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Do You Think Ponies Are More Intelligent Than Humans?


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I know were dealing w/ the properties of a kids show but lets try to look at the ponies physically from a scientific standpoint.  Ponies have already demonstrated  mathematical skill, the ability to learn, reasoning, self-awareness, self recognition, self sacrifice and an ability to use tools. What ever we are capable of mentally, so are they.  But can it all be taken a step further? Doesn't seem like ponies learn from experiences faster than humans? That they can process more information, both knowledge and sensory wise, at a faster rate than we humans could? It physically seems possible. The ratio of their heads to the rest of their bodies suggest a large brain cavity, definitely bigger then ours, so it's logical to imply that the have more grey matter than us. Sure there are examples of ponies not behaving in the brightest of fashions, but in general, would you say that ponies might surpass humans in terms of intellect?

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I wouldn't say that they're smarter than humans. If anything, I would say that they're a mite primitive compared to humans. This is probably due to having magic in order to accomplish tasks that in our world we would need advanced technology to do, therefore requiring a need for scientific pursuit. At the best I would say that humans and ponies are about the same, intelligence-wise, because lets face it, the shows pretty much portrays ponies having human-like brains.  :muffins:

Edited by Modphazon
  • Brohoof 1
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Nope. Ponies share all the strengths and weaknesses of humans.

Ponies are merely allegories for humans. Ponies ARE human.


Nuff said.

  • Brohoof 1
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I think they're behind on the times. As already brought up, they have magic to solve problems and power machines. So haven't had too much necessity for advancement, and as they say, necessity is the mother of invention. Magic has been a crutch holding them back.

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Around the same. We have some really smart Humans that would make even Celestia raise an eyebrow.


Also we got better technology than they do, however they may one day reach that level themselves one day. 

Edited by Rush

Check out my "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic" fan fiction on Fimfiction.net under the same username here: Rush.

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Of course ponies are not more intelligent than humans. I'm living proof of this fact. What's more is that Twilight Sparkle once ordered a Daffodil and Daisy Sandwich. For a Scholar, she sure doesn't know a lot about Poisonous Plants.

"Men do not differ much about what things they will call evils;  they differ enormously on what evils they will call excusable."

"The only place where success comes before work is in a dictionary."

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I wouldn't say they were smarter than humans, but I will say that they are VERY intelligent. I mean, all that magic, and Twilight's books, and Zecora's potions and stuff. It's pretty cool.



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ι'м вeιɴɢ adorable.........

αɴd ɴo poɴy cαɴ stop мe!

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I agree ponies are just as intelligent as humans, but I also believe their wisdom surpasses us in every degree. 


Humans do downright stupid things, like fight wars, protest noble causes and bog ourselves down with more laws than we can handle. Equestria is different because ponies are content to live simple lives pursuing their passion and nothing else. Ponies hardly ever get themselves into trouble they can't handle and they selflessly look out for each other when they're in need. Not to mention, I have yet to meet a pony with depression and anxiety like I have. If I was given the chance to be a pony, I would prefer it any day over a human. 


:( *sigh*

  • Brohoof 1



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The ponies in the show seem to have just as much brain power and intelligence as us general humans. I would say ponies as a whole, would have equal knowledge and intellect as us humans as a whole. It's really not easy to compare the two species in such a general manner. Cause, for one, these ponies in the show, especially the mane 6, are essentially and in a strange metaphorical manner, "brought to life" by the various voice actors that play and voice them, with their actions and personality practically written off script. So the majority of the ponies in the show are intended to act, behave, and be almost completely identical to a human. The only real differences being the species and their utilizations of magic and other mystic forces. :P


They are depicted as such so that it would be easy for us to relate to the main characters. So the more humanlike, the more relatable. And because the ponies are portrayed so humanlike, we can learn about the "magic of friendship" in the same way the mane 6 can! lol :P


In a more of a theoretical and head canonical point of view, it is impossible to tell when regarding the species as all whole. In the same way some humans are smarter than others, some ponies(like Twilight, being the best example) would be considered smarter than others as well.


Plus, intelligence is such a subjective aspect that is very hard to measure on such a macro scale. 


Though, it's possible that the ponies could be considered more "socially intelligent" than us humans. I'm not sure if that entirely makes sense, but we have seen in the show how wars seem to rarely ever exist in Equestria; heck simple arguments and most of typical sorts of drama that we humans always have to go through, also do not seem common nor mundane among the ponies.


The ponies in the show generally seem to cooperate with each other in their own society much better than us general humans can. 


But overall, I know for the most part, that ponies and humans share the same overall level of intelligence. 

Edited by Dsanders
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