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open A Darker Fate: Beyond these Walls Chapter Two.

The Elusive Cinder

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Midnight Scribbler







Scribbler shot a glare over his shoulder to Denarius, as if to say "Don't help". He was only salting the wound here, and that was the last thing they needed. He frowned at Pavisa's response, withdrawing his hoof slightly, he used his telekinesis to lift one of the peppers into the air, and split it in two. One half moved through the air towards Mirror, the other to his own mouth. He bit into the sweet vegetable, and let the other half of it hover near Mirror in offering. This perhaps would diffuse their paranoia of the food being tainted. "Forgive me, Mirror, I did not intend to come across that way. I didn't understand the situation.. and a lot has been on my mind lately. I bought all this fresh in Canterlot when we were there, feel free to have what you need, I have plenty here for us." He said, hoping she would forgive him. He then turned to the ex guard. Given any other time, he would have focused more on pleasing Mirror instead, but now there was a more pressing matter. The two captives were not happy, and he needed to diffuse this situation before anything went awry. He looked directly to Pavisa. "Then you will be happy to know that Orion is no longer among our group at the moment, he's gone off ahead.. We don't know what has happened to him yet, he isn't the same as he was anymore." Scribbler paused, not certain of weather or not revealing anything of this information would be to their disadvantage. He considered it a moment, then continued, realizing this knowledge wouldn't give the others any sort of advantage over them. "With Orion missing, we are without his guidance.. not that it has been very good guidance of late. We've been running after him for the past day and a half trying to keep up." He moved over towards Mirror, and sat down next to her, keeping his eye on the other two. "As for our little dilemma here.. If your group does not return, you should come with us instead. I would not leave you to die. You have us all wrong if that is what you think we are like." He gave a look of sincerity as he spoke. Scribbler's intention was as transparent as he could make it. He truly did not wish to hide anything, there was nothing to hide. He knew no ill was meant towards these two mares. "However if they do return, you may rejoin them at will. I will not stop you, nor will anypony else. But we will go on ahead.. I think it best we keep our distance from your group. From what I hear, they are none too pleased about all this, and I cannot blame them. It is unfortunate things had to come to this."


Clockwork Green




@@Icy Void,

@@Tricksters Pride,

@@Frosty V,



Clockwork pondered the situation over and over in his mind, taking in details from the conversations behind him. Clockwork turned his head speaking over his shoulder to Aegis "That Noble you mentioned. He was the one we saw as we left the Station, was he not? The one Crimson wanted to throw himself from the train to kill?" He started, knowing full well it was, but posing the question as an introduction to his thought. "If Orion hates him so much, why not just let him do the dirty work for us? I am certain there must be a way to lead them together. They would tear one another apart, and we'd be left with two enemies, wounded and weak, easy pickings. How does that sound to you?" He grinned. "The only problem is, how do we get them together? And that, I believe could be a simple matter of Negotiations. Although, this may fail horridly, based on our previous.. Negotiations." He held his hooves up in quotations at the last word. Their dealings with the last couple of groups hadn't been much more than a frenzy of violent outbursts and hot headed remarks. If they were to coerce Orion into doing something, that was definitely the wrong way to go about doing it. "Think about it. The enemy of my enemy is my friend." He chuckled and continued on at the lead.

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@@Windbreaker, @, @@Midnight Scribbler, @@Geek0zoid


Frost sat for a moment when the one called Ronin brought up a good point, he knew nothing adout the stallion called Orion, nor what The Litany even was or what it did. Frost had been with the group for what felt like weeks and even he still was not completely sure who Orion was, all he had heard was that he was a cruel, power hungry, half God, type stallion. He walked over to where the group was talking and stood next to Ronin, listening carefully to what the group was talking about, most things, he could not understand. After Clockwork finished speaking he spoke up in a normal tone, "Well, that does sound like a good plan, I still know little about Orion so really I'm going off of what all your plans are, I'm guessing Orion is somepony you all want dead correct?" He asked, raising his eyebrow slightly

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@@Midnight Scribbler,@@Frosty V,@,


White Eclipse

"That WOULD be a nice plan, Clockwork, but there's one issue; he probably hates us just as much as he hates Orion. You think Orion would tare us apart if given the chance? Well, so would Noble." Eclipse said to Clockwork. He then turned over to Frost. "Well, I want him dead, but I can't say the same for the rest of the group. It would probably be best if we don't kill him and give him the chance to become stable again."


Blasted Nova

Blast was a bit surprised. Why has no one told Ronin anything about Orion? He's the guy that wants the group dead, after all.

"Come over here, Ronin. I'll tell you a bit about Orion."


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

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Clockwork Green

@@Frosty V,



Clockwork halted, realizing the others had seemingly stopped, and threw his last word in. "The part of this plan you seem to be missing is that, he hates you ponies.. He has never even met me. Who is to say he will instantly hate just anypony? It is worth a shot is it not?" With that he turned back to the path, and continued on trotting. The others weren't in any hurry despite their noble claims of wanting to save the other two, and the worlds which were on the brink of destruction. "If I must spend another week with these fools, I think I will just throw myself at this Orion bastard. I have no idea how I'm going to pull this off unless I alienate myself from these ponies.. Perhaps it must be done.. And if they are right about this.. Orion.. Perhaps I could gain much power in knowing somepony like that. Although, I do wish to remain in proximity to these.. ethereal beings. The energy they exhibit is far beyond anything I thought possible." He was alone with his thoughts now. Moving up the passage ahead of the others. Their voices echoing in the tunnel behind him, he kept his eyes sharp for any sign of a trap or obstacle.

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As the others argued ronin sighed, he could barely keep up with the conversations they were having due to still not being bought up to speed. When he heard blast he nodded "alright, but let's keep moving while we talk. We're still wasting time." He said calmly, as he watched clockwork move ahead of the group. 'Sometimes I wish I could read minds...' He thought

  • Brohoof 1


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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@@Midnight Scribbler,


Mirror mumbled a 'thank you' before she snatched the pepper out of the air. She turned around and walked away from the hostages. "Let Scribbler deal with those two, see if you three can't make a path to Orion. The sooner we can move on the better." Mirror said to the rest of their group before taking a bite of the pepper.

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

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@@Midnight Scribbler,


White Eclipse

Eclipse watched Clockwork continue onward. The stallion was getting on his nerves every time they spoke to each other. He couldn't get over it. It felt as if the scientist had other plans, plans that would endanger the fate of the group. Regardless, he decided to let nature take it's course and let things play out, with the thought of strangling Clockwork when given a good opportunity.


But then, he had a small flashback; the moment before a pony named Starshine was killed in front of him. His mind was wiped, but he couldn't forget the moment. He couldn't help but feel that she was part of his overall motivation. However, he didn't exactly know why? Who was she, and why did he feel so close to her?


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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Amethyst Void.


"You... you what? You did just hear what I am? Dont even think that I wont burn the next one of you to touch me... My 'flank'...? You really are repulsive creatures..."


It was hard - trying to retain her composure around the ponies. Amethyst wasnt even sure it was because they were stupid any more - they seemed so... useless, so utterly self destructive! Where they trying to get her to change her mind about helping? Promises meant little to her kind - and if she absorbed their essences then she would still technically be helping them... just not in a way they would at all appreciate.


"I'm about this close to detonating you all and doing this on my own! Now can you all just shut up and move faster so that we don't..."


She stalled again - ear twitching. She hadn't mistaken it earlier: two things that she would prefer not to be getting closer. The furthest - the distant pulse from her world - was expected. That could wait though, since the second was a much more imminent threat.


"Okay, you might not like this..." The outsider explained calmly. "... but I'm pretty sure that something has followed me here. Something you really don't want to meet. Now, the passageway splits up ahead somewhere, but we'll be going towards them until we find it - so can we hurry up!"






"So now he's abandoned you out here? Big surprise - and what? You're just some helpless bystanders that caught up in all this? That want nothing to do with the power, or the murder, or the threats and intrigue?"


She was running out of bravado - the familliar scent of blood accompanied the wet feeling below her nostril once again as she cursed inwardly to whatever misfortune was causing it.


What else was there to do though, try and travers the magic to find a group that had moved on? Leave and wander the wastes in nothing more than her harness? No, she knew what she had to do: she might have chosen to recover some of the life she had left behind, but she had made a commitment to her captain when they set out - one that she made on each new journey: one she intended to keep.


"You're just as lost as we are here. Prisoners to him as much as we are to you - you're just too blind to see it. Too stubborn and proud to admit that you're following a monster: either that, or you're monsters yourselves..."

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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Amethyst Void."You... you what? You did just hear what I am? Dont even think that I wont burn the next one of you to touch me... My 'flank'...? You really are repulsive creatures..."

It was hard - trying to retain her composure around the ponies. Amethyst wasnt even sure it was because they were stupid any more - they seemed so... useless, so utterly self destructive! Where they trying to get her to change her mind about helping? Promises meant little to her kind - and if she absorbed their essences then she would still technically be helping them... just not in a way they would at all appreciate."I'm about this close to detonating you all and doing this on my own! Now can you all just shut up and move faster so that we don't..."

She stalled again - ear twitching. She hadn't mistaken it earlier: two things that she would prefer not to be getting closer. The furthest - the distant pulse from her world - was expected. That could wait though, since the second was a much more imminent threat."Okay, you might not like this..." The outsider explained calmly. "... but I'm pretty sure that something has followed me here. Something you really don't want to meet. Now, the passageway splits up ahead somewhere, but we'll be going towards them until we find it - so can we hurry up!"

---------------Kingfisher."So now he's abandoned you out here? Big surprise - and what? You're just some helpless bystanders that caught up in all this? That want nothing to do with the power, or the murder, or the threats and intrigue?"

She was running out of bravado - the familliar scent of blood accompanied the wet feeling below her nostril once again as she cursed inwardly to whatever misfortune was causing it.

What else was there to do though, try and travers the magic to find a group that had moved on? Leave and wander the wastes in nothing more than her harness? No, she knew what she had to do: she might have chosen to recover some of the life she had left behind, but she had made a commitment to her captain when they set out - one that she made on each new journey: one she intended to keep."You're just as lost as we are here. Prisoners to him as much as we are to you - you're just too blind to see it. Too stubborn and proud to admit that you're following a monster: either that, or you're monsters yourselves..."

ronin listened as the eathral went on a small rant about what she'd do to them before going silent for a moment. He was about to ask her what was wrong when she explained that something was appearently following them. "Something we really don't wanna meet huh? And it even scares you?" He asked, before sighing "alright whatever. You heard her guys, let's get our asses moving." He said, as he began moving faster. He really hoped he wouldnt get lost again...


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Midnight Scribbler






Scribbler chuckled at the mention of being called a monster. "I can assure you, we are merely ponies of flesh and blood like you. We are no monsters, nor are we prisoners, and neither are you. Come now, we have only each other down here in this forsaken dungeon. Orion left us because the Litany destroyed his mind, and it is my hope that we can salvage him." He looked around to the entire group briefly, stopping to glimpse a moment at Willow. Knowing that saving Orion was more for her sake than any of theirs. "We are not here to harm or imprison you, Mirror merely needed protection, and the time for that has passed. You may do what it is you wish to do, that is your choice. If you should want healing, I can provide that.. You're bleeding by the way." He paused, pointing a hoof at Kingfisher's bleeding nose. He moved around the two, towards the doorway to the north. He lifted Pavisa's discarded armour plate with his telekinesis and moved it through the remaining sparks on that side. They exploded into a frenzy of sparks and angry electrical outbursts as they contacted the metal surface. "This seems to work, perhaps we can clear you a path back to your comrades. Do you know where they have gone?" He inquired, hoping they would be more agreeable. He could entirely see why Orion couldn't put up with them, especially with his sister in the picture. Not for what his own opinion of them was, but knowing Orion's temperament, it was no wonder he hated them. If Scribbler couldn't reason with these two, they would have little choice but to move on and let them make their own choice.

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@@Midnight Scribbler, @@SilverHeart, @, @, @


Denarius simply smirked at Scribbler's insignificant glare. He passed by the mare as she greedily munched upon a pepper, only stopping for a moment to make a quiet passing remark. "Mirror, was it, do you not find it ironic on how similar their situation is to my own? All of us were given a simple choice between wandering in cold's embrace or to follow you. The only difference was you saw me as nothing more than chaff, while you view them as having intrinsic value", he continued on towards the sparks, to hopefully finish clearing them, chuckling slightly at his own little comment to the mare.

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Pavisa and Zintiik


@@Nomadic,@@Midnight Scribbler,@,@@SilverHeart,



As Scribbler talks to the two prisoners, Zintiik drifts over next to him to listen.  When Scribbler says they're all ponies at the mention of monsters, Zintiik waves a hoof from over his shoulder.  "I'm kinda a monster.  Not a pony."  Again, not helping.  Grinning and shutting his mouth before any of his own group gets onto him again, the changeling flies back to land next to Willow.


Pavisa shoots a glare at the changeling - she really didn't like the bug - but does her best to ignore him.  "No, we don't.  We don't even know where we are, other than somewhere called Half Moon Pass.  We were stranded when our train was knocked off the tracks."  For all they knew the pass could have been a maze.











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Midnight Scribbler







Scribbler chuckled at Zintiik's remark, glancing over at him as he buzzed off towards Willow. "Forgive me, Zintiik, but being around you this whole time.. I sometimes forget you aren't a pony. You are far from a monster in my eyes. Just another sentient creature of this world." He continued busting the spark traps as Pavisa spoke behind him. He replied, still focused on the task ahead of him. "Ah, I see.. Well, like I have said. If you must, we can bear you as new members if your team does not return to us. judging by our fortune, bumping into them again is only a matter of time." He shot a half smile over to her, then looked back to his work and continued moving the steel plate through the mines. "Judging by what I've heard, they likely won't leave you behind for long. But we must be moving on, there is a delusional unicorn ahead of us, whom I intend to try and save. And I don't know how much time I have before I can no longer do anything for him." He sighed at this thought, then worked at the obstacle with yet more determination. Using his telekinesis, he began trying to draw the sparks together, forcing them into tighter groups, so he could hit more of them at once. They seemed resistant to his magic, but not immune. He was putting much more effort into this than he would have had to with any earthly object at any rate.

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@@Midnight Scribbler,  @@Windbreaker@,



Shadow had followed behind the group for a while, content to trail on hoof behind the others while contemplating the potential of Clockworks inventions. After a time he only found one conclusion and was fairly pleased by it. Though the inventor continued to prove that he was worth a fair bit of attention with his views and words alone regardless, (One of the few with any sense it would seem.) even his comments on survival where most pleasing...And the sound of more inventions and blueprints was enough to make Shadow even more interested in the inventor, (Even hidden and secure as is practical.) he was most curious about what the clever little pony could achieve.


Soon the Blue one approached and introduced himself as Midnight Sky... Though he, like the others, seemed to be missing the point. (Not to mention asking for things without offering anything again.....) "I don't mind the violence that much, its irritating when its without reason but predictable... Though you all seem to think that i have a reason to help you... And i don't. The part of being here out of self interest seems to have escaped you ponies even though i've straight out said it quite a few times by now. And my world is boring and neither is anything free."  *'Especially something as valuable as knowledge.'* He then moved forward and fell in step beside Clockwork after the (... Mare?... Whatever the confused pony thing was.) made their speech and rolled his eyes and though he found the chasing after Ammy part humorous... He wasn't really going to comment on anything while the dread got even closer and would much prefer that Ammy didn't bring it up. Eventually Clockwork made his way to the front of the group and Shadow decided to speak up... (Easy to go unnoticed when its in your nature.) After a small bit of black mist detached itself and faded into the inventors coat. "Negotiations are probably for the best if you can pull them off i'd imagine. Common sense to let your enemies break themselves on each other without expending much of your own energy... But which one would be easier to negotiate with is the real question hmm?... Besides, there's always time for interesting things. Why else would the world be worth saving unless it was interesting enough?"

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Aegis Dare



“Clockwork! I’ll consider your idea, but let’s think about that when we’re on our way out of this mess.” Aegis said, trotting after Clockwork. He turned back to the group and called out. “Let’s pick up the pace, guys. We won’t make it if we don’t hurry.”


He wouldn’t deny that he doubted himself. But his determination was still winning out and all his instincts were pointing him in one direction. He wasn’t sure what was at the end of that path, but at least he could see that he had one now. At this thought, he settled back into his natural rhythm and a wave of calm passed over him, washing half of his doubts away. His mind was once again like clear water.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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@@Windbreaker,@@Midnight Scribbler, @@Tricksters Pride, @Team Brandy


White Eclipse

"Hmph. Some team this is turning out to be." Eclipse said, continuing to walk around. Eclipse thought that, at this point, Orion's group seemed to be more compatible than this. The group is slowly turning against to each other, Eclipse's hate for Clockwork grows stronger every time he opens his mouth, and with all this time they're arguing, they could be saving innocent ponies.

The group was falling apart, and Eclipse wasn't going to allow that for much longer.




Blasted Nova

"Hey, Ronin, didn't you wanna hear a bit about our little friend, Orion, earlier?" Blast asked him as they walked.


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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Clockwork Green



@@Tricksters Pride,


Clockwork felt something brush his coat, it was subtle, like a slight breeze, but in this tunnel, he knew it wasn't that. Suddenly he could hear a familiar voice, but it wasn't like before. It was as though it were his own thoughts, but without his will powering them, somepony else was in his head now. He listened to Shadow's words as they passed through his mind. He grinned at the thoughts that were passing into his mind from this other being's presence. "Why else, indeed." He muttered with an amused tone. "What do you propose, my elusive friend? It would seem I am not safe in the silence in my head anymore." He thought, and chuckled slightly at the notion. He'd never had anyone able to hear the voices in his own head. This was new and peculiar, and somewhat uncomfortable to him. There was much he cared not to reveal to this being, or any being for that matter.

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@@Windbreaker,@@Midnight Scribbler, @@Tricksters Pride, @Team Brandy


White Eclipse

"Hmph. Some team this is turning out to be." Eclipse said, continuing to walk around. Eclipse thought that, at this point, Orion's group seemed to be more compatible than this. The group is slowly turning against to each other, Eclipse's hate for Clockwork grows stronger every time he opens his mouth, and with all this time they're arguing, they could be saving innocent ponies.

The group was falling apart, and Eclipse wasn't going to allow that for much longer.




Blasted Nova

"Hey, Ronin, didn't you wanna hear a bit about our little friend, Orion, earlier?" Blast asked him as they walked.

ronin nodded and trotted up beside him while they traveled "sure, but we need to keep moving. Like I said, we've lost enough time as it is." He said calmly, before noticing clockwork seemingly talking to himself. 'Is it just me or is he going a crazy as I am...' He thought with suspicion.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Blasted Nova

"If you ask me, I think everypony is going crazy now." Blast said to Ronin. "Basically, Orion hates us. He's had it out for us since we first met him and he's corrupt with a very powerful magic. He also has a sister, which we met around the same time we met Orion. He's SUPER protective of her, and I can only imagine what it's like to be with him and his team right now." The super sonic stallion gave a small sigh. "Probably a better time than she would have with us."


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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Blasted Nova

"If you ask me, I think everypony is going crazy now." Blast said to Ronin. "Basically, Orion hates us. He's had it out for us since we first met him and he's corrupt with a very powerful magic. He also has a sister, which we met around the same time we met Orion. He's SUPER protective of her, and I can only imagine what it's like to be with him and his team right now." The super sonic stallion gave a small sigh. "Probably a better time than she would have with us."

ronin listened carefully until blast finished "so, I'm guessing this 'very powerful magic' that corrupted him is the litany?" He asked calmly. He didn't really care for the explanation about Orion's sister, to him she was just as much an enemy as the others until proven otherwise.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Amethyst Void.


Nearing the junction where the passage would split left, Amethyst watched the logical pony mistrustfully. Not that she didn't trust him... but loyalty was considered a weakness among her kind for a reason - any manipulation from her 'companion' might spell trouble. While she didn't know what was happening exactly, his essence was clear enough.


She was also keeping an eye on the ponies around her - still somewhat offended what seemed to be the perception of her that some of them had.




All this because, what? Because she chose an appealing form? She could have chosen to appear as some king of monstrous creature but no - out of she kind of spur-of-the-moment rush of empathy she had chosen something that they would find familliar, and they seemed to find it... appealing.




Why was she so angry? Anger wasn't a natural emotion: it was too powerful - too unpredictable! Too mortal: she needed to return home before she started to act as illogically as they seemed to. If she had known earlier, she could have chosen a new form, but by now her essence had locked itself in shape - so long as she was here, she looked like a pony.


"Bah!" Grumbled the Ethereal quietly. At least they had sped up... marginally. Maybe they would avoid the stalker's - maybe they wouldn't, and she could feed them the stupid ones?






@@Midnight Scribbler,


"You really believe that, don't you?" Kingfisher snorted. "There's nothing left to save! I watched him turn my best friend into stone on a whim! Watched him throw ponies about like ragdolls because he didn't like their attitude!"


She needed to keep their attention as long as she could - the longer that Orion spent away from their protection, the longer he had to destroy himself.


"Honestly, i'm not a fan of them either, but I dont do that. If you protect him then more ponies are going to die! Will you be able to live with yourself when he turns on you? On his little sister?"

Edited by Cinderscribe
  • Brohoof 1

Never quite forgotten.

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Amethyst Void.

Nearing the junction where the passage would split left, Amethyst watched the logical pony mistrustfully. Not that she didn't trust him... but loyalty was considered a weakness among her kind for a reason - any manipulation from her 'companion' might spell trouble. While she didn't know what was happening exactly, his essence was clear enough.

She was also keeping an eye on the ponies around her - still somewhat offended what seemed to be the perception of her that some of them had.


All this because, what? Because she chose an appealing form? She could have chosen to appear as some king of monstrous creature but no - out of she kind of spur-of-the-moment rush of empathy she had chosen something that they would find familliar, and they seemed to find it... appealing.


Why was she so angry? Anger wasn't a natural emotion: it was too powerful - too unpredictable! Too mortal: she needed to return home before she started to act as illogically as they seemed to. If she had known earlier, she could have chosen a new form, but by now her essence had locked itself in shape - so long as she was here, she looked like a pony."Bah!" Grumbled the Ethereal quietly. At least they had sped up... marginally. Maybe they would avoid the stalker's - maybe they wouldn't, and she could feed them the stupid ones?

---------------Kingfisher.@@Midnight Scribbler,"You really believe that, don't you?" Kingfisher snorted. "There's nothing left to save! I watched him turn my best friend into stone on a whim! Watched him throw ponies about like ragdolls because he didn't like their attitude!"

She needed to keep their attention as long as she could - the longer that Orion spent away from their protection, the longer he had to destroy himself."Honestly, i'm not a fan of them either, but I dont do that. If you protect him then more ponies are going to die! Will you be able to live with yourself when he turns on you? On his little sister?"

ronin noticed amethyst seemed to get angrier and more frustrated by the moment, almost like she was about to set something on fire again. "You okay there sunshine? Try not to have a mental breakdown before we get there." He said calmly, but a little worried that might actually happen. 'Maybe we're still going to slow for her liking or something...' He thought, before sighing and running ahead of the group. "I'll be right back, I'm scouting ahead a little bit." He called back as he galloped ahead


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Midnight Sky


While the others had argued about what they should do, Midnight had decided to stay out of it and watch on in exasperation. While there were many times he would have liked to intervene and stop the pointless arguing, sometimes ponies just needed to voice there opinions and get it over with, Midnight just wished they could have chosen a more convenient time to start falling apart at the seams. At least they were moving again, though with all that was going on this leisurely pace seemed inappropriate. And then there was Shadow's very short response to his question. At least their exchange taught Midnight one thing, it seemed as though all of these ethereal beings were well acquainted with the fact that everything has a price, a fact that closely relates to the Neighland ideal of balance. With that in mind Midnight was starting to believe that the same thing can be applied to magic and power, and looking at the case with Orion just proved it for him. Orion gained significant power from the Litany, but it came at the price of his sanity, so the trick is to just try and find some other way to pay, as it were, for the magic power he wanted. Preferably something simple and easier to pay, though he doubted that would ever be the case.


But that was a thought for another time, right now Midnight had more important things to worry about, such as the impending collision between two worlds, some arcane entity that worried even Amethyst, their captured friends, and whatever Orion may be up to in these caves. "Hey everypony, how about we pick up the pace a bit. If we speed up we might actually have some time to save Fisher and Pavi without endangering both worlds. Plus I don't think we should give whatever-it-is that Amethyst senses a chance to actually catch up to us, I highly doubt meeting something that worries an ethereal being would be good for our well-being when most of us are so drained after out time in the lodge and that fight with the Litany." Midnight said before speeding up his own pace. He would really prefer to not die before they manage to save both worlds from destruction, but in order to do that then their group as a whole would need to pick up the pace.


Sig by DarkestStar, Avatar by Midnight Gaze

My OCs Midnight Sky, Sunshine Rays and Blizzard Blitz

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Midnight Scribbler







Scribbler continued working away at the sparks, he'd begun to clear a good path by now. Glancing back, he answered Kingfisher, his voice had an air of empathy about it. "I truly do believe he isn't as terrible as you seem to think. He is simply misled, and is under the influence of something he should never have dabbled with. And for his sister's sake, I am willing to try to save him. She does not deserve to lose her brother, does she?" He began, then dropped the metal plate, taking a brief break from the path making. He turned around to face them, and sat. "When I first met him, I believe it was about the time he turned that pony to stone.. And I do agree that it was much more than anypony deserves. Orion means only to protect Willow, and he entrusted me to do so, realizing he may not always be able to. So here I am, in my position, and you in yours. I do not expect you to assist me, given what Orion has done to you and your friends.. I understand that. But I ask that you do not stand in my way.." He stood, and moved closer to the two speaking low, so Willow would not hear him. "If worse comes to worse, and I cannot save him, I cannot allow him to continue either. I wish not to allow anypony else to suffer as your friends have in the face of his instability." He moved back towards Mirror. Sitting next to her, he smiled apologetically. He dropped his saddle bag down, and pulled out some more vegetables. "I have plenty more if you still feel hungry. I'm sorry about what I said, it's been a stressful day. I never meant to imply you were doing anything wrong. I understand what happened. I'm just glad you're safe." He said, nuzzling the side of her neck gently, and holding out a selection of various things to eat. He looked back to the others who had seemingly stayed in the passage behind them. "If any of you need food, there is plenty here for you all." He said, directing the offer to anyone in the group. The only thing he wanted now was to keep things in some semblance of peacefulness. Something they hadn't been able to enjoy for some time.

Edited by Midnight Scribbler

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@@Midnight Scribbler,@, @@Nomadic, @, @@SilverHeart,


Willow Starsinger


Willow watched the scene unfold curiously. When Zintiik landed next to her, she smiled at him for assurance. When she heard Kingfisher point out that Orion was a monster, she cried out, "He's not!" Willow frowned, looking at the ground. "He just wanted to protect me, but he didn't know what the Litany held!" 


"Orion's still in there somewhere. I'm not going to give up now because you accused him of being a," Willow hesitated, "monster."


She tried to contain herself from lashing out again at the others - she knew they weren't that bad. But she needed to be loyal to her brother. It's practically an unspoken duty. She wouldn't know what to do if he was gone for good. Would she go home? Unprotected? Alone? It hurt even to think about it.


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