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Where are you from and what is controversial there?


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I am from NC and the deep neck ends of North Carolina too.


The town I live in is not really a bad place to live its just there is nothing at all to do here. There are so many things that are controversial  down here. If you are gay expect to be hated on by the many bible bashing people/rednecks who reside here. Oh also I have nothing against southerners as I was born and raised in the south myself. I despise those ignorant stereotypical rednecks who want to show a intimidating image to others. Oh yeah there are also like 6 different baptist churches in one town and even the one I have been going to talks bad about other baptist churches because they like to do things differently. Oh also people from churches will judge you and tell you just how awful of a person you are based on their own biased assumptions.




So yeah where I live there is no support for equal rights and if you don't like country music, big trucks, beer, and guns there must be something wrong with you. Funny thing is in all my time living in the south I don't particularly belong down here I feel xD.


Stereotypical redneck



I wonder where he left his beer can at??

Edited by Gone Airbourne



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In Alaska, the actual most conservative state in the United Canadian States. Texas just gets all the attention because they have more people.


We seem to be keeping our head out of the national/world issues, probably because we don't feel as threatened by Vladimir Putin as America does. Last year, there were three long sagas that went down, over marijuana, oil taxes, and school choice.


Marijuana saga: Having seen Washington and Colorado legalize marijuana and subsequently drop the prospect of a sober population, some people in Alaska were allowed by the state government to collect 30,000 petition signatures to get the issue on the voter ballot. They got the signatures in the allotted timeframe. (Keep in mind that up here, quite a few villages have banned alcohol (#1 reason for natives getting arrested), so this is a big thing.) This has dissolved to less of a state controversy as something of which my teachers continually voice their support.


Oil tax saga: The 2013 legislative session repealed the crappy oil tax system in place to keep Shell and BP here instead of moving to North Dakota. Crazy people got the petition signatures to put on the ballot the reinstatement of the crappy tax system. This is the thing about which people actually seem to care, because under the old system (and now), our gas prices are roughly $1 higher per gallon than in America. I've heard that we're stupid enough to export the little petrol we drill to Canada and then buy it right back.


School choice: This is an ongoing thing in the state government. Basically, it allows state money to flow to private schools, making them free and therefore open to anyone, not just rich people. I supported this thoroughly until our federal representative came to my school and said that the bill would therefore allow the state to tell the private schools what to do, and now I don't know what to think.


As for homosexuality: The state constitution includes a recent provision that marriage is a man and a woman. As I said before, Alaska is conservative; nobody supports gay marraige, and I think people would complain if somebody attempted to remove it.

"[Hitler] was a political genius. He got half of Europe just by asking. He had Germany working and everything was in his favor. Then he dun goofed boi n he trid 2 DED the ppl and he bad."

Signature by Rainbow Skywalker

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I am from Middlesbrough, in the North East of England. I AM FROM THE GODDAMN INFANT HERCULES HIMSELF.




We may just be a small town, but we have guts, heart and pride, and nobody can take that from us. The poxy London bastards try to starve us and reduce our income, we will come out stronger. The day will come when the Infant Hercules will rise again.






Where to start?


The media sees us as rampantly unhealthy, with high crime levels, low education and one of the worst places to live.


However, my foray around the media has seen that, as always, it's filled with misconceptions. One hilarious piece from Askmen calls us out on all the above and says Cannon Park is a Red Light District (THE MORE YOU KNOW: It isn't. It's an industrial park. I think there might have a grand total of one adult shop there, but it shut down a while ago. Y'know, the same kind of adult shops you see on the outskirts of every bloody town.). Also, there's the belief that Middlesbrough is filled with chavs, druggies and thieves. I'm sure this may have been true several decades ago, but actually visit the fucking town.

We are pretty much the same as most other towns in England, and if that makes us horrid, every other town should get the goddamn same treatment. I have seen Middlesbrough transform recently, and let me tell you that it has become a very vibrant place to live. The old stigma of druggies, alcoholics, chavs and thieves is still with us, but we have no more than other towns have. (I visited Newcastle a few months ago and they had way more chavs wandering their town centre than we do) It's actually becoming very student-focused, and the mix you see is amazing: Nigerians, Haitians, Chinese, Japanese, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Indian, we're starting to attract a lot of Americans...Because our University is, believe it or not, gaining a lot of fame for the animation departments, with a lot of our alumni heading off for major companies like Pixar and Dreamworks.


Yes, we still have a focus on heavy industry, but the media is stuck in the 70's and 80's post-de-industrialisation. Are we poor? Yes. The results are true that our income is vastly below the national standard (So are a lot of other places). Yes, food banks are springing up (Same as the city of London), but we march on. Our town continues to grow and evolve, but the media is still stuck in thinking we're a turgid little town because of the industry.


The British media is complete shit, for the record.


The low education spiel is particularly bollocks. The only real school I know of that was rampantly underperforming was Gillbrook Secondary School, but that's recently merged into my old stomping ground, Eston Park School. Which, for the record, recently gained Academy status alongside Gillbrook and was ranked outstanding by OFSTED. A nearby school, St. Peters, has 100% A*- C FOR GCSE'S. I'd like to see any other town where a school can boast that. There may be a few more underperforming, but that we're marked out for low education is utter bollocks.


We have no more problems than other towns in Engl--Fuck, THE UNITED KINGDOM! The chavs, druggies and drunkards are the same you'd get in most towns: Very few. I think the bloody fact that we're moving from heavy industry to student-centric should be celebrated, but the London-worshipping British media have their heads so far up their asses they can't see our march to progress. We're even getting involved with the technological side (I'm due to start work in Boho One where quite a few young, start-up IT companies are making their mark) and we're now beginning to turn our heavy industries more environmentally-friendly. That Smoggy nickname may soon be obsolete.


Even our football fans (Though some give it a bad name, at least we're not like Geordies who randomly punch police horses.) are regarded as incredibly friendly and welcoming, if passionate. I've seen more than a few confessions from visiting fans that we're welcoming and friendly. Mostly because we're passionate about our football and the hooligans are few and far between.




..Okay, i'm done. I know I shouldn't really launch into a rant, but anyone from the United Kingdom who has heard of Middlesbrough, has probably heard of a lot of horrible stuff related to it. For me, though I dislike my country and criticise it myself somedays, my hometown is my heart and my passion, and I will defend this Infant Hercules until my last breath leaves my body.


Not many small towns nestled in the North East of England can say that they built the world.

"It is a Yorkshire habit to say what you think with blunt frankness." - Frances Hodgson Burnett







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West Europe, don't really want to specify any further. 

Basically, if you're an introvert, you're weird. If you're gay, you're weird. If you like school, you're weird. If you don't like alcohol, you're weird.  Everyone has to fit into this "Outgoing" and "Fun" stereotype, for some reason. If you don't fit in, you're toast.

But other than that, we're pretty chill. Religion? Who cares. Politics? Who cares. Fat or skinny? Who cares. Grab a beer and have a great time!


Oh, and we absolutely HATE anyone not from our country. We constantly mock the French, the Dutch and the German. If you don't speak our language, you'll be hated by pretty much everyone. :(

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Colorado is all about Weed, Gun "control" and some parts are very concerned about the military/government cuts.


Some parts rely heavily on military/government and others do not.


Weed. I voted for it but there are people who abuse it and well the ones who abuse smell really bad and the smell gives me migraines. I believe its Skunk weed or something.


Gun Control. Well How can you regulate a right? Once its regulate it then its no longer a right its a "privilege" I can get into it but I really don't feel like it since I get in many debates on spacebook about it.

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Queensland, Australia.


To my attention we're pretty relaxed here, nothing too large happening. The news is mainly focusing on whats going on in other countries at the moment. The only thing really focused on us is attempting to pass the right to Gay Marriage in our state. Other than that it's pretty quiet. Oh and there is a cyclone. 

Gotta love that derpy :3



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I live in Indiana, the state that has so much potential but it is apparently dead set on making itself worse. What is controversial here? Gay marriage (they can't just legalize it and be done with it, gotta keep the bigots happy), guns, and coal mines. Yeah, AMERICA!!! Land of the meh, home of the free(as long as it is within the standards of a certain group).



I live in Indiana as well. Gay marriage is probably the worst thing you can to here. Lot's of stupidity due to boredom in general.

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Cleveland, Ohio

Sports, especially the Browns and their very shitty front office even since the reincarnated team came back in 1999. Lebron is controversial there, because of all that "Decision" crap.

That's pretty much it, really.

Kill People, Burn Shit, Fuck School.

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I live in Niagara Falls. Nothing's really controversial here. Maybe that's mostly cuz it's a tourist city and we get a lot of different races here. As for homosexuality, well gay marriage is legal here in New York ,so nothing on that part.


Lol I live in South Dakota I could tell you a million controversial stories. Like the time PETA the animal group sent a letter to the principal of our high school demanding that we change our name from Spearfish high school to something like seakittens cause Spearfish hurts fishes fealings. His responce our town is called spearfish get them to change there name. 





I lol'd at the Dave guys sarcastic letter :lol:

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Illinois is pretty much known for its bad history of corrupt governors, Chicago has always had a terribly corrupt police force, and a bit closer to home, the mayor of my town was indicted for spending town money on strip clubs. Rumor has it my cousin, who was a trustee at the time, knew. Which was why he retired around the time of the incident.


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