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open A Darker Fate: Beyond these Walls Chapter Two.

The Elusive Cinder

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Noble Persona



Noble's black wings flared open and his eyes glowed menacingly. "I have the power to turn that fevered dream into a reality! Autumn Breeze, I propose a deal. I will restore your daughter with my power, but I will need your medical skills in return. Will you accept this contract?"


Autumn stopped, her resolve had faltered. Not because of how intimidating Noble was but because of the wings. The pony in front of her was an alicorn....just like the Sisters. Was this some elaborate joke? Possibly...but maybe not...If the magic of the Sister's could control the Sun and the Moon then maybe that same magic really could bring a pony back from the dead.... Autumn nodded.

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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Noble Persona & Gwyn


"Noble...Are you sure about this?"


"Mother didn't want to come back. She's at peace. Autumn's daughter may not feel the same way." Noble said as a coffin phased through the floor. He placed his horn near it and channeled magic into the coffin. When he moved away, the coffin opened and light poured out.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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@@Windbreaker,@, @,



Blasted Nova

Blast gave a slow nod to the returning Aegis. He just saw that Kingfisher chugged down a whole bottle of Brandy. He assumed it was in an attempt to stay warm, but being drunk was the last thing they needed right now.


"Well, you'd better buckle up. We might not see any of that for awhile..." Just saying that sent a chill down the stallion's spine, both psychologically and literally. He slowed down and began walking next to Aegis. "Why did you leave in the first place, dude? What did you forget?"


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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Aegis Dare



"Didn't forget anything. I was scouting that shack over there in case there were any other surprises waiting for us. And I've had enough surprises for today." Aegis said. He maintained his chipper tone. "Fortunately, we may finally get some much needed rest."


Aegis happened upon an idea. Shacks should have stoves, wood and cooking equipment. "Please let the shack have a frying pan." He said hopefully. He might get to make bell pepper stir fry yet.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Kingfisher blinked at Aegis' question. Drinking? She looked back at the bottle.


"... No?"


She sighed happily at the thought of real shelter up ahead: enjoying the sight of the snowfall blurring slightly and smiling softly to herself. She held out the bottle towards the writer - shaking it slightly.


"Uhm.. uh.. Is it... far?"


Blinking as the figure of the writer seemed to fog over in her eyes, she briefly felt relief that it was just her vision and not actual fog before snorting to herself and only half stopping herself from bursting into a fit of giggles for no apparent reason.


Never quite forgotten.

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Willow Starsinger


"Orion? Orion, where are you?" Willow pulled out Kricket from her bag and plopped it on her head. While trotting ahead, she was digging around her saddlebag to find an apple. She stopped for a moment and pulled it out. She thought it looked so juicy, so big, so delicious-looking... "Pull yourself together, Willow! Don't hog the whole thing to yourself!" Willow dug her hoof into her forehoof again and winced in pain. She was about to continue trying to find Orion when she heard Zintiik calling her name and rushing up to her.


"Zintiik! Why are you here?" Willow asked more out of surprise than anger. Willow looked down at the path, noticing that there were not one, but two ways down the cave. She shouted down both paths for Orion but no answer.


She took her chances for the first one and hoped she was right.. if she wasnt, she could always just turn around. She continued walking to see that Denarius was following them as well. "Denarius! Sorry Zintiik's been giving you such a hard time.."


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@, @, @


He followed the changeling intently hoping for the mare to finally stop and notice the pair. Once she had finally come to a halt, Denarius and the changeling rushed to catch up to her. As soon as she noticed him standing behind Zintiik, she must of felt the need to apologize for Zintiik actions. "Oh have don't worry about me, it doesn't suit you. If your friend had been nice to me, what fun would there of even been in being here", Denarius told Willow with a laugh and a grin. She was arguably being overly sympathetic with a nigh complete stranger, but this meant he could at least trust her somewhat more than anypony else here.

Edited by Nomadic
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Clockwork Green



Clockwork raised a brow, giving Eclipse a slightly cold look. Mostly expressionless, his eyes were void of any visible emotion. "I don't remember whiskey.. but I do remember a certain bottle of Chianti you spilled before our little trip." He glanced down at the partial bottle of vodka being presented to him. "I do not believe now is a good time to be drinking.. You'll only freeze to death quicker with thin blood. Though I wouldn't mind once we find some real shelter.. Away from deathly magical auras and strange, behemoth elementals." He finished with a slight half smile.



Midnight Scribbler




Scribbler smiled at Mirror, still feeling worry for her as they trotted back up the tunnel. "I truly hope that water isn't deadly.. I don't know what I will do.. If magic can't help, it could be difficult." He thought to himself. Orion showed up ahead of them, cursing the disappearance of Willow once again. Was she really missing again?? "Again?? What in Equestria? We almost need to put a tracking spell on her, she evaporates into thin air it seems. I've never met a pony who gets themselves lost so often, and with such ease.. Orion, Are you certain there isn't somewhere more safe you could bring her? Really, she's in danger out here. Don't you have any family you could leave her with?"

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@@Midnight Scribbler,


White Eclipse

Eclipse nodded and put the vodka back into his saddlebags. "Well, it doesn't look like Kingfishers warming up any time soon, then." Eclipse said to the doctor. He hoped they would find the shelter soon. He's had enough traveling for one day. "But, when I was back there... I put my magic against that giant beam. The telekinetic properties in the beam felt similar to mine. And... I was almost taken by it..."




Blasted Nova

"Well, I hope this shack isn't too far away. I shouldn't even be walking anyways, yet I have no choice but to do so." Blast muttered back to the author, holding his own head. He was putting too much pressure on his legs. It brought so much pain that it was getting hard to even move with it. He tried to keep going, as he prayed that the shack was nearby.

Edited by StevenEarthPony


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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Aegis Dare



Aegis stopped for a moment and bent down for Blast. "Hop on. I'll carry you there so you can rest a bit on the way. And if the shack has a frying pan, I can cook a hot meal for us. Hell, if I can beat a piece of metal into shape, it'll do. Anyway, choice is yours if you want to walk or let me carry you." Aegis said, offering help to the injured stallion.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Orion Starsinger.


@@Midnight Scribbler,




Orion snapped at the question far too quickly - it was a sore point that he wasn't going to discuss: least of all here and now. He wondered briefly about the idea though: under the influence if the Litany he had been able to track her before... If only he could do something: anything remotely as useful now.




"Willow?" The air seemed to block out sound - but somewhere back towards the cave entrance he was sure he could hear his sister. Motioning for the pair to follow, he began to pick his way backwards through the narrow tunnel until he they opened up enough for him to move properly. "Can you hear.."


He sighed in relief as a faint blue light became visible in the distance - marking the little dragonesque creature sitting happily in his sisters mane.


"Willow! What did I say about wandering off like that?" He gasped in relief.




"And you're supposed to be looking after her, not playing in the snow!" He grumbled. Typical: even the senseless spell was ignoring him now.




Solar Harvest.





@@Tricksters Pride,



I'm curious to see if mentioning works in spoilers. Let me know please!



Sol watched as the mare from the castle looked each way down the quiet street and waved him over: motioning towards the covered cart that was significantly less well loaded that last time: than they needed.


"It's all that I could get: the guard are getting suspicious." She muttered as he lifted the cloth with a hoof. A couple of swords and spears, less than a full suit if armour and a few miscellaneous bits and pieces they could barely use... It was pitiful, but it was better than nothing. If the castle wouldn't help voluntarily then they would have to make use of whatever they could get.


He nodded.


"We'll make do. Anything else you can get though - or..."


"Don't even ask..."


"There aren't enough of us! We aren't soldiers, we can't carry on pretending that we are! Please, it's getting worse. Another one of those... things, opened up last night. Just... if any of them seem like they would... we need all the help we can get."


The mare gave no indication of whether his pleading had influenced her - pulling the cloak tighter around her so that she might remain unnoticed as she returned to the castle. Her eyes shone out as they caught the light from under the hood.


"I'm not a spy." She said forcefully as she left.

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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Midnight Scribbler







Scribbler was drawn back by Orion's abrupt and terse response. He wasn't certain how, but it seemed as though he'd offended the Unicorn. "Forgive me.. It was merely a thought. I didn't mean to upset you." He felt as though his place had been lost in Orion's eyes. It was as if his footing in the group had been swept away, out from under him. He glanced to Mirror briefly, some part of him seeking reassurance in her. His thoughts turned once again to her, flushing his mind of all else. He spoke quietly to her as Orion seemed too busy to notice them. "How are you feeling?" He asked, hoping the answer would be the same. His eyes spoke a sincere concern for her.

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Icarus looked around. He had lost sight of the group.


Blast! were could they have gone, how could I have missed them....


Icarus wandered for a little bit, yeling names of group members he knew. Affter a awwwhile, he noticed a shack. After some hesitation, he sprinted to the shack and ran in to escape the cold, not expecting everyone to be in it.


"Were in the name of Celestia did you all go?!"  Icarus said as he walked into the cabin.


((Sorry for thee poor post, Schools been Hell for a little while, but now I should be ablle to post regularly again.)

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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@@SilverHeart, @@Windbreaker, @@Tricksters Pride

(SilverHeart asked if i could do him a favor and post this for him cause he is going to work soon... And its not that gruesome. (Seriously i could do far worse...))


(OOC: So, guys....if you don't want to read a probably too gruesome death scene just skip down to "Silver and Autumn", it should be beneath the spoiler.)


Silver Heart


Silver Heart followed slowly after the others, doing her best to avoid the razor rocks.... At least she thought she was following them. In truth she had lost sight of her friends a while ago, she couldn't even hear them anymore. Silver Heart gingerly stepped around one of the rocks, and despite the cautious and tedious pace that she was moving it seemed that she still got her fair share of cuts. Her right foreleg was in nearly unbearable pain, it was probably why she had lagged so far behind everypony else alongside the injury from the other day (It was more serious than she had expected)... She definitely should have turned back when Kingfisher had given her the chance, but she would have been the only pony to turn back besides Tactic and she didn't want that...


Silver Heart looked behind herself to see if it would be easier to turn around, maybe she could just go back home? (She hadn't been too useful so far.) It was far... Still, it was closer than continuing forward. The mare began to take another step as she looked back in front of her. Silver Heart quickly jumped backward upon looking forward again, she had almost walked right into one of the rocks! When she landed, her right leg crumpled under her with an unhealthy crunch, and pain and fear caused her to shut her eyes as she fell over. Much to her surprise she didn't feel anything new except for her impact with the ground, the mare had expected to feel unbearable agony after being impaled upon a series of rocks.


It didn't even seem like she'd been cut at all so she slowly opened her eyes. How odd, she could only see out of her right eye and after a second or two her neck began to feel warm and sticky. The heat was especially interesting because it arrived without pain, at least at first... What Silver didn't realize was that cuts made by rocks as sharp as any sword don't really hurt until well after the event itself. The mare was in such a state of shock, she didn't even realize that she was bleeding! Instead, it just felt like a warm tickle in her throat before she lost consciousness.

Silver and Autumn
Silver stumbled out of the coffin and collapsed as it sank back into the floor. Her eyes flickered and she took a deep breath before passing into unconsciousness.
Upon taking in the events Autumn gasped and rushed towards her daughter, intent to make sure that she alright.




As Autumn is reunited with her daughter a pony becomes visible (Not with a flash or any dramatics, more like you no longer have trouble noticing him.) sitting next to Noble with an amused smile. "A form of necromancy used for good, how touching. Despite your flair for the dramatic you are quite an interesting pony Mister Persona." He then turns his attention to the Mares in question with a touched spark in his voice. "Well Miss Breeze, i would offer my condolences but it would seem that no longer applies... I must say that i am thrilled to see such a happy reunion for you two."

Edited by Tricksters Pride
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@,@@Midnight Scribbler,@@SilverHeart,@,@@Nomadic,


Willow Starsinger


"Phew! That's good to know! I was worrying that you didn't like our company!" Willow smiled, continuing down the path. She noticed that the Aspect seemed happier on her mane. She will have to put it in her mane more often! No wonder why it's been nipping on ponies' ears..


Willow saw Orion on the path ahead and trotted to him gratefully. "Orion!" Willow smiled, nuzzling her brother. "Sorry I wandered off.. I thought we could use some food since we were going to be in here a while. The last thing we'd want is to eat each other!" Willow joked. After a moment of silence, she cleared her throat.


"I haven't seen Kricket before I left though - I just now found him." Willow patted the drake in her mane. "So what's this water all about? Could we drink it?"


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Noble Persona & Gwyn


'Noble, this pony is giving me a funny feeling.' Gwyn thought, projecting her thoughts into Noble's mind through their link.


'I know, but he doesn't mean us any harm. I think we can trust him.' Noble replied. He then spoke out loud. "You're early, Mister Strings, And in the wrong place. No matter, I have my answer for you, regardless. I've decided to accept your offer." He then turned to Autumn. "The last thing she'll remember is dying, so she will likely need to be rehabilitated. But make no mistake, she is alive."


"It...worked?" Gwyn asked, not quite believing that the resurrection had worked.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Strings looked at Noble with an apologetic expression. "Soooo sorry about that but something came up and when i noticed you along the way... well i was quite curious. But business can wait till after don't you agree? Also might i suggest that you use that little eye trick on her to repress her memory, as i imagine that waking up after trauma such as death might be a little... Frightening. Likely beyond the usual work at even the best rehabilitation facility."

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Noble Persona & Gwyn


"I agree. But somepony has to hold her eyes open while I cast it, but don't look at it yourselves. Strings, would you care to assist me?" Noble asked. It was so close now. With this, he had a medic and a spy he could plant with the greatest threats. 'If I continue to clear the tasks at hand like this, I'll have an army in no time.'


Strings nodded and moved to open Silver's eyes. Autumn opened her mouth to interrupt, but Noble stopped her. "Autumn, if we don't do this, her mind will break from trying to understand how she's still alive after her injuries. On that note...Obey!" Noble's eyes glowed as he cast his spell. A brief flash in Autumn's eyes confirmed the effect.


'She's still unconscious. Good.' Noble looked directly into Silver's eyes, his own eyes still glowing. "Forget your death. Spy. Live." Silver's eyes flashed three times as the spells took hold.


Gwyn was shocked. At least with killing pirates, Noble had shown some measure of hatred. This time, there was no emotion on his face as he cast his spell.

Edited by Windbreaker

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Strings levitated a pillow over from the nearby bed and set Silver's head down on it gently while respectfully closing her eyes. "Distasteful business to make a mare lose a memory, but it was for her own good... I can't imagine that she'll want that one." Strings then looked at Noble in a serious manner. "Though i would advise diplomacy first in the future Mister Persona... Ponies are not fond of being told what to do without good reason and its quite rude."   *'Odd to not display emotion... Hope hes not a sociopath they tend to be rather uninteresting fellows, not to mention utterly predictable and boring.'*

Edited by Tricksters Pride
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Mirror Image


@@Midnight Scribbler@,


Mirror flinched when Orion snapped at Scribbler. He seemed more stressed than he had in the last few days.... "Orion...maybe we should take a break. You probably need one." Mirror suggested. In truth she could use a break herself or at least a few minutes of rest. At the sound of Scribbler's voice Mirror looked away from him to roll her eyes. Looking back at Scribbler, he seemed....kind of hurt. Honestly, she didn't feel much different...yet... Sighing, she spoke. "I'm...fine. I think..... How are you?"

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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@@Midnight Scribbler



Crimson chuckled at Clockworks warning about drinking alcohol in the cold, trotting up beside him. "Is that so? Well then, I guess it would make all the more amusing when I do this..." he said, before taking a long swig of rum from his emergency flask. After he had his fill, he capped the flask with a grin and, to make a point to his trolling, ignited his body in flames, melting the snow around him as he continued to trot, whistling a merry tune.

Edited by ragestar
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@@Windbreaker,@@Tricksters Pride,

Autumn Breeze


Autumn stood still, trying to figure out exactly what had happened.... Why hadn't she been able to say anything? She just stood to the side as Noble cast some spell on Silver! And what was that at the end? Spy? Live? "What did you just do?" She growled, trying to sound patient but probably failing.

Edited by SilverHeart

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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Noble Persona & Gwyn


Noble smirked and a crystal necklace materialized in a flash of violet flames, which he levitated to Autumn. "When she wakes up, give that to her. The meaning behind my spell will come clear in time. For now, simply accept the fact that I just saved her from a second death. Now for your end of the bargain. I need a medical officer for procedures and training. I'm putting together a rebellion against the corrupt nobility the plagues our fair city."


'That was cruel, Noble.' Gwyn thought, projecting through their link again.


'I know, but it was necessary. It hurts me too, Gwyn. Believe me, it does...' Noble projected in return.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Midnight Scribbler






Scribbler smiled at Mirror, a slight worry still lingered in his eyes. Partly for her, and partly for himself. He wasn't certain how he'd offended Orion, nor why he was in such a bad mood. He felt out of place suddenly, as if he'd been shunned, though weather or not he had, was left to be seen. He glanced down at his hooves, then to Orion, and his sister, then back to Mirror. "I'll be fine.." He hadn't even considered his injuries in the past while, the headache dulled by the confusion and stress. Suddenly it hit him like a knife, and caused him to wince slightly. "I just have to remember to cast my healing aura from time to time." With that, he attempted to cast it, grimacing with the strain of using magic in his condition. The aura was weak still, but it dulled the pain as he cast, and allowed him to focus further. The spell became slightly stronger, still nowhere near full, but he was getting there.



Clockwork Green



Clockwork glanced at the pirate, unamused by his antics, but grinned. "Easy to say for somepony who uses fire magic. Try having metal wings implanted in your back in the cold, without fire magic, and then talk to me." He sneered. "Arrogant fool.. I wonder just how well his hide deals with cold steel.." A smile crossed Clockwork's face at this, suddenly occurring to him that he was glad he hadn't vocalized the thought.

Edited by Midnight Scribbler

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@@Midnight Scribbler,  


"Heh, yeah, don't apologize for me.  It's not like I do."  Zintiik looks at Denarius and grins...  Before hissing at the pony and turning his attention back to the rest of their group.  


The caves were far too cramped for Zintiik's liking - not cramped the way the Hive had been, just cramped so that he couldn't fly...  Still, it didn't stop him from trying as he hovers slightly off the floor of the cave and trying to listen to what the others were talking about.  "Did we miss anything important?  And if not, can we go wherever we're supposed to be going now?  It's freaking cold here."











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