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Let's talk about romance. :)


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Someone who won't try and sacrifice me to their demon lord Geoffrey would be a nice start. Unfortunately I've never met anyone with whom I'd like to have a relationship, however I can hope. I just like to think about someone who has similar interests as me but not completely and jokingly pokes fun at my hobbies as I jokingly poke fun at hers and I just like the thought of making girls smile and laugh and be happy :) As well as doing the generic stuff like give her my jacket and being re-payed with a smile. :D

  • Brohoof 1
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One of our favorite things to do is just cuddle on the couch. We don't even need to have music or tv we just snuggle in the silence. Or on the other hand we like to watch stupid dumb movies and laugh hysterically. I took her on our first actual outing last night and I took her to dinner and we barely touched our food we just kept talking. :) I guess I'm just saying I love how easy out relationship is. Neither of us feel pressured to do or be certain things, we are both fine with whatever we do. I'm still blown away by the whole thing though lol. Just a couple weeks before, I was one of the people watching one of my friends gain a relationship and thinking that will never be me. I was resigned toy lonely destiny. I never thought I would be lucky enough to find someone like her. And she completely discounts everything I say aboutt my physical appearance or my personality. She tells me I'm good looking and wonderful and perfect and I can tell she means it. So for those ponies who are giving up hope or think they are doomed to a life of loneliness, I've been there and I would just say don't give up hope because one day someone will come along and make all your dreams come true :3 sorry, this is now dripping in cheese lol

  • Brohoof 2

You can either despair that a rosebush has thorns, or rejoice that a thornbush has roses.


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what is this "romance" you speak of?



I hunger... i thirst for romance... but i don't actively seek it like bees do with honey... I am guessing the time will come for us my friend when we will experience romance.

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No personal experience with it, honestly. Not that I'm against it or anything, I've just never been romantically interested in anyone in particular. I thought I was before, but that was a few years ago when I was a dumbass who saw girlfriends as a way to become more popular. I never had one, though, and quite frankly, I'm glad I didn't date someone I didn't truly like.

Look upon my awesome signature, ye users, and despair!

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When they really care. I am such a hopeless freaking romantic, and I like romances with the boy and his problems and the girl and her problems and they both find each other. When they both fight for each other.

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I just hopelessly like, how it (especially in korean dramas) seems so sweet and innocent. Also the feelings of being deeply in love but also very loved by another person just appeals to me.. Just being together and being happy in each other presence.. And I cannot help but like it when couples are opposites but still can find some way to agree with each other and be together... Yes, I'm a hopeless romantic.

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(Jesus fuck, after proofreading this I realized I've been writing about "love" and not "romance", but fuck it, I'd consider the romance a property of the love and not the other way around.)


Huh... so trying to define this is really annoying since I read so much of it and the various shades are all so nice. I guess I'd drop everything into two buckets: realistic and unrealistic.


I'd call anything unrealistic if it's not something you would do normally. Utter devotion flipping to extreme anger or depression or something else just doesn't make sense a la some Harry/Ginny FF or, hell, a few SpikexPony fics. Romantic stories and such can pull it off, but it always seems really forced. Same with romance sparking some ridiculous change in someone like going from really independent to needing your partner and being unable to function right without them a la Twilight.


Which leaves realistic romance which I can barely describe let alone define. It passes over into unrealistic territory but I'd call it something like "soul-deep" (maybe not since souls don't exist maybe "mind-deep") or maybe "life-shaping" and most definitely "consistent" and "steady". The "mind-deep" and "life-shaping" aspects go hand in hand. They aren't the overt devotion you see described in stories for minor stuff (physical comfort, hand-holding, kissing, etc.) it's... farther down?... they're the decisions someone will make without even thinking about that are shaped by their partner's presence, the reflex to first integrate them into you before yourself. It's living like they are you and vice versa. It's no longer even understanding the concept of I and them, but acting at all times as an us and when the whole purpose of the emotions comes about (Read: children) it's the relinquishment of that form of yourselves to be subsumed by your children. It's the apparent contradiction of being able to "let go" if the most of terrible things happen and you are once again alone because you are still an us even when they're gone.


Which leaves "steady" and "consistent"; these things should be true at all times. Anger is transient. Hate is transient. An underlying shift of identity is not. A decision to dance to Life's tune with someone is not.

  • Brohoof 1



Pegasus OC: Broken Physicality

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Well, as chauvinistic as this may see, I am a sucker for the rescue romance. It doesn't help that I love action stories and fight scenes.


To me though, the core of it is that a rescue lets the hero demonstrate both his willingness and his ability to protect the one he loves. Not to say his special somepony has to be helpless him/herself, just that he's there and kicks ass when they need it.


This happens . . . quite often in my head. Usually with the additional fantasy projection that my beloved isn't human or is otherwise a different species than my own. (Elf/asari/unicorn/Artificial Intelligence etc.)


This usually ends with both of us in bed, discovering each other and knowing one another for the very first time. We make love looking into one another's eyes, reassuring and intimately. We drift off to sleep together, and we both blink awake, to greet a new day and new life together.

  • Brohoof 1
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So my question is, when it comes to movies, or books, of fanfics, or even you own glorious fantasies in your mind, what do you like about romance?


In fictions and stories I like to see the spark happen. I want to see the blossoming, the strife, then the realization and commitment.


What do you like to see? I guess I am a sucker for the almost-missed relationships. The ones that have the two coming together at the end, realizing they belong together.


What do you think of romance? I think it is the glue that holds society together. I, like a lot of you, am a hopeless romantic. Though now I am a little more cautious about it. I still believe in love at first sight. I do not mean Disney love but the spark that happens.


It's the spark that lights the small fire called desire. The baby fire of desire grows and flares into the long lasting fire of love. The heat can be fault off of you and as the fire goes, little sparks will fall on to others to begin their fires for their desired ones. 

  • Brohoof 2
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  • 1 year later...

Personally, I've never seen it happen. I'm silent when it comes to relationships outside of forums and the like, and I've never been in that sort of relationship at all.


I don't know how romance works. I don't.


Every time I think of something related to it, I get a slight pain in my stomach, followed by a dull pain in my chest.


signature by John Washington

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Romance sucks. I've been in too many 1 month relationships to know, just because I found out that I didn't even like the girl.


99 problems but romance aint one

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  • 1 month later...

I'm going on tour soon for a dance club i'm in, and in it, i have a solo with me crush.

Holy Bucking Sh*t.

It's these reasons i can't get a girl.

I also do these when i'm near a member of the opposite gender i like:



get nervous

blush (VERY hot, not a soft one or small red area)


become socially awkward magically.

I'm never getting a SO.

<p>I'm in a better place. Thanks for the ride.

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Most of what I consider romantic is just the bonding time between people, over something that they both enjoy. hayseeds, the most romantic thing I can think of is a picnic, board games, and cuddles. Otherwise I'm a sucker for the nice little sweet presents given to each other, such as flowers (not always roses), little candies, or just small token of some sort.

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I have a boyfriend we also have been friend for nine years.   Romance is ok like little things like holding hands and stuff but I've always been very simple in my things in life.


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I've had real life and forum relationships. They've never really lasted long because of me fucking them up. I won't go into detail about that, mind you.


Relationships can be troublesome. Arguments, drama, etc. They can also change who you are if you let them, which usually isn't a good thing, depending on how you change.


They can be great for some people, though. Right now, I'm not really fussed about having one. If it happens, it happens. If it doesn't, it doesn't. Not exactly looking for one.

Shadows await you all.


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  • 3 years later...

I dunno about you man but the one thing that really makes my heart flutter when it comes to romance is action, and physical touch....like, not so much words, but, action. Like when my boyfriend kisses me, or when he puts his hand on mine, or...when he puts his hand someplace else...:bedeyes:, or when he hugs me, rubs my shoulders, runs his fingers through my hair...etc etc. That sorta thing. 

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It's hard to explain. It's just that feeling you get when you know you've found the real thing. I'm not talking about infatuation or romantic excitement so much as the stable, honest feeling of being someone I'm knit in the soul with. There are other stimulants, but it has to have the emotional foundation to really make them work to the best possible advantage. 

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I love getting romantic with my BF! :catface:  But as @Lucky Boltsaid, the best part is the action for me. I absolutely love nuzzling his chest when we cuddle and then looking up at him with this dumb, lovestruck look on my face listening to his heartbeat and hearing it begin to flutter. Then it turns into kissing, and then, well, I have a hard time resisting reaching down south. :bedeyes: I also like when he rubs my shoulders and plays with my hair. Though I also have to return the favor by admiring his gorgeous biceps and rubbing his big cute tummy :blush:


Then there's the times during all of this he decides to tickle me and pretend I'm having a seizure. Then I have to get him back by trying to boop his nose but he just tickles me more... :laugh: Oh, all the good times I've had with him. :wub:

Edited by ~Angel Dust~
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While I've never been in a relationship, I have a tiny bit of experience of the subject in general. Without diving into too much detail, it's something I never want to ever relive, on account for me getting screwed over, just because I tried to be nice to people.

At first I rejected the zero, but that was because I simply didn't understand it. Now I do.

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Romance/love is a complicating thing...that's why I'll have Elvis do the explaining.





♪ "I practice every day to find some clever lines to say, to make the meaning come through"♪


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I love romance. The way the people/characters look at each other, the stupid sappy lines they say, everything. Hand-holding, hugs, cuddling, it all just makes me feel warm inside and I have a hard time not smiling. Old couples are especially cute. They're just so pure (kind of strange how that works. People are their purest at the beginning and end of their lives in most cases). How can you not just feel happy when you hear someone say they've been married to their spouse for 40, 50, or even 70 years?

I haven't had much personal experience with romance in recent years, but there's nothing else like it. True love brings out the best in people and it's such an amazing thing. I'm a sack of potatoes when it comes to that sort of stuff, and I was even worse in early high school. Back when I had a gf we dated for a year and a half and we never even kissed :crackle: Entirely my fault. I have the bravery of season 1 Fluttershy.

Rainbow Dash Fanatic

"You stroll down memories of younger, brighter times 'cause you never realize what you've got till you leave it all behind." ~ dBPony

"So we’re here at the end, did we teach you well, my friend? Don’t look so sad to see us go, after the rain comes rainbows." ~ Princewhateverer

"Darlin' you'll be okay." ~ Vic Fuentes

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