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searching Pokemon: The final league OOC


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A news woman is standing patiently in a field while being filmed, "This is breaking news from pokemon world news network. after a series of storms raveged the surrounding area for days, out of nowhere a huge, mysterious mass of land has appeared over the kanto region, after many failed attempts to reach this strange island due to the large thunderstorms surrounding it, we had thought that we would never know what it was, but today a mysterious video has arrived through unkown means to our news station, here is the un-cut and shocking footage of the mysterious inhabitant of the island, the man known only as void, who started a humanity hating cult a few years back, what words does this madman have to say? Let's find out!"


A man in a black cloak and grey mask, sits behind a desk, "Greetings people of the world......my name, is void.....and with the help of my many loyal followrrs, I have risen this ancient island for the sole purpose of hosting a tournament......the worlds greatest...and LAST tournament.....for you see.....this island was once meant to host battles for legedary pokemon, and after a little tinkering with its ancient technology, i have turned it into the worlds most powerful bomb......so....if some one doesnt win this tournament within within a weeks time, then i will detonate this bomb and take half of the living creatures of this world with it.


if I find more than the ten trainers I requested on this island....even one....I will detonate the bomb......now....for those of you watching who happen to be pokemon trainers....listen closely, I am inviting ten and ONLY ten of the worlds best trainers to compete in this great contest.....if you win, you will gain wealth and power, beyond your wildest dreams.....if I defeat the final contestant......then I will detonate this island immeadeatly......some of you may be wondering.....why I would I do such a horrible thing....its becouse....you are all weak....every human on this planet even with their precious pokemon, they are.....YOU are too weak and pathetic to deserve living.


alas....I too am human....but that just means I must cleans this world even more.....if I destroy half this world, then that should suffice for enough of a lesson to show you.....just how much humanity and pokemon alike.....are evil." The screen is back to the camera woman but she just stands in place with a shocked and frightened look, "s-stop the camera.....we have to run...we have to run now!" Said the camera woman before running off camera, followed by the camera dropping and the sound of frightened panting from the camera man himself, the screen then turns to the "technical difficulties" screen.


At that moment, in a hotel in kanto, a pokemon trainer named ace steel had just finished watching the broadcast. Ace cursed as he saw the broadcast, he had been sitting in his hotel room when the news came on, he was now on his feet, "WHAT THE HELL!? IS THIS SOME KIND OF DAMN JOKE!? Tch, if that asshole thinks he can threaten that and get away with it, then he's crazier than I thought! Let's go rebel, were gonna kick his ass!" Said ace bravely before quickly grabbing his backpack and running to the door he then stopped and looked back impatiently at his aggron, "are you coming or what?" Asked ace with a wry grin, rebel merely looked at ace and grunted in acnoledgement, before standing up and quickly following his beloved trainer out the hotel door.




1:Ace steel


2: Locke Greyson


3 : Quartz Shardz


4: Horus


5: Tempest


6:Charles Roberts


7: Miles Armstrong


8: Synthia Shade


9: Jay Andrews


10: Yasushi Amekawa


















Sign-ups/character bio below please.


Name: Ace Steel




Appearence: 5,5 ft, 125 lbs, messy blond hair, blue eyes, a large scar across his back, a black hoodie with a silver pokeball on the back, black boots and headphones.


Personality: Ace is very cocky and stubborn to most people he meets, but underneath his boasting exterior, Ace hides a very caring, brave, leaderlike attitude, but also a terrible mental scarring from many years of suffering in veridian city as a poor theif.


History: ace was born with anhidrosis, a didease that disables the bodies pain receptors, having this disease made him a bit of an enigma, making it hard for him to make friends, but it did however make him useful in a fight. He grew up in veridian city with his mother, his mother was poor so they lived in an abandoned warehouse in the slums, on his twelth birthday his mother scraped enough money to get him one poke'ball to start his journey as a pokemon trainer pokemon trainer , but before he left he promised to become rich and famous, so that she didn't haveto struggle to live anymore, as he was leaving his mother gave him the family tresure, an expensive silver ring, with a red gem in it, she told him it would bring him luck. A few weeks later, durng a stormy day, he was struggling to find shelter, and happened to find a scyther attacking a newborn aron, he managed to save it but was scarred from the scythers attack . after a desperate trip to a pokemon center they were both saved, as a result of his kindness the aron decided to travel with him. From this experience, ace made a new goal, to be the first trainer to beat one of every single pokemon, and get famous by doing so.


Pokemon: aggon-male.


Nicknames: Aggron-rebel.


Moves: aggron-iron tail, metal claw, skullbash, hyperbeam.


Reasons for entering the tournament: To defeat the badguy and anyone else who wants a piece of him, thus becoming a famous hero for his mother.

Edited by ragestar
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Locke Greyson


Age: 16


Appearence: Tall, about 6,3 and lanky. Medium length brown hair. He wears a blue high color jacket.


Personality: Socially awkward and shy. But he is determined to save half of humanity from this monster of a human.


History: Typical middle-class kid. He lived in Ecruteak and always looked up to Morty, so he caught a gastly the first chance he got. This gastly looked odd, having a blue gas around it instead of purple. And now as a Gengar, it is an almost black color instead of purple. These two became very close, and now, as mentioned before, they are determined to defeat Void


Pokemon: Watson the shiny Gengar


Moves: Focus Blast, Hypnosis, Shadow Ball, Dark Pulse


History: Simply to save humanity. Although he is shy he is a very kind person and always looking to help, and this was the biggest way he could help anyone.

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Locke Greyson


Age: 16


Appearence: Tall, about 6,3 and lanky. Medium length brown hair. He wears a blue high color jacket.


Personality: Socially awkward and shy. But he is determined to save half of humanity from this monster of a human.


History: Typical middle-class kid. He lived in Ecruteak and always looked up to Morty, so he caught a gastly the first chance he got. This gastly looked odd, having a blue gas around it instead of purple. And now as a Gengar, it is an almost black color instead of purple. These two became very close, and now, as mentioned before, they are determined to defeat Void


Pokemon: Watson the shiny Gengar


Moves: Focus Blast, Hypnosis, Shadow Ball, Dark Pulse


History: Simply to save humanity. Although he is shy he is a very kind person and always looking to help, and this was the biggest way he could help anyone.

Everything looks great! Your accepted, welcome to the rp bro!

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Name: Quartz Shardz

Age: 17


A tomboyish, Tall girl. Brown hair, uses a purple headband.


Sarcastic, Speaks whats on her mind.

Wants to destroy the person who would do such a thing.


After losing both of her parents to brain cancer, She decided to take her journey, With her loyal and faithful Typhlosion, Nekodoramu.


Pokemon: Nekodoramu, The Typhlosion.


Hyper Beam, Rest, Toxic, and Fire Blast.



Her starter pokemon. She Grew it from Cindaquil up to Typhlosion.

She uses a barrage of attacks, That she learnt from TM's.

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This seems like an awesome RP! Just have to decide what pokemon I want to use since I love so many of them!


Name: Horus


Age: 16


Appearance: 5'11" in height, brown skin and eyes, medium length black hair.


History: in progress


Pokemon: Hydreigon (Visage)

Moves: Dragon Pulse, Dark Pulse, Fire Blast, Surf

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Name: Quartz ShardzAge: 17Appearence:A tomboyish, Tall girl. Brown hair, uses a purple headband.Personality:Sarcastic, Speaks whats on her mind.Wants to destroy the person who would do such a thing.History:After losing both of her parents to brain cancer, She decided to take her journey, With her loyal and faithful Typhlosion, Nekodoramu.Pokemon: Nekodoramu, The Typhlosion.Moveset:Hyper Beam, Rest, Toxic, and Fire Blast.History:Her starter pokemon. She Grew it from Cindaquil up to Typhlosion.She uses a barrage of attacks, That she learnt from TM's.


This seems like an awesome RP! Just have to decide what pokemon I want to use since I love so many of them!

Name: Horus

Age: 16

Appearance: 5'11" in height, brown skin and eyes, medium length black hair.

History: in progress

Pokemon: Hydreigon (Visage)

Moves: Dragon Pulse, Dark Pulse, Fire Blast, Surf

Congradulations! Your both accepted! Welcome to the rp! It will start once I have at least six players sign up.

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I might as well sign up for this.

Name: Tempest
Age: 20
Appearance: 6' 11" in height. Short, black hair. Red eyes. white skin tone.
Reion of Origion: Unova
History: Tempest demolished the Unove league, dismantled Team Plasma, and decided to travel to other regions. He was in Kanto when he heard the news.
Pokémon: Lucario

Moves: dark pulse, dragon pulse, bone rush, aura sphere

Edited by Missingno
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I might as well sign up for this.


Name: Tempest

Age: 20

Appearance: 6' 11" in height. Short, black hair. Red eyes. white skin tone.

Reion of Origion: Unova

History: Tempest demolished the Unove league, dismantled Team Plasma, and decided to travel to other regions. He was in Kanto when he heard the news.

Pokémon: Lucario

Moves: dark pulse, dragon pulse, bone rush, aura sphere

Ok, everything looks good, your accepted! Welcome to the rp!

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Name: Charles Roberts

Age: 21

Appearance 6'4, 201 Pounds, Black Hair, Brown skin, Blue Shirt, Jeans and Sneakers.

Personality: He is nice when he talks, but in Battles he searouis as he letting them know that he plan to win and also smart in battles too. Also he will defend his friends if they get pick or hurt.

History: Charles was born with his parents who are rich, since he got servants, then when he was 10, his dad got him into pokemon since he was a Unaov Region Champion and want his son be the same. So 3 years that he went to pokemon school, learn different types of pokemon, then train with his first pokemon a Shiny Dratini as he was getting batter and master it. Then when he became 13 he went on his first pokemon journey with his evolved Shiny Dragonair and enter into Pokemon League. Then he face Ash Ketcume 3 times, beat him second time but lost two times and they became friends. 7 years later as he was 20 years old with his Evolved Shiny Dragonite and whit his win-loss record of 68-14-7 he won the Unaov Region like his dad and beat one of the members of the Eleit Four. Now he want to become the best in the world and become a champion like his farther was.

Pokemon: Shiny Dragonite

Nicknames: Dragon

Moves: Dragon Rage, Dragon Rush, Dragon Tail and Hurricane.

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Name: Charles Roberts


Age: 21


Appearance 6'4, 201 Pounds, Black Hair, Brown skin, Blue Shirt, Jeans and Sneakers.


Personality: He is nice when he talks, but in Battles he searouis as he letting them know that he plan to win and also smart in battles too. Also he will defend his friends if they get pick or hurt.


History: Charles was born with his parents who are rich, since he got servants, then when he was 10, his dad got him into pokemon since he was a Unaov Region Champion and want his son be the same. So 3 years that he went to pokemon school, learn different types of pokemon, then train with his first pokemon a Shiny Dratini as he was getting batter and master it. Then when he became 13 he went on his first pokemon journey with his evolved Shiny Dragonair and enter into Pokemon League. Then he face Ash Ketcume 3 times, beat him second time but lost two times and they became friends. 7 years later as he was 20 years old with his Evolved Shiny Dragonite and whit his win-loss record of 68-14-7 he won the Unaov Region like his dad and beat one of the members of the Eleit Four. Now he want to become the best in the world and become a champion like his farther was.


Pokemon: Shiny Dragonite


Nicknames: Dragon


Moves: Dragon Rage, Dragotn Rush, Dragon Tail and Hurricane.

Congradulations! Your accepted into the rp!

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Okay then...


Name: Miles Armstrong


Age: 15


Appearance: 5'3" (162 cm) tall, 42kg, black hair, pale skin, red shirt, black jacket, denim jeans, glasses, and trainers.


Personality: A bit shy, but can be VERY determined when battling. He also hates evil teams, and hates people trying to destroy the world above anything else.


History: He lives in Fortree city in Hoenn. He was living normally, until he got a trapinch for his birthday. At that point, he decided to take the Pokémon league on. Halfway through his travels, he met team Magma, and decided to stop them. After stopping team magma, (and defeating all the gyms and evolving his trapinch to a Flygon) he challenged the elite four and champion. He won.

He was in Kanto, on a sightseeing/defeatingthepokémonleague trip, where he saw the broadcast and a letter requesting his presence for that competition.


Pokémon: Flygon (male) Nickname: Dragonfly

Moves: Fire punch, Dragon tail, Fly, Earthquake


Reason for entering tournament: He received a letter requesting his presence, and personally doesn't like the idea of the world blowing up.

Edited by stainesbrony
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Okay then...


Name: Miles Armstrong


Age: 15


Appearance: 5'3" (162 cm) tall, 42kg, black hair, pale skin, red shirt, black jacket, denim jeans, glasses, and trainers.


Personality: A bit shy, but can be VERY determined when battling. He also hates evil teams, and hates people trying to destroy the world above anything else.


History: He lives in Fortree city in Hoenn. He was living normally, until he got a trapinch for his birthday. At that point, he decided to take the Pokémon league on. Halfway through his travels, he met team Magma, and decided to stop them. After stopping team magma, (and defeating all the gyms and evolving his trapinch to a Flygon) he challenged the elite four and champion. He won.

He was in Kanto, on a sightseeing/defeatingthepokémonleague trip, where he saw the broadcast and a letter requesting his presence for that competition.


Pokémon: Flygon (male) Nickname: Dragonfly

Moves: Fire punch, Dragon tail, Fly, Earthquake


Reason for entering tournament: He received a letter requesting his presence, and personally doesn't like the idea of the world blowing up.

Congradulations! Your accepted into the rp! I will start it once we get one more player to equalize it, but we will still be accepting new players

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Why make twelve slots if your can only bring 10 people?


Name: Synthia Shade


Age: 16

Height: 5' 9"

Weight: 112 lbs

Appearance: Short and slim, Synthia has shoulder-length purple hair, streaked with lines of black and silver, that outlying her somewhat round, pale face. Her eyes are a bright, yellow-green streak of color that smile more often then frown. She wears a matching shorts-shirt getup of black and yellow-green that includes her backpack, shoes, and trainer hat.


History: Synthia is of an average, working-class background. Her father was a store-clerk from the local market skyscraper, and her mother kept their apartment clean and their household running. One day, while exploring the town, she came across a back door she hadn't realized existed previously. This was do to the heavily forested back-area to her city, and a little-traveled path next to the Pokemon center. Inside the crack room was a lonely elevated, which led only to the roof. She took it, and found a sad, grizzled, disciplined old teacher. Eventually, she convinced him to train her, and he did. He trained her in the art of Pokemon, and upon completion she received her first: a small, budding Eevee. She also received her pokedex/trainer's license. The old man pretended to be happy to be rid of her, and sent her on her way. When she looked back, however, he seemed to be crying, and she quickly took off. She frequently writes letters to him, to help ease his loniness. On her travels, her Eevee and her grew close. So close, in fact, that one night, as they were traveling, Synthia witnessed a bright flash, and instead of an Eevee, there was an Umbreon. She had heard of this, and she took in her new companion with open arms. The change in her Pokemon prompted a change in her, and soon her clothes went to reflect that. It w in this condition that she heard the news and, with a gesture to her Pokemon, left to go protect her planet.


Motivation: Protection of friends, family, and planet.


Pokemon: Umbreon

Nickname: Shadow

Moves: Quick Attack, Shadow Ball, Bite, Moonlight


Appearance: A smallish dog-sized Pokemon, Shadow is mostly normal in appearance, with eyes that match her trainer's identically. The only real difference is that her fur is more dark purplish than flat-out black, and her yellow-green circles stand out a little more than normal.

Edited by Dawnpath
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Why make twelve slots if your can only bring 10 people?

Name: Synthia Shade

Age: 16

Height: 5' 9"

Weight: 112 lbs

Appearance: Short and slim, Synthia has shoulder-length purple hair, streaked with lines of black and silver, that outlying her somewhat round, pale face. Her eyes are a bright, yellow-green streak of color that smile more often then frown. She wears a matching shorts-shirt getup of black and yellow-green that includes her backpack, shoes, and trainer hat.

History: Synthia is of an average, working-class background. Her father was a store-clerk from the local market skyscraper, and her mother kept their apartment clean and their household running. One day, while exploring the town, she came across a back door she hadn't realized existed previously. This was do to the heavily forested back-area to her city, and a little-traveled path next to the Pokemon center. Inside the crack room was a lonely elevated, which led only to the roof. She took it, and found a sad, grizzled, disciplined old teacher. Eventually, she convinced him to train her, and he did. He trained her in the art of Pokemon, and upon completion she received her first: a small, budding Eevee. She also received her pokedex/trainer's license. The old man pretended to be happy to be rid of her, and sent her on her way. When she looked back, however, he seemed to be crying, and she quickly took off. She frequently writes letters to him, to help ease his loniness. On her travels, her Eevee and her grew close. So close, in fact, that one night, as they were traveling, Synthia witnessed a bright flash, and instead of an Eevee, there was an Umbreon. She had heard of this, and she took in her new companion with open arms. The change in her Pokemon prompted a change in her, and soon her clothes went to reflect that. It w in this condition that she heard the news and, with a gesture to her Pokemon, left to go protect her planet.

Motivation: Protection of friends, family, and planet.

Pokemon: Umbreon

Nickname: Shadow

Moves: Quick Attack, Shadow Ball, Bite, Moonlight

Appearance: A smallish dog-sized Pokemon, Shadow is mostly normal in appearance, with eyes that match her trainer's identically. The only real difference is that her fur is more dark purplish than flat-out black, and her yellow-green circles stand out a little more than normal.

Congradulations! Your accepted, and sorry about that, I meant to change it to twelve instead of ten...

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Oooo, so quickly! ^^ I love Pokemon, but sadly haven't had the money to get the newer games (Or a 3DS :() but I pretty much know Fire Red like the back of my hand! Once I caught Mewtwo with 99 Ultra Balls, 99 Great Balls, and 57 Pokeballs. Oh, the good old days... :grin:

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Oooo, so quickly! ^^ I love Pokemon, but sadly haven't had the money to get the newer games (Or a 3DS :() but I pretty much know Fire Red like the back of my hand! Once I caught Mewtwo with 99 Ultra Balls, 99 Great Balls, and 57 Pokeballs. Oh, the good old days... :grin:

Yay. Now we can get the RP started. I can't wait.

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Sure, I'll bite. Don't expect a novel of a backstory though.


Jay Andrews


Age: 24


Appearence: Mid-height, I'd say about 5'8", roughly 170 pounds, white with dark hair, a teal backwards baseball cap/hoodie, sweatpants, and athletic shoes.


History: Jay lives an average life in Goldenrod city. He works as a waiter at a local restaurant and lives in a small apartment downtown. A former member of Team Rocket before they disbanded, he was one of the lucky members whose identities weren't leaked to the police. In his off time, he usually does casual training in hopes of becoming a gym leader in the future.


Pokemon: Muk


Moves: Gunk Shot, Acid Armor, Shadow Sneak, Ice Punch


Reason: To make a name for himself. That's what tournaments are all about, right? To prove you're the very best, like no one ever was.

Edited by Rockymoo
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I just started the rp! Enjoy yourselvs! But remember to follow the rules, the tournament matchups will be announced shortly!



Sure, I'll bite. Don't expect a novel of a backstory though.


Jay Andrews


Age: 24


Appearence: Mid-height, I'd say about 5'8", roughly 170 pounds, white with dark hair, a teal backwards baseball cap/hoodie, sweatpants, and athletic shoes.


History: Jay lives an average life in Goldenrod city. He works as a waiter at a local restaurant and lives in a small apartment downtown. A former member of Team Rocket before they disbanded, he was one of the lucky members whose identities weren't leaked to the police. In his off time, he usually does casual training in hopes of becoming a gym leader in the future.


Pokemon: Muk♂


Moves: Gunk Shot, Acid Armor, Shadow Sneak, Ice Punch


Reason: To make a name for himself. That's what tournaments are all about, right? To prove you're the very best, like no one ever was.

Your accepted, welcome to the rp!

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@Rockymoo try saying that you flagged down a trainer with a flying pokemon and hitched a ride up there


@Missingno yes, tempest can use telepathy to speak with his lucario

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@Rockymoo try saying that you flagged down a trainer with a flying pokemon and hitched a ride up there


@Missingno yes, tempest can use telepathy to speak with his Lucario


This is going to be fun. Also, do you mind if I nickname the Lucario Ike, just for a bit of personality?

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