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Do you feel that you could actually date anypony in the Mane 6?

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Because we all know there are some people who think they can just put themselves with Rainbow Dash for no reason at all.


But, do you think that, if the Mane 6 were looking for somepony who is a lot like them, you could date them and they would accept it? If you don't like pairing yourself with them, you don't have to do it, this is just for fun.


As for me, there are some possibilities:


As for Fluttershy, I am very caring and gentle, nor would I want her to talk if she didn't want to. I also sometimes value animals (Specifically insects) more than some of my family members. And, like many bronies, I would defend her honor like it was my life, and I would hunt down anyone who dared to make her cry or become depressed.


As for Twilight Sparkle, I believe that I have shown evidence of a high IQ, and we both share some kind of interest in the science of the stars, and basically just science in general. Also, I could write some interesting stories for her to read in her free time.


As for Rarity, I am not the most clean person I know, but I definitely don't show it when I think it would jeopardize something important to me. Apart from that, I am not one who openly likes to get dirty, and aside from the fact that I don't wash myself constantly, I don't really like getting dirty at all. I also wouldn't force her to do anything she wouldn't want to do, and I would always have some way to complement her.



Just for the heck of it, these are the reasons why I cannot feel like I can date the other three:


As for Pinkie Pie, I do love her randomness and quirkiness a lot, but I value silence and sanity a lot as well. She would make for a good friend for me, but not a girlfriend.


As for Applejack, like mentioned before, I am not one who likes to get dirty. I am also not exactly what you would call a "hard worker" either. She would also probably dominate me in just about anything that takes a lot of stamina.


As for Rainbow Dash, who I think would be the least likely date for me, I am very down-to-Earth. Both literally and figuratively. Since she would probably want to fly everywhere, and ground-bound person like me wouldn't really be what she would want. Also, I am not really athletic, and kind of lazy as well.


The best choice for me would probably be Fluttershy. Although, I doubt I will ever pair myself with her in a story, unless I think of some great idea for it. I have thought of another character of mine who would pair well with her, but that story might not ever be written.

  • Brohoof 3

The extent of my interest is in things that don't exist.

Or, at least, things that aren't in the basic man's senses

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I have actually two choices.


Twilight Sparkle and I both love science and we both talk in very much detail. Being a person who can memorize certain things, we could be a good pair.


Rainbow Dash and I have both the go-getter personality and we both love speed. We woud spend our time racing and doing activities filled with thrills. 

  • Brohoof 1
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I wouldn't really want to date any of the Mane Six probably because none of them exactly fit my personality.


Despite not being my favorite Pony I might only say Applejack is the one I could potentially date. 


Thanks to the lovely Pink Mist for the magnificent signature!

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I like to think that Fluttershy would date me because I am protective, I wouldn't let anyone hurt her, I would give my life for her, I am a very sensitive and caring person, I think she would understand my temper because she has one but I would NEVER lose my temper on her, I love all animals, I am shy just like her and would never make her do something she didn't want to, and I would make her the center of my life

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Maybe. The 3 that would be most likely would be Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, or Twilight. The other three, I just don't see my personality fitting well with at all.


Fluttershy is the obvious one. I am very shy and I have anxiety over a lot of stuff. I fear tons of things and I have difficulty interacting with others. Plus, I have a more child-like, innocent personality and that matches her to a degree I'd say.


Pinkie Pie is a bit lesser. She is really happy most of the time and I do like that about her, though I do not know how anypony could actually be that happy all the time. The problem there is that I have a lot of depression and self esteem issues so that may not go together too well. Pinkie also seems to have a very child-like personality, so I can relate to that.


Twilight is the lesser of the three, but I really like her personality. I just don't think I would have much of a chance with her. :P I love science and whatnot and I actually discovering things and analyzing, which she really likes to do. I do not have the willpower that she has though nor the leadership skills, so that is the big killer of that.



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I think if I was a guy I would either have to go with 


Pinkie pie: because of her childish and random behavior I think there would be so many fun dates that we would never be bored but our relationship could never be serious because of this. 



Twilight is too bookie for me... I mean I like smart people but I don't really like Twilight in the first place


Rarity ISWAY too girly for me... I don't like girl girls (hence even though I am a girl I can't even  stand to hang out with girls) 


AND Apple jack and Rainbow dash I would think of just being of the guys therefor would be better friends then girlfriends. 



AND FLUTTERSHY is just too amazing to even speak of..... LIKE if I had to choose fluttershy would def be the best girlfriend to have around.

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I think Fluttershy would be a possibility for me... I'm also quiet and introverted, often too talk to people properly. I usually try to keep people happy as well because I can't deal with hostility well and I'm more sensitive than average. I guess I could understand her on a deeper level because of our similarities.
I too am good with animals, and love them dearly :3 
I'd also be very protective of her and try to look out for her as much as I could. I don't usual take out anger on people, but if anyone upset Fluttershy, I'd be pretty damn angry.

The other five? Not so much xD

Keep in mind that my choice is from the Mane 6. If I was able to try to date anypony, I'd run straight to Vinyl...

Edited by Apocalyptic_Unicorn
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There's three mane 6 pony's that I think would make a potentially good dating partners.


Fluttershy: I believe my personality mostly resembles her's. I am a very down-to-earth person and considered to be very shy. I love nature, I love most animals, and I value any quiet and peaceful time that I can get. I am introverted and prefer to be around my closet friends that I can trust the most and find the most comfort in. I think Fluttershy and I would have a good chance.


Twilight: She's grown on me quite a bit. She seems to have wonderful and smart personality. I think I'd learn a lot with dating her. One major thing we would probably have in common, is being socially awkward. Twilight is so into her studying and reading that she'd mostly likely feel awkward at social extravaganzas and parties. The same reason some fans ship Twilight and Fluttershy is the same reason I think me and Twi would have a chance.


Pinkie Pie: My favorite pony obviously. Now why would we make a great match? Based on what I had just explained, we seem so unlike each other personality-wise. Well that's just it. We're opposites and I believe that opposites can attract if given the chance. Plus, I always wanted to be the outgoing, jumpy, and most spontaneously happy person that I can be. I still try to be like that, but it's not easy given my introvert attitude. With Pinkie Pie, she can help me big time with that. She'd be a great motivator to always help me get a laugh, to socialize more, and to always see the bright side of life. I consider myself young at heart as well, and clearly she is as well. My headcannon also tells me that there is a lot more to that crazy fun Pink pony than what the series depicts. She would be an excellent conversationalist which is a quality I'd kill to see in a potential dating partner. Conversations and communications...you have no idea how important and beneficial that is to a relationship. So if I had to choose between all three of these choices, I would hands down, go with Pinkie Pie, since she would be the best girlfriend for me.. .....and then after a few dates I'd marry her



So yeah those are my top three choices.





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as a pony, would i physically have the capability to go on a date with any of the mane 6? of course! would a date with any of them be successful? probably not with some of them.


Rarity: i'm not one for fashion, so she might not see me as a pony handsome enough for her liking. also, i enjoy camping when i can.

Rainbow Dash: I'm not athletic. I'm not fast. I like going on hikes.

Pinkie Pie: yeah, she's fun, but i like seriousness at least every once in a while. don't really care for daily parties.

Fluttershy: somewhat ironic given the previous statement, i feel that i might be a bit too wild for her. though, i am able to control my wildness for the most part. i kinda see myself as being a mix of the two, or at least being somewhat in between their levels of hyperness.

Twilight Sparkle: I like astronomy and history and stuff, but i feel that discussing that stuff with her would easily go way over my head, so we wouldn't really be able to talk about much.

Apple Jack: I like apples as much as the next guy, but if all my options ever are are apple-related, i might not be that inclined to eat.


I realize that i only went into little detail, but i'm kinda writing this without any planning whatsoever. so no huge paragraphs right now. regardless, i feel that if i were to have to go out with one of these, i feel that i might have better chances with fluttershy. we share a love of nature (although she is MUCH better with animals than i am), and i am able to control my energy (as previously mentioned) so that if she does begin to be overwhelmed or anything i can just calm down. I guess you could kinda say that i'm looking for a mate like fluttershy in the real world, but actually it would be more of a mix. all the mane 6 have qualities i like. she just happens to be my favorite because i like so much about her. not really sure what else to say right now. i guess if for some odd reason you have a question or want me to explain more, you can just PM me about it.


This signature was created by coastercrutchfield. |--(0)--| techno915

Previously: TARDIS915

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I can't even date anyone in real life, so there is no way I would be able to date any of the main six. If I could though, probably Fluttershy or Twilight Sparkle. They fit my personality more than the other four do. I'm more of the shy and quiet type who likes reading at times.



IF is best girl.

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I could see myself dating Pinkie Pie. I already have a crush on her and she is quite my type. Unafraid to speak her mind, socially awkward at times, a true devoted friend, perhaps too needy at times (which I kind of like), perky and peppy and full of energy (which I need, because I'm lazy and unmotivated most of the time and need someone to push me a bit) yet would never force anypony to do anything. She and I would have so much fun together and I could just gaze at her across the table as she sits and sips her shake that I bought her and rambles on about oatmeal. In fact, I already do that with my real-life girlfriend when we go on dates. So yes, if I were in the pony world and my gf did not exist there, I would definitely ask out Pinkie and not give up easily trying to woo her. I think we would make an amazing couple or at least really good friends. 



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As much as I love Fluttershy, I highly doubt I could maintain a relationship with her. We're both rather quiet, and to me; shyness being a trait being shared by both people in a relationship isn't a good trait to have in common. I think conversations between us would be very awkward as we both wouldn't say anything during conversations, and it would be really quiet and boring for both of us. I guess if we both had fun talking to each other, then there might be a chance. But if not, well, I guess not.


Pinkie Pie:


I'm not exactly sure about this as Pinkie Pie has been shown to be able to become good friends with just about everyone, but since she never did anything dating-related; I have no idea how interested she is in dating. But if she is, I would definitely want to date her. She is so funny, nice, excitable, and would be fun to be with, and would be a great friend which is definitely something important to me in a relationship. Since I converse best when the other person is the more talkative person, I would definitely like to date her. But only if she's interested. I assume we would be compatible as Pinkie Pie can be a good friend to basically anyone.


Twilight Sparkle:


I'm not too sure about this one. We share a lot in common, and she is quite pretty. I could definitely see myself being good friends with her. However, I'm not sure I would be interested in dating, and I'm not sure she would either. She seems more like someone who is a good friend, or even my sibling, but I don't know about dating. Plus, I don't know if she would want to date me either. She seems more interested in ponies she feels safe with, and could protect her easily. Being nice appears to be trait she would favor as well. Now, I'm nice and all, and I would definitely try to protect her, but I'm not sure if I would be able to. Therefore, I'm not sure she would feel safe with me.




I doubt it. No offense to Rarity, but she appears to go after any pony who is either somewhat attractive, or acts like a gentleman to her. Now, I could most likely be a gentleman to her, but I'm not sure I would qualify as attractive to her. Then again, I don't know what her preferences in humans are. However, I like design which includes clothing designing, so at least I have that going for me.


Rainbow Dash:


I don't think so, but perhaps the whole "opposites attract" thing will apply here. I don't know. I'm kind of lazy in some aspects, but I do like doing things at a fast pace. I'm also quite competitive, and I like to race (especially with running; I like run.) You know, now that I think about it, I actually have a lot in common with Rainbow Dash... Anyway, I don't know about Rainbow Dash; it's possible, but I'm not sure how compatible we would be.




Probably the least likely member of the Mane 6 I would think would want to date me. She's a workaholic; I'm definitely not. I'm a bit lazy in some aspects; she's definitely not. She has a nice personality though, and we both have share a value towards family, but I'm not sure. 

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I could see something working with either Twily or Rarity, in that order.


With Twily, I've noted that she and I are almost scarily similar. Similar interests, similar mannerisms, similar views on a multitude of subjects... There truly is no shortage of relatability. Not to mention, I'm sure we both have plenty of things to say that we'd both find interesting. It's basically to the point where I'm looking for a real-life Twily as an actual person to date.


As for Rarity, I happen to think of myself as a very cultured individual. At least, I'm more mature than many of the people I interact with on a daily basis. The main snags would be my indifference to fashion and the fact that I don't think I'd be able to do that to Spike. She's much more of a longshot than Twily, but it might work if I play my cards right.


Aside from them, I really don't see it working. I could definitely be friendly with the rest of them, but it would only go that far.


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I would date none because I'm not attracted to animals! Besides, bestiality isn't legal in my state... yuck I cant believe some people...

Technically, there are no are no animals on Earth that can fluently speak english, and act in the human like way that ponies from the MLP Universe do. Therefore, they would have to be from another universe, dimension, or planet, and would be an alien rather than a human. I think the word you would be looking for is xenophilia.

Edited by Blue Moon
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I'll just say not anyone in the Mane 6 and leave it at that.

I mean really, you can tell deep down she's actually just a big teddy bear, metaphorically speaking.

I rest my case.


On 10/13/2013 at 6:59 PM, little gamie said:

I'm fresh in school

Hey, you. You should fill out my Johari Window if you're bored.

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Technically, there are no are no animals that can fluently speak english, and act in the human like way that ponies from the MLP Universe do. Therefore, they would have to be from another universe, dimension, or planet, and would be an alien rather than a human. I think the word you're looking for is xenophilia.

They don't exist... so they aren't from any dimension. They are nothing more that polygons, pixels, and graphics drawn by artist. Caricatures, voiced by real humans. By they way, they are considered animals because they are ponies, and ponies do exist in the real world. The speaking English, having horns, and flying are all just made up. 


Sorry If I just ruined anyones fetish, I'm just stating the truth. I think it would of been better if the orignal post said some thing like "If the mane 6 were humans, and really existed"


Check out my OC Ocelot at: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ocelot-r3834

~Im always looking talented artists across the forums~   *Sig by Kyoshi*


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They don't exist... so they aren't from any dimension. They are nothing more that polygons, pixels, and graphics drawn by artist. Caricatures, voiced by real humans. By they way, they are considered animals because they are ponies, and ponies do exist in the real world. The speaking English, having horns, and flying are all just made up. 


Sorry If I just ruined anyones fetish, I'm just stating the truth. I think it would of been better if the orignal post said some thing like "If the mane 6 were humans, and really existed"

I said "they would have to be," not "they are." I never said they did exist.


Anyway, I don't want to start an debate over whether ponies are animals here, so I'll stop now.

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Um, well, if I was a guy, I think I might be able to date Fluttershy or Pinkie Pie. I know, two opposite ends of the spectrum personality-wise huh? Here's why.


Fluttershy: I'm a very sensitive person and I'm always trying to help others. I can be very shy, but I can also be bold. I would relate to her a lot.


Pinkie Pie: Around my friends, I am extremely hyper. I'm random, I laugh a lot, and my mind goes fifty directions at once. We'd be perfect pals. ^_^


So, yeah.


Signature made by- Kyoshi

Make sense? Oh, what fun is there in making sense? -Discord

I'm So Excited! I'M SO EXCITED! I'm so scared. -Rarity & Spike

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They don't exist... so they aren't from any dimension. They are nothing more that polygons, pixels, and graphics drawn by artist. Caricatures, voiced by real humans. By they way, they are considered animals because they are ponies, and ponies do exist in the real world. The speaking English, having horns, and flying are all just made up. 


Sorry If I just ruined anyones fetish, I'm just stating the truth. I think it would of been better if the orignal post said some thing like "If the mane 6 were humans, and really existed"

I think you're putting waaaaay too much thought into this.

Besides, I don't think 'fetish' fits too well in this context. If it was a sexual thing, I wouldn't even touch this thread, honestly.


...I hope it isn't that kind of thread, at least.

  • Brohoof 1


On 10/13/2013 at 6:59 PM, little gamie said:

I'm fresh in school

Hey, you. You should fill out my Johari Window if you're bored.

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I think you're putting waaaaay too much thought into this.

Besides, I don't think 'fetish' fits too well in this context. If it was a sexual thing, I wouldn't even touch this thread, honestly.


...I hope it isn't that kind of thread, at least.

I know lol. 


I just wouldn't date a pony. I mean, I would LOVE to have one as a pet, like a miniature applejack or trixie, maybe the size of a small puppy. That would be so awesome! But date on of the ponies?!?! Eh, I'll pass.


Check out my OC Ocelot at: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ocelot-r3834

~Im always looking talented artists across the forums~   *Sig by Kyoshi*


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I know lol. 


I just wouldn't date a pony. I mean, I would LOVE to have one as a pet, like a miniature applejack or trixie, maybe the size of a small puppy. That would be so awesome! But date on of the ponies?!?! Eh, I'll pass.

I like your reasoning.

But I think what the OP had in mind was their actual personalities, disregarding the whole pony thing.

  • Brohoof 1


On 10/13/2013 at 6:59 PM, little gamie said:

I'm fresh in school

Hey, you. You should fill out my Johari Window if you're bored.

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I like your reasoning.

But I think what the OP had in mind was their actual personalities, disregarding the whole pony thing.

Well in that case! If I were to turn into my OC Ocelot, and travel to Equestria, I would totally date vinyl scratch :3 she seems like the perfect "watch some movies and eat junk food while snuggling" Type of girl. 

  • Brohoof 1


Check out my OC Ocelot at: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ocelot-r3834

~Im always looking talented artists across the forums~   *Sig by Kyoshi*


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