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open Last Christmas (Christmas Romance RP)

LunaKitty R5

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*upon kiss (http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2ENsPa6WX1E)


'Ladies and gentlemen. We have found it. A woman, fully willing to be aroun Mr. Critical. Pigs are learning how to fly, and I'm sure I just became a real boy.'

"Um, that would be great actually. I've never been skiing before. It would be great if you could teach me." I said with a small blushin my face.

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Flame saw Lunar with Crit and he frowned. "Maybe I should just give up" He said as he ran into a tree and broke one of his wings. "Damn it..." He opened his wing but closed it before it was fully out. "great...broke my wing" He tried to get up but sat down quickly after feeling a pain in his left hind leg and right foreleg.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"I've been skiing since I was little.." She got off when the ski lift stopped. She put on her googles and said "Step into your hoof hole thingies." She stepped into hers and said "It's like riding a skateboard. She swear your way by leaning! It's not hard! I'm going to go first.. Now you must pay attention! No stareing at my behind!" She joked. She shot down the hill. (Their on a different hill than you. You would be a little black figure. But we can find you)

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I watched as she placed herself in the skiis. I did the same. I shutter a bit, suddenly I feel bad for something. Wonder what that's about. Oh, well. Probably nothng.


Lunar:... "no staring at my flank."


I roll my eyes at the comment. "I won't."

'We make no promises.'

Lunar went down and i, attempted, to follow. Quickly realizing that I have greatly made error.

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She went along with ease. Until she say flame and screeched "FLAME!?!' She went through a tree and shook her head. She rubbed it in pain and couldn't see flame anymore because she was facing the other way. She squirmed and said "Flame! Can you not just sit their? Help me OUT!" She kicked her hind legs on panick and her tail got caught on a branch. She screamed in pain and covered her face cause tears were coming out.

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@, Kisu blushed and mumbled  a "Sorry..." before following Guardian to the desk. She turned to the stallion when it was announced that his reservation was found.
"Well, that's good that you got your room," Kisu said genuinely, attempting a smile that ended up looking just as nervous as she was. She turned back to the receptionist.
"Um, what about me?" she asked. The pony had summoned them both over, it was only natural that Kisu assume that there was some for of news for her as well. 

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He laid against the tree not able to move one bit. "I got down the biggest one and I end up hurting myself...badly" He said to himself. "Hopefully I'll be able to move soon...it's freezing out here" He looked around and sighed till he heard Lunar scream. "He stood up and winced in pain. "DON'T WORRY LUNAR I'M COMING" He forced his wings open and flapped them to gain air and went up into the tree and got her. He landed and dropped her before falling to the ground himself.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Racing down the mountain, I was going out of control really fast. Oddly something happened. Something fell from the sky. Finally I realized I was now supporting Lunar and her friend. Flame I think it was.

'Huh, I'll be damned. Ponies fallin from the sky.'

-id be impressed if I wasn't in total fear right now.-

Now I was speeding down hill with two passangers.

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She plummeted to the ground and splat right infront of Critic. Her eyes widened as he was going to run over her. Her wings has splinters in them and she rolled over. She rolled onto her hooves and started to ski again cause she never lost hers. She said "You missed me crashing into a tree!"

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Flame could barely move as he already strained himself to save Lunar only to put her in danger again. He saw he move out of the way and continued on her way. His wing was broken and he could barely move from all the pain. I need to get back to the lodge" He told himself


((He it the tree really hard))

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Weres Flame? I thought he flew away?" She looked around at the bottom of the hill and saw his struggling to move. She flew up and grabbed him flew him to the bottom of the hill with Critic!


(You guys should have a fight! :3 over meh! I will be at the front desk and than you guys start arguing! Adds some fun!)

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I was speedin towards lunar. Screamin even harder.

'Evasive manuver, code name - self sacrifice.'

I subconcioisly lift my left hind leg. Turning, and turn into a tree. Striking with full force.

'Gentlemen, I think we all agree, that that was totally worth it.'


Slowly, peeling myself off the tree I see, I tried to regain my balance.

'Captain, operations are at 82%. We have enough energy to reach the lodge.'

Groaning in pain I stood up.

-make it so.-


(Madame, I am a man of peace and would never do harm to another. Unless I am striken first, then I shall defend myself. Or if need be another.)

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"Thanks Lunar" Flame stood up and looked at Crit. "I'm just going to head inside ]...and probably rest since I broke my wing" He looked and saw Crit had just crashed. "You okay Crit" He asked as he tried to go up to him but fell to the ground in pain.


((I don't thnk it would be nice though))

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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I looked to flame, suprised someone was asking about my well being. "Yeah. I'm okay...-ish. Nothings broken anyway. Wish I could say the same about your wing."

I look to his wing a tad concerned.

'Im no doctor, but I don't think wings are supose to look like that.'

Flame fell to the ground wincing in pain.

'There a doctor in the house.'

-not now man.-

"Flame, you okay man?" Wtf, of course he's not okay.

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-sigh- fine it's just that I wanted some action. Not the back and forth plot. Ok whoever posts next gets to choose what we do next!)


Lunar nodded her head and grabbed her ski lose and flew off to the lodge and sat on the couch beside the fireplace warming herself. She was shivering.


(I thought it would create some drama. Plus you guys want lunar right?)

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"I'm cool...though I should be telling you that" He said as he stood up. "I just ran into a tree and broke my wing I'm fine but you...you deliberately ran into a tree..." He looked at him as he went into the lodge. "You don't know how to ski so you couldnt stop so your crshed into a tree so you wouldnt run over Lunar" He said



((Well I guess but how will we get angry at each other))

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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(You bring up that you saw me kissing him and than you guys start arguing. Cause Critic isn't one who starts a fight plus the reason I said is really good!)


Lunar dance watched the to stallions conversing. She was happy that they were getting along but she saw something in flames eyes that made her unsteady.

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"Well, averting lunar was fairly easy. Sure it led me face first into a tree. And besides. I've had worse impacts. You only want to fall out of canterlot castle tower once."

'That doctor was nice though.'

-yeah, she was. But my legs don't bend in that direction.-

I came back to reality, and saw lunar running over.

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(This goes against me but fine i'll do it) 


"So Crit...I saw you get kissed by Lunar...what was that about exactly" He asked Crit as he looked at him. "Whats that all about...you two a couple already or something" He added another question to the one he just aske Critical.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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(Um I didn't run over. Im watching from a distance. Lol ok?)


She watched with enjoyment. She smirked as he imitated him falling out if canterlot tower. She giggled and laid on her belly. She started to think about if she ever had to choose a special some pony...


She will relise when the argument gets heated and stop you guys.)

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(Sorry bout that.)

'Wow, kinda out of left field.'

"What, no. Were just friii... friieen... sorry I've never really used this word before. Were just frennz.

'Thats what we were. I thought it was going in a completely different direction.'

-shut up brain.-

"I don't even know what the kiss was about."

'It was pretty nice though.'

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(OMG I AM WATCHING THE PROMO FOR AUSTIN AND ALLY CHRISTMAS EPISODE AND THEY ALMOST KISS! And their not even gf and bf! And they just went for the kiss. They went " oh look mistletoe.." Lean in and than friends bother them! Arnhenejnirmfrijfirmvmrgkmifmdimirfmr!)


She looked at Critic and flame with content. Huh he watched them only herring small bits. She heard kiss and about. But shrugged it off.


Guys hello?)

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"Just friends...okay" He said as he paid the pony who he got the snowboard from. "To tell you the truth man I really like her...a lot" He whispered. "Problem is, that it is really hard to spend time with her when two other stallions are always with her at time" He said meaning Dust and Crit. 

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Flame: "...I really like her... a lot."


Upon hearing this my face made a face I never thought, sheer sadness. What is this pain. It feels. As if I'm being forced to watch a Michael mane film on loop. It feels atrocious. And for some reason, I feel as if its my own fault.

'... I, I'm at a complete loss for words.'

-oh celestia, what have I done. I almost took someone elses happiness. Again.-

My eye began twitching a bit.

-i can't do this again man, I promised myself never do this again.

"Oh, y-ya do. Well, I must say you have an excelent taste in mares."

'I can't watch this. He looks like he could just break down any minute.'

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@@Mint Drop,

((I will be leaving for the airport soon, so my responses will become alot slower))


Guardian looked over at Kisu, "Sorry about your room" he said, he was considering offering to share a room, but that would be awkward, still. "I have an extra room, you can stay for night if you want." It was getting to be quite dark.

Ambrosehttp://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ambrose-r4626 Lifes gears always go forward

Dusk Shadow:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dusk-shadow-r4871Trying to fly high yet other keep bringing me down.

Shifted:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/crimson-shadowshifted-r5255 You think you have problems?

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