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The Stupid Things you get Mad at?


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- When people say "Just calm down"

This is the surefire way to just piss me off even more, especially if said person has done something to rile me in the first place. You wouldn't slap a bear in the face and then go "Just calm down" when it stands on its hind-legs to sink its jaws around your throat.


- Street Guitarists

Around Middlesbrough, we're getting swamped by little hipster douchebags playing guitars and singing songs for pennies. I'm walking down the street, have to hear "You're Beautiful", turn another corner, hear "You Say It Best"...all while the guitarist are these guys: You know the guys, the stupid little skinny twats with tight jeans and leather jackets, spiked hair or they've got  FEDORA ON WHICH I WANT TO RIP OFF WITH MY TEETH BEFORE UNLEASHING THE MOTHER OF ALL HEADBUTTS INTO THEIR WHINING LITTLE JAWS. It's even more irritating because it drowns out the talented guys who play accordions and saxophones (There's an entire jazz band that sets up sometimes and I love them.) And when you get the rarity like an extraordinarily talented violinist (That woman can wield a fiddle like she was born with it) and bagpipers and all you can hear in the distance is a brat whining out off-key words to "Mad World", you will want to take their guitar, smash it, and then beat them with the broken neck of it.


- People who use literally wrong

I know it's sunny, but if you want to be literally melting, let me get a bloody flamethrower.


- Ignorant old people

I hate any ignorance, but old people have a special place in my heart (And on the end of my knuckles......if I wouldn't get in serious trouble for it.) because they act so entitled to do so. Like, if they get on a bus and their pass isn't working, they'll hold up THE ENTIRE GODDAMN JOURNEY JUST TO ARGUE. GET OFF THE FUCKING BUS AND CALL THE RELEVANT PEOPLE, THEN, YOU COW. If you hold open a door for them, they won't say anything. If you don't, they'll tut and grumble. They'll swing their trolleys in front of you and almost hit you with it without saying anything, if you do the same you're incredibly rude and should be ashamed of yourself. They won't give way for you, they won't hold a door for you, they won't thank you, they won't apologise, but "the young people are so rude". WHEN THEY CUT IN FRONT OF YOU IN A LINE! I HAD THIS ONCE! This little old lady just cut in front of me, but I couldn't do anything because i'd be the bad guy for doing so!! It's shit like this that makes me believe everyone over 70 should be locked in their homes, only let out between the hours of 12 to 3 on weekdays and 12 to 5 on weekends.


- When people want to borrow my pen and hound me for it

"Hey, can I borrow your pe--" *slaps* PISS OFF! They're 10p in a lot of stores and if you didn't bring one, tough shit! We're working in an office, there's pens all over, WE HAVE OUR OWN GODDAMN CUSTOM PENS YOU CAN TAKE AND KEEP. I SAW THEM GETTING RE-STOCKED. IT'LL TAKE YOU FIVE SECONDS TO GO TO THE POT AND GET ONE TO TAKE HOME.



Those are just my top five. I could keep going on the tiny things that grind my gears to breaking point, but i'd be here all day.

  • Brohoof 1

"It is a Yorkshire habit to say what you think with blunt frankness." - Frances Hodgson Burnett







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I have big OCD issues so I get mad at lots of stuff like

My computer

My internet


People that litter

And other stuff I can't think of

  • Brohoof 1

You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it save equistria with its five candy coloured friends and shoot rainbows at bad guys using their necklaces and tiara unless you're celestia
Also if your not familiar with the count to one million post then check out our welcoming cheer!
Just scroll to the bottom and it'll be there

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- When people say "Just calm down"

This is the surefire way to just piss me off even more, especially if said person has done something to rile me in the first place. You wouldn't slap a bear in the face and then go "Just calm down" when it stands on its hind-legs to sink its jaws around your throat.


I don't want to wound wrong, but my husband knows dire things will happen if he says that to me.

(I tend to get excited over little things.)


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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TwitchPlaysPokemon or whatever it's called - My Tumblr feed has been taken over by random images with Pidgeots, Venomoths, etc. pasted on them, and other nonsense of that sort. I could have taken it for a day, maybe, but having to scroll and scroll and scroll every time I get on Tumblr has gotten really annoying. I'm about to unfollow some people, even if they're friends.


People and their reactions to weather - We get a Winter Storm Warning and the whole town's stores are cleared out. You know, even though it will be well above freezing in a couple of days, and that snow/ice will only be a problem today and tomorrow. I work overnights at a grocery store, and the last two nights were unbearable, because there were too many customers... Stocking up for one day, when it will 60 the next. >.>


That's the thing... People here overreact to winter. The slightest bit of winter weather and they freak out, but they look forward to Spring, and think that tornadoes are "cool".


The perfect "coincidences" that always seem to happen to me on a day-to-day basis. Like one of my dogs starting to bark whenever it is I decide to go to bed - whether it's 1 pm or 10 pm or any other time (and it is a coincidence, as he really doesn't have any way of knowing that I'm going to bed). Or the janitor at work always cleaning the bathrooms when I need to go (it never fails!).


My 'routines' going out of order in even the slightest bit - Particularly at work, I like things to go in a perfectly orderly fashion, and when things go awry in even the slightest way, I become super stressed out, then angry, and I become a total bitch that really should be avoided at all costs.


I should really work on that last one... >.< Because things really do turn out fine in the end, I'm just so easy to stress anymore.

  • Brohoof 1

Everything needs more woodwind!

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Ugh...i hate that too :okiedokielokie:


Another for the list


When i try to listen the music i like,and because other don't like it,i can't listen it.But the worse is that when they listen their music,i have to shut up :okiedokielokie:

I agree with you, that's so annoying ^_^
  • Brohoof 1
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Oh lords...the stupid things I get mad at...



- My rats fighting (It's a typical pecking order, its completely normal they never hurt each other, but they make the loudest squeaking noises!!!)


- My husband not making the bed while I'm busy doing other chores


- My little sister using the F bomb in every sentence.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

Lightning Bliss DevianArt

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*sigh* When people forget my name.

Its an easy name how does anyone forget it!

Not to mention....THEY CAN'T SAY IT RIGHT!

How is Alexander how to say!?

How do you get Alexandria out that!?!?

It doesn't make sense!! DX


I get irritated when I get asked useless questions about my comic.

You know, questions that no one cares about.


Why is that everytimes I mention MLP I get a comment about clopping....

C'mon! Is that only thing people know about!?


Irony gets on my nerves but it happens.

But tell me.

When certain set of events just HAPPEN to appear in front of you.

Do you think its a coincidence?

Edited by Alpha-neos
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When I'm working on a project, something really important...i've worked for hours without food or drink and my husband tells me to take a break...


I know I need to take a break but when I get in my groove...its so hard to get back...

  • Brohoof 1

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

Lightning Bliss DevianArt

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Things I hate;

1.) stupid profile pics that were made from Microsoft Paint

(Especially when you can't tell what the bucking picture is supposed to be)

2.) TF2 players who only play as one class and think thy are all high and mighty because they killed you ONE DAMN TIME!

3.) people who think that all bronies are cloppers...no, just no.

4.) people who use the wrong form of "their"

5.) flour... I really hate the feel of flour. blech!

  • Brohoof 1
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-I look sad when I am focused, so people often ask if everything is alright. For some reason I naturally reply with "NO!" or "SHUT UP". And I used to be the shy and timid one. Not anymore ;)

-Toddlers asking ridiculous questions. I just can't get past that. For that reason, I do not intend to have children.

- People who love playing the blame game."No, it was Vixxen, not me!!!" Ugh

  • Brohoof 1

                                   Aim high kid, but don't aim for the impossible - Rainbow Dash




                                                   ^Amazing Signature by the great and powerful Lunia!^                                                         

>My Request Shop<         MLP Forum's self-proclaimed evil enchantress.    > My Deviantart<

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Girls who act like being a girl is the worst thing in the world, and that guys have no right to complain about any type of issues ever because their lives are a cakewalk and any problems they face are inferior to problems girls face.


It just absolutely ticks me the hell off. There are issues that guys face to, just because your a girl doesn't mean your the only one who ever faces problems ok? 


I try to give girls respect, but some of them make it really freaking hard... 


Really anytime girls say anything along the lines of being a girl is harder then being a guy. 


Also when girls say all guys are the same...


Sorry, but girls aren't the only genetically diverse type of humans.. Hate to break it to ya girl.. 


Look i understand you might have had your heart broken by some guy or whatever, but that doesn't only offend the guy you broke up with, it offends ALL guys. and it ticks me off. 


Do guys go around saying that about girls? I don't hear any, and if any do then they're just as bad. 


Oh and I don't like when girls complain how girls don't have rights or anything, and want equality, yet they get plenty of social benefits over guys.


If you want equality, you get equality, you don't get equality, with a dash of extra stuff ok?


*sigh* I think that's it. I just had to get this out of my system. Sorry if i offended anyone, i had no intentions to.


Also, this post makes me realize why I have been single all 16 years of my life, lol. No wonder.

  • Brohoof 3


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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Too, TOO many things. I'm an easily irritated person, but my anger doesn't persist. It's something I'm actually dealing with at counseling, and I've come a great distance from beforehand.  >.<

  • Brohoof 1


Enjoy metal music? Come check out this Facebook page, Pegadeth.

"He who controls others may be powerful, but he who has mastered himself is mightier still."

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- Someone else doing my laundry


- Talked back by children (I know its better for me to ignore them since they aint my kids, but it still windes me up)


- Dogs sleeping in the middle of a walk way (Seriously they know where us humans walk but they insist on getting under boot whether in the middle of the kitchen or the hallway!)

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

Lightning Bliss DevianArt

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  • 2 weeks later...

  • people that drive really slow

when the food I wanted to eat is gone

when people respond with 'ok'

when my cat jumps up on my dresser

when im trying to talk to people and they start texting someone 

  • Brohoof 1
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-Kernel Panic.
-Whenever I hit my pinky toe on something. (happens a lot)
-People staring at me for longer than five seconds.

-Running out of paper.
-Running out of graphite.

-Derpy/Time Turner shipping pictures and fics.
-Having to explain things over and over again to certain people.

-If a web page takes longer than five seconds to load.

Edited by Bron-Yr-Aur
  • Brohoof 1



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When anyone hovers over the screen of my computer during the most inconvenient times. Or when it comes to arguments, people would rather drown before admitting that water is wet.

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- People that are clueless about Star Trek

- Dieing constantly in a video game

- Friends asking me if they can borrow something off me

- When the webpage takes more than a few seconds to load

- My little brother being himself (aka OBNOXIOUS!)

- People that stutter a lot when they're talking

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