Legendary Emerald 622 February 23, 2012 Share February 23, 2012 I walked through a cordoned off construction area just to get to my dorm building faster. Workers were yelling at me in Spanish, but I just turned my swag on and walked through. 1 Serah Anastos Character Database: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/serah-anastos-r136 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RedAce18 0 February 24, 2012 Share February 24, 2012 I've done the Ice Challenge Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gaupa95 68 February 24, 2012 Share February 24, 2012 I put myself to sleep behind my closet... hehe got the whole area to seach for me hehe... when i was 9 This signature was made by Adro2305 *thanks to him* Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cyphere 2 February 24, 2012 Share February 24, 2012 I got separated from a group and walked around for about half an hour in the cold, people kept honking horns, so I thought it was my group. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gaupa95 68 February 24, 2012 Share February 24, 2012 (edited) And i once *facepalmed into the sea with a bike... Tried waterdrag with my own snowmobile (an 1889 Phazer if u want to know)(btw i filled the engine with salt-water.. had to get new engine) Added watercooling to my computer..(broke 1 videocard and two motherboards) and there are soooo much i have done that I may not regret but think's is dumb hehe but i can't remember all the stipid things have done thrugh the years Edited February 24, 2012 by Working_pony This signature was made by Adro2305 *thanks to him* Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pinkazoid 3,493 February 24, 2012 Share February 24, 2012 Well I just pushed my drunk (he's not that drunk xD)I off the computer chair and I fell to the floor along with him and hit myself against some wooden steps :3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vexx3 1,540 February 24, 2012 Share February 24, 2012 (edited) When I was 4, I decided I wanted to try walking with my eyes closed at the mall. Just like they do in cartoons. I walked right into a pillar. Edited February 24, 2012 by Vex3d Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DashingRainbow36 264 February 24, 2012 Share February 24, 2012 Well, one time i decided it would be a good idea to smoke salvia. Also, when i was much younger, i thought it would be a good idea to walk over a frozen stream. Pain ensued. Uhm i thought it'd be a good hiding place, under an old truck cover. 3 brown recluse bites from that one. I tried salvia and it was awesome!! But for some people it just brings out a bad reaction. The dumbest thing I tried (knew nothing about it) was Spice/K2/SHIT. It was the worst experience of my life and lasted for hours...off of two hits. I thought my heart was going to explode. Then about 6 months ago I got into drinking WAY too much alcohol, and said some pretty nast things to people I care much about. We talked through it, and understood it as a rough patch in my life that everone gets into, but is still something I will always regret. And then smoking cigarettes would be next. For 21 years old I should be more healthy than I am right now, and should be able to play with my little brother outside for 20 minutes without having to take a breather. Me any my mom are going to try and quit this comming month. Should be interesting. “The essence of the independent mind lies not in what it thinks, but in how it thinks.”― Christopher Hitchens Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ImAvinOops 83 February 24, 2012 Share February 24, 2012 I once aimed a playful kick at a friend, he grabbed my leg then leg go. SOMEHOW, even after he let go, I still managed to fall backwards onto my bum. I also walked backwards in a park and fell over like a little wooden thing you balance on and (yet again) fell on my bum. Both of these occasions resulted in me not being able to sit down properly for ages. I once stood on a log (surprise surprise) it rolled out from under me and I fell and hit the floor with my hands and hurt both my wrists. It was only a couple of days before Christmas... I COULDN'T OPEN MY PRESENTS! Well, one time i decided it would be a good idea to smoke salvia. Also, when i was much younger, i thought it would be a good idea to walk over a frozen stream. Pain ensued. Uhm i thought it'd be a good hiding place, under an old truck cover. 3 brown recluse bites from that one. I also just read that as SALIVA and was sat here thinking "How would you smoke saliva" before I actually read it properly... 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Legendary Emerald 622 February 24, 2012 Share February 24, 2012 (edited) My last year of high school was odd. My entire life, everyone had known me as the quiet but nerdy kid who kept to himself and a small group of friends. Then on a complete whim, I answered a guitar class teacher's "what's your name" question with "Mitch". And for the rest of the school year, my name was "Mitch" to all but one of my professors, and all fellow students. A change in notoriety came with that as well. The teacher who refused to know me as "Mitch" was one I had history with. He was a history teacher who hated me, for reasons I've never been completely sure of. He'd always made fun of me for my interests, and I countered by ridiculing his classes, which were always filled with bullcrap projects like coloring maps of the US and world. The entire class could be summed up as "busy work and group projects". Then near the end of the school year, he announced an extra-credit opportunity. Three students were selected to be part of a group which would evaluate students who had been drafted, and decide if they were fit for military service or not. When the teacher asked for volunteers to be in the draftee group, I knew my chance for revenge had come. I began planing out my act immediately. I came up with an extremely hick name for myself, a backstory, and an exaggerated accent. I worked out some key things I wanted to say and do, and one week later, I was ready. I was the first called up in front of the entire class, and asked to explain why I couldn't go to war. I introduced myself with a "hey y'all", and explained my job. "Well, I'm a carpenter, just like jesus, but I haven't been doin' much carpentin' since I accidently nailed my brother to a piece of wood. Just like jesus!" I was putting on the grimiest performance of my life, not a single person in the classroom knew what was going on, and I was loving it. The panel, still trying to be mature in the face of my childishness, asked me why I shouldn't serve in the military. I told them it was obvious I was non-too smart, that I was an illegal immigrant from across the Canadian border, and that I had webbed feet; I placed my leg on the tall desk in front of me, my foot barely inches from the nose of one of the people on the panel. That finally pissed them off sufficiently, and they declared that I would indeed be going to war, because "it'd be better off for this country" if I wasn't in it. I told them that they'd be sorry, and rambled some more like a drunken hillbilly as I prepared to leave my seat. Then I purposefully got my legs tangled in the chair, and fell out of the seat and onto the ground in a heap, finally drawing laughter from the previously stunned silent classroom. I'm not sure anyone ever believed me that it was intentional, but I didn't really care. The teacher pulled me aside after the rest of the class passed by uneventfully, and told me that what I'd done was not acceptable in the slightest. Then he tried to knock my entire grade in the class down to a B instead of the A which I rightfully had earned. I argued that it was unethical to mark a student's grade down do to their participation in an optional assignment, and won the battle. After that, the teacher decided he'd had enough of me, and I was sent to another history teacher for the next term. And that is the story of how I got back at a terrible teacher by acting like a complete idiot and asshole in front of a classroom of people who previously had only known me for being quiet and drawing Sonic characters in my notebooks. tl:dr: I win this thread. Edited February 24, 2012 by Legendary Emerald 1 Serah Anastos Character Database: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/serah-anastos-r136 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FIMChangedmylife72 58 February 24, 2012 Share February 24, 2012 Watching Cannibal Holocaust uncensored. Real Nasty Movie! 2 https://blog.so-net.ne.jp/_images/blog/_fc4/mayr/P6300005-d207a.JPG Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Knight Shadrahk 159 February 24, 2012 Share February 24, 2012 (edited) I didn't kill myself. I also made the mistake of making fun of a big dude, whose GF broke up with him, in middle school. Edited February 24, 2012 by Knight Shadrahk Did you ever think I get lonely? Did you ever think that I needed love? Did you ever think, stop thinking You're the only one that I'm thinking of? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Barz 15 February 24, 2012 Share February 24, 2012 Had a girlfriend, she wasnt from here. She was from another country. We were together for 6 months. Then she went back to her country. I went QQ. Made mad studies to get scholarships and stuff so I'd move out of my country to live to her country, near her. Accomplished that. I dropped out of my own university to save up some more money/wait for my entrance to the university. Then she cheated on me. Moral of the story. I don't like falling in love. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nordica 180 February 24, 2012 Share February 24, 2012 We had this tree in our yard where we could swing ourselves with a rope, when I got this WONDERFUL idea to try swinging without using any hands, leaving me to hold the rope in my mouth... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kyreth 194 February 24, 2012 Share February 24, 2012 When I was 8 or so I rode my bike down a steep hill when only the front brake was working. What could possibly go wrong? I stapled myself in the thumb once. Oh and I managed to stick my finger under the needle of a sewing machine. That was fun. I can't make signatures. Sooo... yeah Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
a1763342 38 February 24, 2012 Share February 24, 2012 (edited) Edit Post: Post was deleted Edited June 27, 2014 by a1763342 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Whinny-Millie 28 February 24, 2012 Share February 24, 2012 I have probably done a lot of stupid things in my lifetime but, thankfully, my memory is so bad I can't recall any of them now I'm trying to. Only thing coming to mind is when I was 8 and decided to walk along the wall at school. It was only about a foot high and quite wide, but I lost my footing and fell onto the concrete playground. It was after I got up and felt dizzy that I decided to get back up on the wall, and I promptly fell right back off again, and almost threw up from the head trauma. "His face looked beautiful in the sunlight. She couldn't wait to punch it." ~ Empire of Black and Gold (Shadows o/t Apt 1) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Halfblood 364 February 24, 2012 Share February 24, 2012 One night, after a long evening of classes, I came home to my apartment and decided to make macaroni and cheese. I started boiling the macaroni, and then I promptly fell asleep. I have no idea why I did this. My sis came home from work an hour later, woke me up, and asked me why the pot on the stove was on fire. I laugh about it now, but my stupidity almost had me killed... in an immensely hot, deliciously cheesy housefire. 1 If you wanna see, go on and tear it outta me! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Adro2503 121 February 24, 2012 Share February 24, 2012 I stuffed a nut in my nose when I was about 5 years old I think. Right to the hospital... 3D generalist http://www.youtube.com/user/adro2503 http://adro2503.deviantart.com Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sir Derpington 9 February 24, 2012 Share February 24, 2012 I was on my phone while walking down the street and I bumped into a lamppost and immediately apologized thinking it was a person Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Starlighty 985 February 24, 2012 Share February 24, 2012 I say stupid things all the time >.> <-that's what stupid things i do https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&site=webhp&tbm=isch&source=hp&ei=kBduVKzHIMGqoQSA3oGYBQ&q=smile+smile+smile+pinkie+pie&oq=smile+smile+smile+pinkie+pie&gs_l=mobile-gws-hp.3...2593.19183.0.19546. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Postty 32 February 24, 2012 Share February 24, 2012 When i was 16 and had just got my car i did a a huge burnout and there was a cop in the parking lot right next to me. he didnt give me a ticket because i told him he could follow me home and arrest my parents when they killed me jokes ftw! 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest February 26, 2012 Share February 26, 2012 Tried to do a double front flip on concrete, skinned most of the skin on my knees, then friends had to help me walk back to his house which was 20 minutes away :| Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Sugar Sprinkles~ 638 March 3, 2012 Share March 3, 2012 Probably ruined a very good friendship with my ex-best friend, i miss her so much and idk why I had to say what i said to her, i would give anything to be her friend again Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ScarletDagger 88 March 4, 2012 Share March 4, 2012 I do stupid things everyday. the dumbest would be when I dove into the baby end if a concrete floor pool XD. Ahh I love me Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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