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private Equestria Divided - When Harmony is Lost


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@@Snowy Storm

Golden nodded his head before spreading his wings to flap them a bit even moving off the ground to fly around Regal before saying,"The Guardians of Harmony is the only faction actually working to reunite Equestria, the only group that is fight for the rights of all ponies. It does not matter if your an earth pony, pegasus, or unicorn as no one pony has more right then another. We seek to find the royal sisters and restore them to their rightful place on the throne, and do not believe they are liars or deceivers."


Spell Shock seemed to have returned her ice crystal, not really paying attention since she already knew all this and had her own feelings as well.


One to Regal's second question the pegasus answers, "The refuge camps can be a place to rest, a relatively safe place unless we give ponies reason to be suspicious of us. It can be a place to gain more supplies and maybe even some extra help." Golden flew high to scout the area for a moment before coming back down and saying, "we should move."

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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On the road to- Southern Mercenary Camp


In a strange way, it just seemed right that on the maiden slaughter of the Thunder Crab Lautrec himself would be piloting his abomination of a death machine. Sure, other pilots would have been much better test pilots (Being expandable and all that) but there was only so much one could learn from watching others explode and die in a fiery blaze before you had to get in the drivers  seat yourself. 


He had been rather saddened by the fact that he could not be able to play music on this outing, since another band would be playing this gig and it would have just been completely rude to ruin his big break. In fact, the toymaker had taken the musician aside for a moment in order to make a song request for his beloved wife. 


As the caravan marched forward, the Thunder Crab marched near the front of it, in the middle of a large mass of happy party go'ers. Sure, Lautrec could have gunned it and charged the Crab forward at speed and the fact that he needed to take care of where his machine was stepping in order to avoid impaling an ally on a leg was rather annoying, but when the battle began he would have access to support. Besides, parties weren't fun unless you brought your mates along with you. 





House Whitegold - Manehatten - Artisan District - Performance Hall


If Myopia had doubts about his decisions thus far today, they were banished by  the sight of Sweetie Belle's face as some of the stress melted away. Shouldering his burden for the moment as he carried the orange mare as he walked beside the guard that had been assigned to be his escort for the moment, he was a little surprised not just by the fact that said armored mare had talked to him, but by her subject of choice as well.


Taking a moment to ensure that he hadn't thrown off his balance and thus endanger the mare on his back, he considered his response carefully as they continued to head to their destination. "Truthfully, I can't quite remember if this mare's name was ever brought up beyond the whole 'She's an orange pegesus who wears a beret' thing. But I promised Lady Sweetie Belle that I would find her and make sure she was alright and I take my promises seriously. I don't have a fillyfriend myself at this time, but I am open to considering the idea if I met the right mare." 


With a slightly playful smile on his face, he continued rather comfortably with "While I suspect that you overheard my name when I introduced myself to Lady Belle, for the sake of being polite my name is Myopia Oncler. Might I ask the name of the humble and loyal mare who safeguards Manehatten's brightest diamonds of Lady Rarity and Lady Sweetie Belle from harm?" Myopia had learned from the mistakes of others rather quickly in many regards, one of of the biggest ones was 'Treat anypony you meet with respect and honor, regardless of their social standing. Especally when you believed yourself to be alone.' Slights were not quickly forgotten after all and such ponies were the foundation of what made Manehatten the great city it was.   

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@@MagicalStarRain, @@Steel Accord,  @@Tricksters Pride,



House Whitegold - Manehatten - The Wall - Eastern Military Facility - Janitor's closet


Dorado glanced at Gear but then addressed back to Fancypants. "Si I agree with her. We should be granted a nice reward for the return of the spies as well no?" Dorado began to pace around while he adjusted his crossbow. " To make things clear we are to gather info on the mine itself. Metal deposits, amount there, how guarded and it is, shipments, movement. All that good stuff, as well try and bring back the spies, si?" He smirked "¡No hay Problema!" He was in a hurry to go but he wanted to ask a couple things first. "Pero, antes seguimos, may I ask how much we are getting payed, and how we will be payed for the safe return of the spies? And how are we traveling to Iron Spire? Train? May we get some compensation for some train tickets from say Fillydelphia to Iron Spire village?" He said sticking out his hoof for some money.





House Moon and Star - Canterlot Castle


"O-Oh yes. Yes of course. I should probably tell you about that." He looked down for a moment, then sighed. "You are probably also wondering why I am helping Twilight too huh? Well, I'll tell you. You are my new student after all, and my friend."


"For the longest time, I wanted to see if I can bring The Sisters back. Though I guess that goes for everyone. I did all the research I could as Twilight's student. Learned as much as I can. But, This House, of course they wanted the same thing, however they had their own methods of researching. I never fully agreed with it. Recently though, I realized in order for me to achieve anything, I need the help of this House. I must help them with ascension or searching for The Sisters or whatever. As long as it is to end this war while saving some bloodshed... For the end Justifies the means..." The last part there he whispered to himself, barely audible.


There was a pause. "Well, that's were this Artificial Magic thing comes in. I think I came with a way to create magic artificially, as in not naturally like it does within the body of a unicorn. Or really anypony for that matter. I intend to help develop a machine that can change light into magic. Light! Sunlight! Convert the energy of the sun into magical energy!" Eternity realized he was starting to speak a little loudly. "I'm not sure if it will work properly or if it will be efficient. But if it is... we can use that magic to further aid in advancement and research but more importantly, helping with ascension and find the Sisters. Then... ending this war."


"Now, I am going to get ready and meet with the development team. Do you wish to join me? Though, I guessing you haven't seen the top secret research facility yet huh? I suppose it's about time you get to see this House in all it's glory..."


(Star will see.. well I'm guess you know what she is probably going to see if she goes with him. All the 'experiments...' That is why I'm letting you choose if she is going to or not. But I do not know what she will do if she doesn't go. But the choice is yours.)



@@Windbreaker, @,


(I'll let Cartophile reply to that again You may continue to talk but if you guys are done conversing we can arrive at the train station and board the train)

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House Whitegold - Manehatten - The Wall - Eastern Military Facility


Diamond Tiara had just about crossed the line with Steel.


"MS. TIARA!" He cut her off. "I've had enough of your snide insinuations! You wave your hoof at me and dismiss as a common sell-sword, and while it may be true that I charge for my protective services, there is nothing 'common' about me! So, as alien it is to your worldview, don't think mere coin can buy my deference, nor my silence.


I know your type. You've never worked a day in your life, entrusted with positions you've not earned, and have cared nothing for the feelings of others nor the practical consequences of your actions because nopony had the heart or courage to tell you off!


Well, Merchant Princess," Steel said with contempt before spitting upon the ground. "I think we all know who really holds the authority in this outfit." Steel nodded toward Fancypants. "So why don't you be a good little filly, shut up, and let the grown ups talk about real world matters?" Steel finished in a mocking tone.


~ ~ ~


"General, whatever you decide to pay us, bonus for the rescued spies included, I'm sure we'll be fair and equal proportion to our efforts. If my fellows have nothing else to add, I suggest we leave the city post haste."


((OOC: Seriously, let's get this quest on the road! B) ))

Edited by Steel Accord
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Regal nodded. He had nothing more to say. While he wasn't going to be giving his life freely, at least now he could trust them. Only wishing they would reach the refugee camp soon. While it would be a place to rest he could help some of the more sick and injured. Golden Dawn, Regal would have to look towards him as a leader and guide. He smiled, Golden Dawn reminded him of a similar pony he met on his travels. Checking his bag to make sure everything was in place, before he responded.


"Lead the way, my liege" he said with a bow. Since he that he didn't have to act as an old man anymore he could already feel some of his noble teaching setting back in. -Remember your not a noble anymore, I'm just a pony with the teachings of one- He would have to make a note to retain some of his old man act from before.


He pulled out a scroll that was written in his own hoof. Looking over some runes and letter, he quickly wrote some on to his coat and covered up the writing with color to match his coat. He didn't have runes that did much,but in this case, the rune would allow him to ignore the tiredness his body was feeling. The drawback would be when Regal falls asleep his tiredness will catch up to him, making him sleep longer then he would normally.

Edited by Snowy Storm


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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@@The-Master@Dez Terra was surprised to say the least... he had heard of home-made explosive material but never something like a napalm bomb. "Hold on... Napalm bomb? You mean to tell me that someone would be able to make napalm bombs in their own home? I would expect that if the fire caused from these bombs would be so strong it would be a phosphorus bomb... but those need industrial production and knowledge of advanced chemistry."

Selune on the other hoof was more concerned about other things. "This bomb wouldn't be "quiet" to make probably and judging by the fact that one of them didn't exactly go off as intended i'd say the one who crafted it... wasn't too "crafty". Now i see from these papers that there was indeed someone who made fuss in the area... we should probably prioritize examination of that department." she said as she handed the documents to Terra. Examining them closely he confirmed what Selune said, but he also noticed another thing.

"Some of the citizens requested to leave... and as i might have heard in a pretty much "hasty" way... I am going to guess they were close to the suspected building... They probably have some clues as to the activity that caused this suspicious commotion. I could even go as far as to say they were blackmailed into silence... otherwise they would have said something. An interrogation of those people should be in order... "

"No matter what we should be as subtle about this as possible... the entries and exits of Cloudsdale should be double checked until this matter is resolved as i am sure our superiors have already said so..."

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((I've been gone for a long time - prepare for UBERMEGALONGWALLPOST))



Everfree Tribes - Ghastly Gorge Scout Camp


The camp was abuzz with activity. The Callers were crawling all over their timberwolves, rockodiles and woodspiders, and a few were initiating the rites they needed, with Rooter help, to create death blossoms. Everywhere there was gossiping. "Why does Fluttershy want gems?" Because doubtlessly there could be no other reason to raid a gem mine. 


Evergreen turned to the two she had travelled here with, smiled, and shook her mane. "You two up for some gem hunting?" She asked, as she turned to walk into the main Treewatch anyway, as the other leaders began to disappear back into it. She beckoned, as if inviting them to enter as well.

Upstairs, a purple-coated caller was consulting with his elders. "The crates are just east of camp," he was explaining to them. "We need to call it off. I managed to break the deal."

While the Caller and Rooter chiefs looked somewhat pleased, Cloud Chaser looked outraged. The wraith pounded a hoof on the discussion table, cracking the wood. "And how will Lady Fluttershy react once she finds out you've betrayed our tribe?" She asked menacingly. The young caller stood his ground. "We haven't betrayed anypony. We've just been acting in the interest of our own tribes. Besides, she wanted gems, and she can have them!" "What have you given up in return for the gems?" "Just a little bit of woodland-" Hindsight's sentence was interrupted by the shattering of his own skull. Cloud Chaser had struck him in anger, and he crumpled. "The Liege won't appreciate us giving away our forest!" the wraith raged at the other chieftains, who were cowering.




Freelance - Cascade Swirl - Pines Tavern


Cascade was looking uncomfortably between the Barkeeper and the strange pony who had sat beside her throughout this whole conversation. While she had no particular feelings towards the Cult of Laughter, she had heard plenty of horror stories from lonely travelers who had passed by the lake, and a decent number of memories. Her friends - no, to even think that Sunburst and Moonstruck might have been involved would be an insult to their memory.

"What?" Cascade asked. "No, no no. We're not with him," she said. Although she must admit, what he asked of was intriguing, if rather morbid. "Although we would like to hear whatever news you can give us. I don't hear much out in Lake Ponyville."  She then bit her tongue and amended herself immediately. "Out by Lake Ponyville, I mean." She blushed, and glanced sideways at Crystal.




House Stormwing-Caserma Bombing Site




The deep voice of North Arrow finally rang out. "So they were planted then?" He stowed his maps irritably back in his saddlebag, as if he'd wasted time looking at them. "I figured they would have been lobbed into the crowd from higher buildings surrounding, although somepony would have seen... Although whoever planted them would probably want to make sure they went off. Maybe they watched from a vantage point, where they wouldn't be in the radius." He sighed. "It doesn't matter. We can't arrest anypony for looking out a window at the time they went off."


He nodded at the two mares. "General North Arrow. Been here since the beginning. And I hate to say that we can't exactly isolate Cloudsdale," he said grumpily. "It's a flying city. The sky's kind of open. I don't know how it works on the ground, but there aren't exactly chokepoints we can guard to make sure nopony leaves. The most we could do is relocate it to an isolated part in the Northern Mountains, near the Griffin Kingdoms, but that puts us at risk of invasion from Moon and Star. It's just impractical."



Everfree Tribes - Tree Top Towers Community

@@Senor Citizen


The pony, muttering to himself, trotted into Tree Top Towers, although he probably didn't know it. This patch of woods looked the same as any other, at least at ground level. As the name of this particular Everfree Community suggested, it was on top of the trees. 

A red-maned druidess seemed to drop from the sky, right in front of Standoff. She had a vine wrapped around her waist, and smiled. "A little bird told me you were on your way," Roseluck said, smiling, as a bluejay flittered down to her shoulder and started to whistle. "Welcome to Tree Top Towers, Standoff."

Edited by Dez

Find the Heart of the Jungle!

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Standoff very nearly dislocated Roseluck's jaw before catching himself and dropping his hoof. "Sorry, ma'am. I wasn't expecting that. Suppose I should have been a little more on-guard near a place called Tree-Top Towers. And yeah, I'm the Lady's pet strategist and snitch." Standoff's eye was on the bird. It flapped around Roseluck's head like a moon. "Vat an interestink specimen. Hey! How did you - sorry. Some weird magic. Apparently my... friend... is still getting a handle on his abilities. I swear I'm not crazy." If something like that happens again, I swear I will dig you out of there with a shrimp fork. So-ree! I vas just sinking, und zen I talked, und zen you talked! I don't know how I did it, I svear!

Standoff hadn't blushed in a long, long time, but he blushed now. If he could have maybe just whacked Roseluck a glancing blow with a rock and start this whole exchange over, he likely would have. Unfortunately, that would probably be seen as a sabotage attempt, and he liked being alive more than not being seen as crazy...



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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Everfree Tribes - Ghastly Gorge Scout Camp


@Dez @~Crystal Fire~


"You can hunt the gems i prefer more lively prey... Though i suppose that i do have a way into the mines if you really want to get gems. I cant guarantee that it still stands but it sure as hell wouldn't be guarded. At least not heavily..."  Shadow states disinterestedly as he walks over to hold open the door again. (Hopefully for the right ponies this time...) After opening the door he glares inside to make sure that nopony comes out while the mares go in this time, then he stops glaring and listens. Most ponies wouldn't be able to hear the upstairs conversation perfectly but Shadow's hearing had no such trouble, so after he hears Cloud Chaser break Hindsight's head in he grins and says "Heh i like that loud mare already, bucking callers selling bits of our forest in place of a few bloody gems. Wonder if i can tear apart that idot with the skull fracture hehehe." 'Shakes his head and looks back at the mares.' "Well anyway mares first!" After stating which he glares (With his ripping teeth extended for extra effect.) at anypony who looks like they want to exit clearly saying "Wait your turn or die." with his body language. 



(Oh and happy Birthday to ~Crystal Fire~!)


Edited by Tricksters Pride
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House Stormwing @, @


“That’s just the thing you see,” The mare replied, turning back to face Terra and Selune. “Napalm is most likely what they intended to create, but there’s actually a variety of chemical traces on the bomb, anything from polish to cleaning agent. It’s strange, whoever did this obviously had no idea how to make a proper bomb.”


She rested her head in her hooves when they began to discuss security. “Hmm, last I heard the guards were cracking down on the city watch. No pony’s going to be leaving the city undetected, not after the recent step up in security.”


“We won’t be moving Cloudsdale anywhere soon,” Star Keeper spoke up. “Orders for the relocation of a Cloud City must come direct from either the Council or Rainbow Dash herself. Since no such order was given we stay put. In the mean time we need to review our findings and actually come to some sort of conclusion. I expect Dash to return soon and we best have some kind of result to give her.”


Star Keeper headed towards the exit, turning back one last time before departing. “When you have something to present come see me and Scootaloo by the guard post.”



House Earthborn @@Windbreaker


Looking at his reflection; that’s what it felt like. Long Stride could see himself in her and it terrified him. He tried to look away, distract himself maybe, but to no avail. He couldn’t just leave it there. “You know what this means though. If we’re caught you could be killed or worse; that’s more blood on my hooves I don’t need.”


Long Stride composed himself, taking his time to speak his next words. “Is this what you want? To leave everything behind and run off with a madpony?


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@@The-Master, @Dez

House Stormwing

Selune was the first to greet North Arrow nodding in acceptance. "Nice to meet you General... Selune Darkeye and my friend here is Terra Lionmane. Well... i wasn't suggesting such extreme measures either way... this would force our culprits into further hiding and we don't want that."

Terra noded in acknowledgement of a co-warrior of his "Either way trails have been left for us to follow and we shall do exactly that."

Terra blinked a bit at the sound of Rainbow Dash coming to inspect them and he was eagerly awaiting to hear what happenned with the Earthborn.

"Alright... here's what i have come up with so far. At first i thought that the bombs would be industrially made... But from the nature of these attacks it seems that the intent was either Terrorism or something more sinister. I will not speak of specific culprits here unless it is required of me."

"I concur... there are some very strong suspects but further investigation is required. I believe they are still within the city. Should we act fast enough we will be able to catch them by surprise. Although i would rule out the Earthborn i think... it doesn't make sense to me at all for them to come here with their diplomatic representatives after such an attack. It wouldn't be a very smart move from their part."


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@@Grand_Finale,  @@MagicalStarRain@@Marathon@@

Southern Mercenary Camp


And, with that, totally ignoring the rustling besides them, the party crashed into the flank of the Whitegold units, blasting away at them with party cannons, a repeating hoof cannon that had been stolen during the Trottingham campaign, and several dozen undead. One of the unicorns teleported the restrained Smiling Dolls amongst the enemies, hugging, squeezing, and eviserating any ponies that they caught.



As Tarot looked on, one of the necromancers- one with a blue and white mane- glared at her, grinning obnoxiously and leering at Lemon. Lemon scowled and shook her head before turning back to the battle at hand. "Who's Blackbird...? Oh, a friend. She's really close to me, and I really don't want her to get hurt... and, I must admit that I'm pretty high on the 'ponies to kill/harm' lists of some of my rivals..."


She shook her head and smiled. "Let's get this goin' then, yeah?" She cast a spell, reinvigorating the undead on the battlefield.



@@, @@AnonBrony


The bartender gave him another look before turning to the others. "Eh... Sorry, ladies. Give me a few moments..." He slid over by the glasses, muttering to himself about madponies and shaking his head, refilling a few glasses by the way and pocketing more bits in return, all while grumbling to himself.

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@@,  @,


Golden Pines - Golden Pines Tavern 


"Oh no. They are not with me." The stallion responded. "And I trust the information you gave me is reliable. Wouldn't want you lying to me to come bite you back in your plot now would we? But..." The stallion paused.  No I cannot draw attention to myself. She would be upset if I did so. I am just going to have to take his word for it. "Fine. I will go and travel to Manehatten. But before I leave, I have a gift. Here, take this." The stallion reached into his saddlebags and took out a rolled up paper. He unrolled it. It was a painting, a painting of the golden pine trees that surrounded the town. "Hang it up on your walls someone. It would look lovely in here." He drank the rest of his second glass of wine. "Oh but I'm not leaving yet. I should relax." He glanced over the the two mares beside him. "You two don't seem like Cultists. More like Nomads or travelers. Like me. Heheheheh. You said you wanted to know if there was any news right? Well I heard there was a bombing in Cloudsdale. Tons of ponies died too. They don't even know who caused it. Wish I knew the pony who did. Heheheeh."

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House Earthborn - Still Marching...



“Yeah. I’ve had enough of this life. What about you? Don’t you want to get outta here? Leave this endless marching behind?” Poppy asked. She’d closed her eyes to it a long time ago, but it felt like there were no honourable ponies left in the military. And if there were, were they willing to reclaim their honour? She wanted to believe they could, for them to give her a reason to stay. But she didn’t want to serve a House that lost sight of why it was formed.


Duty to Earthborn, honour to your family… What did Poppy have left now? Only emptiness and hatred, and now the shame of knowing how far she’d fallen and disillusionment in her House. Then a nagging frustration grew in the back of her mind. She felt like they had been marching for years. “When do we plan on running, because I don’t know how much more marching I can take… It's still the same day we left right? It hasn't been ten years since we left?” There was another reason for the change of subject. Judging by the look on Long Stride's face, all the talk of leaving Earthborn and the sharing of secrets was making him uncomfortable.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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@@Snowy Storm@@Spell Shock

First Refuge Camp, Near Lake

They grew close to the camp but Golden stopped the others before growing close enough to be sighted and he says softly, "We need to be careful while we are here, there has been reports of Cult activity in this area and we may even find members within this camp. Do not speak on our mission or give away anything that brings attention to ourselves."


The stallion was on edge, understandable because of his previous feelings on the worshipers of the Laughing Mare and he asks, "please make sure I don't become distracted, as if we meet for certainty any members of the Cult or their fell creations I...I will fight them."


The stallion checked his blade, glad to see it was not glowing but it may possibly give a brilliance as bright as Celestia's beautiful sun yet in situations such as this could give them away and he turns to Regal and asks, "so, I believe now is the time we change our appearance, just as a precaution. It matters not how you change my appearance Regal, or what change in cutiemark."

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@@Tricksters Pride,


House everfree - the place with the stuff


Violet remained quiet at Evergreens comment as she moved back over towards the door.
She gave Shadow a smile before slithering in, stopping on the other side and looking back. "It's not a contest. Its about succeeding in what we were asked to do." She said, waiting a moment for Evergreen and Shadow to follow her in.





Factionless - the golden place with the pines and stuff


Crystal kept her eyes off the colt and looked at Cascade. She raised an eyebrow at the mare's comment about the lake before she downed her drink (If she didn't already...dunno) And finally looked at the colt. "Any idea which of the houses did that? And..." She paused. "You find that...funny?" She asked, her voice absent of any expression.
Crystal felt more suspicious of this colt...she found the fact that he found the bombing humorous very...dark...she didn't like him and knew that her and Cascade should be rid of him as soon as possible.


((Okay yeah, bad post is bad. I've been super mega crazy busy and this will probably be my last post for a few days again...I'm sowwy.))

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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@@EquestrianScholar, @@Spell Shock
"As you wish" he said with one hoof bow. coming up with three illusions at once would be a small strain on Regal, but nothing he could deal with. Working with what he saw in his mind he thought out some usual coloring that would put them as normal.


Nodding his head, his horn began to glow.He turned Golden dawn into a stallion with a dark yellow coat with red coloring his face. His mane took on a sort of blue hue to it looked longer, but ragged. his cutie mark turned to a log with a saw on it. Regal changed himself to a blue pony with a yellow mane. His cutie mark was a seed. For Spell shook. He turned her nearly all white, with some brown spots covering her. Her mane became green. while being unusual colors to pick, if they were ever discovered at least they could take on there original colors to hide.


"Well out colors have changed and will remain this way until I can change them back" he pulled out his small book of runes. "I could add some final things to our disguise, but I think it will be unneeded, unless they know you by voice"

Edited by Snowy Storm


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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@@Snowy Storm,@@EquestrianScholar,

Spell would be mostly silent during this period of time, she was doing a quite important self-exercise which meant she was stockpiling magical power, trying to do it very subtly. There was only a slight mana wave going away from her, as she would do it – mostly due to the fact she shouldn’t be able to focus so much for so long, it was essential for the ritual a bit later through, so perhaps it was wise just not comment on it.

It was generally a bit weird why she kept holding silence, perhaps there was a reason. No one knew, not even she. Maybe it was just not a thing she wanted to do, to talk at the moment. Either way, she would just do her thing, while stuff was going on. The block of ice was still frozen cold and wasn’t even leaking, which was nice – it didn’t ruin her polishing work at least so far. It would be best if it would be used soon, though.

Another peculiar thing about her, she was walking in a style more suited for anyone but a unicorn, pretty much all the time. Speaking about head movement, as unicorns, due to a sharp stick on their had usually were quite careful with turning their head – which also often gave them away. 

Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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House Earthborn - Appleloosa - General Steel Shield's Lodgings




Braeburn watched Blueprint with amusement as she fired off a barrage of questions; she was really asking the wrong pony for this matter, as Braeburn had little experience with crime scenes and was really only present so the General Board could have someone to oversee and report on the issue.


"Now hold your horses, Mrs Blueprint," he said, smiling "Y'all want to talk to the head of the investigation, not me. As Ah've said, i don't know squat about this case other than a good stallion's been murdered."


He turned from her and called across the room to one of the many white-suited figures "Hey, Lighthooves! Get your flank over here!"


One of the figures turned, though even then nothing could be seen of his face behind the mask over his mouth and the thick-lensed goggles he wore. One of the lenses had two others attached of varying thickness, and there was a mechanism that allowed them to rotate into place at the push of a button.


Upon reaching the two ponies he saluted "Good afternoon, Commander Braeburn, sir," he said, his voice slightly muffled by the mask "The investigation is proving difficult so far, but we're keeping up the search." Only then did he seem to notice Blueprint, and he cocked his head slightly "And you must be P.I. Blueprint? You are more... female, than I imagined.But it is no matter. Anyhow, tell me what you need to know and I will answer to the best of my abilities."


House Earthborn - Cloudsdale Outskirts




(OOC: Please don't make a habit of stealing all of my characters, I happen to like them. :lol:)


Applejack raised an incredulous eyebrow at Rainbow. She had no doubt that her assertion was true, but her accusation was completely off the mark.


She waited for a moment before saying her piece "You think Ah'm stupid enough to ride all the way from Appleloosa and deliver myself to your front gate, after planting a bomb in your capital?" She laughed again, this time with a hint of disdain "Bah the stars, Rainbow, Ah'm not the fool you think I am. Ah swear on the honour of mah House that neither mahself or mah generals have given the order for terrorist attacks on Cloudsdale. Y'all have mah word on that, and if it'll help get what Ah want, Ah'm more than happy to aid you personally with your efforts to find the perpetrator."

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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@@AnonBrony,@@Tricksters Pride,@@Steel Accord,    


House Whitegold - Manehatten - The Wall - Eastern Military Facility - Janitor's Closet


Fancy Pants was stunned while Diamond Tiara mine as well be Twilight when she becomes a mythical creature called Rapidash when she gets angry. Diamond Tiara stepped forward to give the grey mercenary a sharp slap, but Fancypants stepped in between the two and used his horn to block her slap while using his hoof to keep Steel from doing anything rash. "Enough, both if you," he said steadily. He sounded calm and composed, but it was also the kind of tone a cold-hearted pony would use. "Tranquil Fury" as it was called in a large book of something called "tropes". It was his favorite tone to use in situations like this or similar.


"I do not want grudges to be held between the both of you. This was to be a simple explanation of your mission in a clandestine style, not a bar fight. Now please calm yourselves and apologize before the fire gets worse," he said slowly and sternly. He then stepped back to give every pony a moment to refocus.


@,  @,


(OOC: Before I reply to you, I must make sure of something. Did you respond to Sweetie Belle thinking she was the one who asked if Myopia and Star Belle are a couple or whatever? Because if you did, it was actually the escorting guard asking that.)




House Moon and Star - Canterlot Castle


(OOC: She'll go. I guarantee that it won't put that plan of our's into action(which we plan to trigger later on anyways).)


In all its glory? That can't be good… Star Rain hesitated for a moment before saying,"Alright…"


(OOC: I don't have much to say really. I just have to ask, will there be slaves in there? Because actually witnessing the brutality toward the slaves will be one of the things that makes her… well, you know. I know other things will be involved, but it would definitely make her really think about her faction's morality.)

R66Gz.gifClick this dragon hatchling to help it grow, please!

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@@MagicalStarRain@@AnonBrony@@Steel Accord


House Whitegold - Manehatten - The Wall - Eastern Military Facility 


(Do love the fancy text Star.)


Gear having decided that the topic no longer had much to do with her had pulled out her notebook and reshaped a portion of the metal that Vickers had brought in into a small table to wright on. She had immediate flipped into her current project and immersed herself in her work, (Which to anyone but Gear would look like a bunch of random drawings and diagrams.) She was still keeping tabs on what the others where saying but she wasn't too interested in fighting with the "Merchant Queen" and while she figured that it was pointless (And a bit tactless.) to get in on it she was mostly in line with Accord... Though she would probably been less direct with the pony who had a fairly sizable control of the metal deposit. (Gear tends to like her metal intake going upward thank you.) So aside from gesturing at Fancypants to alert her when they were back to the main problem (She happened to dislike excruciating pain which she would most likely receive if she got her horn forcibly removed.) her only reaction to the argument was to sarcastically mumble (Low enough that only Dorado could pick up on it.) "Mares, mares your both pretty."


(While i agree with you on Tiara's first impression you did come off a bit harshly Accord...)








 Everfree Tribes - Ghastly Gorge Scout Camp

Shadow just laughs agreeably at Violets statement about it being a contest before making a counterpoint "Yah that's true the actual objective comes first but really whats the point of simply succeeding, no no no i aim to do more than simply succeed... Besides whats the harm in a little competition if it doesn't impact our objectives negatively it only keeps things entertaining and drives us to improve."
(He's still holding open the door and glaring menacingly at anypony who tries to cut off Evergreen.)
Edited by Tricksters Pride
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House Whitegold - Manehatten - The Wall - Eastern Military Facility 


Steel's ears flattened to the sides of his head. He really didn't want to disappoint his hero, especially during a first meeting. So the sword pony put another hoof to his chest and bowed his head toward the brat.


"You have my apologies, Ms. Tiara." Steel did his best, but his voice held none of his typical sincerity. "Likewise to you, General, I shall stay my tongue unless given leave to use it." Just like that, honesty returned to his tone.


Steel took  a few steps back, ready to begin his mission and try to redeem himself to Fancypants.


@@AnonBrony, @@Tricksters Pride,



Steel took his place at his companions side, seeming more morose than before. When he walked in, he was clearly in Fancypants' favor, now for all he knew, the General was thinking of firing him on the spot and hiring somepony else! Steel would never again get the chance to meet him, his dreams would be crushed! He began to nibble on his hoof in anxiety as his thoughts ran away from him.


(He would snap back to reality when addressed however.)

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@@MagicalStarRain@@Tricksters Pride,  @@Steel Accord,



House Whitegold - Manehatten - The Wall - Eastern Military Facility 


If this was an anime, Dorado would of have large drop of water appear behind his head. He was somewhat embarrassed to even be working with these ponies. He hoped none of this jeopardized anything or would make them receive less pay.


"Ehhhh." Dorado was somewhat speechless. "My apologies for my... comrade. You are not going to deduct our pay because of this, right General?" Dorado looked around for a moment. Glancing at the ignoring Gear and the downtrodden Steel. Dorado felt like facehoofing himself. Ay diosas míoHe though to himself. He turned back to the General "Creo que... I think we should go now. May we have some money for train tickets por favor?"





House Moon and Star - Canterlot Castle


(Not really but there would be prisoners and 'heretics' and I'm not gonna go there right away. I'm gonna stall for a bit so Cartophile and Windbreaker can catch up somewhat. Also the Times New Roman font surprised me a bit.)


"OK then." Eternity responded. "I just need to go up to my room to gather my things. Then we'll head down. Follow me." (I don't think Star has ever been to his room or vice versa.) Eternity lead her upstairs and to his room. He opened the door and walked in. "Come on in, don't be shy." He laughed and bit and began to rummage through some things. His room was a mess. Books everywhere, bed unmade, diagrams and pictures or arcane stuff and research on the walls. One thing that might catch her eye was the staff in the corner of the room. His staff. Oak handle with a mithril orb at the top. He hasn't used it in any of their magic sessions yet. "Sorry for the mess, we'll be out of here soon." Eternity continued to look through bookselves and all over the room along with organizing his saddlebag. As he did this he began to wonder something. "Hey Star... I've been thinking. Do you agree with what this House does? You know what with the supremism, the thinking of ourselves as a higher race, the Inquisition, the experiments,  the trying to reach ascension, the slavery..." He said the last part very quietly.

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@@MagicalStarRain@@Steel Accord, @@AnonBrony,  


House Whitegold - Manehatten - The Wall - Eastern Military Facility 


(What did i do Anon...)


Gear uses a faint tug of her magic to stop Accord from chewing on his hoof while addressing him. "Accord relax Tiara provoked you, you rose to the bait, she didn't like what she had caused. in the end neither of you are at fault so you have no need to be nervous, besides i hardly think that Whitegold is going to drop you from the lists of mercenaries because of a little 'bad behavior' their more practical than that." she then flips to a blank page near the front of her notebook and switches her attention to Dorado and Fancypants "It would be highly unreasonable to deduct your pay for something that you had no hoof in, if anything it would be reasonable to expect your share to go up. Though might we delay our departure for a moment longer i believe that one of our problems has yet to be solved (Sparks her horn to draw attention to it.) and i would like to avoid the pain that comes with breaking off someponys horn."

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@@Tricksters Pride,


House Whitegold - Manehatten - The Wall - Eastern Military Facility 


Steel took a few moments to collect himself and think on Gear's words. He still had time to prove himself to Fancypants, and he himself hadn't got where he was by alienating clients before a job.


"You're right Ms. Gear, and don't worry, we'll get you a way to conceal your horn and anypony who would wish to remove it would loose his leg first!" Steel promised while lightly patting his scabbard with his wing.


He didn't want to see harm come to this mare who had showed him even this level of rudimentary kindness. It may have been a flaw, but even if it was, Steel didn't know or care that it was. The pegasus just found that he was endeared toward mares much more easily, wanting to protect them for even for just the smallest courtesies.


Steel wasn't sadistic in the sense that he enjoyed causing pain, but he particularly enjoyed it when he fought those who thought they were in the right. The looks of confusion and awe as a spirited and stalwart defender stood between them and those whom they saw as monsters not to be protected and mourned were some of the Swordpony's most precious memories. 

Edited by Steel Accord
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