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Ask Applejack!


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on it mam (pick up branches) how long has this farm been around?


Sheesh...a real long time. 'fore ah was born, fer sure. Ah've heard it was established with the founding of Ponyville, if ya now the date fer that.




Do you ever wonder what Applebloom's cutie mark could be?


Ah'm just as excited as she is. Though ah believe it's goin' ta be somethin' apple related, but ya never know.




Is it due to any fault of your own that Big Macintosh doesn't talk much?




Ah...don't think so. Ah'm always nice 'n friendly, but...then again, ah never really encouraged him ta talk much. That don't make me  a bad sister, does it?




So answer me this. Since you're an apple pony, why are you orange?


Apples ain't all red, ya know.







What's your opinion on oranges (the fruit) and The Oranges (your relatives)?


Sweet and hospitable, ah'd say. Ah'm sur ethey'd get along just fin with Rarity.


Err...the fruit. Ah dunno, it ain't that bad, ah guess.





Just to say, I like that hat of yours.


Thank ya kindly. Ain't much ta look at, but it means quite a bit ta me.

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Sheesh...a real long time. 'fore ah was born, fer sure. Ah've heard it was established with the founding of Ponyville, if ya now the date fer that.





Ah'm just as excited as she is. Though ah believe it's goin' ta be somethin' apple related, but ya never know.







Ah...don't think so. Ah'm always nice 'n friendly, but...then again, ah never really encouraged him ta talk much. That don't make me  a bad sister, does it?





Apples ain't all red, ya know.







Sweet and hospitable, ah'd say. Ah'm sur ethey'd get along just fin with Rarity.


Err...the fruit. Ah dunno, it ain't that bad, ah guess.





Thank ya kindly. Ain't much ta look at, but it means quite a bit ta me.


(pick up the remaining branches) so word on the country side granny smith discovered ponyville.

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I've been hearing about zap-apples, what do those taste like?


Ah can't describe it, but they sure are addictive.



Do you know Sandy Cheeks the squirrel? You and her would get along great.



Ain't that many squirrels on the farm, surprisingly enough.



Apple Jack Pinkie told me to ask you if you had any mops, we need to clean Pinkies Basement. Only me and her are allowed down there so sorry you cant help.



Oh, err...aight. Ah think there's one on the barn. Just bring it back clean.






(pick up the remaining branches) so word on the country side granny smith discovered ponyville.


That's ridiculous. How in the hay does a pony "discover" what don't even exist?





Just wanna say, Applepies are some of my favorites.


Mine too, hah!

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Ah can't describe it, but they sure are addictive.





Ain't that many squirrels on the farm, surprisingly enough.





Oh, err...aight. Ah think there's one on the barn. Just bring it back clean.





That's ridiculous. How in the hay does a pony "discover" what don't even exist?





Mine too, hah!


Like I heard she was the reason that ponyville was made

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Has Zecora been to your farm?


Couple of times. Mostly for the zap apples. She likes usin' em for potions. Err...ah think that's what they're for, anyhow.




What's your hat made of?


Do you brush your mane?


Whatever happened to the wood from the shed Rainbow Dash destroyed?


Where do you get your carts from?


Mine ain't fancy. Just a straw hat. Been worn out a lot, so ah have to replace some o' the holes.


Course ah brush my mane. Do ah look unhygienic ta you?


Nothin left o' the shed, though. She sure did a number on it. As as fer the carts...well, ah salvaged a couple of the scraps and made mahself a new one. Yep, we make our own. Ain't as hard as it sounds.




Like I heard she was the reason that ponyville was made


Hah, nonsense. Just a lil' exaggeration.

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Greyhawk:"Miss Applejack. Can I ask you if you could stop bucking those trees? because those ghosts that's been staying in those trees are getting annoyed by it.........(Buck.....why did I say that? I think I'm gonna get bucked....)"

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Rally Flag: "Excuse me miss, I'd just like to ask if you have any work on your farm. You see, I'm new here in Ponyville. Just moved here from Canterlot now that I'm no longer a member of the royal guard, and I'm trying to find some honest work." *holds out a hoof in greeting* "My name is Rally Flag, by the way."

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Couple of times. Mostly for the zap apples. She likes usin' em for potions. Err...ah think that's what they're for, anyhow.





Mine ain't fancy. Just a straw hat. Been worn out a lot, so ah have to replace some o' the holes.


Course ah brush my mane. Do ah look unhygienic ta you?


Nothin left o' the shed, though. She sure did a number on it. As as fer the carts...well, ah salvaged a couple of the scraps and made mahself a new one. Yep, we make our own. Ain't as hard as it sounds.





Hah, nonsense. Just a lil' exaggeration.


Yeah it must be that (finish up job) so since your the element of honesty do you ever lie.

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Greyhawk:"Miss Applejack. Can I ask you if you could stop bucking those trees? because those ghosts that's been staying in those trees are getting annoyed by it.........(Buck.....why did I say that? I think I'm gonna get bucked....)"


The what now? Tell 'em ghosties ta go haunt someplace else.

Rally Flag: "Excuse me miss, I'd just like to ask if you have any work on your farm. You see, I'm new here in Ponyville. Just moved here from Canterlot now that I'm no longer a member of the royal guard, and I'm trying to find some honest work." *holds out a hoof in greeting* "My name is Rally Flag, by the way."


Seem to get a lot of workers now, and even more travelers. Keep this up and this town'll turn into a city.


Well, what brings ya here?




Yeah it must be that (finish up job) so since your the element of honesty do you ever lie.


Ah have, actually, but never without good reason.

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Seem to get a lot of workers now, and even more travelers. Keep this up and this town'll turn into a city.


Well, what brings ya here?


Rally Flag: "Well, taking the brunt of a manticore attack in the line of duty left me thinking that it was time to retire from the royal guard and seek something a little safer. Time to settle down and maybe find that special somepony. Ponyville sounded like a nice place to live, especially since it's not filled with uptight ponies whom I would be liable to give a good kicking for a poor reason." *gives Applejack a friendly smile* "I was interested in working on the farm because it's good hard work, as opposed to sitting in a store all day. If you don't have any room I understand, but maybe you know someplace else that does?"

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The what now? Tell 'em ghosties ta go haunt someplace else.



Seem to get a lot of workers now, and even more travelers. Keep this up and this town'll turn into a city.


Well, what brings ya here?





Ah have, actually, but never without good reason.

I believe that you lie terribly is that right?

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Rally Flag: "Well, taking the brunt of a manticore attack in the line of duty left me thinking that it was time to retire from the royal guard and seek something a little safer. Time to settle down and maybe find that special somepony. Ponyville sounded like a nice place to live, especially since it's not filled with uptight ponies whom I would be liable to give a good kicking for a poor reason." *gives Applejack a friendly smile* "I was interested in working on the farm because it's good hard work, as opposed to sitting in a store all day. If you don't have any room I understand, but maybe you know someplace else that does?"


Huh. Well, thank ya fer servin' in the defense of Equestria, anyhow. Or, err, Canterlot. Wherever ya'll swear loyalty to. Ah suppose ah could make room fer ya, though it's goin' to get a mite crowded at the rate ponies come in lookin' for work. How do you feel 'bout harvesting apples?












Ok ill bring it back clean





applejack, do you like waffles smile.png


Well...yep, yep ah do.




I believe that you lie terribly is that right?


Not quite like that, ah just don't like it. It ain't natural to me. Which, ah guess, means that anypony with a lick o' perception could spot mah fib from forty miles away.




Hi Applejack my name is Ghostpony what do you think of my screen name? 


Ghostpony? Ain't that the name o' the new movie comin' out in the theater?

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Oh AJ I've got a pony you'll wanna know AJ this is Kira, Prince of Life and Death


Kira: Hello Applejack I've heard only good things about you I hope we can get to know each other 



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Huh. Well, thank ya fer servin' in the defense of Equestria, anyhow. Or, err, Canterlot. Wherever ya'll swear loyalty to. Ah suppose ah could make room fer ya, though it's goin' to get a mite crowded at the rate ponies come in lookin' for work. How do you feel 'bout harvesting apples?














Well...yep, yep ah do.





Not quite like that, ah just don't like it. It ain't natural to me. Which, ah guess, means that anypony with a lick o' perception could spot mah fib from forty miles away.





Ghostpony? Ain't that the name o' the new movie comin' out in the theater?


I Love a pony who doesn't lie. Can you show me around the barn

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