SirSeagull 4 December 17, 2013 Share December 17, 2013 (edited) Is there any viable chance that this could happen anymore? I mean, the show's four seasons in with at least 3 redeemed villains I can flat out think of off the top of my head, and of all of the reoccurring villains or bullies that weren't just one offs for an episode, only Diamond Tiara has remained a mean meanie who is mean (and to a lesser extent Silver Spoon, but I'm convinced that if Diamond ever did become less of a punch-able jerk, Silver Spoon would be right behind her). I guess it makes sense to a certain extent - they provide a lot of the conflict behind a lot of the CMC episodes, and if they were made to be more friendly to the trio their only role in the show up to that point would be completely toppled, but still, I'm always a little sad that we haven't gone into the dynamic duo's characters beyond being simple antagonists. It doesn't really seem likely at this point, but what do y'all think? Oh, and side question. Has anyone but the CMC and Babs even noticed how mean Diamond Tiara is, or are they remarkably stealthy at what they do? Edited December 17, 2013 by SirSeagull 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scootalove 10,689 December 18, 2013 Share December 18, 2013 (edited) I think that Diamond Tiara staying the way she is could be a good thing because, it gives the CMC a reason to dislike them for how snobby she can be. The conflict that they have with the trio, shows that the dynamic of antagonists and protagonists have a connection that shows a lot more than meets the eye. They probably noticed how mean Diamond Tiara is, they might not know any deep secrets that she has. She is a bully who doesn't mind displaying on how she is mean, and will go to many measures to get what she wants. But a redemption for her? I don't know. Edited December 18, 2013 by Scootalove Credit: Moony © Forum FAQ Forum Rules Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MLPForums Phanact 1,374 December 18, 2013 Share December 18, 2013 I really hope Diamond Tiara has a "Sunset Shimmer" redemption. I really felt sorry for Sunset Shimmer in EqG and it was heart-melting when the Mane 6 forgave her. I think it'd make a really sweet episode for the Mane 6 to teach the CMC forgiveness and maybe Diamond Tiara will see the error of her ways. She's quite a cute character in design as well, it just sucks she has the bad personality. 2 let's love for me and lets love loud and let's love now cause soon enough we'll die Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spartan 433 December 18, 2013 Share December 18, 2013 I want to see either, or both, Princess Celestia and/or Luna to tear her a new one.. when they see Diamond Tiara making fun of the CMC.. But maybe Luna would be the one to do it, since shes "closer" to Scootaloo than Celestia, and maybe She (Luna) was picked on when she was younger.. Could make for a good episode lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Silver Essence~ 2,625 December 18, 2013 Share December 18, 2013 A redemption would be nice to see, maybe she'll become better as the series continues? Who knows. But seeing her loose or fail at any chance to put down the CMC is always funny none the less. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Qiviut 22,447 December 18, 2013 Share December 18, 2013 (edited) DT doesn't need redemption. She needs three-dimensionality. She and Silver Spoon have the same personality and reduce to simple cheap shots beyond just the "blank flank" cliché. Unfortunately, that cookie-cutter personality Tiara has is why her (and Spoon) taunting Scootaloo's disability didn't help the conflict, but undermine it instead, thus dragging the quality down. What would give DT dimension again is by putting her in a role similar to Ponyville Confidential. She was that episode's biggest strength from beginning to end. To quote what I wrote a while back: In this episode, Diamond Tiara was by far the best written character, and she nearly stole it. In her previous two episodes and One Bad Apple, she was mostly the rich bitch and/or typical schoolyard bully. Ponyville Confidential gave her significant character development that evolved her into a three-dimensional antagonist. Diamond Tiara was manipulative, business-like, and SMART. She strategized in this episode and knew how to get what she wanted when she wanted. She was a bully who wanted to display her sense of business and storytelling and manipulated the Cutie Mark Crusaders to do her dirty work.Another part of what made Diamond Tiara extremely believable was how she was her father's spitting image on the other side of the scale. You can tell she had Filthy Rich's blood and capability to create a business strategy here, thus providing ample opportunity for the writers to evolve her character.It's a damn shame this side of her character hasn't been explored since. Edited December 18, 2013 by Dark Qiviut 7 "Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross Pro-Brony articles: 1/2/3/4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ReverseFaller 2,484 December 18, 2013 Share December 18, 2013 (edited) Maybe if she gets redeemed my urges to punch her in the face will lessen. I mean, she was mocking Scootaloo, a crippled (potential) orphan. Who does that? Seriously. Anyways, if she gets a redemption episode what will Silver Spoon do? Will she try to reform as well? Will Silver Spoon/Diamond Tiara and the CMC all become friends? That'd be kind of cute wouldn't it? Friendship is magic, after all. Edited December 18, 2013 by Mikami 2 Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Misty Rose 3,216 December 18, 2013 Share December 18, 2013 I read a fanfiction once that gave a really nice redemption for DT and I hope they take that route in the show. It's honestly the best redemption I can think of for her. Because if they just offer her friendship, she won't want to be friends with blank flanks. Basically the main focus of the story is that Silver Spoon comes back to Ponyville after she moved to Manehattan, and the stuff in the middle is awesome too, but to stay on topic, at the end of the fic Silver Spoon tells Diamond Tiara that she was bullied alot in Manehattan due to her cutie mark and her glasses, so she tells DT that she felt horrible and that she finally understood what the Crusaders have been going through this whole time. So Diamond Tiara understands and apologizes to the Crusaders. I'm not sure if they'll do something similar to this in the show, where Diamond learns what it's like to be bullied but it's a good redemption. 2 My OC: TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK OF ME HERE!! Want a sig like this? Check out my thread! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NavelColt 22,882 December 18, 2013 Share December 18, 2013 It could happen, I'm not going to say it can't because, clearly the show could do so in some kind of way that'd make sense. But I don't personally want it to happen, because I don't see her as a character that'd realistically get redeemed. She's been raised to be a rich, snobby, stuck up bitch, and I don't see her changing that easily when she's that young and has already gotten accustomed to that way of behaving. Silver Spoon is a different matter, as I've mentioned in other topics; she just needs to start hanging with other crowds. But DT is not that simple. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gone Airbourne 21,977 December 18, 2013 Share December 18, 2013 I mean who knows it could very well be possible look at what they did with Trixie and Sunset Shimmer in the movie. Another character who has not been shown any redemption would be Glida but I detest that character alongside of DT. So as of know I would not know but it could be possible in the future episodes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FNGRpony 658 December 18, 2013 Share December 18, 2013 I noticed the voice of reason was calling for silver spoons to have a redemption moment. And I'm kinda open to that. Can i be honest with you?Some ponies don't want redemption.I doubt diamond tiara wants anyones pity. she's a vile soul who likes her lot in life. It's who she is. It's who defines her. I like knowing in equistra you don't have to be good. It's a choice. in a place full of sugary saps she's her own pony. cheers. flight to the finish. i continue to improve, Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bucky McGillyCuddy 956 December 18, 2013 Share December 18, 2013 I think she's too far down the rabbit hole personally. Plus the CMC need that rival figure to play off here and there. If you'd be so kind as to check out some of my drawings, I would really appreciate feedback. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Never2muchpinkie 211 December 18, 2013 Share December 18, 2013 I read a fanfiction once that gave a really nice redemption for DT and I hope they take that route in the show. It's honestly the best redemption I can think of for her. Because if they just offer her friendship, she won't want to be friends with blank flanks. Basically the main focus of the story is that Silver Spoon comes back to Ponyville after she moved to Manehattan, and the stuff in the middle is awesome too, but to stay on topic, at the end of the fic Silver Spoon tells Diamond Tiara that she was bullied alot in Manehattan due to her cutie mark and her glasses, so she tells DT that she felt horrible and that she finally understood what the Crusaders have been going through this whole time. So Diamond Tiara understands and apologizes to the Crusaders. I'm not sure if they'll do something similar to this in the show, where Diamond learns what it's like to be bullied but it's a good redemption. Oh man. Reading that reminds me that I still have to get on with my DT redemption fic. I think I may have told you about it before in a different topic, but I don't remember. My take on it was basically that she is jealous of Applebloom because she has something that money can't buy. Real love and affection. All the material possessions in the world won't feel as good as the genuine love shared by family. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mywas 687 December 18, 2013 Share December 18, 2013 I agree with @Dark Qivuit What she needs is not redeemtion or for us to know that she is abused or something. She just needs to try new things besides being a bully, because with her character devolopment in Ponyvill Confidential being ignored by the writers of the show, her ENTIRE character is being a bully, It was okay the first few episodes but at this point its getting annoying, Her Heel Heat is turning into X Pac heat. What Diamond Tiara needs is for the writers to explore on her character some more, Because unlike the Pegasus Jocks, She is a recurring antagonist and therefor needs more Character than her current One Dimentional one. 1 Credits to Mint Drop for an awesome Sig. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Misty Rose 3,216 December 18, 2013 Share December 18, 2013 Sounds interesting That's also a good way to do a redemption. My OC: TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK OF ME HERE!! Want a sig like this? Check out my thread! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sir Wulfington 276 December 18, 2013 Share December 18, 2013 (edited) I'd rather she dies, personally. Painfully, might I add. Or at least beaten severely. Edited December 18, 2013 by Sir Wulfington Proud Supporter of Communism Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FNGRpony 658 December 18, 2013 Share December 18, 2013 I agree with @Dark Qivuit What she needs is not redeemtion or for us to know that she is abused or something. She just needs to try new things besides being a bully, because with her character devolopment in Ponyvill Confidential being ignored by the writers of the show, her ENTIRE character is being a bully, It was okay the first few episodes but at this point its getting annoying, Her Heel Heat is turning into X Pac heat. What Diamond Tiara needs is for the writers to explore on her character some more, Because unlike the Pegasus Jocks, She is a recurring antagonist and therefor needs more Character than her current One Dimentional one. dimons TiarA being the 6 of mlp. heh. that's rough. flight to the finish. i continue to improve, Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jangocoolguy 433 December 18, 2013 Share December 18, 2013 (edited) I doubt it. She's needed to antagonize the CMC and since she and Spoon had their Season 2 development thrown out the window in their very next appearance... I think it would be too little, too late .And even if they tried, I don't think it would stick/people wouldn't buy it. Though I'm in agreement that they need more depth beyond being bitchy bullies. At the very least, them and the CMC could be "frenemies". Edited December 19, 2013 by Jangobadass 1 "It's like I found a piece of myself I didn't even know was missing!" How do you think WE feel?! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zekromic 1,054 December 19, 2013 Share December 19, 2013 for the time being, I don't want a DT SS redemption until the series's actual end, they provide most of the conflict of the CMC, and conflict less plot= BOOOOOOOOOOOOORIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
QuirkyUsername 1,576 December 19, 2013 Share December 19, 2013 I hope she stays a spoiled little brat. It's a fun character despite how many people dislike her and do we really need ANOTHER reformed character? Luna is awesome, Discord is funny and Sunset was touching but not every antagonist needs to be reformed. 1 This adorable ball of glorious fluff that is my avatar is the creation of the glamorous Laika Hey so Johari Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Administrator Sir Hugsalot 9,351 December 19, 2013 Administrator Share December 19, 2013 Diamond Tiara? I doubt it. She is spoiled brat because she is from wealthy family, it's not connected to any sad memories. No way she'd be reformed from what I see. BUT her friend, Silver Spoon. I've heard from friend that she has no other friend than Diamond Tiara. That leads me to theory in which if she would be able to get other friends than that meanie, and that way she COULD become agood character at one point. But I doubt even THIS would change Diamond Tiara. She does not seem to a person who cares that much about friendship. 1 As one person I cannot change the world, but I can change the world of one person. Art, profile picture and signature by one and only Silky <3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
duidamasterXD 9,627 December 19, 2013 Share December 19, 2013 People much worse than Diamond Tiara have become sympathetic before, so it's not unfeasible. The only way I can really see it happening is for something deeply unfortunate to happen to her though. Perhaps even relating to her cutie mark. Some kind of magical accident making her suddenly not so different from the CMC, and having to worry about her place in the world all over again. Nothing she's done will ever seem justified to me. When your first response to a situation is to pick on the possibly disabled kid, you're not doing anyone any favors in looking for a way to excuse that behavior. But, she's still a very young kid and in time she may grow to be a less awful person. Whether through adult intervention, her classmates finally having enough of her, or some kind of unfortunate circumstance, I think that there's room for her to grow. I'm not sure whether we'll see it, or whether I need an episode centered around Tiara when there are far more interesting characters being unused, but it's possible. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rappy0 338 December 20, 2013 Share December 20, 2013 Why not redeem the Everfree Forest and the Changelings while we're at it. It's not like this show needs antagonists and conflict. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
slumberparty101 21 September 13, 2015 Share September 13, 2015 The problem with Diamond Tiara is that she's the only character that is openly malicious i.e. she doesn't just want to defeat or succeed over people, she wants to enjoy watching them fail. Picking on Scootaloo about her wings was very cruel. Not sure if there is a cure for her narcissism, until she gets a massive dose of reality outside the rich bubble of inherited wealth she enjoys. The irony is that her thirst for superiority over others makes her a constant failure in every competitive endeavour she attempts alongside her class. I noticed the voice of reason was calling for silver spoons to have a redemption moment. And I'm kinda open to that. Can i be honest with you?Some ponies don't want redemption.I doubt diamond tiara wants anyones pity. she's a vile soul who likes her lot in life. It's who she is. It's who defines her. I like knowing in equistra you don't have to be good. It's a choice. in a place full of sugary saps she's her own pony. cheers. If you think the Mane Six and many of the residents of Ponyville represent "sugary saps", you clearly haven't been watching the show. Diamond Tiara represents ignorance and desperation, she's hardly a model of self-acceptance and confidence. Leeching off others approval and attempting to manufacture triumph by sabotaging their efforts certainly doesn't show she's defined herself. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GuyNamedEarl 1,332 September 13, 2015 Share September 13, 2015 (edited) I kind of don't want to see her redeemed like they do every bad character. Edited September 13, 2015 by GuyNamedEarl 2 Creator of MLP Ruined Vines and Recorder Sh*t Equestria's Biggest Hip-Hop Nerd Everyday is Leg Day! Follow me on Twitter: @EarlBrony Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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