually be about Pinkie getting confused about the connection but the Apples making an effort to sort it out, and Pinkie becoming closer to her own parents and sisters once they work it out. A bit much to fit into a single episode, but I'm sure the episode will feel rushed just like much of Season 3 and they'll get it all in. If you want even more separation, have it be Pinkie's grandmother or grandfather that left the Apple clan and fell out of touch, so even Pinkie's parents are a bit dim about the relationship. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
True Rarity 1,240 September 10, 2013 Share September 10, 2013 That could be a possibility, but maybe Pinkie Pie was helping out Applejack? I don't really know for sure. We'll have to wait and see. My deviantART Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jadefire 2,798 September 10, 2013 Share September 10, 2013 I think if anything it might be a call-back to the Super Easy Cider Squeezy with the whole "Honorary Family Member" thing going on. 1 Ponysona bio, here. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Winona the Dog 1,984 September 10, 2013 Share September 10, 2013 Hasbro does have a thing for suddenly throwing things out like family friendships ( like Shining Armor) I think they could possibly be cousins but that's kind of a long shot. I just think Pinkie Pie is just depressed about her real family and Applejack just cheers her up by saying she's part of thier family. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pinkiefan1287 610 September 10, 2013 Share September 10, 2013 I don't know. It's just the Apple Family seems to keep in contact with each family member and know were they live now. It's just hard to believe that they would just forget about this or not be told about this 1 other family. I'm going with Pinkie Pie is playing the honorary family member card and helping out with something. I personally like the idea that Pinkie gets it into her head that she's actually an Apple rather than a Pie because she's nothing like the rest of her 'family', and the story will be all about accepting the family you have rather than the one you want, but the question there is why does the rest of the Apple family go along with it without some kind of proof. They take family very seriously, after all. I'm not to sure about that. If Pinkie really did not like her family, why would she throw them that party? We also don't know if it affected her family in anyway. Still it could be true. Made by Gone ϟ Airbourne Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Winona the Dog 1,984 September 10, 2013 Share September 10, 2013 I don't know. It's just the Apple Family seems to keep in contact with each family member and know were they live now. It's just hard to believe that they would just forget about this or not be told about this 1 other family. I'm going with Pinkie Pie is playing the honorary family member card and helping out with something. I'm not to sure about that. If Pinkie really did not like her family, why would she throw them that party? We also don't know if it affected her family in anyway. Still it could be true. It could be possible that overtime Pinkie Pie grew distant from her own family. Perhaps an incident or an argument. They seem like hardworkers while Pinkie Pie is too carefree. It's just a possibility though and they could be just fine. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Swedish Brony 153 September 10, 2013 Share September 10, 2013 I've been thinking that there might be something like this going since I saw that animatic... I for one support the "Apple pie" connection but reading the very detailed explanations about Pinkie having family problems, I see that this might be a possibility to. There's no way knowing for sure what's gonna happen so I think I'll just sit here and wait till they release the episode. Sig made by Thunderstorm Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
duidamasterXD 9,627 September 10, 2013 Share September 10, 2013 (edited) @Feather Gem, just letting you know that I've merged your thread with another older one for speculating whether Pinkie and AJ are related, because of the released Season 4 animatic clips . Edited September 10, 2013 by DashForever 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fhaolan 4,484 September 10, 2013 Share September 10, 2013 I'm not to sure about that. If Pinkie really did not like her family, why would she throw them that party? We also don't know if it affected her family in anyway. Still it could be true. I'm going to guess that you don't know anyone who was adopted as a baby, or talked to them at any length about it. You can love your adopted family, but still yearn to learn where you came from. When I was growing up, I had several friends who managed to convince themselves that they were adopted because they were nothing like the rest of their family. They didn't love their families any less, they just were convinced that they didn't fit, and needed to go out looking for where they 'really' came from. Two of those friends turned out to actually be adopted. One knew about it right from the beginning, because his adopted family basically tossed him out on his ear when they managed to have their own children. They decided they didn't need him anymore at that point. The other friend's adoptive parents refused to admit it, and in fact never did admit it to her. But the paperwork still existed and she was able to get it from the government when she reached age of majority. Last I talked to her ten years ago, she was still looking to find her birth parents. Not saying something like this is happening to Pinkie, but I think you're discounting the possibility of an unrealized relation too quickly. There's a dozen or more reasons why Pinkie may related to the Apples and not have realized it until recently. Family relations can be very complex, and given that we're getting an episode on disabilities and the like in Season 4 there's a good chance we're going to get several 'PSA'-style episodes including topics like this one. It's a pretty big risk for the writers, as PSA episodes in any show are rarely any better than horrible. But they've said flat out that they're being ambitious and are pushing boundaries for Season 4, so anything's possible. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pinkiefan1287 610 September 10, 2013 Share September 10, 2013 Not saying something like this is happening to Pinkie, but I think you're discounting the possibility of an unrealized relation too quickly. There's a dozen or more reasons why Pinkie may related to the Apples and not have realized it until recently. Family relations can be very complex, and given that we're getting an episode on disabilities and the like in Season 4 there's a good chance we're going to get several 'PSA'-style episodes including topics like this one. It's a pretty big risk for the writers, as PSA episodes in any show are rarely any better than horrible. But they've said flat out that they're being ambitious and are pushing boundaries for Season 4, so anything's possible. Let me just say, I'm not dismissing the idea that Pinkie Pie might be adopted. I'm dismissing the idea that Pinkie Pie might be related to the Apple Family. For one Pinkie Pie does not show signs that she is a hard worker. All of the Apple Family seem to be hard working ponies who enjoying working on farms and doing manual labor. In MMC, Pinkie Pie worked on the farm and was shown to be bad at it. Also why would this Rock family adopted Pinkie Pie in the first place and wouldn't an Apple Family member adopted her? Granny Smith watched AJ, BM, and AB. Why couldn't she or any other family member take her. And if the Rock family is related to the Apples (which I doubt even more) they would have met her at a reunion or some other event, that would take place. If you ask me there is more proof of the Cake family being related Pinkie Pie. They took her into their home, gave her a job, and lets them play with their kids. And just like a child they don't trust her to do a kinda job because they don't think she is ready for that level of responsibility yet. So like I said, I'm not dismissing the idea of her being adopted. To me there is no proof that her family is the Apples. Also a PSA is more to inform people on harmful things or way to make the world better. They deal with drugs, drinking and driving, and other bad things. There are PSA about adoption, but that's more of the lines of pets, not people. Also I feel it's a bit hard to talk about the hardships that some adopted children go threw in 25 minute show about Ponies. Still the writers have surprised us before. So I welling to believe that they can do it. Made by Gone ϟ Airbourne Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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