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gaming The maturity of gamers

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I'll be honest that we game to have a good time. And with having a good time maturity easily flies out the window as you get lost in the fun of things. If it gets to the point of sending death threats or spamming middle school humor like it's in style...yeah that is being a bit too immature. Especially with death threats I think you should take a hard reevaluation of your current position and take a nice break from it.

There is a difference between expressing your joy enthusiastically and straight up immaturity though. It's a fine line but a lot of people who game with other people or game while other people watch will often do or say things they don't normally do because they have an audience to express their emotions to. This can come off as immature but is it so wrong to express yourself? :P

Edited by Discordian
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"To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up." - C.S. Lewis


There is a difference between being immature and being an idiotic asshat. Sending death threats to people, especially about *their* children, is beyond even idiotic asshattery. It buries the needle on the meter, and is a prosecutable offence in many countries, including America.

Edited by Fhaolan


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I USED to play online games such as Everquest, TOR, or WoW, but the maturity, or immaturity I should say, of most players on just about every online game I've plaid has sunk to a new low. Spoiled, 10 year old kids who think it is funny to talk about NSFW things, or just plain, idiotic, moronic, drugged up, alcoholic losers! the ONLY time I play "online" is via xboxlive and ONLY with people I know!


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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I think those so caled "gamers" just need to calm their tits. I've been playing videogames for as long as I can remember, and if I don't like a game I just don't play it. I don't go and threaten and yell at the developers, thats just stupid. I actually want to become a game designer myself, so if I ever get anything like that... well, I don't know if it'd involve loving and tolerating. Its hard for me to tolerate jerks like that... but i'd try I guess.

I'm in the same boat as you, and i honestly don't know why people take games and gaming devices so seriously. Yelling FUCK OFF YA CUNT GO DIE IN A FIRE ILL FUCKING KILL YOU isn't really going to make the game better, make you better at playing it or help society move on.


So you don't like the game-don't play it. So the new console coming out needs internet connection-if you can complain online about the fact, what's the problem? The idiots out there that don't have anything better to do but bitch and complain are the arseholes that don't have any life that are probably living in their parent's basement at the age of 43 and have no intentions of leaving.

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...yeah, couldn't keep a straight face. There's a fine line between being a good sport online in a game (e.g. actually contributing to your team) and constantly whining about how the game isn't working in your favor. I refuse to play Dota 2 and League of Legends, among other MOBAs, not only because I have no interest in the genre, but also because I've heard from my friends who do play both games that the communities for both are terrible.


Speaking of Dota, I wouldn't doubt it if there were death threats sent to Rob Pardo and Blizzard after Blizzard sued Valve over the Dota trademark, which of course was resolved by the two companies like mature, responsible adults. If only everyone could behave that way.

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Gamers are some of the worst people I have met or talked to, and that's coming from someone who loves video games. Everyone whines about every little thing. 


Oh, and nostalgiafreaks? I loathe them, I mean...I literally loathe them. Yes, I'm looking at your Pokemon fans who say Gen 1 is the only good gen. 



Gamers need to stop wearing nostalgia goggles.


As for Xbox One, I've been wanting one since day one, people constantly joked about it..."LOL, PS4 IS BETTER, AM I FUNNY YET, GUISE?!" Just annoying.


Oh, oh, oh and MASTER RACE IDIOTS. "PC MASTER RACE!", "XBOX MASTER RACE!", "PLAYSTATION MASTER RACE!". Jesus Christ, just shut the hell up, and get over the fact that some people prefer a different console. 


But, I have had a great experience with other Xbox 360 gamers while playing online on Gears of War 3. Everyone was super nice to each other, and we all saved each other without fighting or cursing each other out.

  • Brohoof 2


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Haha, good thing we're not as passionate with Hasbro as those "gamers" are with the developers behind the games they play.


Pissed brony:  "Wheres my fucking show-accurate Rainbow Dash plush!?!?!!!!!!"



 They need to grow up.

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These kind of people have existed, do exist, and will continue to exist, it's called immaturity plain and simple. These people exist virtually everywhere, this is not restricted to gamers, looking at you my fellow bronies who sent death threats to the people in charge of the show, although I doubt you're reading this so this is probably pointless :P


As long as a video game is fun, I will play it, what console it comes from really does not matter. 




But, I have had a great experience with other Xbox 360 gamers while playing online on Gears of War 3. Everyone was super nice to each other, and we all saved each other without fighting or cursing each other out.


That game was so fun. /)

  • Brohoof 1
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As long as a video game is fun, I will play it, what console it comes from really does not matter. 



I agree with you on that. I could care less what console it's one or even which company it's made by. It's stupid to not play a game simply because it comes from a company you dislike.  

  • Brohoof 1


matching setups with my bff pathfinder

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I'm glad that nobody here thinks like this vocal minority. We want to play games for fun, not for flashy graphics, multiplayer or "epic" storylines (that ultimately just become "America, fuck yeah!" at the end... I'm looking at you Call of Duty) and are probably willing to give developers feedback on what needs to be improved without resorting to immature threats towards their well-being. I know I am.


I know I've been talking about myself a lot in this thread, but I think that we all can agree on one thing: gamers today suck. Doesn't matter what platform you're on, or what game you're playing, or who made the game, or even if it's single-player, multiplayer or MMO; you're going to find people constantly whining about game balance and sending developers immature, poorly-thought-out death threats to developers. Even well-respected developers like Bethesda have gotten their fair share of threats from the vocal, immature minority in the Elder Scrolls fandom over The Elder Scrolls Online.



Haha, good thing we're not as passionate with Hasbro as those "gamers" are with the developers behind the games they play.


Pissed brony:  "Wheres my fucking show-accurate Rainbow Dash plush!?!?!!!!!!"



 They need to grow up.

I am not sure exactly how big the brony and gaming communities are respectively, but if I had to make an educated guess, I'd say the gaming community is larger. It's been around for far longer (I'm going to say around the 1970s is when the gaming community started to form compared to 2010 for the brony community) and there are multiple fandoms contained within it (e.g. Elder Scrolls, Team Fortress 2, Call of Duty, Fallout, Halo, Borderlands, Half-Life, Mario, Zelda, Bioshock etc etc) instead of just one fandom. Therefore, the gaming minorities are more audible, even though they shouldn't be, because they have more channels to speak out from.

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  • 2 weeks later...

As always the vocal minority does a fine job of making the rest of the group look bad. Sending death threats over a game is just plain ridiculous; it's not that serious. If you don't like the game or maybe detest its very existence, feel free to voice your complaints and don't buy the game if you don't think its worth it or you don't want to support them. I mean, come on, be reasonable. Most gamers aren't like that though. It's just a relatively small fraction of the group that acts like that. 


There is a decent number of elitists in the community; another case of the vocal minority, I hope. Everyone's always going on about game X being utter crap compared to game Y, or maybe it's game Z is the casual cesspit while game W is the hardcores only hangout. Always going on and on about how much better they are then everyone else. It's so tiresome to hear. 

Edited by MuteMutt
  • Brohoof 1
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Although I've never personally had to deal with the players you are describing, I also never play online other than mmos. There are some bad people I've come across in mmos but it was never a long interaction and the person usually just left the party. However, I have seen a lot of articles discussing the problem and some of my friends often complain about these entitled jerks. I agree that such a thing should not exist and it would be great to get rid of the problem, but as long as there is no accountability on the internet, there will always be trashy people.


I've yet to see a death threat, but I've realized that gaming forums, no matter how long they've been around, are cesspools of vile people with foul mouths. You want to get on a forum to discuss a game or a legitimate problem and you have to wade through a whole sewage system to find anything useful. I've been playing Final Fantasy ARR and while it does have it's share of launch issues it does not justify the level of filth that some players have been spewing. The developer even broke down into tears over it at one point. It really needs to stop.


One last thing. Daring, I was wondering where you got your awesome avatar. I love Twilight in some glasses.

In space, no one can hear you squee!

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I would say that trying to say something about "the gamers" as a group is about the same as comment on "the people who read books" or "people who like the color blue" - it doesn't really work, because you can't band those people together like that. It's a very colorful group with people from all around the world, from 5-105 years old, from poor to rich, from geniuses to complete imbeciles... 


If anything you could call out fanbases for certain games, but even that is pushing it, as an example, you could look at CoD fanbase. As an outsider it's easy to assume it's a group of raging adolescent boys with under-average intelligence ... But is it really? I doubt that.


Idiots in gaming just tend to be a bit loud, because who plays a lot of games usually has access to internet and can yell there, where for example bookreader idiots may not be very skilled in that area so they might have a problem spreading their shouting everywhere.

But yeah, the gaming industry consumer base is still pretty young compared to many other industries, so that is a factor too. But it's getting better.

  • Brohoof 1


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Oh, oh, oh and MASTER RACE IDIOTS. "PC MASTER RACE!", "XBOX MASTER RACE!", "PLAYSTATION MASTER RACE!". Jesus Christ, just shut the hell up, and get over the fact that some people prefer a different console. 



These are possibly some of the worst people, after the death threat senders of course, in the gaming community. Seriously, using Hilter's ideology as their tag line is just a bit beyond messed up, even in jest. Of course maybe it only bothers me more then most because my great grandfather was a survivor of a Nazi death camp and all the horrific stories he told me of how life was like in it.

I do the YouTubes! Join me in derping at video games here: http://www.youtube.com/user/Carnasid

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These are possibly some of the worst people, after the death threat senders of course, in the gaming community. Seriously, using Hilter's ideology as their tag line is just a bit beyond messed up, even in jest. Of course maybe it only bothers me more then most because my great grandfather was a survivor of a Nazi death camp and all the horrific stories he told me of how life was like in it.


Does it really bother people that much? :x


I thought it was just a joke :x I mean even I have used it to take the Mick out of the people who believe it's true (as in pc gamers are better then all) and I didn't think in anyway it has anything related to nazi's that much.


How do you feel about people saying they are grammer Nazi's? I imagine they fall into the same category?


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I'd be willing to wager that a lot of the people making these death threats would never do so in real life. But, that's just the sense of "empowerment" the anonymity of the internet gives you. People can be grade-A dicks (guilty as charged when doing LFR in WoW sometimes) because they know for a fact that there won't be any repercussions for doing so. What they don't understand is that their actions or words, despite coming through this shroud of anonymity, still hold real weight, and still affect those that they took aim at very deeply, but that's another problem entirely.


What game developers need to do is simply ignore the raving idiots who are only raving "just because they can." I've certainly learned to ignore people trying to flame me on WoW or LoL because I know they're wrong, and even if they're not, they better not say so in such a douche-y way.


Other than that, I agree with the sentiments already expressed here: If you don't like a game, either provide constructive criticism or shut up and don't play it any more. It's really that simple. What's the point of getting so bent out of shape except to simply have the twisted satisfaction of spewing such vile sewage and getting away with it?


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Does it really bother people that much? :x


I thought it was just a joke :x I mean even I have used it to take the Mick out of the people who believe it's true (as in pc gamers are better then all) and I didn't think in anyway it has anything related to nazi's that much.


How do you feel about people saying they are grammer Nazi's? I imagine they fall into the same category?

I suspect it is probably just me, and like I said mostly to my heavy exposure to the terrible things my great grandfather lived through. The whole subject, therefore is not something I generally make light of or joke about.

I do the YouTubes! Join me in derping at video games here: http://www.youtube.com/user/Carnasid

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