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Count to a million


CTAM after 1 million  

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  1. 1. What should happen after 1 million is reached?

    • Start over at 1
    • Keep counting to infinity (count to the next million(s))
    • Count back down to 1 (then back up)
    • Other (pm or mention if you'd like)

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Seems like it was so long ago Angel was getting smashed by falling pillars. :(

But I remember it like the episode aired a few days ago :|




It was a pretty good episode Castle Mania


made me laugh

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what do you normaly do at work


Accounting stuffs. Most of my job duties involve coordinating payroll in our department. Basically, I monitor the time punches of people who are paid by the hour and make sure they are clocking in and out when they're supposed to. I track who is getting paid overtime. I keep up with how much time our staff takes off but not our doctors and nurses. Those people are left up to a couple of other people in the office. I also make sure everyone is getting paid what they're supposed to. Once that's all verified, I enter everything into the system. Overall, I play a part in payroll for about 250 people. I handle about 50 people entirely by myself. I also track what kind of extra activities our doctors are performing and make sure they are paid accordingly. I handle reimbursements for doctors and nurses who incur expenses related to their jobs and travel expenses as well (for example, one of our doctors goes to Spain for a conference for Continuing Medical Education (CME) credits). I handle some of the money transfers in our department, but that stuff is easy. 


I sometimes feel like they really expect a lot out of me, but then again, my college degree probably shouts to all these people I'm capable of it. So I do my best. I'd like to go back to school, get a Master's Degree, and move up, but we'll see what happens in the future. 

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Well thanks! ^_^


I'm glad you think it's exciting. But to me, it's just my job. I do that stuff 8 hours a day. While I wouldn't say it's boring, it gets slow from time to time. We do payroll entry one week every month. Last week, we just got done with another cycle. I worked 9 straight hours last Thursday making sure I had all my stuff in before the deadline on Monday. I didn't even eat lunch. My whole work life revolves around deadlines. It's nice because I have set times that I need to have things in and once the deadline passes, I don't have to worry about that thing anymore. At the same time, I'm still horrible with procrastination so I'm usually working like crazy for the few days right up until my deadlines lol

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its more intresting than what i do ill give you that




I think what you do is cool to, just like the sitcom Fawlty Towers although probably the real version of that

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That's not too bad, you could easily have worse jobs :lol:


Honestly, I'd find it kind of cool that you work at a hotel ;)

And your parents own it, right?

'Cause that makes it even cooler in my books :lol:

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Though I would have to say there are some parts of my job that I absolutely hate. 


Most of all, I hate passing out these things everybody at the office calls, "Love Letters." 


So we have two kinds of paid time off at work: Scheduled Leave and Unscheduled Leave. Scheduled Leave is basically you let your boss know at least two days in advance that you'll be taking a certain day off. Unscheduled Leave is what you end up with when you give them less notice. For example, you went home early to avoid incoming storms or you were sick on a certain day. I use an Excel workbook to keep up with everybody's Unscheduled Leave every month throughout the calendar year. In a particular month, if a person has more than 8 hours of Unscheduled Leave or if a person has more than 8 hours of Average Unscheduled Leave for the year, I have to generate a letter. These letters take forever to make and I have to give them to each person in person. Not that it's required, but it looks better on me if I do. Most of the time, I get challenged on my figures because nobody likes receiving them and they want to make their case to me. And that eats up a lot of my time going back and tracking down what days they were off and if it was really them and so on and so forth. 


So I have to give them these forms. Then they sign them and have their supervisors sign them. 


But that is nowhere near as bad as this rule: 


Unscheduled Leave includes time you miss from work unexpectedly, no matter what. Even if there is a death in the family. 


One of my higher ups recently had a daughter suddenly pass away. She had nothing wrong with her. It was horrible. She ended up missing four days of work. It all went in as Unscheduled Leave. And rules are rules. I don't make the policy. This person is second to the department head. She makes the rules. I have to follow them. So I had to give her one of these so called "Love Letters." 


I felt like a horrible human being after giving it to her. I mean, she just buried her daughter....it sucked. It really sucked. And I'm sure it didn't help her cope with it that I had to give her one of these forms to sign stating she missed work because her daughter died.  :(

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Though I would have to say there are some parts of my job that I absolutely hate. 


Most of all, I hate passing out these things everybody at the office calls, "Love Letters." 


So we have two kinds of paid time off at work: Scheduled Leave and Unscheduled Leave. Scheduled Leave is basically you let your boss know at least two days in advance that you'll be taking a certain day off. Unscheduled Leave is what you end up with when you give them less notice. For example, you went home early to avoid incoming storms or you were sick on a certain day. I use an Excel workbook to keep up with everybody's Unscheduled Leave every month throughout the calendar year. In a particular month, if a person has more than 8 hours of Unscheduled Leave or if a person has more than 8 hours of Average Unscheduled Leave for the year, I have to generate a letter. These letters take forever to make and I have to give them to each person in person. Not that it's required, but it looks better on me if I do. Most of the time, I get challenged on my figures because nobody likes receiving them and they want to make their case to me. And that eats up a lot of my time going back and tracking down what days they were off and if it was really them and so on and so forth. 


But that is nowhere near as bad as this rule: 


Unscheduled Leave includes time you miss from work, no matter what. Even if there is a death in the family. 


One of my higher ups recently had a daughter suddenly pass away. She had nothing wrong with her. It was horrible. She ended up missing four days of work. It all went in as Unscheduled Leave. And rules are rules. I don't make the policy. This person is second to the department head. She makes the rules. I have to follow them. So I had to give her one of these so called "Love Letters." 


I felt like a horrible human being after giving it to her. I mean, she just buried her daughter....it sucked. It really sucked. :(




dude that sounds awful :(

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I'm still here. 


I just went to box this motherboard and get it ready to send back to Newegg. 

People complain a lot that video games are expensive, but the reality is that the value of the dollar has gone down over time. 


I know people who will never pay $60 for a game, but they have no problems paying $30. 


I used this website to obtain the value of $60 (in 2014) in the year 1985, around the time that Super Mario Bros and The Legend of Zelda were around. That number turned out to be $27.30. 


I also found the launch price of the NES in 1984. It was $199 at the time. 


$199 in 1984 is $453 in 2014. So, really, the prices of consoles has gone nowhere. If an NES were released today, it would actually be more expensive than a PS4 though still less expensive than a PC. 

Would you buy a video game system for $200 and a game for that system for $30 today? Probably so. Would you do it in 1985? You'd probably be just as hard pressed to do it then as you are to spend $450 on a system and $60 today. 

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I just remember my brother offered to give me his PS2 fat model and I was going to bring it home and get a PlayStation 2 library going! 


The PS2 was awesome! :D There's a reason it's the best selling console of all time. 

This kinda makes me want to get some old school GTA 



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Hallo :maud:.


We originally had a "fat" PS2 back then, but, well, silly 5 year old me did something real stupid that shorted out the internal PSU, and subsequently fried the poor internal components of the device with it beyond warranty. :wacko:


Then a year later, we bought the slimline one. It has been sitting there gathering dust for a while, but I'm sure it still works. :yay:

Edited by Fillypino Pride
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Hai Filleh! 


I used to have a slim PS2, but I gave it to my 15 year old brother because it just gathered dust. At that time, of course, I was in college. But the PS2 has a pretty nice library of awesome games that I technically could emulate on my PC, but PS2 emulation on PC is tricky at best. As far as anything I'd play on my PS3 goes....well there wasn't a PS3 emulator for PC yet, but really all I ever played on my PS3 was multiplats. You know...I can play those on my PC as well lol


I also just want a collection of old consoles. ^_^ I've got a Nintendo 64, Game Cube, Wii, PS3, and now I can have a PS2. I really don't expect to get a PS1 in the near future or maybe even at all since both the PS4 is the only PlayStation that can't run those games. And the PS3 won't even need a memory card to save games, which may be why I keep it around. I do like indulging in some classic Resident Evil and Dino Crisis from time to time. Oh how Capcom has stumbled so far....


I think the console I'm looking at owning more than any, though, would have to be a SNES. I know the Wii can emulate the SNES perfectly, but being a purist, I like to play the original games on original hardware. It's why I haven't used an emulator in probably a year or so. Emulators are great and all, but there's nothing quite like playing a game on its native system. The only exception I can make here is my Wii. It uses Game Cube memory cards and controllers and plays Game Cube discs. In fact, the only thing different at all is the more powerful system. And my Game Cube is actually incapable of progressive scan (It's the Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness edition so it's not that the hardware isn't capable of doing it; it just lacks the output port for progressive scan entirely) so I'll stick with the Wii for playing Game Cube exclusives for now. 


I did learn something today, though. 


The PlayStation 2's design was so far forward thinking that it could actually display in 1080i through the use of component cables, and 4 games were designed to be playable in HD on the PlayStation 2. We're talking about a console released in 2001 being able to display at the same resolution as the consoles released in 2013. Not that the graphical capabilities would be better (texture quality, polygon count, draw distances, how many NPC's it could handle, etc...) because the PS2 is just far inferior to the PS4. The fact of the matter still stands though. What happened to that kind of mentality? I remember the PS2 being able to play at 60 FPS. And my brother thinks his PS4 is so great because it runs Far Cry 4 at 1080p 30 fps @ probably low to medium settings. I mean...let's face it...the GPU in a PS4 is probably marginally more powerful than my old Radeon 7770. 


But don't you know? 


480i 60 fps is the wave of the future!

720p 30 fps? :eww: Choppy framerates! :o


It's still pretty impressive. The PS2 was extremely powerful for the time in which it was released. Especially since it was competing with the Game Cube...okay I can't say that with a straight face....


500 MHz? Really?? C'mon Nintendo!


Surely the Wii was better, right? 


729 MHz...Oh wow...


Yeah, Nintendo really needs to step it up with Nintendo NX. I know they're about being different, but they really need to make hardware that's also going to appeal to the mainstream gamer, too. Not just Nintendo fanboys who will buy the hardware and software regardless of how it looks or performs. 


I'm pretty sure that the only thing that has truly kept Nintendo alive is its IP. Mario, Zelda, and Pokemon. People go to Nintendo solely for those three games. Of course, there were other awesome exclusives such as Pikmin, but Pikmin isn't keeping Nintendo alive. And if the Xbox didn't come around, I'm sure the PS2 would have sold 200 million units by the end of its lifespan. Hell, if the Xbox hadn't come around, you'd probably still see PS2's being sold right next to PS4's today. That console had a hell of a lifespan. It was the one that just would not stop selling...


Of course, Sony shot themselves in the foot with the bad PS3 release and every dev went to Microsoft.  :umad:

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Welp, I think I'll probably repair and keep my PS3 this time. Anyway, I have a fair amount of games in there than can be played on PC anyway, so I still have stuff to sell, and leave the PS3 for the exclusives like Gran Turismo 5 and 6, Uncharted and so on. :ph34r:

Edited by Fillypino Pride
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