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Ask Twilight Sparkle.

Twi Rubix

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And the roles fitted perfectly for each character, even though you may have been a bit annoyed to be Rarity's butler xD

Did Celestia arrange the whole play?


She planned where the plays were set and everything, but the stage crew wrote the scripts and made the background. I wasn't annoyed being Rarity's servant because, well... that was my role. But I think I really shined in the end!


Unless if he was in a love daze then he might call you that! Oh did you know that Rarity also has a crush on spike?


*Looks at Spike staring at a picture of Rarity*

...Nope, not one bit.


Twilight! Help! I've got my hooves stuck in the air con system... what do I do..?


How did you-? Never mind. Let me use my magic to pull you out.

*Come on... come on...* *Falls over, pulls Chilly out*

There ya go. How did you get into that anyway?


Chilly.... Chilly.... Chilly.... what are we going to do with you?


Im wondering the same thing...


Hi Twilight, It's me JTP. How are you today?


Same as usual, good day!
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She planned where the plays were set and everything, but the stage crew wrote the scripts and made the background. I wasn't annoyed being Rarity's servant because, well... that was my role. But I think I really shined in the end!


Yes you did, not only in the end ;)

Oh and that song was nice too.

Will you play something this hearth warmings eve too?

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Yea Rarity does have a crush on spike but she is just hiding it when she's around you and the others and it's only because of that heart shaped ruby that he gave her! Isn't it amazing?

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I'd... rather not say how I got into that... nope. Not telling. Nope. So um... *shiftily looks around* how... have... you been..?


Umm.... Good?


That's great to here. My day has been alright so far...


Btw have you seen Pinkie Pie, by chance?


I haven't seen her, but knowing her, she's probably in Sugarcube Corner.


Yes you did, not only in the end ;)

Oh and that song was nice too.

Will you play something this hearth warmings eve too?


Probably. I would love to participate again!


Yea Rarity does have a crush on spike but she is just hiding it when she's around you and the others and it's only because of that heart shaped ruby that he gave her! Isn't it amazing?


Yeah, that was very nice of Spike to give her the fire ruby. The things he does to impress Rarity....
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Thank you Twilight. You know, Pinkie is such a nice pony and she always brings a smile to my face. :)


That's how she pleases everypony!


Yea I know! He doesn't have to worry though his secret is safe with me!


Well I've been avoiding her though! She creeps me out! Anyone creeped out by her?


Why would Rarity creep you out?


Can I give you a hug?






So how are you Twilight?


I'm fine! Edited by Twi Rubix
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I mean Pinkie creeps me out!


Well, I don't see how she does that. Except there was this one time where she got all sad and angry because we were trying to throw a party.

(Referencing Party of One)

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Have you read "cupcakes"? I mean come on it's popular right now that every pony is terrified of the story!


Twilight what do you do if you know that you are being followed by some pony but you don't know who it is?

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Can I have a hug too please? And could I see you smile again, please?


Of course! (Seriously, everypony likes to get hugged by me?)




Have you read "cupcakes"? I mean come on it's popular right now that every pony is terrified of the story!


Twilight what do you do if you know that you are being followed by some pony but you don't know who it is?


Yes, and its terrible! Why would somepony make that!? It makes me all sad inside... Edited by Twi Rubix
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I don't know but I have been avoiding her for a couple days now because of that!


Don't worry. Pinkie is nothing like that. That story was probably by some weirdo... Go ahead and see her!
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