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Good to see you posting, and while you are right that there are probably more haters for either of these two mane 6 than any others.  (not meh-ers, but actual haters) I think that most of us feel that Rarity is a great character [about 150ish I'd bet] but of all the voters more prefer Rarity to Flutters. 

Look at it this way.  I don't think anybody hates Discord (I might be wrong) and Rarebare got over 100 votes there.  I voted for Discord there and Here I am happy that my 4 fave ponies (Discord is no pony) have gotten to the semis.


Let's celebrate a good run and hope she gets 3rd


:D   if the voting causes you stress, feel free to TOTALLY opt out.  Stressing out is Sooooooo last decade's fashion.  This years fashion is calm fluttering.

Me posting is probably not a good thing, seeing that everything i write will be coated in a thick layer of bile.


And i don't know how she got 100 votes against Discord, realistically she should get almost no votes, or not more then angel.

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Ehhhhhhhh? I'd vote for Dashie over Rarity in a heartbeat. I mean, AJ and Rarity fans often like the same characters due to them generally being fans of the show for similar reasons, but it's not like a blood pact.



At least, Spike and I hope not.

actually (for me at least) I'd vote for rarity over dashie because rarity is my 2nd favorite dashie is a favorite of mine but not on a high level i dislike her sometimes why? because of her behavior and rarity fans help us in tough situations so yeah 

  • Brohoof 1
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So Rarity's getting a bunch of diplomatic votes because it's expected from Applejack fans? Sorry to hear people vote that way, I rather think for myself 


I think Rarity's a great character on her own, so is Fluttershy. Applejack has nothing to do with it   :P



Amen brother. You deserve an academy award, given to you by Fluttershy herself! :yay:

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I have to agree with the sound off. It's silly (and a little insulting) to assume that all Rarity and AJ fans will vote for each other automatically. While the idea of 'The Rarijack Alliance' is whimsical fun, we all gravitate to characters for our own unique reasons and politics and pressure shouldn't sway your vote.


Each if the Mane Six, and many if the support characters are all part of the same recipe. Yes, I may prefer some ingredients on their own better than others, but together it's makes a masterpiece of a dish. The show would be less appealing with ANY of the major players not factored in. Even Diamond Tiara (Grrrrrrrrrr)


Irony ... I was just reminded of Sisterhooves Social and Applejack to Rarity.


Also .... mmmm, pie.

  • Brohoof 1
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Still hoping for a Rarity victory here, come on now... :huh:


I don't think there are many who actually vote like this because of a "alliance".


What i think is that Rarity only has so many votes because people vote for her because they hate the pony she is against more then they hate her. There is no way she would have, for example, 94 votes otherwise.


For a pony that has probably as much fans and haters as Diamond Tiara or Angel there is no other way for her to get that much votes.

I highlt doubt that Diamond Tiara and Angel actually have a fanbase comparable to a Mane 6 pony like Rarity, lol... the ratio between fans and haters could be similar though, yeah, but more people have got to like her compared to the other 2, I mean come on. :P
  • Brohoof 2
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I highlt doubt that Diamond Tiara and Angel actually have a fanbase comparable to a Mane 6 pony like Rarity, lol... the ratio between fans and haters could be similar though, yeah, but more people have got to like her compared to the other 2, I mean come on. :P

Eh, don't take anything i say today with a grain of salt... Im grumpy... :blush:


I don't think Rarity will manage to close the distance, no matter how much i would like to see my favorite pone eva win. Congratulations for Fluttershy and her fans. :D

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Got back from my job interview and am disappointed they Rarity's deficit has doubled since I went to sleep.


Also, as someone who's often joked about the Rarijack Alliance; I obviously know there is no such thing. And I don't fault any of my fellow Applejack fans if they vote Fluttershy. Watching the show alone in my room (originally not wanting anyone to know is was watching it) I came to the conclusion that Applejack was my favorite pony, and then Rarity... To be honest, I was surprised when I got on here and noticed how many other came to either the same conclusion or it's inverse.


Edited by The JLmle
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I would probably react like Rarity...


Seeing that i don't like either football nor dirt. :muffins:

I like football/ soccer but yeah... Not big on dirt...

Also this;


  • Brohoof 2
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Because its dirty... I hate dirt...

But meh, I'd prefer not getting hurt during football, but I always damage my legs from tackles.
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Best princess? Nah


Cutest princess? YES



I love how big the tiara is, like they actually went ahead and "borrowed" it from Celestia while she was sleeping. Worth it  ;)

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Time again to post my appreciation for the pony I didn't vote for... I try to do that at least once per match

I love Fluttershy! See...


She's sweet and cuddly, and great with animals, an amazing singer and I could go on... Frankly I'm surprised I haven't voted for her in the knockout stages yet, today she's against my 2nd favorite and earlier she was against my wife's favorite (a single might well have voted her over Luna)


Also, even if the score holds and my 2 favorites are gone, I'll stick around because...




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Also, even if the score holds and my 2 favorites are gone, I'll stick around because...





The trick for me is determining which horse to back (pun intended).


It could be the Banana Pone whose unexpected return created a Cinderella story


It could me my Initial fav and her OCD inspired ways


Or a manic but well intentioned homage to classic cartoons.


This is a conundrum!

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