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movies/tv Who is the most over powered fictional character youve ever seen?


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Relative to their work, I'm going to have to say Sensui from Yu Yu Hakusho.


Not only does he have seven personalities each with their own unique abilities, it gets better


His true personality controls a rare and hard  to control power called the "Sacred Energy", that he not only mastered in 10 short years, when it should take 60 according to the show, but he had to be born with the rare ability to be able to harness it in the first place. He's so powerful the PHYSICS OF THE EARTH LITERALLY CANNOT HOLD HIM. When he begins to power up he literally causes everything around him to crumble. 


When fully powered up he equaled a "S" class demon in power, and even managed to deflect a direct application of the most powerful entrapment spell spirit-world could offer, powered by centuries of the prince's stored energy.


He managed to curbstomp three A class fighters at once, and it took one of the three demon kings to take him down.


And all this was while he was dying from cancer and only had two weeks to live.  


He's cool, but damn did they have fun making him. 

Edited by Shoboni
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As far as super-powered humanoids are concerned, I'll go with this guy:




THE GOD EMPEROR OF MAN! God_Emperor_of_Man.jpg Name: The Immortal God Emperor of Mankind (original/true name unknown) Origin: Warhammer 40,000


Holy crap.  He could beat Superman and Thor in a handicap match!


But where virtually omnipotent entities are concerned, I'll have to go with the Beyonder.  Q and, in turn, Discord are worth mentioning.  But they yield to the Continuum and the Elements of Harmony respectively.  The Beyonder, on the other hand, isn't capable of being constrained by anything.  You just sort of have to hope he somehow shuts himself down. 

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Name: Necrons and their C'tan masters (Original, not new ones).


Origin: Warhammer 40000.

C'tan have always been around. Necrons used to be fleshy short lived race called the Necrontyr.


Powers: Necrons are resiliant near robots with unmached repair capabilities. Basic guns can destroy the largest tank with one shot. Faster than light travel and general uber tech. C'tan are immortal beings of pure energy that are contained inside a body of living metal. They use stars as a snack, and bend reality around them. This is in weak form. Full powers unknown.


Weakness: Psychic powers. Not a huge problem, they can cut off the Warp, screwing everyone else over.


Destructive power: Full potential unknown. The more resistance faced, the more deadly stuff they pull out of storage. One World Engine seen so far, probably more. (World Engine massive ship that devestated star systems. Took the sacrifice of an entire Space Marine chapter to lower shields. If they adapt... What woukd it take next time? What would it take to destroy a worse threat?

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   The most powerful fictional character I believe I have ever seen is "Emperor Joker." To summarize, Emperor Joker is the Joker after he's gotten a hold of Mister Mxyzptlk's reality-bending powers.


   In this form, he's very comparable to Discord. However, as we know, the Joker is much more insane than Discord, and is not a prankster, but rather a murdering lunatic.


   With these powers, he:

  • Kills Lex Luthor repeatedly.
  • Devours all of China's population.
  • Tortures and kills Batman repeatedly.
  • ...Uh...

   Well, that's not all of what he's done, but you guys understand. I believe the only person in the entire DC Universe to resist Emperor Joker completely was Darkseid, but again, not sure.

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Most overpowered fictional characters? 


I've seen a bunch of freaking unbeatable, all-powerful characters in numerous works, series, and especially anime. I don't watch anime that much, but the rare occasions that I do, I have witnessed some god-like, beast-like, and seemingly omnipotent freaks lol.


Probably the most powerful I've seen so far, is the the main protagonist of the anime, Hellsing, Alucard.



His name is literally Dracula spelled backwards, and that's who he essentially is. He's supposed to be the original vampire, Dracula combined with the intense power of anime, so you simply can't imagine how badass the show portrays him to be...


It's insane.


I don't even think I can explain it well enough. So here's something I copied and pasted from the wiki.



  • Immortality: This ability is rather ambiguous, as Alucard, himself has stated that immortality is a myth. However, what it most likely refers to is the human souls inside Alucard; it has been speculated that, when damaged by blow that would have killed or incapacitated him such as exceedingly holy weapons, the damage is instead directed to his reservoir of souls. Because this ability does not really grant him true immortality, it can be considered as pseudo-immortality. 
  • Advanced Regeneration: Alucard's ability to regenerate is considerably greater than any other vampire's. He has regenerated from a pool of blood and from being decapitated, blown to shreds by gunfire, incinerated completely, etc. When damaged to an extreme extent, his body simply turns into a shadow-like substance and reconstitutes. 
  • Superhuman Accuracy: Alucard has been known to hit targets at great range using handguns while looking the other way. He does this by using his so-called 'third eye'.
  • Superhuman Strength: The extent is unknown, but Alucard can physically rip humans and vampires apart with ease. 
  • Superhuman Speed: He can move faster than the eye can see.
  • Superhuman Reflexes: He has demonstrated the ability to catch bullets.
  • Intangibility: The ability to pass through solid objects.
  • Superhuman Agility: The ability to defy gravity to an uncertain limit. He is also seen leaping impossible distances and can walk up vertical surfaces.
  • Shadow Manipulation: Manipulation of shadows into physical form, which he can then use however he wishes.
  • Shape-Shifting: Alucard can transform himself or parts of himself into bats, insects, snakes, hellhounds, other human forms including a little girl, an amorphous mass of darkness, and many other forms. Alucard has four known human forms, each with different characteristics and weapons. He also states that his form means nothing and that he can take any form that he chooses.
  • Weather Control: The ability to control the weather to an unknown limit, as demonstrated by the fog created when he returned to London aboard the H.M.S Eagle.
  • Illusions: The ability to cast illusions.
  • Teleportation: The ability to disappear and reappear somewhere else. He also has the ability to levitate. 
  • Telekinesis:
  • Telepathy: Alucard can speak telepathically to his fledgling, Seras Victoria.
  • Mind Reading:
  • Mind Control and Hypnosis:
  • Precognition: As a standard for a vampire, he has precognition, the ability to see into the immediate future, which allows him to predict the movements of the humans he's fighting. According to Pip, a vampire can easily dodge a bullet with their ability to predict human movements.
  • Summoning: The ability to summon familiars, the souls of those whose blood he has sucked in a variety of forms that either sprout from his body or swarm around him as an army numbering in the millions.  
  • Bloodsucking: The ability to suck a person's blood and absorb their soul and, consequently, their knowledge and memories. 
  • Hibernation: Alucard is able to survive long periods of time without consuming blood, but is able to fight at a usual level of strength after drinking even the smallest bit of blood.
  • Immunity to Vampiric Weaknesses: His abilities and health are not in any way compromised by such things as sunlight or silver. In fact, it appears that the only weapons capable of harming him to any real extent are the most holy of Christian artifacts, such as Father Anderson(rival and epic superhuman psycho priest)after augmenting his abilities with Helena's Nail (a nail, which was from the True Cross, which crucified Jesus Christ, and was blessed by his blood) but even that did no permanent, or even lasting, damage.
  • Supernatural Sense: The ability to sense supernatural activity.
  • Combat Experience: In addition to his superhuman abilities, Alucard also possesses centuries of combat experience. While he usually relies on crushing his opponents with sheer power, he does at times use strategy. 
  • Omnipresence: This grants him the ability to exist wherever and however he wishes to. He can also exist in multiple places at once using this power, and he can appear in astral realms (being physically present in a person's mind for example). It also makes him completely immortal;   any alterations to his person by outside forces can simply be imagined away, including fatal injuries. 

So yeah...he definitely seems unstoppable...  :o



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Superman, duh.  >_> I'm not a fan of him, but he's definitely overpowered.


One OP'ed character who is quite irritating is Storm, from the X-Men show. I mean, she could bring down tornadoes, thunderbolts, lightning storms, hailstorms, ANYTHING, and what does she do? Throw some lightning around a little, and lots of hand-to-hand combat. 


On that same note, Rogue is quite OP'ed and very enjoyable. Nicer character design (and VA), I suppose. :P

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I'd probably have to say Superman. Seriously, how many freaking powers do you need? Lazer eyes, frost breath, flight, super strength, etc.

I don't know about you, but I think that's too much.

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Name: Q
Origin: Star Trek Universe, First seen in TNG Episode 1
Race: Q
Powers and abilities: Total Controll over all Space, Time and Reality. Immortal, Unkillable except by other Q.


More or Less they are Gods that have/ continue to Live among the lesser races influencing us as they do.  Mostly because immortality is boring.  Anyone you put him against would never stand a chance against a being that can change you in to a singel celled organisim  at a whim. 

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How has this thread gone on this long without a mention of any of the Chronicles of Amber characters? These are people that destroy entire universes and everything contained in them by whim and accident.

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A few people here have mentioned Superman, but how powerful Superman is depends on the version. The silver age version is the most ridiculously overpowered hero I have ever seen even more so than Goku from DBZ even if we were to include his Super Saiyan 4 powers in DBGT. The silver age Superman can actually blow out stars as easily as you or I could blow out birthday candles, move planets almost as easily most of us could pick up a paper cup.


Superboy Prime who is an evil version of Superman from an alternate universe (albeit a bit younger) is even more overpowered not only is he just as fast and strong as the silver age Superman but, because he is from an alternate universe the regular universes krytponite has no effect on him and he has a special suit that can absorb and store yellow sunlight so he can keep his powers provided he has enough of a charge in his suits even in solar systems with no yellow sun. It is a bit more forgivable for Prime though because I think it is more forgivable for villains in general to be overpowered. But seriously, it took the entire Justice League, Justice Society, Teen Titans and a few others just to restrain him when he went on murderous rampage in Infinite Crisis.


Speaking of alternate versions there is this one version of another comic book character in this case an anti hero bounty hunter and occasional villain named Lobo who in this one comic actually died and went to hell. He enjoyed hell so he was sent to heaven when he threw a fit and things escalated and he brutally murdered almost the entire heavenly host, he caused so much damage that it was decided that not matter he would not be able to die.

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How has this thread gone on this long without a mention of any of the Chronicles of Amber characters?


Because people don't read anymore. :(


I did start reading the series at one point, but I put it down when school kicked up that semester and never got around to picking it back up. From what little I read, though, the characters did seem a little OP.

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It's got to be Goku.




The entire Dragon Ball series is crawling with characters that are just insanely super powered, but Goku, being the main character and all, is usually the strongest one. Goku can teleport, fly at incredible speeds, and he can easily blow up an entire planet with a tiny energy blast. DBZ characters have no trouble catching bullets with their bare hands, and said bullets would not even phase one of the Z warriors if they were shot. The Dragon Ball Z cast is just unreal.

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Because people don't read anymore. :(


I did start reading the series at one point, but I put it down when school kicked up that semester and never got around to picking it back up. From what little I read, though, the characters did seem a little OP.




A little, you say. The way the books are laid out, everything in the multiverse are just pale shadows of these dozen or so people who are absolutely 'perfect' in every way, and have every power and ability that exists. The only thing capable of hurting them are each other, and even then it's unlikely to have worked because the multiverse simply respawns them like a video game with infinite lives because it can't bear for them to not exist. When they're bored they create and destroy universes, and they're bored a lot.


As much as I like other things Zelazny wrote (A Night in the Lonesome October is one of my faves), I just cannot force myself through all the Chronicles because I swear he wrote it just to annoy people who do the 'who can beat who' debates.

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My vote would have to go to Deadpool from the Marvel Universe simply because he CANNOT DIE! I mean he's been decapitated, mutilated, disembowled, and even torn to a million pieces by The Hulk and still survived. Oh yeah, he's also a master swordsman and marksman who can heal himself and can break reality and the fourth wall. I would normally hate someone who is overpowered, but Deadpool has so much charisma and humor that I can't help but love him. Edited by SpadesOfDarkness
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I'm not going to say superman because if you think about his enemies, and what he stands for he's not OP.


One character comes to mind is ichigo kurosaki. Ooh here come the hate mail. Let me explain before people call for my hanging. In the final episodes Eisen has supposedly transended to a higher being, ichigo supposedly and convienently transended to one over than eisen. No... just no.

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Most overpowered Factional character? That's easy:



Name: God

Origin: The Bible

Powers: Created time/The universe/ Everything ever. Sees everything, controls everything.



Ok, I hope I didn't offend anyone with that :P, seriously though, I'm surprised nobody mentioned:


Name: Dr.Manhatten

Origin: The Watchmen

Powers: Immortal, can disintegrate anything, can teleport, can fly, can levitate and create massive objects, can split himself to be in multiple places at once, probably much more that I'm missing.


He is effectively the most powerful being ever, impossible to kill.

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No one mentioned MTG's Urza? What is this blasphemy? Come on! A man who died causing a magical Armageddon to stop his deranged, Phyrexian corrupted brother, was resurrected by the stone they fought over, became the closest thing to a god one can become without actually getting the title of god, waged a one man war on a realm of viscous murder machines and damn near won, and then topped it all off by becoming a teacher. I dare your OP characters teach magically gifted students without being in over their heads!

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Can I say every single fucking Final Fantasy protagonist or main antagonist ever made, ever?

One of many reasons why I dislike the series so much.

It's like a bunch of elementary schoolers role playing.




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When it comes to overpowered, nothing beats obscure Japanese titles...




Gunshin Kyoshuu (War God) Demonbane, the largest mecha in published fiction. So enormous it popped the universe it was in and destroyed other universes by accidentally brushing against them, and yet, is weaker than...




Elder God Demonbane. Older than existence, rewrites all the rules of reality at its whim, fights and wins against omnipotent multiverse creators, and is capable of summoning all versions of itself that ever existed, exist, will exist, never existed, does not exist, never will exist, and cannot exist.

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  • 1 month later...

Tough topic. In terms of sheer scale there's only 2 answers that come to my mind.
The first is Son Goku. The basic 'DragonBall-ism' that came into play ridiculously early in the series is that once you got past a certain strength, which they conveniently summed up as power level, above an enemy you were essentially immune to every one of that enemy's attacks. Even special techniques were only effective at slightly increasing a power level for that particular attack.
Example: By the time Nappa and Vegeta first arrived on planet virtually every member of the Z fighters had gotten near to or past 1,000 on the scouter level. And they were completely helpless against Nappa's power level of 4,000. Sure they threw Nappa around, made his head turn, and pierced his armor, but in essence they didn't do anything except kick up a bunch of dust and move him without damaging the outermost layer of skin cells.

Worth noting, Vegeta's power level at that time (18,000 according to Kiwi) was enough to destroy a planet via Gallic Gun. (Destroy in this case at least means rendered uninhabitable).

Move forward to Namek saga and you have Frieza's power level of over 500,000 in 1st form, and estimated at around 1,000,000 by his own accounts in 2nd. This was the end of the scouter system of power levels but the series continued with its pattern of exponential growth. So that Frieza 3rd is leagues past 2nd form, 4th is leagues past that. Super Saiyan is leagues past 4th. Android 19 and 20 are leagues past Ordinary Super Saiyan. Full power Super Saiyan are past robot android (because they're robot body's with a robot brain except 20 who is a life support system for a human brain). Cyborg Android are past full power super saiyan (17 and 18 are modified human beings, probably assimilated to the cellular level). Cell Stage 2 is leagues past Cyborg Android but is equal to perfect Robot Android (16 was never human so 19 is essentially a toned down 16 for obedience).Cell Stage 3 or Perfect Cell is leagues past Stage 2. Super Saiyan 2 is past Perfect Cell and so forth and so on. The series became a victim to its own power creep but inmath terms there's nothing more powerful because each of these final bodies has a power level measurable in the Billions or Trillions, and all the power you need to destroy a planet is 18,000. 1 Million if you want to blow it all up entirely by mining the core like Namek 1 was.


The second has to be The Emperor of Mankind from 40k. The 40k universe is the only piece of 'sci-fi', or if you insist 'fantasy in space' that can actually compete with the standard of excellence: Star Wars.

40k has more troops, better troops, more powerful tanks and bastions, and when you get down to it the Warp kicks the tar out of the Force on every level. Star Wars has the clear edge in the space navy. However, 40k has so many alternatives thanks to warp travel that having the better navy does not = auto-win.

And throughout this galaxy the most mighty being is the Emperor. Lord Solar Macharius, the Alexander the Great of his universe, conquered so many planets that to name them all would take more than a day.
Think about it. Be generous and use up one second for each name, 60 per minute, x60 hour, x24 for a day. Over 86,000 planets, each likely to be the one habitable planet in a solar system.
And the limit of the universe, the Halo Stars, is basically defined as the point where you're so far from Terra your navigators can no longer detect the Astronomicon (think giant space lighthouse lit by the Emperor's residual power).
The man's essence and power essentially reach further than a black hole and if he wants to, he can see, hear, feel and know everything that goes on in that space at any given time.

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I would have to say Lord English

Warning spoilers ahead for homestuck readers


He is the wingless cherub lord of time who can only be killed by exploiting glitches in space time which would almost undoubtedly result in the death of the timeline. He has a very powerful machine gun, the ability to time travel, and he can shatter the fabric of reality by simply screaming. He is a ruthless unstoppable killer he bit off his own leg to escape imprisonment and got his sister murdered. He is simply the best there is.




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My answer is Franklin Richards. Here is a list of his abilities.



Reality Manipulation (latent): Ability to manipulate reality in cosmic level and vast reality warping powers on a potentially infinite level. His abilities are so great that even at such a young age he can create “pocket” universes in alternate realities (A pocket universe is a cosmos that does not equal our own in size.). After regaining his powers from a temporary loss, the first thing Franklin did with his nigh unlimited powers was to create a Universe, easily.[12]

Molecular Manipulation: Ability to re-arrange molecules up to a cosmic (and potentially omniversal based on statements from Fantastic Force #17) scale.

Telepathy (latent): One of the most powerful telepaths, he can read minds and project his own thoughts into the minds of others within an unlimited radius. His notable abilities include:

  • Personality Alteration: He can alter the minds of others by force of will, thus permanently changing their personality partially or entirely.
  • Mental Paralysis: He can induce temporary mental or physical paralysis.
  • Mental Amnesia: He can erase any awareness of particular memories or cause total amnesia.
  • Dilate Power: Ability to place “psychic inhibitors” in the minds of mutant adversaries to prevent them from using their powers.
  • Heal Trauma: The ability to erase a person’s memories and to heal mental trauma through “psychic surgery,” the power to stimulate or deaden the pain and pleasure centers in a persons brain.
  • Telepathic Illusion: Ability to create realistic telepathic illusions and cause people to experience events which are not actually occurring.
  • Telepathic Cloak: Can mask his presence from being detected by others. He can extend these defenses to others around him as well.
  • Mind Link: Ability to develop a mental link with any person which remains as a connection to that individual.
  • Telepathic Camouflage: Ability to mask himself, and other peoples' presence from those around him. Can telepathically disguise himself, making his appearance to those around him quite different than what they actually are, for example, changing the appearance of clothing, as well as more detailed disguising.
  • Mind Control: Ability to control the minds of others.
  • Mind Possession: Ability to possess the mind of another and use that being's body as his own.
  • Mind Alteration: Ability to alter the minds of others by force of will.
  • Mental Amnesia: Ability to cause loss of particular memories and amnesia in another person or even in a group of people.
  • Psionic Shield: Ability to erect a psychic shield for protection of himself and of others' minds.
  • Psionic Blasts: Can project psionic force bolts which have no physical effects but which can affect a victim's mind so as to cause the victim pain or unconsciousness and can even kill an adversary.
  • Astral Projection: Ability to Astral Travel and communicate with others astrally through his own will, or through contact with the thoughts and memories of others. In the astral realm, he can use his powers to create "ectoplasmic" objects.
  • Mental Detection: Can sense the presence of other superhuman mutants within a small but as yet undefined radius of himself by perceiving the distinctive mental radiations emitted by such a being.
  • Mind Transferal: Able to transfer both his mind and powers into other host bodies should his own physical body be somehow killed.

Telekinesis (latent): Possesses telekinetic abilities enabling him to levitate and manipulate living beings, inanimate objects, and to some extent energy psionically. He can “lift” as much as 10 tons of weight at such an undeveloped age and potentially an unlimited amount of weight. This enables him to “fly” at great speed.

  • Bio-Blasts: Ability to fire enormously powerful energy blasts which he generates from his body's extrasensory potential.

Precognitive Dreams (latent): Precognitive abilities, which manifest themselves in his dreams, enabling him to envision possible future events. Although there are countless possible futures, Franklin foresees the most probable future path, and therefore his predictions usually come true. Franklin seemingly cannot foresee events more than roughly a few days in the future. Franklin's precognitive power developed to the point at which he could see images of future events when conscious.

Dream-Self Projection (latent): Ability to place himself in a trance-like state while remaining fully conscious. While he is in this trance, he can project an intangible, ghostlike image of himself to another location, through which he can see and hear what goes on at the location. What Franklin has called the “dreams” he has while in this state are not truly dreams, but his conscious awareness of the environment into which he has projected his “dream-self.”


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The most over-powered character? Simple! It's this monster from hell obviously!






She's a god that can do anything she wants, whenever she wants. Heck, she even rewinded the summer vacation a few million times because she thought something was missing. She even could create closed space inside the real world and create a world from there. Biggest problem is, she doesn't even know she has the power. Because of her eccentric personality she needs to have something to do, else she gets bored and might force reality to collapse. 


Heck, she's dangerous no matter what her mood is. When she's happy she accidentally changed the Earth's orbit, made animals speak and changed the weather. When she took part in a murder mystery on some island she forced it to be closed off from the rest of the world and put it into a world in eternal fog just to enhance the atmosphere of the mystery.


Think it stops there? Heck no! She even created a younger copy of herself by accident, split of 2 realities and combined them later on. Making herself vanish for a while to god knows where.


She's literally too dangerous for reality and she doesn't even know it.

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