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open A Darker Fate: Beyond these Walls Chapter Two.

The Elusive Cinder

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Midnight Sky


When Blast asked him what his overall goal was, Midnight faltered. He knew he should be honest, but he also knew that his goal wasn't exactly one that would be praised with all that has happened. "Well, I guess there's no point in hiding it. You could say that I'm actually a lot like Orion, though I'm still mentally stable. My goal is to gain power that is equal or superior to the power of an alicorn, a power that I want for personal reasons, but before you say anything know that I'm smart enough to realize that any power that's so unstable that I would become a threat to existence is not a power worth having. And if the power had the potential to harm my sister, or cause me to harm her, in any way I would reject it without hesitation. I may be desperate for power but I'm not evil." Midnight said hesitantly. He was still unsure about telling Blast this out loud, but at this point trust was a very valuable commodity that couldn't be wasted on something as small as his own personal goals. All the while Midnight did his best to listen in on Eclipse's and Amethyst's conversation without being rude to Blast, the topic of Arcana was very interesting to him and any more information he could get would be helpful for his research, even if it meant eavesdropping.


Sig by DarkestStar, Avatar by Midnight Gaze

My OCs Midnight Sky, Sunshine Rays and Blizzard Blitz

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Aegis Dare


“Advent Dare, ex-royal guard and adventurer. He spent most of his life from 16 until he was 24 wandering before settling down in Cloudsdale for a while, then transferred to Phillydelphia where he met my mother. Throughout my early life I was a shy pony, and he was always there to give me confidence and cheer me on. He was the one who taught me patience, how to clear my mind, and how to be still like clear water.” Aegis said, once again wiping away tears. He felt confidence renewed somewhat as he talked about his father, but it was dashed at another realization. He relied on his father too much.


“You’re right, though. I’ve followed my dad’s path all my life. I guess it’s time I spread my wings for myself and find my own path. Metaphorically speaking.”

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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@@Midnight Scribbler@@Windbreaker,



*'... Mares are oversensiti-.'* Upon reaching a large wall of magic Shadow stopped, already in front of the two slow talking ponies and seemingly frozen at the sight of the wall... Well he was before letting out a gleeful laugh and drifting right into the wall, quickly consuming the magic holding the wall together and while feeding he gave off a dark red glow, replenishing his power and more...


After finishing with the wall Shadow drifted back into Clockwork's shadow with only a few words. "Paths clear, lets hurry i smell more ahead. Its real close too... Though you can continue with your pony stuff if you want but i think the whole 'everything's dieing' thing might be a big deal." 

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White Eclipse

"Hey, hold it right there, Amethyst. I recall the Litany attacking us first.

Or... maybe we're just naturally violent." Eclipse kicked a barely-visible pebble into one of the smaller pits. Amethyst was kind of right. Kingfisher's method of dealing with things was always violence with no compromise. Well, he wasn't going to let that happen anymore. He would try to be a better, more-peaceful leader. It wasn't in his nature. "I guess I just have a knack for causing trouble." Eclipse said. He then went back to the topic of magic for unicorns. "Magic doesn't come from factories, or anything like that. Like I said, it's just natural for some. Ronin hasn't cast a single spell because he wasn't gifted with it. It's just how our world works. I guess Wyverns work differently..."


@@Icy Void,


Blasted Nova

"I like your philosophy, Midnight. You really care for your sister, and I feel bad that she got roped into this situation with us." Blast looked over to Sunshine and rubbed her head. "You doing okay, Sunshine?"


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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Sunshine Rays


Sunshine glanced over as her brother and Blast talked. It was unusual for her brother to talk so much about his goals with anypony other than her or Blizzard, and Sunshine was rather glad that he was branching out to others. "I'm doing fine, Mr. Blast! But I didn't get roped into anything, I chose to come and join Midnight freely. My brother should know better than to go on a dangerous quest without me, it's just like when he tried to leave me at home when he ran away from the castle! You don't need to worry about me, as long as Midnight and I are together we can survive anything!" Sunshine beamed happily, with a smug glance at her brother. She still hadn't quite forgiven him for trying to leave her at home for a second time, but that's just how Midnight was, always trying to protect her. Now if she hadn't come along, they'd all still be blundering in the dark after Ammy's not-so-bright light.



Midnight Sky


Midnight felt greatly relieved that Blast had understood, and he let some of his tension be eased by his sister's light. "Thanks, and that's why I'd like to save Orion if at all possible. After all, from what I can tell his main reason for wanting the Litany's power in the first place was to protect Willow, just as I desire to protect Sunshine. Orion just got in over his head with power that his mind couldn't handle, just like what very well might still happen to me someday if I'm not careful. Thankfully I do have an idea or two that might save his broken mind." Midnight said. In truth he had no clue if his ideas would work because he didn't have the faintest idea what the current state of Orion's mind was other than that it wasn't better than before. That and he was hesitant to tell anypony his idea, especially Sunshine, because it revolved around calming Orion down with Sunshine's light of happiness which may or may not work and would put his sister in a dangerous position. But that was the only way he could think to recover Orion's mind, and Midnight had a feeling he might not have much choice whether they use it or not.


Sig by DarkestStar, Avatar by Midnight Gaze

My OCs Midnight Sky, Sunshine Rays and Blizzard Blitz

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Stahl thinks for just a moment as he watches the militia split off into pairs before turning to glance at Emerald.  "The other one left us to fend for ourselves - if we go to the Guard, I can try and get some more hooves out onto the streets.  I still have a little bit of pull, at least with the lads I've helped to train...  Even if it's just enough to get some trained swords mixed in with Sol's militia, it should help."


He still didn't like this situation.  Too many variables, with too few troops.  It had started to quiet down, but there was no telling when the creatures would hit again...  Or when more of them might show up.  "Canterlot's my home, and a lot of others' home as well.  My orders be damned, I'm going to do what I can to save her..."  Tilting his head a little to try and push his mane away from his eye, he glances towards the mare whom he'd found himself allied with.  "I can deal with the backlash from my superiors later...  Can I count on you to watch my back until we get through this?"











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@@Icy Void,


Blasted Nova

"Willow... oh my goodness, I completely forgot about her! I sincerely hope the girl is doing okay. She's been through so much, with being an innocent mare." Blast felt bad that he forgot about poor Willow. She meant alot to him a week ago, and now he completely forgot of her existence. Still, he didn't exactly agree with Midnight. Orion probably wouldn't even LET them help him, not after the ginormous vendetta he has for them.

"What kind of ideas do you have in mind, Midnight? Orion is pretty unstable. It may take something BIG to fix him." Blast said, a bit curious.

Edited by Geeky Goodies


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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@@Scribblegroove, @, Terra was watching carefully each of his words and listening. He wanted to at least show Byter that he wasn't taking his case lightly.

"Listen... i want more than anything to believe you, and i appreciate the knowledge you have shared with me... i am going to repeat myself once more:If you have done nothing then you have nothing to fear. I would suggest however that you do not attempt to downgrade a race you know next to nothing about... you are kind of repeating the mistake that led you here. There are others that will wish to hear you... They can in exchange help you on your research. This "Arcana" world of yours... it sounds like a chaotic land, and if more strange creatures arrive into this world your knowledge will be invaluable in handling them. Regardless i doubt our mages will keep you locked forever... there will come a time where you will have to be fed, or transported... but bear in mind... any escape attempts shall cofirm your intentions as hostile. Right now you have made the first step..."

Regardless what the mages said, and what the nobles though he wasn't about to go paranoid into thinking all of these creatures as mindless beasts. He was determined to find the edge of this mystery and he wasn't gonna let go of this pony, even if it tried to escape he would follow it himself if needed.

((OOC:Correct me in the following if i am wrong))

"This "Stone Nest" is our city and it is called Canterlot. The land is called Equestria and the planet Equis. You will find magic in many of us... incidentaly this is the best place you have chosen to come in order to learn about us. Should things have been... less chaotic you wouldn't be here... I am sorry to say this but it is not solely in my power and responsibility to free you. However if it is just for you to be freed i will support you. Regardless however as someone with knowledge of the situation you will be called to help in solving it... are you willing to do that?"

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Orion Starsinger and Kingfisher.


Orion faltered: trust? Trust had gotten him into this mess. Trusting Noble. Trusting destiny. Trusting himself. Who did he trust? He trusted the voice - but that was gone. What did that leave?


Willow. He trusted Willow.


It was hard to try and listen - hard to understand the words. Everything that was said seemed like a foreign language: as if his mind was trying to listen for a thousand dialects that weren't being spoken and only tried to listen in Equestrian as a last resort.


It was... unsettling.


"I just..." He faltered again.

"I can use it, I just... I need... not now. It's..."


The books pages stopped turning completely - it hung in the air for a long moment before snapping closed with an echoing 'thud' far louder than it should have been. Orion's horn shone brightly for a few seconds as he looked wildly around - seeing this place clearly for the first time. He took a staggering step backwards in horror at the destruction around him and almost walking right into one of the flaming tapestries.


And a cutlass flew through the air.


In one movement, Kingfisher had reached to her side and flicked her neck sharply towards the target of all their attentions: sending a blade spinning into the center of the room and finding its mark - piercing deeply and twisting, dragging its victim away in line with its spinning tradgectory.


Orion blinked: stunned. He looked left - nothing. He looked right - the Litany was laying on the ground: tip of a metal blade producing from it. It was... vaguely familliar - certainly not belonging to any of his companions.


"Do something!" Kingfisher hissed at the group if villains as she bolted after her weapon: even unarmed, she wasn't taking any chances against the once-alicorn.




Amethyst Void.


Amethyst rolled her eyes.


"It's not a question of what happened - I was there, I saw it. Magic is native to Arcana - it's in Equestria because of the Wyverns. And no, there isn't a 'substitute'... save for trying to acclimatise here: but that's practically suicide. The way things are going... or rather, were going, Arcana would probably have lasted another eighty or so thousand years... which isn't all that long for an immortal!"


He voice was regaining the spiteful, musical quality that it had maintained before. The sullen look was once again turning back to the smirks and sarcastic smiles that she loved so much.


"The greater entities will start moving soon: following the torrent of magic. We've got maybe, a few weeks? Trust me, neither of us want them showing up."


They were making good progress - physically at least. The ponies seemed determined to deny their worlds own history - she didn't understand why, it wasn't like she was blaming them specifically.


The Wyverns had caused the breakdown in the first place, and she had managed to forgive them. She had no time for them, but reckless and destructive as this race was, magic was already leaking before they existed - they couldn't stop it even if they wanted to.




Canterlot Guard.


The Mage finished looking over the inventory of what had been recovered from the captive: she rolled up the scroll and had it hover lazily in the air next to the guardspony.


"Several magical objects - they don't match up to anything we have on record, my apprentice is studying them downstairs. Aside from those, nothing noteworthy - at least, nothing that strikes me as particularly unusual."


She shook her head.


"Without any orders from the Princess, we're left to our own initiative. We're hoping to find a way to better defend ourselves: magic doesn't seem to affect them properly, that's whey there are three of us here..."




Emerald Gaze.


"I'm with you." Nodded the diplomat - watching the group disperse in the direction of the castle. "My careers pretty much over anyway... no sense in holding back!"


Emerald thought for a moment, then spoke again.


"When I went back to the castle, I might have... doctored your records a little. There wasn't time to go through official routes..." She explained guiltily. "And it would have been suspicious if you were the only one assigned outside of orders without consultation... so I improvised."


It had seemed like the best option at the time after all.


"I can put it right later on, but just... ahem... well... if anypony says that they heard you died..."

Never quite forgotten.

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Ronin looked at amethyst "if these 'greater entities' show up, then we'll find a way to beat them... We have to, or both our worlds will be destroyed. You can go ahead and blame us and everything around you, but the fact of the matter is that if we don't fix this soon we all die." He said, before sighing. He was getting sick of arguing so much, especially with the one being who he was trying to impress so much. "Why couldn't I have developed a liking for a normal pony, instead of a stubborn creature of pure magic who hates my guts..." He thought, as he made his way through the dark.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Midnight Sky


Midnight was upset when Blast asked for more details on his idea, but he was still determined to keep it a secret until either he was sure it would work or he didn't have a choice other than to use it. "Yes, Willow has been through a lot for such a young little pony, and she's also part of why I want to help Orion so much. As for my plan, well, I'm still working out the finer points of the matter, but short of completely altering his mind this is our best chance to actually save Orion. If it fails then we won't have any choice but to save him in a more permanent sense, though I really don't want to think about that possibility. But enough about me, I think it'd be fair of me to ask if you have any goals other than saving the world. Though if you don't want to tell me that's fine, but you and I haven't really talked before now so I'm a bit curious." Midnight said, hoping to divert the conversation away from him. If they kept talking about him then Blast might start asking about his past, after all the only thing Midnight has let the others know is that he's a prince from a far away land, and his past was still a touchy subject. Though he also truly did want to know more about Blast, Midnight had a fair idea about how Fisher, Pavi, Aegis, Eclipse, Amethyst, and even Ronin all think, but all he knew about Blast was that he's a good-hearted pony who can be a bit brash and has an incredible ability to run. And besides, it's always good for a leader to understand how their followers think, that makes it easier to maintain group cohesion, at least that's what he was taught during his royal studies back in Neighland.


Sig by DarkestStar, Avatar by Midnight Gaze

My OCs Midnight Sky, Sunshine Rays and Blizzard Blitz

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@, @ 


Byter screamed of frustration. "Bloody hell you have got to be kidding m-" He interrupted himself and again tried to breathe slowly and calm down. His tail whipped through the air as he pressed his fingers against his forehead. He kept his eyes closed and spoke slowly and soflty. "My knowledge will be of no use to you if you do not let me out. All I can tell you is where these things come from and what their intentions are. I think I know how to defeat the monsters you are dealing with..." He sighed and looked up, opening his eyes. "But that brings us back to the 'freeing me' part. I have to show you. If I tell you I wield the power of nature, you wouldn't understand a thing." He said angrily but controlled.


His ways were complex and old. The only reason he thought that his powers would be able to defeat the creatures from Arcana was because they wouldn't suspect it. A force, equally powerful to arcane magic but completely different in form was truly a perfect weapon against them. Then again, did he have enough knowledge and experience to wield the power of nature to its full extent?


"Is there really no other way in which you can let me out of here? Besides trusting me, which is clearly out of the question for some reason... Do I have to do something to prove myself? Do you need some kind of failsafe?" He hissed at the guardsponies. His head was starting to ache, and he had to calm down as quickly as he could. He was losing it, his feral self taking over. He kept breathing slowly, but it wasn't working very well. This sphere was giving him the creeps. He felt trapped so badly that is had claustrophobic effects. He was starting to sweat and his heart rate raised. "Please, anything... I'll do whatever you want just get me out of this damn SPHERE!" He screamed.

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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@@Scribblegroove,@, Terra had reached a point where he judged it was time to let loose. His eyes turned wide-open and he aproached the sphere with anger. Stopping just outside it's premises he let out a lion's roar that echoed shaking the things around him a bit. Once everything turned silent again he backed gaze upon the eyes of the beast... 

"Do not trifle with me... i know very well what must be done, and you're not going to be the one that teaches me my job. I don't know the standards with which your world works but here in Equestria... Trust and Resepct are earned."

The mages however had it right... the Princesses were away... now the royal guard, the only executor of the Princesses' orders was now left in an un-familiar situation with a new danger that proved to be harder to deal with. Magic was ineffective and they were running out of options. The mages thought... they thought that they abided by what the Princesses wanted... but to his eyes today's Equestria was dealing with a dangerous case of nostalgia that they had to shake off, but their teachings were important and they needed to be reminded just that.

"The Princesses also taught us not to act paranoid, they told us to give others the benefit of doubt. Most of all they taught us not to see the world in black and white! If this one has not harmed you how come you have ascertained him as a threat? I guess it doesn't matter in the end now does it? Unless we find a way out of this and soon i only forsee things deteriorating further. I need to think..."

He started trotting left and right wrinkling his face in thought. If he waited for his superiors for order they no doubt would take long, he had to take the initiative, take the initiative right now that he had a fragment of his trust. Suddenly his head bolted towards Byter's direction. Once again he inspected him top-bottom. Despite his menacing appearance he had been pitted with skilled foes as well... even unicorns knew not to take Terra for weak... he had not gained his position by chance. Right now what mattered was that he was about to risk Equestria's safety... 

"There is a saying that we have forgotten a bit... "No pain, no gain...". While i don't completely trust you i am willing to risk giving you the benefit of doubt, this doesn't mean you're free yet... But before i do anything... i want you to know that i do not take kindly to those who betray my trust. Should such a thing happen i will likely be on your tail for a long time... No offense really but it all shall depend on how you behave. Do you understand? Also... until we can ascertain the nature of your belongings i am not risking into giving you such things unless absolutely nessecary. I am not arming you in any way... *he pauses* Does our land have anything you consider edible? I am guessing you must be hungry and thirsty correct?"

Edited by nioniosbbbb
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White Eclipse

"You mean, this isn't even their full force? They still have yet to unleash their strongest beings?" Eclipse asked, more determined than worried. He's seen plenty of crazy things at this point; magical entities, god monsters, and magical scrolls were just the beginning of it. He bet to himself that he could take down more horrendous beings.

"Then, we don't have much time to waste. We need to find our way out of here fast and get this fixed faster. But, a few weeks? I still think that's a good amount of time to get back home and stop the worlds from clashing." Eclipse was only assuming such, though.


@@Icy Void,

Blasted Nova

"Heh. Well, as you could probably imagine, I'm always on the go." Blast began with a smirk. "I never fail to get myself roped into situations and adventures, but I've never really been roped into any situation like this. After this... I'm probably just going to go back to Ponyville and relax, go running, maybe have a race or two, and just be me. Though, I won't abandon the group until the job is done. I personally feel that teamwork is a good thing to have when trying to solve a problem. The team may be falling apart, which is sad to admit, but I'm trying to work with whatever we have left, and make them into a strong team that's willing to cooperate with one another." Blast gave a small look towards Eclipse. "Though, some need to work on it more than others..."

Edited by Geeky Goodies


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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Midnight Scribbler







Scribbler watched as the cutlass struck the book from Orion's grasp. He was stunned for a moment, then heard the sound of Kingfisher's voice, and her heavy hoofsteps making their way towards them. He quickly fired his magic, creating a force wall which formed like a net around where he could hear her moving. As soon as it was enclosed enough, that he could be certain she was within it, he froze it in place, trapping her from moving. "You must have a deathwish, fool.." He scowled at the air within the bubble, knowing she was in there. He glanced quickly to the book, lifted it, and drew it near with his telekinesis. Removing the blade, he placed it once again in his robe. "Orion, you must come with us.. Quickly. We cannot stay here, or we will be in serious danger.. You will be in serious danger. You must trust me, as you once did. Do you remember back at the falls, when you asked me to keep Willow safe if you could not? I am still the same Stallion you knew then. Now listen to me, we must get out of here before anything else happens. Those bandits are making their way back here, I'm certain of it. Come now, we will deal with saving the world once we've safely made it out of here." He glanced back to Mirror. "Mirror, can you try to keep the other one contained, I can't see them, and they clearly cannot be trusted." He looked down at the book, which had been pierced. "The magic is gone from it for certain then.. No more protective barriers.. This is my chance.." He thought, then glanced back to Orion. Could he even understand what Scribbler was telling him?



Clockwork Green


@@Tricksters Pride,


Clockwork grunted in response, the pegasus had at least taken his advice. "Didn't need your life story.. But I suppose I did ask." He thought, as he glanced back to the stallion. "Good.. good. You know what you must do, now it is merely a matter of doing it. Shadow is right though, we do have a task at hand." With that, he began weaving through the remaining sparks left behind by the crazed unicorn. He didn't know what they were, but he knew the others hadn't fared very well from touching them. Once through, he glanced at the now open doorway to the north. "Ah, good work." He said, with a happier tone.

Edited by Midnight Scribbler

Check out my new music projects on youtube, Bandcamp, or Soundcloud

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Branchwise was stunned by the sudden roar of anger from the stallion. Was this... weakling actually threatening him? He did not fear any of these ponies, and him not in the slightest. He feared death, that was certain. He reckoned the situation he was in required some pride-swallowing. He had already lowered his self esteem significantly be finding out he had claustrophobia of some sorts and nearly breaking down in front of all these ponies like a he was a weakling himself.


"Yes, no pain no gain. You can trust me, just please get me out of this thing... It's starting to startle me. I will behave perfectly. I won't harm a thing. Though I will eventually need my stuff back if you want me to help you. But I guess we'll get to that later." He explained. His stomach rumbled. "On the subject of food... I've told you, I am different. I eat exactly the same things as you ponies, though I prefer raw flesh..." He said. He poked his belly to make the rumbling stop. He then looked at the stallion. He had spoke about how trust and respect was earned. That was similiar to how it worked in his world... but you aren't exactly proving yourself by hiding behind a black magical sphere instead of fighting like a real predator should.

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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@@Windbreaker@@Midnight Scribbler,



Amused laughter echoed from Clockwork's shadow before Shadow spoke up. "As if i would settle for anything el-!" As Clockwork spoke the litanic magic faded from the sparks and Shadow stopped mid sentence before he darted from Clockwork's shadow and rushed to consume them all, eagerly devouring the spare magic as it became edible. Though this time the red glow that he exhibited while feeding didn't fade and instead his misty form took on a few bloody streaks within its shadowy color. This time he didn't return to Clockworks shadow and instead drifted alongside the pair, visibly gaining in strength from his multiple feedings. "Ohhh i've changed my mind, this place is great!..." He then drifted above the other entryway and directed his voice at Clockwork and the mare. "Shall we?"

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Midnight Sky


Midnight nodded, Blast seemed to be fairly simple to understand. "So you're from Ponyville then? That's not far from where Sunshine and I live, how interesting. And as for our team, well it could certainly use some work. My hope is that we can get some stability back once we reunite with Fisher and Pavi, at this point I'd say they've done more to keep us all together than the rest of us combined. I just hope nothing happens before we get to them." Midnight said. He didn't say it out loud, but he had been sensing several fluctuations in magical energy throughout the caves for a while now, some of which clearly belonged to Orion. And with all this magic around, it didn't bode well for anypony. "I don't know about you but I think we should pick up the pace. Let's not give the others who are down here a chance to do something that will cause problems." Midnight said to Blast with a glance in the direction they were walking. Midnight had a bad feeling about what was going on ahead of them, and he wanted to know what it was.


Sig by DarkestStar, Avatar by Midnight Gaze

My OCs Midnight Sky, Sunshine Rays and Blizzard Blitz

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Amethyst Void.




Amethyst stated for a moment before bursting into somewhat grim sounding laughter.


"Oh, you really have no idea do you?" She snorted mirthfully. "Oh dear... We're you thinking about the Stalkers? Oh no, they are the scavengers - they hunt the creatures too weak to protect themselves!"


She took a breath - that stopped the laughing. Needing to breath was a pony trait... she needed to remember that she wasn't one!


"Okay, firstly, there are the mutes. They can't speak - they haven't progressed that far yet. Stalkers and Leeches and all manner of nasty things. Quite dangerous but... you learn how to deal with them after a few hundred years."


She winked.


"Then there are the Ethereal - who range from weak, skittish deceivers to brutish oafs with command over horrific magic... though a few exceptional specimens can be found among them..." She paused to smile and bow in midair. "Then there are the elder beings - those are bad news. Usually not too bright compared to some of us though... they tend to just absorb everything within reach. I'd compare them to the Litany you killed. Except there are... hundreds? Maybe more - maybe thousands: its hard to say - time and distance don't mean the same there as they do here."


Once more she stopped, waiting for dramatic effect - for them to think her finished - before continuing.


"And then there are the Named Ones. The Sleepers. They sleep a lot - funnily enough. It's a good thing too - because when they're awake they don't even need to try to ruin your day - chaos and destruction literally just follow them around. Oh, and that's just the ones we know about..."




"Magic sustains us - it lets us grow, progress and learn and change. We can eat your 'food' but its not good for us - and if it is? If it starts to sustain us permanently? Then its already too late. When that happens, we've been here a been without real magic - for too long. We've lost our connection to Arcana."


She flitted suddenly - right up into the face of the idiot pony. "That. Isn't. Going. To. Happen. To. Me."

Never quite forgotten.

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Amethyst Void.@,

Amethyst stated for a moment before bursting into somewhat grim sounding laughter."Oh, you really have no idea do you?" She snorted mirthfully. "Oh dear... We're you thinking about the Stalkers? Oh no, they are the scavengers - they hunt the creatures too weak to protect themselves!"

She took a breath - that stopped the laughing. Needing to breath was a pony trait... she needed to remember that she wasn't one!"Okay, firstly, there are the mutes. They can't speak - they haven't progressed that far yet. Stalkers and Leeches and all manner of nasty things. Quite dangerous but... you learn how to deal with them after a few hundred years."

She winked."Then there are the Ethereal - who range from weak, skittish deceivers to brutish oafs with command over horrific magic... though a few exceptional specimens can be found among them..." She paused to smile and bow in midair. "Then there are the elder beings - those are bad news. Usually not too bright compared to some of us though... they tend to just absorb everything within reach. I'd compare them to the Litany you killed. Except there are... hundreds? Maybe more - maybe thousands: its hard to say - time and distance don't mean the same there as they do here."

Once more she stopped, waiting for dramatic effect - for them to think her finished - before continuing."And then there are the Named Ones. The Sleepers. They sleep a lot - funnily enough. It's a good thing too - because when they're awake they don't even need to try to ruin your day - chaos and destruction literally just follow them around. Oh, and that's just the ones we know about..."@,"Magic sustains us - it lets us grow, progress and learn and change. We can eat your 'food' but its not good for us - and if it is? If it starts to sustain us permanently? Then its already too late. When that happens, we've been here a been without real magic - for too long. We've lost our connection to Arcana."

She flitted suddenly - right up into the face of the idiot pony. "That. Isn't. Going. To. Happen. To. Me."


ronin saw amethyst wink at eclipse glared "is she flirting with him? What's he doing that I'm not?" He thought jealously, as she suddenly got in his face. He did his best to ignore the fact that she was so close to him "it can and it will, that is, it will if we don't hurry. I don't want you or any of my other friends to get hurt, I want to set everything right, but we can only do that by working together and stop bickering like children." He reasoned


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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White Eclipse

So, it was true. Things would only get worse from here on. It was occurring more to Eclipse that these creatures definitely had a stronger army than the ponies do. He was beginning to grasp why Amethyst wasn't confident in the ponies achieving victory.

"So, it hasn't even begun, has it?" Eclipse asked reluctantly with a small sigh. "If those creatures come here... we won't have a chance. Though, Ronin's right. Whether you believe in teamwork or not, Amethyst, we're going to need a strong group in order to fix this. And, if the elders are just as powerful as the Litany, we'll need that strong team more than ever."


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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@@Midnight Scribbler,@,@@SilverHeart,@,  


Pavisa had started to move when Kingfisher did, but stopped and moved to the side when Scribbler's magic net started to capture the mare.  "Fisher!"  Changing course, the ex-guard instead threw herself towards Scribbler in an attempt to make him release the spell.  It turned out to be less of a tackle and more of a falling collision though, as partway to the unicorn Pavisa winces and brings her front hooves to clutch at her head.  The pain was getting worse!


The spell keeping her invisible started to fade away as her horn lit up brightly, stray bolts of energy flying from it in different directions.  "Ahhh!  Wh-what...  No, stop!"  The magic didn't listen to her and continued to react violently to the blade stuck through the Litany.  One of the bolts of energy reached a burning tapestry and started to quell the fires, another tried to make its way to Kingfisher.  Whatever power was making itself at home in Pavisa was attempting to dispel whatever magic it could reach, seemingly against the mare's will. 







As Emerald's words sink in, Stahl hesitates for a moment before starting to laugh.  "Wait, died?  Great.  First I was a changeling, now I'm a spectre.  I'm going to wind up as a myth that mothers tell their children to make them behave at night!"  Laughing again the guard captain shakes his head, though he still seemed to find the situation more funny than anything.  Despite their current situation, it felt good to laugh.


"Oh, that's great...  Well, maybe I can convince a few of the more stubborn men that I'm going to haunt them if they don't get to work!  Let's get to the castle, who knows when those things will start to attack again..."











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Aegis Dare


Aegis wiped away the last of his tears and stared ahead. ‘Well, Aegis, this is what you came here for. Destiny is staring you in the face. No turning back.’ Aegis ran ahead, heading through the entryway in front. “I’ve got a bad feeling that something’s going down, so I’m gonna scout ahead. Keep close behind, ok?” Aegis said, phrasing the last part as a suggestion. Clockwork would follow or catch up. Plus he had Shadow with him, so he’d be safe even if he did hang back while Aegis scouted things out.


That fear returned. The same fear that rang warning bells in every fibre of his being. There was no doubt that it was Orion. Time to meet him face-to-face, and maybe talk some sense into everypony.

Edited by Windbreaker

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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(And for the first time in foreverrrrr, I post! God, I'm bad at songwriting..)


@,@@Midnight Scribbler, @, @@SilverHeart, @@Nomadic,


Willow Starsinger


"Scribbler's right! We have to go!" Willow frowned, putting her hoof down. "Orion, you don't need the Litany to protect me. I just want you to be safe," Willow said gently to her brother. Willow winced seeing that the fogginess in Orion's eyes cleared for a moment, but it came back. 


The mare was stunned by the blade flying through the air; she assumed it was Kingfisher's. Then she realized the danger of the situation for Orion. It was clear the other group hated Orion judging by his use of the Litany. She understood why Orion didn't trust anypony anymore because of Noble and that's why he was using the Litany. She and him knew that he wasn't going to use the Litany to protect her anymore, just mostly revenge purposes. 


She didn't know what Noble was doing now, but she almost wished that he was here so that Orion could get his power over with. She was afraid of what would happen to Orion - maybe Legion would return or maybe a whole new pony. But would he be the same Orion?


@@Tricksters Pride,




 "Well, if you can't defend yourself, what do you do for a living?" Aphrodite asked. It was a rather rude question, but it was just Aphrodite. It was normal. "What exactly am I protecting you from?" The mare looked at her hooves in a bored manner - she wasn't too sure what was going on, but she was sure this.. well, stallion would explain it. She never really got his name.

Edited by Shaymin


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@@Scribblegroove,@, Terra sighed and breathed in and out again. He finally motioned the mages to focus on him and said.

"Mr Byter is now under my "custody". Release him from his prison... i am going to take responsibility for his actions from now on."

He hoped that his decision was the right one. His voice was calmer and yet more serious than before... he was ready for anything, but Byter needed to know something...

"You had better stay with me... i cannot guarantee you safety from me, or my comrades' behavior should you run away from me. We're in the same boat now... we sink and soar together. If something happens to me they will suspect you... i am not saying this to threaten you, it's the logical thing. We win or lose together now..."

Edited by nioniosbbbb
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