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Is It Possible?: Ex-Bronies


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Sometimes I don't know why I'm still here, but then again, what's in the present is the only thing that's important...


So here's my question: is there such a thing as an ex-Brony? In a universe that has been posed to me as a fully accepting place where nobody would want to leave, certainly, some have left. But who would do such a thing? Have any of you known anybody who's turned their back on ponies, never to return again?


I posit this question as if it's a large deal. And of course to each their own. If it's a big deal to one person, then it can equally be a minuscule detail to another.


As a kind of second half to the topic that's kind of relevant, but kinda not...anyways. If you can guess, I'm starting to sway away from Bronies and the whole show in general. Heck, when I watched a PMV that somebody sent me, it had footage from the show. And I couldn't watch it. Something about it just repelled me, and I don't know why. I rarely participate in anything that actually involves the show or even the community in general, so that may be part of the problem. I just don't know. And I suppose Bronies would want to help somebody who doubts ponies, right? Or am I misinterpreting the community? Again? Simply: can anybody get me "back into" ponies. I know it's a hard thing to do, but anything can help, right?  

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There is such a thing as an ex brony, mostly they are made up of people go gave up on the community or just gave up on the show entirely just to prove a point. There you have it!

  • Brohoof 3
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Why do you think you do t want to watch the show anymore? You might have just had too much exposure. It got stale. Maybe it's time to move on, maybe it's not. We shouldn't have to force you to like something.

  • Brohoof 5
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I've never really known an ex-brony, but then again, I've only recently started to try participating in the community, so I can't really say much on that.


As for the second half, sometimes you just move on. I've lost interest in shows before, usually because they bored me or I didn't like the direction it was headed in. There's nothing wrong with it. Change happens. You can try to come back to it if you feel like you need a break, but if it feels like you've just lost interest in MLP, then there's no point forcing yourself into it. Do what makes you happy.

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Well, as people have said - they're people who either lose interest in the show or 'leave the fandom' in order to make a statement against the conduct of particular people within it. Personally, I find the latter a little bit silly. In the 'Elements of Harmony' series, DigiBrony brought up the point that the fandom is not very centralised. He was referring to knowledge of prominent people, however in my experience it also applies to behaviour and unwritten social rules. To provide a few quick examples, /mlp/ has an infamous reputation, yet most people on here seem pretty level-headed to me (this is coming from someone whose come from many... rather vicious places). Similarily, discussion of clop is allowed here, yet on other forums it is banned entirely (there was even one that banned the use of words like 'anypony' and 'everypony'). So yeah, aside from liking MLP, Bronies aren't really a homogenous group.

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Sometimes people just get bored and leave the fandom.  Maybe something about the show made them sway away from it.  I have a friend who seemed to love MLP, but I hated it at the time.  When I finally started watching it, he didn't like it anymore.  I've known other people who liked it for a certain amount of time then stopped.  It can happen in any fandom.

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Personally, I can't imagine ever being one because I've never really stopped liking anything in my life. I've taken breaks from things, but I've alway's been able to come back later and enjoy it again(The Sonic the Hedgehog fandom is a good example).


Maybe you just need to take a break and immerse yourself in other things for while? I know I've burned out on things, then taken a break from them got the urge to go back after being away for a while and mixing up my interests a little. 

Edited by Shoboni
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If you don't like the show anymore, then you don't like it.  Maybe you just don't like the community, but you still like the show, or maybe the community is still a cool place, but the show got boring.  Whatever the case, a brony is nothing but a label.  There are people who watch the show and stay caught up, but have nothing to do with the community.  A lot of them don't identify as a brony, but some of them still do.  Neal X is a good example, he started in the fandom by fan made content, and not the show.  His interest still mostly lies in the community and not as much the actual show.  He says he's a brony.  


I don't know, it's kind of grey, you can still like the show and not BE a brony.  But I think it's harder to be a part of the community, watch the show, and say you're not a brony.  That seems a bit odd. 


You should watch Elements of Brony.  Neal, Digibrony, Bronycurious, Antony C and some chick sit down and talk about what being a brony means to them and what it's all about.  Maybe that will help you dissect yourself and where you may or may not stand on the matter dude.  I'll leave the link under here if you're interested in watching it. 


I don't consider myself very hardcore.  I don't have an OC (And I don't want one), I don't care for fanfictions, I just watch the show and like talking about it here.  But I still think of myself as a brony, as I frequent the forums a lot, and I work on music regarding this fandom as of late.  A little bit of an obsession maybe Hahaha!



Edited by Deesinn
  • Brohoof 3
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How is it possible for there not to be ex-bronys? People can pretty much be ‘ex’ anything so as much as I love this show and fanbase I’d say yeah it is possible.


I don’t know anyone who has turned there backs on ponies and all that stuff: but hey if your one of them then what’s the big deal? as long as you don’t go on the hate the bronys side then it’s ok, MLP FIM is just a cartoon show, lots of people love it but there’s lots of other things this world has to offer go and enjoy it :)

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There is a time for violence, and a time for peace.


A time for work, a time for play.


A time for MLP, a time for no MLP.




There is an off-season for everything, permanent or not. If you just lost interest, then ok. It may seem disloyal, but some nights I go to bed thinking, "what is it about this show that makes me love it?"




I'm a very philosophical sort of person.

  • Brohoof 1
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I love loveing the show, but it's all I've been watching for the past few months.  I'm still in love with the show, but I don't get that same spark from turning on the tv at night and watching the show...

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The questions is a little tricky because just because a person likes MLP does not automatically make them a Brony. There are plenty of people who like MLP who do not call themselves or identify as a brony.


You certainly can be an ex-brony if you did call yourself a Brony but are now not interested in the cartoon, toy or brand anymore.

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Well, sometimes, I take breaks from the show, and sometimes the fandom in general, but I'd never be an ex-brony. Most ex-bronies, like what a bunch of people said before me, are people who leave the fandom or just stop watching the show just to prove a bullshit point. It's sad really, since the fandom has a rather infamous reputation. I think a particular site has even banned being a brony all together.

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*long message alert*


well, being an "EX-brony" can carry different meanings for different people. for some, it can mean they still are a fan of the show and/or the fanworks, but they don't consider themselves a member of the community. for others, it may mean they quit the show entirely. i know someone who despite still being a huge fan of the show and the fanworks (especially relating to one pony in particular), he considers himself an "ex-brony" cause he is disgusted with how many of the fans act and the intolerance and hate within the fandom, especially towards other bronies.


also like with anything, some people can be wrapped up in it for a while and then get bored of it. that's how i was with the Killzone games. an intrest of yours can be a life-long passion or a fleeting fancy. and for some, mlp is a fleeting fancy that captures their intrest for but a brief time.


And that's ok, everypony's different. as long as they don't cause trouble for the rest of us, then i say thank you for being a part of our community, even if it was for just a little while. :)

Edited by looking glass
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