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private Equestria Divided - When Harmony is Lost


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House Moon and Star - Hoofington



Kinetic thought for a moment, but the only memories he had of his parents were the day he left and took all of the family assets, and the day he returned to find that they were financially dead. Even now, he was still unsure of what to feel. "I wouldn't know. I hated my parents, but they didn't deserve what I did to them. You see, I'm not really a good pony. Sure, I'm enthusiastic most days, almost happy, but I'm also sociopathic and unhinged. Today is a rare day of sanity, though I can usually ignore it and focus on science."


A group of fillies ran by the window, laughing as they played. With a sudden movement spurred by fear, Kinetic leapt backwards and collided with a wall. Fortunately, nothing came loose, but Kinetic now had a headache and some slight back pain to go with his erratic and irrational mood today. 'This is ridiculous. Spooked by fillies. Damn the Cult... I've got enough troubles without adding them to the list as well...'


"Are you ready to go, Madame? This city is making me very uncomfortable." He asked, though his voice carried fearful tones.

Edited by Windbreaker

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Fillydelphia Central Chamber


His role as a good host  dealt with for the time being, Lautrec made all haste to ensure that his minions and his current project were ready and  willing to travel at such short notice. For the most part it had already been dealt with before he had gone to offer Lady Derpy her tea but one could never be too careful when two prophets (One of them being the High Prophet no less!) were going to be playing witness to the fruit of his love and labors. While he knew in his heart that the only mare he truly needed to impress and make happy was his beloved wife, he was at least grounded enough to accept that making a good impression on her family and friends would only be a good thing in the short and long term.


It only took five minutes of shouting and double checking before he happily returned to the Central Chamber with a happy smile on his face. "Thunder Crab is green lighted for travel!"






House Whitegold - Manehatten - Artisan District - Performance Hall


Myopia internally winced a little at the way that Sweetie Belle was taking the news that one of her actors was currently positioned on his back because she wasn't in a condition to walk on her own from what little of her attempts at walking had shown him. He didn't want to cause her more stress then she no doubt was already feeling, but the dice had been rolled and sometimes you just had to suck it up and deal with what you're given. Slowly moving forward, he carefully placed a hoof on her shoulder in a supportive manner. "Hey, this isn't that bad. All we need to do is put her in a medical bay or whatever this place has for these kinds of incidents, have a medical professional look her over to see if she is just dazed or if this is a concussion and then deal with things from there. Worst comes to worst, you call in her understudy. It sucks that this happened at all but at least it happened at a time when you have some flexibility in how you respond to it."

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Journal entry no. 556

Well, there's good news and bad news. The good news is not only am I not dead, but I've also been accepted as a member of the House. The bad news is I've been feeling pretty off ever since I left. I swear there's someone trying to, I don't know, talk to me. Like, whenever I set up a fire to scare off whatever's been trying to track me, it seems like someone's sitting across from me, trying to tell me something. Whatever. More later.


Standoff put away his journal and sighed. It didn't make sense. Why drug someone who's, all things considered, on your side? Maybe the Wilder's pet shamans had their own agenda? Either way, this was getting to be a problem. Standoff had caught himself looking over his shoulder more than once. If something did manifest, he'd have to pay even more attention to his surroundings to compensate-


And with that, Standoff got the worst headache he'd ever had, but that wasn't the important part.


The important part was the voice.


Hello? Bravo tvo-niner, come in, zis is Hailfire Actual. Zis sing on?



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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@@Grand_Finale,  @@MagicalStarRain,


Manehattan Southern Camp


((Imma gonna send another party along with some more advanced undead, and then we'll have a real party...))


Lemon Hearts started to answer, then glanced out from behind the concrete slab, growling when she saw the griffons ripping off the party cannon with their claws. "That was ours!" she hollered, blasting away at the griffons. The Grinning Worm performed a 180 flip and nabbed one of them off of the wagon, winking at Tarot as it retreated back into its box. Lemon sighed as the shots of a sniper forced her back underneath the slab, and she looked at her apprentice. "My ear? My ear isn't..." She reached up and felt it before she jerked it back in pain. "Yes, that would be nice."



The Euphories were able to blow their way past the few remaining members of the sky defense, dropping bombs, caltrops, bowwling balls, and various other party supplies all over the place. The Jester's bombs were scything down plenty, despite half the squad being destroyed by snipers. Three fourths of the revelers were dead, and the Laughing Dead now had ranks of both allies and enemies among it. The mercenaries were close to giving out, if nothing but sheer casualties.


And then, one of the surviving lookouts saw the regiment of troops arriving to their aid... perhaps they might die, yet they would see this force destroyed...


((Hey, if you could detail to me what this "army" contains...?))



@@Marathon@, @

Manehattan Central Chamber


As the packing was finished, Derpy grinned. "Come now. Let us go and deliver our surprise to the Council, yes?"



The party entered the main debrief point roughly six hours later. The room was unusually silent, yet another party was building up in the room.


"What is this?" asked Ditzy, grinning.


"Oh! Prophet Ditzy!" A blue and white necromancer bowed down low. "A party left a few hours ago to take a mercenary camp in the east. The fact that they haven't been back yet makes me think that reinforcements are a good idea. I'm even bringing one of our bigger wagons- and it has a Music Machine on it!" At this, a large DUN DUN DUUUUN was played on the organ by a grinning pony. "Do you want to join us, miss?"


Ditzy sat back, considering. "Well... I don't know. Do you all want to go to this party?"



((Haha, MagicalStarRain. I might just have four PCs to counter your three.))



@@, @@AnonBrony


The bartender looked at the cloaked pony oddly before taking the bits and pouring yet another glass of wine for the stranger. "The topic might depend on the cost, friend," he said coolly. One of the patrons started giggling uncontrollably at this statement, and a dark-cloaked pony escorted her outside, patting her on the back. He glanced at the other two and looked at the pony, waiting for an answer.


((My fingers, they hurt!))

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Golden Pines - Golden Pines Tavern


The stallion snatched the glass of wine again and proceeded to chug it down. "Ah hits the spot." The pony began to laugh, but not loudly. Then he began to speak in a whisper. ' I hear this town has connections to the Cult o' Laughter am I correct? You are probably a member yourself would I not be wrong? So surely you can tell me where the location of the corpse of Pinkamena Diana Pie is right? I would like to know where she is. For you see, me and a group of my friends were deciding to join the Cult together. They said by letter we would meet outside the hideout were she was located. But sadly I do not know where that is. I really wish to see them Mr. barkeeper pony, but I do not know where to begin. Many towns and many hideouts. So I was hoping you can point this soon to be ally of yours in the right direction. And I have bits too if you need to be persuaded. Plenty o' shiny bits. Where is the corpse of Pinkie Pie, anchor to this world for the great Laughing Mare, located?" Of course it was a lie. A convincing one however. And he was a good liar.  He needed to know the Corpse was but not because he wish to join the Cult with his 'friends' But for his own purposes. However he did seem like the kind of pony to join the Cult: A wandering creepy suspicious madpony.

Edited by AnonBrony
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House Earthborn  @@Windbreaker


“I’ll be holding you to that.” Long Stride chuckled, no real intension of upholding such a debt. In the world they lived a promise held no meaning, not if you could die any day. “You look like you’ve seen battle before then.” He finally spoke up. “How long have you been a Pony at Arms? It is uncommon for one of our position to have such charisma for killing, even if it is unicorns.”



House Stormwing  @


Master Guardian Thunderlane pulled Dash around, his suspicion immediately aroused. “Non possiamo fidarci della sporcizia da sud, you need our protection for this meeting.”


Dash shrugged him off. “Calmati. I doubt Applejack will try to kill me. If I die all Stormwing goes to war. Applejack, however, isn’t stupid enough to make that move. Your concern is appreciated but not necessary, just make sure that the rest of this rabble don’t leave this place.”


“Understood Commander.” He gave a quick salute before falling back in with the troops.


Rainbow Dash signalled for her guard to remain on watch, gesturing Applejack and her “assistant” or whatever to follow. She led them towards a small outcrop in the fields before Cloudsdale, a small clump of rocks where no other pony was around to hear whatever was spoken.


Rainbow Dash kept her sword with her, indeed, she would not go anywhere without it. When the senate deemed she could not bring it into the assembly she changed the law so she could. It was better to be safe than sorry, in this instance more than many. She did not trust Applejack, that much was clear.


“We’re alone now Applejack,” Rainbow the first to speak. “You can drop the façade now; what do you want from me?”



House Stormwing  @@


One of their accompanying guard entered the tent along with the group, presenting the new evidence discovered by Selune in a clear bag. “This mare here has found something believed to be of use to your research. Care to have a look?”


Instantly, the mare’s eye began to widen upon this discovery. “Yes yes yes, thank you! Alright, now we can get some proper results to work with. You may leave now sir.” The guard did as he was asked, handed over the bag and departing for his post. She took the bag and instantly began to place its contents on her work bench, shuffling over various chemicals and dishes to work with.


“I won’t be a second, just hold on.” She placed a fragment of the shell casing onto the laid out dish, a few drops of some kind of dark fluid dripped onto its surface. Immediately there was some clear separation in the compound, the darker fluid split from the oilier base.  After a few more tests similar to this she wrote down her results and prepared to present them.


“Alright, well thanks to your friend here I was able to come up with an analysis for the compounds found within the bomb itself. The results, however, are quite surprising.”  She flicked through her notes till she came to the right page. “This bomb was defiantly chemically based, not magical, part of the mixture a form of crude oil or fossil fuel. The fuel was heated rapidly before being added to some kind of soapy mixture. This soap caused it to thicken, making it easier to place in the bomb and giving it more of a kick.”


She flicked through to another page. “This bomb is actually commonly referred to as a Napalm Bomb, easily made with common household items to create an impressive fireball with an intense heat. It wasn’t surprising how many ponies died with the concentration of this mixture. The amount of heat this gave off could have easily given third or even forth degree burns.”


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House Moon and Star - Canterlot Castle

Star Rain tried to keep herself calm, but she wanted very much to know why Eternity was treating it like some kind of mission carried out by House Whitegold. Was there something she wasn't supposed to know? No, gotta relax. This is probably a tactic to drive me and Eternity apart or something...


"Ah, Foaledo? Um, well, there's like a high level of Cult activity there and there's always the chance that some of the more weak-minded House Moon and Star members can get sucked in by them," she said casually(and a little awkwardly), but edged with,"What does that have to do with anything?"


(OOC: The way I see Sweetie Belle in this, she tries to imitate Rarity but hasn't mastered the poker face part. Also, there's some canon that says that she's a Sapphire Siren in training. I've chosen to ignore it.)


House Whitegold - Artisan District - Performance Hall


Sweetie Belle calmed down instantly at Myopia's gesture. She backed off, coughed a little(a common gesture for ponies at her level), straightened her posture, and said,"Ah, yes, um... There is an emergancy center just two blocks sta- I mean, to the right. I can perhaps have one of my guards escort you if need be!? She began to raise a hoof to signal praetor pony to come.


(OOC: Just in case you're wondering, she was about to say "stage-right")


House Whitegold - Manehatten - The Wall - Eastern Military Facility


@Tricksters Pride,@@AnonBrony,@@Steel Accord,

Fancy-Pants hid his shock well, as well Diamond Tiara(though to be honest, it's probably because she was more focused on Dorado and his suave image). "Yes, a very fine contraption there. Do take care to keep it hidden until you absolutely need it." He then gestured to the lady to open a folder that had the Merchant District's insignia on it, which was one hoof giving a gem to another hoof. She went over, touched the locked, and took out five bar graphs and five line graphs.


The bar graph depicted the amount of metal the various major companies and businesses(all of which are either in the Artisan, Arcane, or Merchant's districts or in the northern or eastern military facilities) for this month. The bars were on almost the same level and very low. The Merchant district had the highest bar, while the Arcane and eastern military facility had the lowest. 


The line graph showed the same thing, this time depicting the metal quantities over time. Near the end of the lines, there was a steep slope in all of them(with the results being the same as the bar graphs.)


(OOC: I'm tired guys… I'm going to sleep and add some more in the morning.)

  • Brohoof 1

R66Gz.gifClick this dragon hatchling to help it grow, please!

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House Moon and Star - Hoofington

Kinetic thought for a moment, but the only memories he had of his parents were the day he left and took all of the family assets, and the day he returned to find that they were financially dead. Even now, he was still unsure of what to feel. "I wouldn't know. I hated my parents, but they didn't deserve what I did to them. You see, I'm not really a good pony. Sure, I'm enthusiastic most days, almost happy, but I'm also sociopathic and unhinged. Today is a rare day of sanity, though I can usually ignore it and focus on science."
A group of fillies ran by the window, laughing as they played. With a sudden movement spurred by fear, Kinetic leapt backwards and collided with a wall. Fortunately, nothing came loose, but Kinetic now had a headache and some slight back pain to go with his erratic and irrational mood today. 'This is ridiculous. Spooked by fillies. Damn the Cult... I've got enough troubles without adding them to the list as well...'
"Are you ready to go, Madame? This city is making me very uncomfortable." He asked, though his voice carried fearful tones.
House Moon and Star - Hoofington
Astrolabe smiled – a rare act coming from her today – and looked outside. Maybe that was what she needed; some communication once in a while. It was brief, however. After a few seconds, she returned to her monotonous and cynical personality. "I do not know where my parents are. During the conflict, they disappeared. Not a single trace of information. It was a tragedy; I missed the chance to say what I wanted to say to them," Astrolabe's eyes began to look tiresome. "But the world is so useless and broken anyway. Some ponies are just so idiotic I wonder if their is a point to their lives."
Astrolabe moved down the stairs. "Though there are some ponies I can barely tolerate, and a few of which I actually like. Which category you fit in: well, that depends on your point of view," she added while Kinetic jumped as he saw a group of fillies. "No need to worry, they're neighbors."
While Kinetic explained his discomfort, Astrolabe stopped and commented, "And I had expected some Inquisition members to be a bit more fearless." – she then turned around to the other stallion – "I'm done searching for my extra supplies. We may go now."
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House Earthborn


"I was 22 when I first joined. I don't know if I look it or even act like it, but I'm 37 now, and I've seen plenty of battle. Enough that I have a hard time looking in the mirror. But these days, it's all I'm good for. I used to be a bartender with a fiery temper, and now... I want a shot at Stormwing for what they did to Ponyville. My parents lived there, along with my sisters. They're dead now. Died in the flood. Since then, I've hated every single Pegasus that I see."


The one thing that stopped Poppy from giving in to the grim reality of her life in this world was her single-minded hatred for anything that isn't an Earth Pony. But every once in a while, she had to ask herself, was she any better? In this world where life is fleeting and innocence is a fantasy for foals, was she any less monstrous than those she hated?


"Do you believe that ponies like us can change?"



House Moon and Star - Hoofington



"Fearless? Madame, if you can withstand seeing a Cult insurrection without serious mental scars that leave you with vivid nightmares for the rest of your life, then you will have my undying respect. If you want details, I'm afraid you'll have to wait a bit, though."


In truth, Kinetic almost envied her. He envied the bonds other formed, connecting their lives in meaningful ways before the world tore them apart. Where he was alone, a broken pony even before the world was plunged into chaos.


'The only real truth left is that everypony will eventually die. Perhaps...when the bad elements die, will the world heal?'

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Cult of Laughter- Whitegold Mercenary Camp




Tarot smiled, pulling out the emergency first aid kit from under the cart. "I'm sorry I havent really been helping at all. This necromancy stuff is infuriating" She said, pulling out the antibacterial liquid and gently cleaning her ear before wrapping it up.


She peeked up over the side to see another mass of Whitegold ponies on the horizon. She gulped and ducked her head down again. "Can we handle all those guys? It looks like with that army up there theyve got us outnumbered... by alot" She said nervously. She looked back to the body she had repeatedly tried to reanimate and got frustrated again. "I dont know how you do that stuff so well, its impossible" She grumbled, crossing her hooves.


Tarot looked around at how skilled all these other ponies were at what they did. She wasnt entirely sure why she was invited to tag along, she didnt have enough skills to reanimate a single corpse, let alone an army of them. Frustrated with herself, she sat hidden from the snipers, grumbling to herself about her uselesness

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@, @

Cult of Laughter- Phillydelphia Hideout

/me smiled at Wind as they followed Prophet Ditzy to the  staging area. There another party was setting up to go out. Lila stared at the large wagon that they were planning on bringing along. She looked at each of the little details on it, impressed with the design of it. After staring at it a while and enjoying the small moment of the tune she turned her attention back to Ditzy. "Join this party?" she inquired as she glanced over the group, watching each pony for a moment, then the wagon again. She really loved that wagon. Then again she didn't want to go if Wind decided she didn't like the group, though they seemed fine to her. Taking a step towards Wind so they were side by side Lila smiled at Ditzy. "I'll go, but only if Wind decides to go too. And besides, I think this would give me a chance to capture a few ponies, what do you think Wind?" Lila gave Wind a large smile, though her teeth were not pointy like the Wind's and the other pegasi.

(Again sorry for my AFK, been really lazy :\ )

"And with a sigh, she closed the old dusty book and set it gently back on its self. Wishing for a better day to come tomorrow. So that today can be forgotten and lost in the memories of that book..."

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/cadence-r2169 -Cadence (Little Hop)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lila-fireheart-r2356 -Lila Fireheart: The queen of FallenMoon
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flash-note-r5473 -Flash Note: Silent, sweet, and explosive....


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House Moon and Star - Canterlot Castle


Star spoke first before Eternity said his opinion on Foaledo. Then Twilight responded. "It has to do with plenty of things Star. Foaledo has plenty of ponies we can use. Unicorn and non-unicorn."


Eternity realized her reasoning behind wanting to take Foaledo. "You intend to get more slaves?" He said with worry in his voice. He was not liking this.


"Yes. Our slave production has been low and is falling. And the slaves are the ones that grow most of our food and gather many resources, including ore and gems. The introduction of the Long Technique has helped, but production is not growing significantly. If this continues... i fear it will be devastating. We may not have enough food for the winter. Our populace will be weak and our soldiers weaker. Moral will drop. Protests will arise. Revolt! And if Earthborn were to attack... we will be crushed like ants! ..." Twilight stopped speaking and began to relax and tried to calm herself. Twilight can still get paranoid, but t least she has learned to try and relax. All leaders need a calm head. 


"We cannot have that," She continued. "Also annexing the city would give us a proper port city. However it wouldn't be the same as annexing Hoofington. As you said Star there is a nice amount of Cult there, and trying the annex the city would spark rebellion. Would be difficult. Risk versus reward as they say." She continued to eat more food. "Eternity what do you think?"


"I'm... I..." Eternity did not want them to take Foaledo, but now he was sure what to say. What if what he said angered her? And they do need supplies... "What about projects... do we have enough production for funding them?"


"Oh! That's right." Twilight responded "I also intend the slaves to help build more forts too. Help the house. Maybe we can even use slaves as servants too. But I suppose you  are speaking in terms of your project Eternity. We may, but we will eventually need more. Hmmm I think I have made my decision. We shall annex Foaledo. But after somethings, like your Artificial Magic project. We maybe able to use that create more weapons or-"


Eternity stood up. "Weapons!?" He was slightly shocked. "I intended it to be of use for science. Advancement. Bring us closer to ascension. I-"


"You also said for the benefit of the House? Wouldn't us creating weapons be beneficiary?" Twilight remarked back. 


"I-I..." He sighed. "Yes.. of course. How silly of me. My apologies." Eternity sat back down, appearing downtrodden as he stared at the table. 



@, @@Windbreaker,


House Moon and Star - Hoofington


Crucible was delighted to see her finished. "Great! Now follow me, we are going back to the train and heading for Canterlot. You are to begin work right away I believe." He would lead them to the train station where they would wait for the next train to Canterlot. "I bet you are glad to go Kinetic. Now are there questions Miss Astrolabe? I don't know a lot about your assignment but I know it's top secret."



@@MagicalStarRain, @@Steel Accord,  @@Tricksters Pride,



House Whitegold - Manehatten - The Wall - Eastern Military Facility


Dorado began to get excited. "Oh I see where you are going with this General! Because we are basically out of metal and since we need it, you want us to got and get a large amount of it and bring it back yes? Just tell us where and how and we will fulfill the job! As long as we get paid that is."

  • Brohoof 2
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Steel studied the charts carefully. He was saddened to see prosperous Canterlot falling on hard times, he wanted to say that was the nature of the free market and that it would resolve itself in time, but the Swordpony had the sneaking suspicion that deliberate sabotage may have been more than a possibility. Either by one of Whitegold's enemies from without, or worse and probably more likely, the circle of brainless nobility; who measure action, consequence, life, and death all by the quality of the parchment they use.


Diamond Tiara, though her father was an noble entrepreneur who earned his fortune square, was the very emblem of decedent and detached nobility. 


Steel once again turned to Fancypants and said,


"I second Dorado's motion, how are we to acquire the metal our fair city so desperately needs? Dare I dream a casualty heavy raid upon House Star and Moon?" Steel imagined Fancypants would want to undermine the usurpers of their mutual home as much as he would, even if he didn't feel the more personally fueled ethical rage of racism that the House was built upon.

Edited by Steel Accord
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@@MagicalStarRain, @@AnonBrony@Steel Accord


House Whitegold - Manehatten - The Wall - Eastern Military Facility


Gear looks at the graphs and seems a little annoyed "Yes i am well aware that the Arcane and Military are getting the short end of the stick in this shortage." Though she looks at the graph again more closely "Though your reports are fudged a bit, we have less overall and there's a bit higher of a percentage in the Merchant district than is portrayed. Am i correct to assume that you are aware of this though or did you truly believe that we had this much?" After she hears Dorado and Accord's opinions she nods "Though i may agree with my companions enthusiasm i'm quite sure that a one time boost wont be enough until we open up a new vein in our own mines" Gear looks thoughtful for a few moments before finishing her statement "So if a one time boost is what you have in mind i assure you that me and my constructs can carry a few hundred tones of metal, even though ice is meant for combat i'm sure i could modify his bulk to carry allot over from a raid. Though i would suggest a more permanent solution if i where you, as we could not sustain our market without a new source and onetime surplus's are inefficient and unreliable." after which she looks at Fancy Pants reassuringly "Don't worry about Vickers he's harmless the most that he could do is stop a blow meant for me as he has no combat protocols." After saying that she smiles innocently and says "He's really loyal and protective but quite friendly so there is no need to hide him."

Edited by Tricksters Pride
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@@Snowy Storm

Outside the walls of Manehattan

The stallion smiles before saying softly, "hmm, yes, and that is the point. After what happened and it became a flood zone nopony has been there for a very long time." It would be this time that Regal may notice Anton is no longer in sight, having suprisingly disappeared with the pony noticing. Though this wouldn't have been the first time this happened and all in all there could be felt that both of these stallions were stallions in their own way. With such Mythos would wave him into the shadows and out of sight saying softly, "teleportation is somewhat restricted in Manehatten, it can arouse suspicion."


@@Spell Shock

Guardians of Harmony – Mountain Base near Old Ponyville

Golden Dawn considered the young unicorn's words, knowing there was truth to such words but also that he had seen examples where it was wrong so decided to reveal something to her as they made there way through the check points to get out of the base, "you realize that we actually have former members of the Houses that joined the Guardians... and former members of the Cult. One that actually helps trains Guardians in how to fight the more dangerous Cult members, shows how to fight the killers and murderers as he was once one of them... before he had been given a reason not to kill."

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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Outside the walls of Manehattan
Regal ran his hoof through his mane. He had spoken with his fake voice for so long that it would take him a while before his normal, refined, tone of it to return.
"I guess it would be safe for set up camp where no pony goes to anymore" He looked around for Anton to ask him a question. Only now did he notice that Anton had disappeared. Glancing around he turned to see Mythos waving him into the shadows. 
"I rarely use teleportation anyways, I have had to keep a low profile anyways" Regal looked towards the walls of Manehattan, This was his home, he returned to it only to leave once again. He smiled, He had only been inside once in all his time since he returned. He thought about so many things about what he could do. While he didn't know why he was smiling, he did know that at least in someway he could try to fight for his dreams.

"If I may ask" Regal said turning to Mythos "How do we plan on getting out?"
"With my magic we don't have to hide. I can change our colors and patterns so we can walk among the public I could also try to get some ponies I know to get us out the city, I do have a few favors I can collect on that can help us" He saw no point in not bring up that point, they had to know that much about him.
"Just give me the word" Regal said with a bow. 

Edited by Snowy Storm


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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Manehattan Central Chamber


The journey to Manehattan had been a rather uneventful affair (Well as uneventful as a traveling caravan filled with followers of the Cult of Laughter could be, minor incidents aside) and the promise of a party so soon after arrival did cause Lautrec to pause in thought. While it would be a foolish toymaker who took to the field of battle when it wasn't necessary, the chance to see his new war machine being put through the ringer and be tested out in the field was, at least in his eyes, necessary for future Crab Walkers everywhere.


"Unless you have a different target in mind, I would be happy to offer the Thunder Crab for this party Lady Derpy. It'll be good to test it out in the field." Lautrec offered while presenting the divine messenger of the Laughing Mare with a warm smile. He could hear some of the other cultists who had joined them on the trip also discussing if they were going to go or not, but frankly it didn't matter to the toymaker what they ended up doing one way or the  other.




(OOC:Just a suggestion, but just because Sweetie isn't training to be a Sapphire Siren doesn't mean that she couldn't have gotten a few singing lessons from one.)


  @@MagicalStarRain, @,


House Whitegold - Artisan District - Performance Hall

With some directions and the possibility of a guard pony helping to escort him there,  Myopia considered the option of turning the escort down but in the end decided to take him along if only to help ease Sweetie's mind. Speaking of...


Letting his horn glow as if lifted his hat up and bowed his head slightly, he smiled a little as he introduced himself as " My name is Myopia Oncler by the way. Just so you know who you're trusting one of your troupe with. I'll stay with your girl for as long as I can, but keep in mind that I do run a business and I will need to head back and make sure things are running smoothly at some point. I'm sure your guard would be more then willing to keep you informed of the situation if things drag on long enough that I have to leave. I'll see you tonight at any right and I'm sure this little hiccup will have been smoothed over by then." Myopia said with an encourging and supportive smile as he turned to the guard pony that was going to be escorting him for the time being " Lead the way good sir." 

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((The Euphories have normal teeth. Wind's just a crazy poop who's filed hers down to points, Marathon my sweet pickle))


Wind nodded happily, smiling and shifting her weight from side to side. "YEAHYEAHYEAHYEAHYEAHYEAHYEAH." She yelled, her wings fluttering.
Her squad took flight but Wind stayed on the ground next to Lila, wrapping her wing around the mare. "I cant wait to get something to eat. I know...delicious...so good...hot blood...rolling down our neck...you'll be so happy...yes...I know it'll be fun...you can...Yes...I KNOW!" She stopped speaking and stared at the ground for a minute before looking back up. "LETS GO!" She yelled, taking hold of Lila's hoof and pulling her towards the carriage. "I gotta show you this recipe. You take a pony...then eat em..." She burst out laughing. "HA...GET IT? THE PONY...IS ALREADY READY! AHAHAHAHAH!" She keeled over for a minute to catch her breath before standing up straight and flicking her pony tail out of her face, taking hold of Lila and flying into the air, placing her on the carriage and patiently hovering above it, muttering to herself yet again.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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Guardians of Harmony – Mountain Base near Old Ponyville

-“I will see about it when I have a chance to talk to said person, until then my opinion is not moving anywhere” – she replied – “We should make haste, the sooner we will be able to proceed with the postponing the inevitable, the sooner we will be able to stop doing that”


There was certain rushed feeling to those words; it would seem she wanted to get it over with before it would turn out bad.


Perhaps she wasn’t telling something, perhaps something else – but she would start walking much faster, time is of an essence and physical strength can be rejuvenated at the less important time. The main thing for her at the moment was to catch everything she needed on time. Nothing more, nothing less.


About her feelings towards the cult, she had something personal against them, though he was not sure what and how, since he was pretty sure she never had direct involvement with them. Even if she stated her views, it was still a bit too peculiar. And weird.

Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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@@Snowy Storm, @@Spell Shock

Near the Lake of Old Ponyville

Golden Dawn had noticed the oddness around the young mare, and wondered if perhaps there was something the unicorn was not telling him but let it go for now. He lead Spell Shock to the waters of Old Ponyville, the trip taking about an hour or so in time to get there, having offered her a ride on his back. He was honestly thankful she was a lightweight young mare, helped she was a unicorn,  though the fight was slow as he was also carrying wearing his armour, gear, and weapon, The stallion was strong but after they had gotten there he had suggested they take a rest, partly so he could take a breather and because they now needed to wait for thepony that would accompany them on there mission.


Finally there was a flash of light, and two stallions stood nearby about 10 feet away. One was a grey stallion with white mane and tail, well groomed and seemingly without the cares or worries that weigh down most ponies spell may have meet. Yet she may also get the odd feeling she recognized something about the unicorn, especially something about his eyes and smile. Reminding her of a pony she knew in House Moon and Star. The other pony was covered up so she wouldn't be able to tell quite was much about him, though she could see he had a dark purple face and reddish mane.


The grey unicorn focused his attention on the other as he asks, out of breath and a catch in his voice, "how was it, I hope the trip wasn't to hard on you as we did cover quite the distance." Turning to look around he spotted Golden and waves calling, "Ho there, I hope you weren't waiting long."


"No, not long," Golden replied simply, a look of annoy on his face for some reason.


The stallion would then notice Spell Shock and give a slight frown before smiling again as he gave the young mare a curious look as if he was not expecting her to be here. Finally he speaks and says, "so, finally on your first mission. I should have know you would have been a part of this mission, given your interests in magic"

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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@@Grand_Finale,  @@MagicalStarRain,

Manehattan Southern Mercenary Camp


Lemon smiled. "Well... as long as we get our second party, we should be fine." She winced as she wrapped up her ear. "Don't worry. Not only was it your first few times, and you actually got it to stand up, it's also harder for you. I've been doing this for about a decade now, so, I mean, it would be odd it I wasn't good at it." She looked at you, stroking Tarot's mane. "Besides... you're family to me. I'm not gonna give up on you." At this, she frowned, and her face fell. "I hope Blackbird's alright..."



As the rest of the ponies hit the party, suddenly it became almost doubtless of who would win. True, they certainly took casualties, but the warriors of Whitegold would take four or five laughing dead for every one that they lost. Soon enough, they reached the remaining Revelers. They were keeping off the wave  with their spears, but it would not last long...




On the road to- Southern Mercenary Camp


As everyone had loaded up, Prophet Ditzy gave the word to advance forward, and another, larger party formed from the staging point, this time being first visible roughly five miles from the camp. There were several bigger undead, like a few Smiling Dolls, restrained from eviserating the party members. As the caravan marched forward, the Thunder Crab was unveiled, crewed, and began shambling along next to the rest, Lautrec inside making sure it was fully functional for combat.



@@, @@AnonBrony


The bartender widened his eyes in shock. He leaned back, muttering something under his breath before shaking his head. "It's in Manehattan, I think," he whispered. "But I heard tales... tales that it could teleport. Fillydelphia, Trottingham, everywhere. I don't know if it's true. It is wherever the council is at that moment. And if it can teleport, you have quite a search ahead of you." He shook his head, looking at the ladies pointedly. "Are you his friends that he mentioned?"



((Suspicion abounds.))

Edited by Magos Amphrose
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@@Snowy Storm@@EquestrianScholar,

Near the Lake of Old Ponyville

Spell would look at the pony in question, with a look which didn’t showed much, but it was all too familiar for someone who would knew her, she was thinking and calculating, probably not something good too, she never was keen on ponies she couldn’t recall knowing her all too well. There was a temptation to do a usual routine and throw a hex at the said pony, but she would hold it for now.


Wouldn’t want to give a bad impression on the other person, though she honestly couldn’t care less for other ponies if they would be trying to talk with her in such a tone.

She would then look at the other pony in question, and then would just mind her own business for a moment, she had a lot of preparations to make and she couldn’t afford starting chit-chat all of a sudden with those two.


Not the best first impressions, she would admit – but time doesn’t wait for no one. She was at the moment polishing what appeared to be a block of ice she frozen with a cooling spell, for what reason is unknown, but she was polishing it as a gem.

Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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House Earthborn - Appleloosa




"There's a darn small amount of information Ah have available to me, Mrs Blueprint," said Braeburn, popping his fedora back onto his head "As soon as General Steel Shield was found dead in his chambers, the Supreme Commander dispatched me instantly to secure your assistance in this case. Ah ain't had any time to look at the crime scene beyond a cursory glance."


He stopped for a moment, looking thoughtfully up at the sky "Ah must say, though, there were a few things that bugged me about the scene. The amount of blood, for one, and the state of the body for another. Whoever did this, well... They really went for it, if you catch mah meanin'. I'm no stranger to killin' ponies, and I know that it certainly ain't necessary to go so far as our culprit."


He looked over at Blueprint and smiled slightly queasily "Y'all will see what I mean when we reach the crime scene, it's in the town centre in the General's home."


House Earthborn - Cloudsdale Outskirts




Applejack frowned at the flowery speech of one of the Commander's guard, and she instantly glanced over at Fly-to-Glory for clarification. The Fallen pegasus also had a frown on his face as he spoke, "The Guardian says that the Commander should not trust the filth from the south."


Despite a flare of rage inside her, Applejack found herself letting loose a guffaw at the pettiness of the Guardian's words. How high and mighty the pegasi must be to not even insult her to her very face, or to even use such empty insults. 


Remind me why Ah'm tryin' ta ally with these folks again? she thought, looking up to the sky and making her thoughts a silent prayer to the forces of fate that resided in the stars above. Because the other Houses are even worse, was the reply she found, though it was from herself, not the stars, Because, while some of the pegasi may be petty and blind, Rainbow might just understand that, together, we can reforge Equestria and destroy the deceivers.


She waited for Rainbow Dash to finish her talk with her guard and followed her along to... a circle of stones.


"Well, ain't this delightful," she said with a sardonic smile "You greet all your diplomats like this, Rainbow, or am Ah just priviledged?"

Edited by Archi the Sandworm

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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@@EquestrianScholar, @@Spell Shock,
Near the Lake of Old Ponyville.
Regal never saw Ponyville before it became a lake. Looking over the lake he wished to have seen it before the war. Even though the lake was truly a sight to enjoy, the story behind the lake was enough to remind him that not all beauty have a story to match it. He was focused on the view of the lake he almost missed hearing what Mythos said. 
"Yeah I'm good. just a little tired."
"I am Charming Regal, but please call me Regal
" He said with a slight bow. He noticed that one of his hooves still had the green color from his disguise. With a grow of his horn the green spot returned back to purple.-Man I must look like a sore thumb sticking out among them- he thought scratching the back of his main . he remained silent as not to trend on thin ice before knowing what to say. While looking at the other he noticed one of them hold a block of ice. An odd sight to him.  The way she also was polishing it made him think it was of some value to her. While a block of ice would be a strange thing to value, he decided not to ask. His own rapier was of value to him, but as a family heirloom.

Edited by Snowy Storm


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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What the... how did you... I thought-

No, no, shut up. It's hard enough to concentrate visout you talkink as vell. Just listen, as difficult as zat may be for you.


Shush! Anyvay, here's ze deal. I am no longer, in ze strictest sense of ze word, alive. You know ze sayink, "don't eat anysink bigger zen your head"? Vell, apparently zat also goes for energy fields. Zo, now I'm sort of on a few planes of reality at vonce, vhich is very good for vatchink television but not so much for actually goink around doink normal schtuff. Und zere's zis tentacley-faced sing livink down ze hall from me who keeps havink people over, und zey always play music too loud. Anyvay. You'd better get used to zis, because I'm here forever.

...Can I talk now?


I'd like to say I'm surprised. Really I would. But this seems like exactly the sort of thing you would do just to get on my nerves.



...Lovely veather ve're havink.

I'm not going to be able to do anything about this, am I?

Nope. Good sing ve're best friends.

That's debatable.

And with that, Standoff set off again for Tree-Tops, absentmindedly humming a funeral march.

(I make my own character interaction when I get too bored.)

Edited by Monsieur Buttmad



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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