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I just moved. Now in Chile it's winter but I'd say it's alright compared to where I used to live.





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No I absolutely love sleep


Are you good at connecting with others or do you find yourself ignored in social interactions?

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sometimes I may feel ignored, but I don't really mind it.




How patriotic are you ?

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Do you like being out at sea or on a boat? Have you ever been on a boat?

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What kind of boat ? I love to be on boat as long as it's comfortable.




Long hair vs Short hair ?

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Can't think of anything else for now.





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Good luck having children dude.


OT: Death

Some bad smells


What's your favorite MLP episode?

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  • Brohoof 1
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The Best Night Ever.




What do you find attractive in a person ?

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A cute face is primarily what attracts me :catface: That and a perfect smile :lol:


What do you first judge a person by when you meet them? Appearance or something else? :)

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Tbh , appearance is quite important for me. o-o




Do you find your home-country's culture interesting ?

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