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mega thread Answer the question above you.


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The Rain, I rather enjoy the little pitter patter of water drops. It's like a symphony of nature itself.


Has MLP changed your life?

Edited by Vulcan
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A bit, I was definitely taught to stop giving a shit what people like. Since I don't feel like I'm in a position to make judgements when I enjoy a kids show full of colorful unicorns and magic and stuff  :P


When were you drunk last time, if at all?

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Actually , I'm travelling to the states for the very first time this thanksgiving,

I'll be living there for most of the holidays with my aunt's family.


Favourite childhood moment?

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I'm not really familiar with super heroes and their universes.

So, I guess i'll say the SpiderMan universe? (He's my favorite hero, so...)


What time is it there?

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America *waves a little flag*


If you could teach your younger self ONE thing for later use in life, what would it be?

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Justice ,

I rather a guilty man be sentenced through dishonest means, than set free through the technicalities of the law.


When I say "tool", what's the first object that came into your mind?

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A hammer. Specifically this kind of hammer:




Well, I have been ninja'd by A Cat so now I have to answer a different question. I believe you are holding up... zero fingers! Cats don't have fingers, after all.


What is your favorite number?

Edited by FortyTwo42
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The letter "t"!


If you had to choose the destruction of a small city or the permanent disappearance of a loved one, which would you choose?

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