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open A Darker Fate: Beyond these Walls Chapter Two.

The Elusive Cinder

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Midnight Scribbler






Scribbler gazed on with growing concern, Orion was beginning to show signs of detachment. He was losing his grip, something was wrong with him for certain. Scribbler turned to Mirror briefly with a worried look, and then moved up towards Orion. Getting up beside him, he tried to make eye contact, seeing there was something severely bothering Orion. "Orion.. Are you alright, my friend? We should get some rest, you're beginning to worry me. Let us take some time to recover our strength, we cannot take on the world with exhausted bodies, no matter what kind of magical power is coursing through them." He placed a hoof on Orion's shoulder "We will have plenty of time to take our justice to Noble, but I am certain he will even require sleep. He is not immortal, and neither are we. But we will be much more powerful if we have our full strength to bear against him. What do you say?"

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Aegis Dare


Aegis eyed the crystal shard suspiciously, still in a half-sleepy state despite his co-ordination. “As long as he’s friendly. Seriously, mate, if you’re willing to talk, we’d be grateful. Too many things have tried to kill us so far, and it’d be nice to try and reason with something for a change.” There was something funny about Aegis at the moment.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Amethyst Void.




"Well that's reassuring, coming from..." The Ethereal started to answer with what would undoubtably have been a remarkably funny and cutting remard, when the sheer stupidity of the other pony actually sunk in. She stared blankly ahead for a second - wondering how this race had even discovered fire, bumped ore regaining her senses and mustering an answer.






She said simply - apparently still deciding on just how sarcastically to respond.


"... We're immortal... you know, ageless? We don't 'mate', 'breed' or whatever other crude term your kind prefers. We survive." flitting right up into the face of the pony, she gave him a story glare that was a far cry from the perpetual smirk that danced on her lips. "Alliances are temporary at most. If you get a chance, you kill anything you can and absorb its aura - before it gets a chance to do that to you!"


@@Icy Void,



Once again jumping into a position to better address then collectively, she returned to her usual tone and smirk. A dark passage that sunk into the ground was soon approaching - they were heading right for it: the auras of what could only be more ponies radiated from inside.


"Trust is dangerous. Take my advice and look out for yourselves if you want to stay alive as long as me... Oh yeah, and we're here."

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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Amethyst Void.@@Geek0zoid,"Well that's reassuring, coming from..." The Ethereal started to answer with what would undoubtably have been a remarkably funny and cutting remard, when the sheer stupidity of the other pony actually sunk in. She stared blankly ahead for a second - wondering how this race had even discovered fire, bumped ore regaining her senses and mustering an answer.@,"No."

She said simply - apparently still deciding on just how sarcastically to respond."... We're immortal... you know, ageless? We don't 'mate', 'breed' or whatever other crude term your kind prefers. We survive." flitting right up into the face of the pony, she gave him a story glare that was a far cry from the perpetual smirk that danced on her lips. "Alliances are temporary at most. If you get a chance, you kill anything you can and absorb its aura - before it gets a chance to do that to you!"@@Icy Void,@,

Once again jumping into a position to better address then collectively, she returned to her usual tone and smirk. A dark passage that sunk into the ground was soon approaching - they were heading right for it: the auras of what could only be more ponies radiated from inside."Trust is dangerous. Take my advice and look out for yourselves if you want to stay alive as long as me... Oh yeah, and we're here. And your friend is talking to himself as well now..."

ronin blushed as she'd suddenly got close and just as quickly disappeared. "Your wrong. You CAN trust others. If you have friends they can watch your back and help you. A bond is stronger then any 'alliance'." He said, feeling a mix of disappointment and anger at her answer. "I really shouldn't care this much..." He thought, as he turned to where the passage was.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Amethyst Void.




"Well that's reassuring, coming from..." The Ethereal started to answer with what would undoubtably have been a remarkably funny and cutting remard, when the sheer stupidity of the other pony actually sunk in. She stared blankly ahead for a second - wondering how this race had even discovered fire, bumped ore regaining her senses and mustering an answer.






She said simply - apparently still deciding on just how sarcastically to respond.


"... We're immortal... you know, ageless? We don't 'mate', 'breed' or whatever other crude term your kind prefers. We survive." flitting right up into the face of the pony, she gave him a story glare that was a far cry from the perpetual smirk that danced on her lips. "Alliances are temporary at most. If you get a chance, you kill anything you can and absorb its aura - before it gets a chance to do that to you!"


@@Icy Void,



Once again jumping into a position to better address then collectively, she returned to her usual tone and smirk. A dark passage that sunk into the ground was soon approaching - they were heading right for it: the auras of what could only be more ponies radiated from inside.


"Trust is dangerous. Take my advice and look out for yourselves if you want to stay alive as long as me... Oh yeah, and we're here."

White Eclipse

"So, this pathway contains answers? Or, to be more accurate, beings who could help with our issue?" Eclipse said, continuing to take point for the whole group. Or, at least taking the lead for the ponies he'd actually CALL his group. "Well, let's go in. The longer we hesitate, the more these monstrosities continue to tare Equestria to pieces." Eclipse began making his way into the glowing pathway.


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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Orion Starsinger.


Orion slowly nodded - hardly even hearing the voice if the illusion. His mind knew the difference, even if his eyes didn't. He was tired... he did need to rest... what had happened to Willow? The real one? All he had was this illusion and...


With a burst of light - pure white and blinding in the dimly lit tunnel - the unicorn pushed against the ground - twisting as he bolted into the depths of the pass.


"I'll rest when you do, spirit!"


For one glorious moment, the faint outline of outstretched wings formed across his back before fading to nothingness - as did he, as his outline faded into the darkness.


"You won't stop my redemption!" Came the cry from deeper within the pass.




Amethyst Void.


"Oh really?" Amethyst mused - highly amused by their idealistic notions of 'bonds' and 'companionship'. "Your 'bonds' all lead to betrayal one way or another. We learned this a long time ago - I learned it - and only protection is to throw away such pointless ideals."


"Answers? I guess... It's where your oh so loyal companions went after abandoning you all anyway..."

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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Orion Starsinger.

Orion slowly nodded - hardly even hearing the voice if the illusion. His mind knew the difference, even if his eyes didn't. He was tired... he did need to rest... what had happened to Willow? The real one? All he had was this illusion and...

With a burst of light - pure white and blinding in the dimly lit tunnel - the unicorn pushed against the ground - twisting as he bolted into the depths of the pass. "I'll rest when you do, spirit!"

For one glorious moment, the faint outline of outstretched wings formed across his back before fading to nothingness - as did he, as his outline faded into the darkness."You won't stop my redemption!" Came the cry from deeper within the pass.

---------------Amethyst Void."Oh really?" Amethyst mused - highly amused by their idealistic notions of 'bonds' and 'companionship'. "Your 'bonds' all lead to betrayal one way or another. We learned this a long time ago - I learned it - and only protection is to throw away such pointless ideals.""Answers? I guess... It's where your oh so loyal companions went after abandoning you all anyway..."

ronin sighed "you... Really believe that don't you? You can't even try to trust anyone, and all because of paranoia. I don't know what sicko would betray his friends, but I'm not one of them. You can't be alone forever, sometimes you NEED help." He said stubbornly


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Crimson heard Amethyst's remark on how friendship is useless and how their friends abandoned them, causing him to give a patience weathered look at her. "Ok, I know I'm gonna regret even bothering to argue with you, but while it's true that it would be much easier to cast aside feelings and friendship, it's also taxing on the spirit...you must be very old, and from the sound of it, have never had a friend...I can only imagine how distant, lonely, and cold that has made you...insult me and discard my words as nonsense all you want, but deep down you must be lonely...I think there's more to you than witty remarks and cold shoulders, lady..." he said before suddenly giving her an annoyed look. "Oh, and we chose to leave the group, to try and fight off the Litany and give them time to escape...stupid? Yes. Suicide? Probably. Worth it? You bet." He said with a grin, taking an other swig of rum.

Edited by ragestar
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White Eclipse

"Escaped. We allowed them to escape" Eclipse said, continuing to walk. "If not for us, the Litany would've killed them. We fought off the Litany while they escaped. We don't know where they are now, but wherever they are, we can at least know that they aren't in any sort of danger. They've probably found a place to rest and they're awaiting our return."


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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Sunshine Rays


When Pavisa told her what was going on, Sunshine could tell that the older mare must be worried for the others who had stayed behind. And the thought actually made Sunshine glad, glad that her brother had finally allowed himself to make friends that he could trust to not turn around and try to assassinate them. "You look worried, it must be for the others that stayed behind, but it can't be all bad. My brother cast a spell on me a long time ago that allows us to sense when the other is in danger and if they're still alive, and I can tell you right now that my brother is perfectly fine right now, and if he is then the others must also be okay. We just need to hope that they catch up soon." Sunshine said in an attempt to cheer up the older mare. To her Pavisa seemed like the "very loyal to her friends" type, so having several of said friends go off to hold off some giant magical thing must be getting to her, and Sunshine couldn't stand to see a pony in such a mood where they had to force calmness and happiness for the sake of others.


Midnight Sky


For the majority of the walk, Midnight had opted to just stay out of the arguments while still paying attention to what was being said. But when the subject got around to trusting others, he couldn't help but give his own views on the subject. "You know, I think it's better to be cautious and just gather a small group of others who have proven you can trust around you. That way you aren't lonely but you don't need to worry about finding a lethal poison in your breakfast." Midnight said, referencing an actual occasion from when he and his sister fled from Neighland. As the cave entrance got closer, Midnight was beginning to detect Sunshine's aura thanks to the magic link he had created between the two of them, and was glad to sense that she was still fine. "Now let's hurry up and meet up with the others so that we can get back to why we came this far north in the first place. Every moment we spend out here is a moment that some magical creature or entity kills innocent ponies." Midnight said, eager to be back with the rest of the group.


Sig by DarkestStar, Avatar by Midnight Gaze

My OCs Midnight Sky, Sunshine Rays and Blizzard Blitz

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Midnight Scribbler







Scribbler yelped as Orion cast some form of magical flash before taking off down the passage. His eyes stung from the sudden flash, and all he could see was a blurred and distorted version of what had been clear to him moments before. "Why must ponies always be doing that suddenly? My eyes will be blind before the end of this adventure." He thought, as he rubbed his aching eyes. He could hear Orion yelling down the passage, he had truly lost his mind. Or perhaps there was some defense in these walls still. Perhaps Orion was the only one who could see it? It did not seem likely though. Orion had been acting strangely for some time now, and this seemed to be the point where he was beginning to snap. The Litany had destroyed his mind, and he'd only just been holding it together, like a threadbare flag in a raging storm. "Shit!" Scribbler said, suddenly, coming to his senses. He turned to Zintiik. "Follow him, Zintiik, I don't think he's all there anymore. We shouldn't lose him now.. I do not know what he will do if he does find that book, but he needs to have somepony with him in case something happens down there." He glanced back to Mirror. "Well, it looks like rest is going to have to wait once again." He paused, looking to Willow, a concern and empathy filling his heart. He had lost his parents.. and now it seemed she was losing her brother. The thought saddened him in a deeper way than he had anticipated.

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Frost overheard what Eclipse said and he trotted over next to him to ask his question. "Did you say you fought the Litany? I thought the Litany was just a really powerful book of corruption." He said in a soft tone so that hopefully the only one who could hear it was Eclipse.

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@@Icy Void,@@Geek0zoid,@@Commander Tangent,  


Chuckling quietly at Sunshine's optimism, Pavisa turns towards Blast.  "Don't worry big guy, I've got your back if you go down...  Like I said, there's some kind of light ahead.  No idea what it is, 'Fisher wants us to move on up though."  She turns to look at Icarus.  "...Think you can hold up alright, Doc?  We need to keep moving."  


Turning her head to glance at the entrance of the pass again, Pavisa stalls for just a moment...  She had thought she'd heard something, but it was probably the wind playing tricks on her.  Those idiots had better be okay.  She winces as another bout of stabbing pain goes through her head, but she shakes it off and tries to ignore it.  The pain in her head had seemingly negated her own stomach ache from earlier, but she honestly couldn't decide which was worse at this point.  With a sigh she turns to lead the others down the tunnel to try and catch up with the rest of their group.  "They're waitin' on us, let's get a move on..."





@@Midnight Scribbler,@, @


"Ow - Damn it that was bright!"  Blinking the tears out of his eyes, the changeling looks at Scribbler as the pony speaks, then turns to glance at Willow.  He answers Scribbler, but seems to direct the words at the mare rather than at him.  "Don't worry, I'll keep him out of trouble!  We'll be waiting for you at the end of wherever this thing leads!"  He looks at Scribbler again, a kind of glare in his eyes as though saying 'take care of her', before turning and launching himself down the tunnel after Orion.


The echo of his buzzing wings followed him through the narrow tunnels, along with a barrage of curses as he banged against the walls in the fairly dark tunnel.  The faint light in there wasn't nearly enough when you were trying for speed over finesse, the way Zintiik was now.  "Boss!  Orion!  C'mon-ow damn it that hurts- wait for me!"

  • Brohoof 1











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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@@Midnight Scribbler, @@SilverHeart, @


The bright flash of light refracted off one of the embed crystals. Denarius' eyes felt like they had been seared by the Sun's touch. "AH, curse the light", he hissed as his voice gained a guttural edge to it. His eyelids flickered as tiny dots of light floated in his peripheral vision just beyond his grasp, ever reminiscent of the bright flash. Orion's current emotions had probably been festering within himself for far too long, and now he appeared to be nothing more than a raving mad-pony to Denarius.


He got to his feet as he stumbled around, and eventually making his way over to the few remaining ponies that had decided not to run off into the unknown cavern. "Scribbler, your friend Orion seemed to be at odds with himself. Such obsession is usually hazardous to one's well-being. And now your little friend Zintiik has gone to chase after him, while were left to sit here for fun", he said with a groan. Suspiciously, he paused and looked around the cavern again before speaking, "Is it really safe to simply wait here? Is the ground going to give way again or is their any more unexpected surprises that I'm to look forward to. I'm slightly curious and anxious on what's to come next".

Edited by Nomadic
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Black Mist

@@Midnight Scribbler@@Windbreaker@


(OCC (I know he's still being a dick but... So far you've all been aggressive and antagonistic (His perspective, so don't rant on me...) so i cant stay in character without being a bit cruel. Sorry guys. :( ))


*'Sorcery, pfft cause you ponies can do something like this so effortlessly.'* The mist snorted in derision before responding with heavy sarcasm. "Yeah i don't think i'll be doing that just yet... Throw that blade away or make it harmless and we'll talk but i'm not about to give you ponies something to swing at again......... So just to be very blunt because subtlety hasn't been real effective before, Weapon bad, no more weapon good, good means that we can get back to reasonable and non-aggressive action. Like talking to the mist before trying to kill it, too many of you have tried to kill me too thanks. Ok?" *'Not to mention that you haven't seemed to be very reasonable beings yet... Your reason is insults and arguments.'*

Edited by Tricksters Pride
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@@SilverHeart,@@Midnight Scribbler,@@Nomadic,


"He's gone.." Willow's eyes welled up with tears as she stared blankly ahead. "He doesn't believe I'm real. That book.." Willow mumbled aloud. "The real Orion is in him somewhere. Somewhere in his deep, twisted mind, is the Orion who cares for me.."


The blast of light nearly blinded her, but she quickly recovered to her train of thought. "I'll destroy that book. I have to stop Orion from reading more of it, no matter what it takes. I'll bring Orion back."


Willow frowned, clutching onto the ground. Was there anypony to turn to? Willow wished that she could talk to Orion about it.. she would if he wasnt the one causing the problem. Now she was living the nightmare she never thought would come to pass - losing Orion.



She just needed to hold onto hope until she could stop it.


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Blasted Nova

Blast was able to get back up onto his hooves and walk decently through the cave with the others. He still thought that he shouldn't be walking at all, but it didn't seem like he was going to get an extensive break for awhile. He just had to pull it together until they found an actual safe place to camp out.


He tried to walk beside Pavisa and talk to her, considering she was more knowledgeable about this situation. "Hopefully it isn't another demon or monster that wants to kill us..." Blast said a bit weakly.

@@Frosty V,


White Eclipse

"Well, actually, turns out the thing is a giant monster, just like everything else we've ran into on this adventure..." Eclipse said to Frost, walking next to him. "And... we probably shouldn't have killed it, because now, we have another problem..." Eclipse muttered.


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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Orion Starsinger.




@@Midnight Scribbler,




He had done it!


His hooves hit the ground in a rhythm he had little control over as he galloped forward - horn flaring the same, unnatural aqua glow as he had seen before as he focused his will: feeling his body tense and wither inside as the spell was cast and the hall behind him was illuminated with suspended sparks of energy. The stars hung in place ominously and the unicorn thundered onwards.


No spectre or illusion was going to hold him back from his destiny!






@@Tricksters Pride,

@@Midnight Scribbler,


@@Frosty V,


Kingfisher drew her sword and was in the process of debating whether she was going to drop it or throw it towards the voice, when she froze up. Her ear flicked and she turned her head slightly to stare ahead into the obscure darkness ahead.


"Did you hear that?" She mumbled past the hilt of the weapon. "... sounded like shouting or something..."


Somewhere ahead - probably quite far ahead at that - there was some kind of distant commotion. She couldn't tell what, but they weren't alone. And she didn't think that she was going crazy either.




Amethyst Void.





@@Icy Void,


With a haughty "Hmph!" the Ethereal followed the ponies into Half-Moon pass. Who did they think that they were anyway? Passing judgement on something they couldn't even hope to start to understand.


"Listen, you're only going to hurt yourself trying to think about it. Just drop it before..."



@@Commander Tangent,


@@Icy Void,


Something was just up ahead... more ponies? Some of the ones that had left them? She fell silent and dropped back behind the others - it probably would be best to let them explain what had happened instead if her - it was their world after all.

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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White Eclipse

Relieved that the mare finally shut herself up, White Eclipse began to explain.

"Killing the Litany somehow unleashed a completely new race on Equestria. Our new friends here told us that these beings were very bloodthirsty and violent. As a result, these beings are roaming Equestria, killing almost everything in sight. We need to stop these creatures before they cause too much chaos."


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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Orion Starsinger.@,@,@@Midnight Scribbler,@@SilverHeart,@@Nomadic,

He had done it!

His hooves hit the ground in a rhythm he had little control over as he galloped forward - horn flaring the same, unnatural aqua glow as he had seen before as he focused his will: feeling his body tense and wither inside as the spell was cast and the hall behind him was illuminated with suspended sparks of energy. The stars hung in place ominously and the unicorn thundered onwards.

No spectre or illusion was going to hold him back from his destiny!

---------------Kingfisher.@@Tricksters Pride,@@Midnight Scribbler,@@Windbreaker,@@Frosty V,

Kingfisher drew her sword and was in the process of debating whether she was going to drop it or throw it towards the voice, when she froze up. Her ear flicked and she turned her head slightly to stare ahead into the obscure darkness ahead."Did you hear that?" She mumbled past the hilt of the weapon. "... sounded like shouting or something..."

Somewhere ahead - probably quite far ahead at that - there was some kind of distant commotion. She couldn't tell what, but they weren't alone. And she didn't think that she was going crazy either.

---------------Amethyst Void.@@Geek0zoid,@,@,@@Icy Void,

With a haughty "Hmph!" the Ethereal followed the ponies into Half-Moon pass. Who did they think that they were anyway? Passing judgement on something they couldn't even hope to start to understand. "Listen, you're only going to hurt yourself trying to think about it. Just drop it before..." @,@@Commander Tangent,@@Geek0zoid,@@Icy Void,

Something was just up ahead... more ponies? Some of the ones that had left them? She fell silent and dropped back behind the others - it probably would be best to let them explain what had happened instead if her - it was their world after all.

ronin listened to her tell them off, sounding almost offended, before dropping back silently. This made him curious, she just stopped suddenly and practically hid when the others came. Was she nervous or scared of the others? Somehow he doubted that. "What's with the sudden silence? Are you shy?" He asked, falling back to stand next to her. He didn't really feel like explaining anything to the group either. He barely knew them any better then amethyst, but he was relevied to see them in one piece.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Frost looked forward and saw Kingfisher draw her sword. He trotted to stand beside her, drawing his bow and pulling back and arrow as he did so. He looked around to see if he could get a look their surroundings. His eyes glanced to Kingfisher as she spoke. "Shouting? I....I think I hear something at least." He mumbled under his breath as he rose his bow up to a shooting position. "So....whats our move...go in all weapons drawn?" He said with a concerned tone

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@(Too many to mention everyone)


She turns back towards the entrance to the pass again - she knew she'd heard something...  There they were!  The ones who had stayed behind to do...  Whatever they had done.  "THERE YOU ARE!  I swear, do you all have a death wish or something!?  What did you do, why did the ground shake earlier!?  C'mon, talk while we move, the others are deeper in - who's that?"  


The figure following the others had definately not been with the group before, and something seemed...  Strange.  She didn't look like any kind of pony Pavisa had ever seen before.  Alarms were going off in her head, like some kind of really old memory of a dangerous animal...  But why should she be alarmed?  She'd never even seen her before!  Groaning quietly Pavisa raises a hoof to her head, turning her attention away.


"Buck me, I'll be glad when these headaches go away..."  She mutters quietly under her breath, turning to start walking down the trail after where the others had gone.  They could explain as they walked...  Pavisa didn't want to see the group get separated again now that the others had finally caught back up.







"Ah!"  Zintiik tried to swerve out of the way as the air in front of him nearly exploded with suspended sparks, lighting up the passage but catching the changeling completely off guard.  He was going too fast for precise movements as it happened, and as he swerved out of the way of one spark he inadvertently flew into another one.


"Ahhhhh!"  Like a bug flying into a bug zapper, Zintiik crumpled and fell to the ground.  Groaning quietly with smoke rising off of his body, he looks towards the direction Orion had been running.  "Or...ion...  Boss..."  Had Orion meant to attack him?  No...  No, that was crazy!  Zintiik had been a loyal drone, and Orion was his friend!  ...Wasn't he?


Coughing as he tries to stand up, Zintiik starts to limp down the passage after the fleeing unicorn.  He had promised Willow he would keep Orion safe...  So the changeling meant to do just that.  How he planned to do so would be a different problem, but he could deal with that after he caught up...











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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@(Too many to mention everyone)


She turns back towards the entrance to the pass again - she knew she'd heard something...  There they were!  The ones who had stayed behind to do...  Whatever they had done.  "THERE YOU ARE!  I swear, do you all have a death wish or something!?  What did you do, why did the ground shake earlier!?  C'mon, talk while we move, the others are deeper in - who's that?"  


The figure following the others had definately not been with the group before, and something seemed...  Strange.  She didn't look like any kind of pony Pavisa had ever seen before.  Alarms were going off in her head, like some kind of really old memory of a dangerous animal...  But why should she be alarmed?  She'd never even seen her before!  Groaning quietly Pavisa raises a hoof to her head, turning her attention away.


"Buck me, I'll be glad when these headaches go away..."  She mutters quietly under her breath, turning to start walking down the trail after where the others had gone.  They could explain as they walked...  Pavisa didn't want to see the group get separated again now that the others had finally caught back up.







"Ah!"  Zintiik tried to swerve out of the way as the air in front of him nearly exploded with suspended sparks, lighting up the passage but catching the changeling completely off guard.  He was going too fast for precise movements as it happened, and as he swerved out of the way of one spark he inadvertently flew into another one.


"Ahhhhh!"  Like a bug flying into a bug zapper, Zintiik crumpled and fell to the ground.  Groaning quietly with smoke rising off of his body, he looks towards the direction Orion had been running.  "Or...ion...  Boss..."  Had Orion meant to attack him?  No...  No, that was crazy!  Zintiik had been a loyal drone, and Orion was his friend!  ...Wasn't he?


Coughing as he tries to stand up, Zintiik starts to limp down the passage after the fleeing unicorn.  He had promised Willow he would keep Orion safe...  So the changeling meant to do just that.  How he planned to do so would be a different problem, but he could deal with that after he caught up...


Crimson smiled and trotted beside Pavisa. "Hey, soldier girl! Fancy seeing you here...anyway, it's a long story, but to make a long story, very short...we pretty much killed a guardian god and doomed all life as we know it...and the cranky, floating one following us is a friend...sort of...you see, technically you've met her before, because she's the Amethyst that Midnight had...sort of...again, long story..." he said, confusing himself. "So...anything interesting happen with you guys?" he asked, giving her a sheepish smile and trying to make the situation seem casual.

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Midnight Scribbler






Scribbler walked up to Willow, and gave her an empathetic look, he didn't know what to do, aside from try to comfort her. He was in no condition to run after Orion at this point, the others would have to do that. For now, this was his chance to repay Willow for her kindness to him in the past days. "Willow.. I know this is difficult for you, but.. I want you to know, I understand, and I am here to help you. If Orion will not look after you, I will until he comes back to reality. He had lost his mind to that blasted book." He hugged Willow, and continued. "I am truly sorry you must go through this, life isn't fair. But you still have us. As long as we stick together, I'm sure we can save your brother. I will do everything in my power.. Even if it means destroying that book." He let the plan out, the secret motive that he'd hidden all this time. The book had to be destroyed, or Orion was forever lost. Or was it too late? Would he ever return? Scribbler had no idea, but the most important thing now was to keep the group unified. With their leader's mind gone awry, there needed to be some form of sanity brought back into their midst. The only one he wasn't sure of was Denarius, though he seemed to be well intentioned enough thus far. Though he didn't know if he was trustworthy, now he had no choice. Releasing Willow from the hug, he turned to Denarius, hearing him out. "Denarius, I know things seem to be falling apart.. I do not know what will come of all this yet, but we must stay together if we are to accomplish anything. The last temple we were in was filled with magical barriers and hazards, this place seems to be dormant of that power for some reason.. What can you do? Do you have any sort of special abilities that can be of use? It seems we might need to gather every ounce of power we can into one unified effort. This might take some strategic planning.. But we need to locate, and destroy the Litany." His voice became stern, and pointed his hoof to the passage where Orion had gone. "If that is the fate this book leaves for it's readers, then we have no choice but to be rid of it. I cannot watch another pony lose their mind to that evil thing. And I will not suffer it's power to threaten Equestria if I can do anything about it. Do I have your trust?" He asked, seeking Denarius' cooperation. If all went well, they might live to see this whole mess averted. And if miracles were possible, Orion's mind might even be restored. Scribbler could only hope for the best, he was never a leader, and now he wasn't certain if anypony saw him as such, but he felt that direction was needed.

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Amethyst Void.




That was brilliant. Legitimately brilliant. Remind me to never hire Crimson as a diplomat.


@@Icy Void,




She couldn't explain it.


All of a sudden, the strange gesture just seemed so right... Alien as it was to her. Perhaps it was something to do with this pony form - she didn't know, but after a few moments of stunned silence and with a sudden feeling of what she assumed was emotion, she couldn't stop herself.


Amethyst raised a hoof to her face in a gesture of defeat and groaned in resignation. It actually seemed to be the perfect way to sum up the situation.


Even when she actually went out of her way to help them... the arrogant one went and described things in much the same way that she would have.




"I could have told them that myself..." She murmured towards the idiot one next to her - loudly enough to not hide her voice at all. "I kind of figured you'd want to blame me or something... or at least diplomatic..."

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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