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Ask Twilight Sparkle.

Twi Rubix

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Trixie has crossed over to the human world. took human shape and is answering questions in "Ask Human Trixie."


1) how difficult is it to cross between worlds?

2) Can you turn a human into a pony?

3) What would you ask Human Trixie? I'll gladly post your question for you.

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I'm going to ask a book question because, let's face it, books are amazing things.

So, you have a lot of books, but what's one book you could read over and over again and never get tired of it? If there's more than one, that would also be an acceptable answer.


I use most of my books for studying, so I re-read alot of them, actually. Rainbow Dash is getting me into Daring Do again, though...

Trixie has crossed over to the human world. took human shape and is answering questions in "Ask Human Trixie."


1) how difficult is it to cross between worlds?

2) Can you turn a human into a pony?

3) What would you ask Human Trixie? I'll gladly post your question for you.


Err... This topic is for asking questions for me, Twilight. I would like it if you don't post that here.

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Let's put you in a situation, Twi.


You and Big Mac. Locked up in a magic proof / anything resistant room.


The slowly, Big Mac approaches you with eyes of longing. His breathing becomes heavier and heavier as he closes near you.


Big Mac has used some sort of potion that makes him immune to all kinds of magic.


What will you do?

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Let's put you in a situation, Twi.


You and Big Mac. Locked up in a magic proof / anything resistant room.


The slowly, Big Mac approaches you with eyes of longing. His breathing becomes heavier and heavier as he closes near you.


Big Mac has used some sort of potion that makes him immune to all kinds of magic.


What will you do?


I think we've got another Arylett here o.0 But don't you think that's abit much?


Now for my question, it's about Spike. He's a dragon, so he's most likely going to outlive everypony around him. Have you ever really thought about that/talk to him about it/heard him talk about it?


I guess in a shorter version, have you ever seen him or anypony else acknoledge this?

Edited by CyanVsTeal327
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I dunno.. I just love shipping them. :wub: :wub: :wub:


That's ok, I don't have anything against it, but...


Let's put you in a situation, Twi.


You and Big Mac. Locked up in a magic proof / anything resistant room.


The slowly, Big Mac approaches you with eyes of longing. His breathing becomes heavier and heavier as he closes near you.


Big Mac has used some sort of potion that makes him immune to all kinds of magic.


What will you do?


I just personnaly find that abit much.

  • Brohoof 1
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Hey Twilight, do you ever feel at times, that Celestia's task for you is kind of, ridiculous? The task of sending friendship reports to her every week seems very forced.

Edited by RippedOffMattress

Formally known as Misselaineous97.


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Hey Twilight, do you ever feel at times, that Celestia's task for you is kind of, ridiculous? The task of sending friendship reports to her every week seems very forced. What if your friendship runs exactly the same as the other week, what would you do then?


Um, have you seen the episode Lesson Zero?

Sorry about the temporary lack of signature, I have changed my name, so I need a new one.

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Let's put you in a situation, Twi.


You and Big Mac. Locked up in a magic proof / anything resistant room.


The slowly, Big Mac approaches you with eyes of longing. His breathing becomes heavier and heavier as he closes near you.


Big Mac has used some sort of potion that makes him immune to all kinds of magic.


What will you do?


Are you trying to.... set me up with Big Macintosh? Well, to answer your question, I would pretty much freak out, because thats a little creepy... No, really creepy!

it's about Spike. He's a dragon, so he's most likely going to outlive everypony around him. Have you ever really thought about that/talk to him about it/heard him talk about it?


I guess in a shorter version, have you ever seen him or anypony else acknoledge this?


I am aware that will happen someday... But Spike is only a baby Dragon, so I plan on telling him when he is mature enough... *Sniff* Umm, Lets move on...

Hey Twilight, what is the strongest spell that you know and what is it used for?


I performed some hard spells in my life, but I think that spell I accidentally used when I was trying to pass the exam was pretty powerful for a filly! Other than that, Rarity's wings was a difficult one, too. I couldn't even do it more than once.
  • Brohoof 1

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Have you ever considered the things somepony writes in a book (Non-Fiction mind you) is incorrect?


I try to find the best books for the subject I'm trying to learn. But when I get multiple books on the same subject, and one sounds different from the other, and I get all confused afterwards and try to find the answers.

Do you like writing yourself or just reading? :)


I like reading most of the time to study. But I do consider trying to write in the future, but may cut my time hanging out with my friends, so there are upsides and downsides.
  • Brohoof 1

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How far have you dove into the cess pool known as teh internetz?


Example- "Only my hoove is dipping"= This is the only website you've been on. (Low)


"Light isn't reaching me down here"= You know the ins and outs, the latest memes, the strange group that revolves around your world, ect. (High)

Edited by CyanVsTeal327
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Do you put any amount of focus into studying music? Not even the theory, but rather all the different genres, and artists, and soundscapes and all that? If so, do you have anything that has stood out thus far?

Even fools are thought wise if they keep silent, and discerning if they hold their tongues.

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How far have you dove into the cess pool known as teh internetz?


Example- "Only my hoove is dipping"= This is the only website you've been on. (Low)


"Light isn't reaching me down here"= You know the ins and outs, the latest memes, the strange group that revolves around your world, ect. (High)


The internet is a strange place, so I dont go on there often. Mostly for studying or, when I'm bored, watch some videos.

Do you put any amount of focus into studying music? Not even the theory, but rather all the different genres, and artists, and soundscapes and all that? If so, do you have anything that has stood out thus far?


I study up on music. I think I wanna learn to make some music someday. I already sung a few times, like Winter Warp Up or At the Gala.

*Knocks on Twilight's door*


Huh? Whos there? *Walks to door* ......Hello? Anypony knock on my door?
  • Brohoof 1

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*Steps out of shadows*

Worry not, Twilight Sparkle. Princess Luna has already rescued Fluttershy from her prison and she is now safe on the Moon as we speak. Contrary to what Celestian propaganda says, we are NOT out to split Equestrian society. We just want justice and a fairer rule.


No doubt you remember when you defeated Nightmare Moon, Luna was supposed to rule with her sister again? Well that never happened! Luna now lives on the Moon with pegasi guards reporting her every move in and out, and she is barred from entering Canterlot or holding any royal duties. Do you remember, while you were back in Canterlot, there was a section of the palace forbidden to everypony, even yourself? According to our intelligence, Celestia holds ponies, griffons and donkeys captive there, those who refuse to bend to her absolute rule.


We, the Lunar army, will march to Canterlot and demand that the Sun Empress releases her political prisoners, let Luna rule jointly with equal power in all decisions and end a pony supremacist society. If she refuses, we will have no choice but to cut her reign short and declare a NEW LUNAR REPUBLIC!


All we ask for is that you deactivate your protective spells in Ponyville and not hinder us in our cause. We sense great good in you, even though you are a disciple of Celestia. Surely you will not refuse us?

Posted Image

  • Brohoof 1


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Wh-where did you find THAT!? I-I-I was just bored one day... and.... SPIKE!!


what ELSE did you do when you were bored?!



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