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I cried when I saw results...

Vinyl Is Love, Vinyl is Life.


Rarity please go die somewhere and let a background pony win...pwease!!!?!??!!

I mean Rarity she's meh..but Vinyl created a Bass Cannon, Wub Washer, and even a Album what did fancy pants Miss.Rarity do?!?









I don't mean this you know...

Edited by NightGuard
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I cried when I saw results...

Vinyl Is Love, Vinyl is Life.


Rarity please go die somewhere and let a background pony win...pwease!!!?!??!!

Hey... I wouldn't want any pony to die... Rarity ain't no exception to that, and the same goes with Vinyl.


Good edit.

Edited by Sterling Crimson
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I cried when I saw results...

Vinyl Is Love, Vinyl is Life.


Rarity please go die somewhere and let a background pony win...pwease!!!?!??!!

Oh Lord, not another referance to THAT! Anything but that! It was so messed up, it was priceless!
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Keep it up, Rarity! :D You're doing great!


Vote for the princess of fabulosity!



It's not just fabulosity... people always forget but there is a so much deeper meaning to "Generosity". It's called selflessness.


Generosity isn't simply about giving material possesions to someone else. It's also about having always to give something... if you don't have material possesions you give yourself.


As i'm speaking i am trying to write a fic where i have the changeling equivalent of Rarity give herself to the cause of her kind in spirit, mind, and soul...


Imagine if this was touched in the case of Rarity! Rarity has much potential!

Just have a look at the fics they are created in her name... sorry for the advertise like shamelss... *cough*...


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I don't see this as bragging. More like excitement to the news of the results really, but I can see how it can look like it. :)

I'm not trying to rustle anyone's jimmies, I'm just saying that it looks like bragging. It's too big and flashy. Just the way he posted it makes me think he's being smug about it. Sorry if you're offended (which is impossible, since people shouldn't be able to be offended by me [long story]), but Pinkamena-Pills, could you at least contain the excitement to a degree where someone won't think you're being snotty about the results. Please?

The Diamond In The Dark



You mean "Diamond in the Rough"?
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This has became a war worth fighting for!

Everybrony, Pegasisters, and Whatever the flip else, command your cannons and let us win this glorious fight of best pony!


Assume your positions!!


Rarity, you better watch out, you better not cry, and I'm telling you why....

Cause Bass Cannon is coming... to TOWN!! AND SHE'S NOT SHOWING ANY MERCY


Edited by NightGuard
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*me having conversation with applejack* 

applejack: did you vote for rarity sugarcube?  :huh: 

why of course! How can i say no to rarity?   :)  

applejack: glad to hear it!  :D so you're gonna sleep now? 

yes am exhausted!

applejack: well good night! *kiss on forehead* Good night sugarcube!  ;) 

 good night guys!

Edited by Saudi brony
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C'mon everypony! Vote for The Queen of Wubs, Vinyl Scratch AKA DJ Pon-3! YYYEEEAAAAAAHHH!!!

Nope,i din't. because if i did that's what i would have wrote. :D 

Okay, but "Diamond in the Dark" just don't seem right, but whatevs.



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Finally, shall ye join the Wub Army! I have a spot as General for thou.

Why, thy would be honored to.

@@Shenron00,Then perhaps you need think it over a bit more,the photo made it pretty obvious lol

....For some reason, I feel bad now.....
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I think my favorite part of this whole world cup thing is the hilarious/adorable/awesome pictures and art that are posted during this.


Maybe it's just me, but I really enjoy it ;p.

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@@Shenron00,Then perhaps you need think it over a bit more,the photo made it pretty obvious lol "Note I'm kidding" ~ NightGuard

I get it..


It means traitor to the wubs!!?!!

....No, No...

After a deep analysis it means in German


"Thou White Pony shall be sentenced to 1000 years in solitude!!!!1"


Just kidding ^^"

Edited by NightGuard
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Okay let me just stop you right there... i like her for her acting i haven't seen her everywhere. If it makes you feel any better i didn't mean to get on you or anyone else... I mistakenly infused some debate mood on this topic and it had negative results. That is all...


An irrelevant question but was Coco Pomel here? I thought she was known... what about Tirek? And why wasn't nightmare moon here.


My thing was more of a joke  :lol:


If your second question is about the MPLF cup, they had qualifications a while back. I believe Coco Pomel was in those, but Tirek wasn't because it was before the episode aired. Nightmare Moon is considered the same character has Luna I believe.

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I get it..


It means traitor to the wubs!!?!!

....No, No...

After a deep analysis it means in German


"Thou White Pony shall be sentenced to 666 years in solitude!!!!11"


She is the she-devil!!?!!!!


Ahh. I see what you did there. Lol

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