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Your a Villain in Equestria, how would you Take over the World?


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Funny- how Pod's can only know how to make an Alicorn Catcher. Converted Alicorns, learn how to read minds of neutral Earth/ Unicorn & Pegasus. Remember they have the Mirror Realm.

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Ugly Goblin King: Well, it is the Anti-Evil Dwarf of a Mountian/ but wait. The Dwarven Mount was stolen by a dragon! Which means~ you have nothing, really. I know an old enamy would be interested where you are at- this moment. A pale giant, with a Mace for a left hand.

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first i would take the elements of harmony and throw them in a volcano, then i would go assassin and kill most unicorns and Pegasus, then i would raise an army of the undead and demons, i would kill celestia and leave Luna alive but helpless, then make her my queen, all the earth ponies and all the babies!!!! can live.

Edited by rwby rose
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“I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.” -Marilyn Monroe 

OC'S are on my really short about me page

efyl 4 seinorB-ageN

http://kevan.org/johari?name=vincent(i+am+become+death) what do you think of me


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I'd do it in a civilization-esque manner, starting by convincing everyone near me to be friends. Then I tech to education to get a tech lead, get crossbows, and rush two of my nearest neighbors. I tech to scientific theory and then plastics to get research labs/public schools, as well as infantry. By the time I reach the end of the tech-tree, I'm doing a full-blown invasion of the Equestria mainland complete with mobile SAMS, advanced mechanized infantry, giant death robots, railgun destroyers, stealth bombers, nuclear submarines, and orbital ballistic missiles...

Darn. My gamer side's been acting up again. vsTALhM.png

In case anypony's interested, here's the initial and winning save of my Equestrian world domination as Luna. Requires CiV G+K as well as all the pony mods to play.



Edited by Fergus Mo
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I would do it kind of the same way Discord did. Turn ponies against each other while I sit in the back and look like the savior saving them. Once I take over the throne of Equestria, I would hold a public execution for Celestia in front of my newly found subjects, blaming her for the cause of the mayhem and the destruction of their homes. I would put Luna under mind control and keep her as my second in command (and wife) If anypony tried to start a revolution, silent and not public execution or an "accident." I would repay those who stayed loyal to me with food and money, while those who broke laws and created chaos would be subject to the elements and my "good nature." Oh, and if anypony were to touch Luna, I would kill them where they stand O_O

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Read Machiavelli's The Prince.


Everything will then fall into order. ph34r.png


In serious, take all precautions to remove the Mane Six and the alicorns. Plus anyone else with god-powers or near-god powers.

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I would use magic to put oxygeb in alluminum then use that to make new fancy metal roads and piping systems

Then I would have magic trigger that I can activate from any distance and that activates if my heart stops

Suddenly the piping system full of water reaches 2000 Celsius along with the roads above it causing an explosion that sends super heated liquid aluminum oxide everywhere

I think that's plenty persuasive

How about you

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I'd befriend all of the other ponies in the kingdom, and poor naive Pinkie Pie is just the person to help me. Wit enough friends, I would have shown enough prowess in the "magic of friendship" to impress Princess Twilight. She would, of course, introduce me to Princess Celestia in time and I would befriend Celestia. I would grow closer and closer to Celestia and Luna, and eventually stage assassinations on the pair of them which make me come out looking like the hero. I'd pin the assassination attempts on the Changelings, as it was changelings that participated in the assassination. With mistrust breeding through Equestria, and even a few staged assassinations on the Mane6 themselves, war would eventually break out. I would personally advise the Princesses on our defenses, and lead them to trust my judgement. We'd win the war, but during its course, I - the great hero of the war who has won over Equestria's loyalty - had been leaching security and military powers from the Princess and have staged enough assassination attempts to keep the Elements of Harmony under my own personal lock and key, meaning I effectively control the security forces of Equestria. At this point, I continue to advise the Princesses and leach their executive powers. With the control of both Equestria's military and Princesses in my hand, I now effectively control Equestria and keep the princesses around as figure heads. Subtly makes the best coups.

Edited by CT-1138
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If I were to take over Equestria, I would have a Changeling pony change into a royal guard and have him kill an important dragon so that way the dragons will wage war against the ponies of Canterlot. Then when the war is about to end and many of the ponies and dragons have died, I would wipe out the last hope of peace and survival by assassinating Twilight Sparkle.

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I will first recruit Discord, if possible. I will offer him whatever he wants to get him to leave me alone while I complete my plan. If he's unreasonable, I'll turn the Mane 6 against him.


I will then recruit Apple Bloom, an average filly. If she deems any part of my plan to be stupid, flawed, or in any way risky, I will listen to her.


Following that, I will cordially and politely invite Cadance, Shining Armor, Zecora, the Mane 6, and everyone else important to a dinner party in Canterlot.


Then I will simply nuke Canterlot.


Not literally, but there are many equivalents of a nuclear bomb in the Poniverse. I'll drop everything I've got on Canterlot, and bang, bang, bang, yayz. With every alicorn, the captain of the royal guard, and everyone else in any way nice with a hint of power blown to bits, things will go neatly from there.


Following this, I will do my best to destroy the Elements of Harmony so that they cannot destroy me, if new bearers should happen to come along. I will also demolish the Crystal Heart, the Crystal Necklace, and any other highly powerful artifacts of good.


I will thoroughly study the Alicorn Amulet, and if I deem it safe, I will don it personally. If I can recruit Chrysalis, I will do so. Chances are, I will be able to, seeing as I've already conquered almost all of Equestria effectively.


I think my power's been secured from there. I'll also establish my base of operations in the clouds, so any aspiring rebel earth ponies or unicorns will be met with frustration.


Please point out anything and everything I've missed.

Edited by Dark Horn
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"The most horrible kind of ignorance is to have an opinion on an experience that you have never experienced."

"Get off your high horse and give her a hug."

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Ah, but things such as world domination can't be done in a day...it must be carefully planned.

The largest issue would be those meddling Princesses - they would need to be dealt with as quickly as possible. But how would one counter such powerful forces? Forces that are, for all intents and purposes, in a tier of their own?

It's simple: use their own energy against them.

How, you say? The sisters pour forth boundless energy at least once a day per princess: when they raise and lower the sun/moon. If one could tap into that supply of energy over time...then you'd have a solid chance.

Queen Chrysalis had an excellent spell. It extracted the love out of ponies and converted it to energy, so if one could recreate that spell on a grander scale - say, an invisible barrier field large enough to cover all of Canterlot Castle - then one could sit back and take just a sliver of power from each of the sisters each time they raised the sun and moon. Granted, they might feel strange (a tad bit weaker than normal every time they try it), but they'd recover by the next morning. Eventually, one could stockpile all of the power they needed to storm the castle.


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Well first thing is first being a villisn i would want to be charasmatic so i can get in a place of power and have followers willing to throw their lives down for me. Next kniwing about the elements of harmony i would need a way to stop them , my way would be to manipulate the CMC's and others since I dont think they could bring themselves to attack their own sisters. Once they are out of the way I would need some help taking down the Princesses and thats the hard part, i would need help probably a deal with the changlings so the army would grow and be able to overwhelm them and hope gor a take over by exhausting em out( not the best plan but should work if i have enough)

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I think you guys are missing something.


It's not about going to equistra and destroying it for deconstructions sake.

Pfff you can blow up a car and get that kind of satisfaction.

your trying to destroy what it stands for.  Now to anyone who said missles or robots congrats you lowered yourself to jack splicer level

and we all know how well he works out.


You also have to take into consideration the infectious nature of equistra,


you'll need to be patient


you'll need to bring people (ponies with you) to help bend equistra to your diabolic will before it infects you with it's wholesome goodness.


So can you be patient enough, and disciplined enough all the while equistra is chipping away at your black heart and soul?
I think that's how most of you would fail.
And you'd be proud to fail that way.


I on the other hand would be proud to be that vilian leading a hopeless charge that could never win simply because I would despise the alternative.

The acceptance, the love, the friend ship,


to quote discord "ELK!"

1. Kill Celestia, making it so the sun never rises again.

2. All the ponies think Luna was behind it, and revolt against her

3. watch the madness unfold.

This is the best one i read in here.

I think two would take some leg work,

not to mention getting access to Celestia,


I honestly don't think she's a combat juggernaut even still she's well protected.

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flight to the finish. i continue to improve,

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1) I would lie to Twilight to let me to see Princess Celestia

2) I would find a way to trick Princess Celestia to turn me into a Alicorn

3) I would turn Princess Celestia and Princess Luna into a Potato

4) I would control the world and get everypony to do what ever i want


And i would be singing this song if someone try's to stop me

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Thank you Cherribomb for the Signature!


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I think I'll do this through the eyes my character Mythos Gray:

1. He would go to Ponyville with the seeming intention of just wanting to get to know the Mane Six, to learn their story. (He would also perhaps try to pursue a couple of them such as Rarity or Twilight, as he is a charmer and flankcaser.)

2. Through such he would learn of the Elements of Harmony and through Twilight Sparkle have an interview setup with the royal sisters to learn their story.

3. He would see that Fluttershy is harmed, setting into motion a plan for Discord to 'let lose' and start bringing chaos.

4. With this diversion he would then take the Elements of Harmony, using his knowledge of magical lore and Equestia's past to use a ritual to a draw the power of the Elements of Harmony into him and then take Discord's power.

5. Thus with the power of the Elements Harmony and of Discord, he takes on the name of the Storyteller and makes Equestia into his own personal story.



On actually going to Equestria myself and taking over... well I am not personally interested or invested in doing such. That and taking over Equestria would be too meta. It would be easy since I know and understand the characters so well.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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March the legions of rome towards canterlot, kill all royalty/soldiers. All civilians " in canterolt" shall become slaves. Burn down the city till theres nothing but ash and poison the soil so that nothing can grow there (like romans did to carthage)


Build a new roman capital and turn it into a roman province (with me as governor)

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I would manipulate the dragons of Equestria to take over and take down Celestia and Luna.


Then afterwards we would easily rule over Equestria. I would be thier leader but they can do whatever that want after we take over.

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First off, you don't want to start at the prize.  The mane 6 and the alicorns are just too powerful to take on directly.  A good place to start would be the Griffon Empire.  They seem like very useful minions and the type to follow you.  Then you start working up a PR war -- why is it right for so much power as to be able to raise the sun to be vested in only one country?  Get the minotaurs on your side and then work quietly behind the scenes on the zebra.  Eventually you can isolate equestria and start working up your demands.  A non-pony who can control the celestia bodies is a must because otherwise you can never truly succeed.  

  • Brohoof 3

Silvadel, the Pegasus of Insight.

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Through guile, cynicism, and hatred.  Let it fester within the souls of every single pony and have them turn against each other.  After that is done, have them turn against Princess Twilight and slowly convert her friends against her.  Do the same with the crystal ponies and have them turn against Cadence, and try to convert Luna as well.  Have Luna rekindle her jealous into raw hatred for her sister and have the princess of the night become a queen. 


It's one thing to try and do it on your own, but why lift a single finger, or hoof in this case, and let others do it for you.  Sometimes, the biggest enemy to normalcy and good will are those who believe it exists.

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There are many ways, but this is my favorite way, through the eyes of an evil alternate universe version of my OC, Amber Faye.

First I go to Cloudsdale and get a job at Rainbow Dash's favorite resturaunt. I make friends with her, you know, talking while she waits for her food. Then I "lose"(quit and say I got fired) my job, and convince RD to let me move in with her. Being an Alicorn(don't ask, she's NOT a princess), I "accidentally" use a gender swap spell on myself, and make Rainbow fall in love with me. Then, I steal her element, and buy a house in Ponyville. Rinse and repeat, with slightly different curcumstances, staying a stallion all the time, never going back to a mare, untill I get to Twilight. I go to the library, looking for history book reccomendations, and while she is distracted, get her element. I then move to Canterlot, and join the royal guard, moving up the ranks untill I am Luna's personal guard. I use my stallion charm on her, and ask her to be my date to the Gala. I meet Celestia, then ask to see both of the princesses outside in the castle gardens after the Gala. I meet them there, and knock out Celestia with my dark magic, doing the same to Luna. I lock them in a chamber, where they can magiclay see everything that happens to their friends. I place special cones on their horns so they can't use magic, and clips on their wings so that flight is impossilble. I then bring Princess Twilight up to Canterlot, and put her in the same cell, at the other side. I then torture Spike and the Mane Six infront of eachother and Tia and Luna. I then Kidnap Cadance and Shining Armor, and use dark magic to bring Sombra back, and let him have the crystal Empire.

I'm evil, I know.

Edited by EspeonEX
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I would "Reverse" every element of Harmony to it's polar opposite... the destroy the Elements of Harmony... and "lock" Celestia and Luna


Then destroy Equestria... and on to the next world.

Edited by nioniosbbbb
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Blast  everypony with poison spells.


Also keep alive who would not dare harm me.

Like fluttershy.

I will kill the princesses with dark flare, use lumber to destroy twilight and also?

Bring my friends to oblitherate the ecosystem.

Also i would tame the everfree forest.

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OC's Richard Eakman Shardz Virvidian Shade


I love Epic battle fantasy 4. Thanks Lunia!< She awesome! biggrin.png


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