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gaming Most underrated video games?

Black Licorice

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The Fallout series is a seriously underrated game for what it puts on the table.


I know a TON of people like Fallout and after that Survivor2299 scandal, the fandom is still repairing its wounds. But, none of friends really play it. A few of them have tried it but aren't as addicted to it as I am. The Fallout series is seriously an amazing series that doesn't receive as much credit as it should.




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I don't like the word "underrated." It makes you sound like a sort of hipster who revels in things that people don't like very much. So I'll go with "not very well known" instead.




Xenosaga. I looked through this thread to ensure it wasn't mentioned, and it hasn't. It has existed since 2001, but I haven't played it or even known it was a thing until just now. And from what I've seen on here, nobody really seems to have played it other than myself and Lunaris. (Although feel free to prove me wrong, latent Xenosaga fans of MLP Forums!)


It is the single best piece of media I have ever consumed. The gameplay in the first and third games are pretty good, with a unique battle system (Episode I) and memorable, but not too difficult dungeons/puzzles (Episode III). Episode III has been the only piece of media that has actually made me fascinated with locales, having vibrant complex place design that actually feels like it is a place I could go to and like I'm actually there. It is also the only video game in which I like the dungeons and do not feel like they're a chore. They feel fun and breezy due to their unique designs, like I can just coast on through.


The second one is the only kind of stinker due to an overly complex battle system and horrible graphics, but the story keeps you interested and tides you through it.


And that is the true reason I love Xenosaga.  The story. This story is so complicated, so ambitious. I can tell they made the story first and gameplay second. It draws strength from a fleshed out cast of characters beyond any I have ever seen. Each character's story relates to and weaves into the main narrative. They have relationships with each other as well that relate to the story.


AND we have a female lead who isn't really all that slutty-looking. Although her story does focus on a male relationship, she is still very unique and fleshed out, and romance isn't the main focus of the entire story. I just love Shion, she is my favorite character of all time. Such an awesome geeky girl who I can relate to.


Even the villains are great characters. Nobody is ever clear-cut bad and good. The good guys screw up or make you doubt them. (Like in Episode I, when I had NO idea who the good guys were) The bad guys have good/understandable motives even if their means are doubtful. I found myself fearing and loving Albedo, and hating and loving Margulis as well. 


They wouldn't be as likable though if they didn't have such an awesome design and sense of style. I love the sleek robotic designs of the crafts, and of KOS-MOS. I find her to be quite attractive and appealing, just those contrasting red eyes with blue. In every single appearance, she has looked beautiful. And Shion's first game design endeared me to her immediately. I love her in that Vector uniform. And and and! Oh my God, Episode III MOMO. Red and white and awesome hat = Arylett likes. 


The thematic nature of the game, its mystery and intrigue, also drew me in. Things are so mystical, so philosophical, spicing it with religion to create something that feels truly out of this world, and makes me feel elevated. I don't really like religion myself, but I love the way they use its mythology in Xenosaga. It's so fascinating.


Music is also top-notch, and there are too many memorable themes for me to even list. Particularly in the second and third games, which better capture the philosophical elevated feel of the whole series with chanting hymnlike musics spliced with techno songs.


What truly proves this series is not well-known, however, is the fact that it was cut short halfway through. There were supposed to be six episodes, but there are only three due to not enough people buying the games. And it's a damn shame. If this series got more appreciation, I'm sure the higher ups at Namco would team up again with Monolith Soft and make Episode 4. So come on, people, get on and play the series! They might make an HD remaster if there's enough support!


These games resonate with me more than anything ever before. I have never cared so much about the characters in a story. I could feel like I was Shion, and I was very protective of KOS-MOS whenever anything happened to her. When I finished the games, I cried my eyes out. I truly felt alive, so invested, so interested, so invigorated! Xenosaga is the best series I have ever had the pleasure of experiencing, and I'm glad I found it even if I was really late to the party. I am glad I could experience it with my significant other, and we could share this awesome thing together. It means a lot to me, so much so that even if they never make Episode 4, I'll continue the story on myself. Xenosaga has had a permanent, life-changing impact on me, and will always inspire me and all of my works from now on.


I could literally go on about Xenosaga forever, but I think I'll stop here. It is just oozing with so much goodness even though it is flawed due to being cut short.


*Of course, if you're not one for story-driven games, you'll probably not like this. It's more cutscene than game. But I'm really into that. Why? Well, because I don't have the attention span to watch things for too long. Having some gameplay inbetween story helps keep me drawn in and interested. But I have more patience for cutscenes than I do for gameplay, which rapidly gets repetitive for me. So having a mix of the two is my perfect story experience.


Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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The Fallout series is a seriously underrated game for what it puts on the table.


I know a TON of people like Fallout and after that Survivor2299 scandal, the fandom is still repairing its wounds. But, none of friends really play it. A few of them have tried it but aren't as addicted to it as I am. The Fallout series is seriously an amazing series that doesn't receive as much credit as it should.


Indeed.  However, i'm no fan of the game and story itself, but i think the reason there's not too many players playing it is b/c of the setting.  I think that would be more appropriate if that were in a COD game or something. 

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Indeed.  However, i'm no fan of the game and story itself, but i think the reason there's not too many players playing it is b/c of the setting.  I think that would be more appropriate if that were in a COD game or something. 

 Ew, no.


COD needs to stick to it's super duper sci-fi crap it's trying to be. Fallout's theme is very classic based. I mean 1950's classic, not renaissance classic.


And I can't see how you're not a fan of the story. It's freaking THRILLING 




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Any of the Fossil Fighters games lol, they are a lot like Pokemon but with dinosaurs that shoot fire & create tsunamis. Like, y u people no like these games!?!? The latest trailer is pretty cheesey but it looks reeeeeeeeeeally good, ALL OF YOU PEOPLE OUT THERE, PLAY IT DAMNIT!!!


Thank you Pinkamena-Pills for resizing the original, and putting that little message at the end

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 Ew, no.


COD needs to stick to it's super duper sci-fi crap it's trying to be. Fallout's theme is very classic based. I mean 1950's classic, not renaissance classic.


And I can't see how you're not a fan of the story. It's freaking THRILLING 


Lol, yeah.  Its one of my favorite classic/sci-fi themes, but the game's story, itself, didn't spark an interest in me, for some reason, :(

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Lol, yeah.  Its one of my favorite classic/sci-fi themes, but the game's story, itself, didn't spark an interest in me, for some reason, :(

Degenerates, like you, belong on a cross...


If anyone here gets that reference, you are an amazing person

  • Brohoof 1




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Degenerates, like you, belong on a cross...


If anyone here gets that reference, you are an amazing person


Lol, I already got the reference, :)

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I'll give you 5.


1. Bionicle Heroes (PS2)

This game's pretty cool and it has one of the coolest boss themes ever created.

It's rocking! Sadly,only Bionicle fans would know about it.




2. Pitfall:The Lost Expedition (Gamebcube)

Better than any other Pitfall games.

Has a nice intro,characters,scenery,enemies,and cutscenes. It's a ton of fun.

Not a lot of people know about this gem. I was lucky enough to get it at a garage sale.




3. Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3 (Gamecube)

Dem skate videos. Especially Rodney's.


4. Wrestlemania XIX

The custom wrestler thing was fucking cool,and I loved throwing people out into the cars.

It was a bunch of fun. Best wrestling game ever!

Sadly,it was stolen from me.


5. Spongebob: Battle for Bikini Bottom (PS2/Gamecube)

This game is tons of fun! The boss battles are exciting,the controls are decent, you get to see all your favorite characters,and the ending is hilarious.



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Oh, you know one game that should receive more "love"..........fillies and gentlecolts...............the 007 games.  Specifically GoldenEye: Reloaded.

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For me, Sonic 3D Blast and Super Mario Sunshine


The only problem I had with Sonic 3D Blast was that the controls were too slippery. Otherwise, I enjoyed the game.


and I honestly don't have any problem with SMS.


And Super Mario Bros. 2 USA as well. The main excuse I hear for hating it is "IT WAS A RIP OFF OF DOKI DOKI PANIC." ScrewAttack put it on their Top 10 Worst Mario game just for that, no lie. Isn't that a bit TOO extreme?

You got to be kidding now IT was done by the same developer.  

 Ew, no.


COD needs to stick to it's super duper sci-fi crap it's trying to be. Fallout's theme is very classic based. I mean 1950's classic, not renaissance classic.


And I can't see how you're not a fan of the story. It's freaking THRILLING 


 Ew, no.


COD needs to stick to it's super duper sci-fi crap it's trying to be. Fallout's theme is very classic based. I mean 1950's classic, not renaissance classic.


And I can't see how you're not a fan of the story. It's freaking THRILLING 

Call of Duty take place in World War II Modern Warfare take place in the modern war error. 

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Call of Duty take place in World War II Modern Warfare take place in the modern war error. 


First off - *era


Second, sure, that's what they started out as, but after that it was high-tech watches, stealth devices and ridiculously overpowered guns.




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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Darkness, Time, and Sky don't get the fame they deserve. Three of the most heart-wrenching games I've ever laid my eyes on. It has an amazing cast of characters that make you like them, a partner who isn't useless and helps you a lot, and most importantly, the character development. Oh my god, the character development is fantastic in this series. Bidoof goes from being a nervous rookie to still a rookie, but with much more confidence, Sunflora and Loudred go from hating each other to grudging respect, Drowzee goes from a selfish criminal to a person looking to purify himself of sin, you go from a weird and awkward outcast to a friendly teammate, your partner goes from a coward to a hero, Grovyle goes from one who has lost all hope to someone who is starting to think that good does exist, Dusknoir goes from a heartless coward who hated Grovyle to one of Grovyle's only friends, and you can even get the shopkeepers to go from teasing you to respect. You give a crap about ALL of the NPC's; even the ones that just pop up in town every now and then and you need someone to talk to. You really start to view everyone in the game as a person. You become emotionally attached to all of the characters, from the very bossy Chatot to that team that is constantly arguing over what to steal next, to that hawk that made buddies with a worm and is constantly hungry, to that monkey that gives sarcastic remarks and you're pretty sure he's doing some sort of drugs. The story is absolutely fantastic, some levels were so difficult I felt like throwing my DS at the wall, and some were surpisingly easy. The main story's final battle has some of the best music I've heard ever, and it's emotionally gruelling because of what'll happen if you succeed. There's an after-story too which ties up all loose ends. Note: For the after-story's final boss, bring an insomniascope.


Phoenix Wright should also be more famous. I swear this game's concept sounds stupid but underneath that it is a glorious masterpiece.

Edited by Shift
  • Brohoof 3

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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First off - *era


Second, sure, that's what they started out as, but after that it was high-tech watches, stealth devices and ridiculously overpowered guns.

Did forgot to mention it they were done by two developer Infinity Ward COD1, 3, 4 Morden Warfare 1,2,3 Ghost and Treyarch COD 3, Black Ops

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The Last Story and Pandora's Tower are rather underrated compared to Xenoblade Chronicles when it comes to the Rainfall trio. Understandably so really, since Xenoblade is overall a bigger and better package than the other 2 combined arguably, but The Last Story is still a pretty good linear action RPG and Pandora's Tower is overall an awesome action game that I really wish got more love... :wacko:


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Did forgot to mention it they were done by two developer Infinity Ward COD1, 3, 4 Morden Warfare 1,2,3 Ghost and Treyarch COD 3, Black Ops


Kinda already knew that, mate. I have every CoD game. :P And you missed a few games.


Infinity Ward - CoD 1, 2, All Modern Warfares, and Ghost


Treyarch - 3, WaW, Black Ops Series, 


Sledgehammer - Advanced Warfare


And after the second Modern Warfare the game became more and more like a sci-fi game. Still good games, just more sci-fi-ish




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ur mum kek

No but seriosly thou idk if Ace attorney is underrated but I'm just going to assume that.

Ace Attorney : Phoenix Wright is hella cool game.

"You tried your best and you failed miserably, the lesson is never try" - Homer J. Simpson


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The Xbox 360 had tons of great JRPGs that got buried really quickly during it's early years. Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon, Eternal Sonata, Tales of Vesperia

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the star fox series idk y


I couldn't agree more...........i miss that game, now that you mentioned that, :)

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Ever heard of Anachronox? Released in 2001, this sci-fi turn-based RPG (similarly to final fantasy) has it all; dark humor, nice violence, gritty atmosphere, interesting plot. It's like, one of the least heard of games ever. I actually bought a CD on a discount back in 2003 i believe. Easily one of the best games iv'e ever played on the PC.

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Baten Kaitos and Baten Kaitos origins, the card based battle system was unique though at some points could be a pain in the ass. Despite the flaws though both were great games with quite interesting stories. The games are not well known to the general public due to lack of advertizing.

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  • 5 years later...
On 7/25/2014 at 8:01 PM, ShadowPirateX said:
  • Okami (not sure if it counts as underrated anymore).

Not sure either. Despite low sales, it is frequently recognized as a marvel of a game these days. And with a recent remaster release, is more accessible. I suggest Okamiden being more underrated. Despite evident limitations due to being in the DS. They manage to keep the magic of it’s predecessor 




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I got Super Princess Peach, Castle Mane-Ia Pony of Shadows, and Prinny. Can I Really be the Hero? I remember this last one because there’s a port coming with both entries for Switch :yay:


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