Dulset Tarn 441 January 14, 2015 Share January 14, 2015 Only to some, my friend. Problem with that is that either that's the joke the writers were going for, or it was just them being absolutely terrible at what they do. I'll have to stick with the former. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Justin_Case001 4,907 January 15, 2015 Share January 15, 2015 Seriously, tell me ONE thing the episode does well. It's 100% worthless. See, this is what I was hoping to avoid. I didn't want to waste my time defending an episdoe that needs no defense. But I guess I have no choice. *Sigh.* First of all, I think many find the irony of how opposite the sisters are deliciously entertaining, and enough to carry the episode on it's own. For most, Maud was charming and fascinating in a most unexpected way. If Pinkie's sister had been just like her, the episode would have been much less interesting. As for myself, I was laughing out loud at every one of Maud's lines. But for some specific things the episode does well, how about the fantastic morals and lessons? It teaches how lack of emotion or expression does not indicate a lack of passion. One can be very passionate, and have a deep love for others, even if they don't show it outwardly. Not everyone needs to be expressive or affectionate. Some people are affectionate and emotional with their families, and others are not, but that doesn't mean they're any less loving. It teaches that your family always loves you, even if they don't always show it, and they will move heaven and earth if you're in danger. The phenomenon of a person summoning almost superhuman strength or speed when a loved one is in danger is a known fact, which was wonderfully displayed here. It teaches not to judge others until you truly get to know them, and that people are more complex than they appear. If you truly know someone, you'll find you can read them in subtle ways other can't. Pinkie could instantly tell that Maud was excited when Twilight described her epiphany. The others couldn't tell, but Pinkie could pick up on the most subtle of vocal changes, imperceptible to anyone else. This shows how strong of a bond these sister share, despite Maud appearing so cold to most. This was incredibly touching and endearing to me, and it illustrates how much you can learn and how rewarding it can be when you truly understand a person. The episode teaches that no matter how different family members are, they can still be bound by unconditional, unbreakable love. As if that's not enough, there's the explicity stated moral about being able to find and celebrate some common ground with others, no matter how different they may be, and that you don't always need to fully understand someone, or even share many interests, to get along. Not to mention the fact that the situation presented here is one that kids (and everyone) are much more likely to encounter in their lives than many of the other episodes, making this episode much more poignant, relatable, and believable. To top it off, we have great character writing in this episode, with everypony acting genuinely, intelligently, and very much in character. Honestly, I can't think of much else to say, because there's just nothing more that needs to be said. It's like Crash. What can you say? What needs to be said? It's just perfect. I'm not trying to make you like it. You don't have to. To each their own and whatever boats your float. I have episodes I don't like. But to say Maud Pie is 100% worthless is a bit extreme, I think. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dulset Tarn 441 January 15, 2015 Share January 15, 2015 See, this is what I was hoping to avoid. I didn't want to waste my time defending an episdoe that needs no defense. But I guess I have no choice. *Sigh.* And this is exactly what I'm hoping to inject more of into the site. No one here ever feels the need to defend their opinions, and there's next to no discussion here. I'll be challenging everyone to defend their points until discussion is to be expected, not the exception First of all, I think many find the irony of how opposite the sisters are deliciously entertaining, and enough to carry the episode on it's own. For most, Maud was charming and fascinating in a most unexpected way. If Pinkie's sister had been just like her, the episode would have been much less interesting. As for myself, I was laughing out loud at every one of Maud's lines. Yes, as I mentioned, the joke is that Maud is dull and boring as a rock, and the other joke is that she likes rocks in every situation. That's it. The episode is like watching a rock, it's supposed to be, and it's absolutely awful. Just because you like watching a rock and find it funny when it acts like a rock doesn't mean it's "clever" or "well written". But for some specific things the episode does well, how about the fantastic morals and lessons? It teaches how lack of emotion or expression does not indicate a lack of passion. One can be very passionate, and have a deep love for others, even if they don't show it outwardly. Not everyone needs to be expressive or affectionate. Some people are affectionate and emotional with their families, and others are not, but that doesn't mean they're any less loving. It teaches that your family always loves you, even if they don't always show it, and they will move heaven and earth if you're in danger. The phenomenon of a person summoning almost superhuman strength or speed when a loved one is in danger is a known fact, which was wonderfully displayed here. It teaches not to judge others until you truly get to know them, and that people are more complex than they appear. Incorrect. None of the ponies once doubted that Maud cares deeply for Pinkie, so the episode doesn't teach anything of the sort. For it to be a lesson, it has to be actually addressed, but the episode never does this. It actually just assumes it, and winds up correct. The point is never even called to attention, so this can't possibly be a lesson from the episode. Pinkie could instantly tell that Maud was excited when Twilight described her epiphany. The others couldn't tell, but Pinkie could pick up on the most subtle of vocal changes, imperceptible to anyone else. This shows how strong of a bond these sister share, despite Maud appearing so cold to most. This was incredibly touching and endearing to me, and it illustrates how much you can learn and how rewarding it can be when you truly understand a person. It doesn't illustrate a thing, all it does is show that Pinkie and Maud share this kind of relationship in the "just so" fashion that Pinkie is always addressed in. When Pinkie does crazy, inexplicable things, it's not illustrating anything real-life applicable to the viewer, it's just Pinkie being Pinkie. And this is exactly that, with Pinkie just knowing things no one else could. It's a pity because what you said is actually better than what the episode does, and the episode would be better if they'd actually used your idea. The episode teaches that no matter how different family members are, they can still be bound by unconditional, unbreakable love. Considering how real life families can be, this is kind of a terrible lesson to try and teach children. As if that's not enough, there's the explicity stated moral about being able to find and celebrate some common ground with others, no matter how different they may be, and that you don't always need to fully understand someone, or even share many interests, to get along. Not to mention the fact that the situation presented here is one that kids (and everyone) are much more likely to encounter in their lives than many of the other episodes, making this episode much more poignant, relatable, and believable. Let it be clear that this is the only thing you've presented here that actually is in fact conveyed by the episode itself rather than your generous interpretation of it. And unfortunately, it's an absolute load of crock. The idea that you can just be friends with someone for the sole reason that you both care about a different person is asinine at best. It's just wrong, seriously wrong. In fact, Maud doesn't even seem to sign onto the idea, she doesn't ever seem to consider the others her friends and she doesn't make them necklaces either. That whole "lesson", the only real lesson in the episode, is a load of bull. To top it off, we have great character writing in this episode, with everypony acting genuinely, intelligently, and very much in character. That's debatable, but either way that's the very least I should expect from every episode. The worst part about the episode is that it was just such a gigantic wasted opportunity. We're meeting a family member of one of the mane six, and they sacrifice it all just so they can make a rock joke 100 times. There are so many lessons they could have gone for, so many opportunities to do some worldbuilding by expanding on Pinkie's family or the concept of rock farming, so many ways to actually integrate the mane 6 into the story, and absolutely none of it happened. All we got was "rocks rocks rocks rocks rocks" and everyone laughed their asses off. I stand by the "100% worthless" comment. Really, show me ONE thing that this episode actually adds to the series and I'll consider it Though I will say the "rock slide" was actually kinda funny and slightly clever. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sazama Ichida 2,367 January 16, 2015 Share January 16, 2015 Boulder the rock. Still a better pet than Angel. 2 The White Shinigami Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TailsIsNotAlone 3,695 January 26, 2015 Share January 26, 2015 Merely average plotting, and the moral at the end didn't break any new ground...no pun intended, I swear. XD People who are eccentric or even non-social can still end up being friends. We got that one in a Friend in Deed, which IMO was Pinkie's finest hour on the show. This episode was going to succeed or fail on its guest character.It not only succeeds, it blows away all of my expectations. Personally, I haven't been this rewarded by a single episode since Hurricane Fluttershy. Maud is a unique and special pony who completely lacks her sister's energy and spontaneity, and yet in her own way she is constantly defying the expectations of others. The Mane 6 don't know what to make of her and she's okay with that. Some bronies don't know what to make of her either and that's okay too.I love her design and her unconventional behavior. I love her inner thoughts that don't have to make sense to anypony but herself. I love her poetry and her obsession with rocks. But what's most important about Maud is that she has nothing but love and consideration for her sister despite the opposite paths they've taken in life. We got more of Pinkie's backstory, an episode with everypony in character, and an ironically hilarious new pony I've fallen head over heels for. That is anything but boring. Great episode.My Maud T-shirt is already in the mail. 4 "Human beings fascinate me Being just the way they are..." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hypernova_Melody 4 March 2, 2015 Share March 2, 2015 I mean this episode was OK but it was kind of silly and boring like expected. BUT Maud at the end was absolutly amazing. She just ran through all of the obsticals that they put out and SAVED pinke from a speed falling boulder and just DESTROYED it like a jack hammer with steel hooves. it was just so cool how she did that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lesbiandash 10 March 14, 2015 Share March 14, 2015 Honestly, this was my favorite episode of season four, it seriously brought out a little bit of who pinkie can actually be!! I am so pumped up for season five though 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chaton 3,766 March 15, 2015 Share March 15, 2015 This is the episode you learn why rock farms exist. Candy! Art by DoeKitty Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dulset Tarn 441 March 15, 2015 Share March 15, 2015 This is the episode you learn why rock farms exist. Candy! Not exactly, Maud herself invented that rock candy, so the farm couldn't have been making candy for very long. That and, well, I find it doubtful the candy is very popular. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dust and Memories 557 March 18, 2015 Share March 18, 2015 "You know, honey, Maud is at the age where a girl can think of only one thing." -Mrs. Pie "Boys?!" -(I forgot) "Rocks." -Maud 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lunar Sapphire 30 March 24, 2015 Share March 24, 2015 The most amazing episode of a one shot character ever! I loved it! And I LOOOOOVEE MAUD PIE! The humor is so...anti humor that its just so funny! Plus, mauds personality matches parts of mine when I am more lathargic, so i can totally relate to her! 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chaton 3,766 March 24, 2015 Share March 24, 2015 Not exactly, Maud herself invented that rock candy, so the farm couldn't have been making candy for very long. That and, well, I find it doubtful the candy is very popular. Its called a joke Dulset. I'm just saying the only application for ythr rocks we've really been shown is the candy. Art by DoeKitty Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lunar Sapphire 30 March 24, 2015 Share March 24, 2015 Its called a joke Dulset. I'm just saying the only application for ythr rocks we've really been shown is the candy. The rocks themselves are not candy. Rock candy is different than what the rocks they farm out of the ground are. There are plenty uses for rocks, gardening, buildings, making stuff like concreate etc. Heck, even arts and crafts! Rock Candy is probably something she just found one day or maybe even created. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chaton 3,766 March 24, 2015 Share March 24, 2015 The rocks themselves are not candy. Rock candy is different than what the rocks they farm out of the ground are. There are plenty uses for rocks, gardening, buildings, making stuff like concreate etc. Heck, even arts and crafts! Rock Candy is probably something she just found one day or maybe even created. I don't remember seeing that in the show. Also, this is equestria. Maybe the candy is rock. Art by DoeKitty Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lunar Sapphire 30 March 24, 2015 Share March 24, 2015 I don't remember seeing that in the show. Also, this is equestria. Maybe the candy is rock. They show the pie family farming rocks when pinkie talks about her cutie mark. They looked like normal rocks. So, we can assume those rocks are different than the rock candy. Since rock candy is colorful. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Crystal Star 37 June 26, 2015 Share June 26, 2015 Boulder the pebble xD Loved this episode. Except the insenely long walking 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Luna_tic 120 August 2, 2015 Share August 2, 2015 Maud was hilarious, I love dry humor! Wonderful episode. Awesome Nightmare Night Shirt benefits a Brony http://www.bonfirefunds.com/bummed-brony ^Credit for signature art goes to PonyUniverse on deviantart. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PacificGreen 1,163 August 31, 2015 Share August 31, 2015 I feel like Maud is actually a rather deep character. Can't wait to see which future episodes she'll be in. I think I like her even more after watching a pony re-imagining of Inside Out, with Maud as Sadness. Not my top choice, but undeniably creative. "Why should the Bill of Rights be in the official time capsule, but this painting of my dog is in time capsule 7?" -Parks and Recreation, Time Capsule -----Visit my deviantART HERE. Twitter HERE. My comic-ish strip HERE ASK ME STUFF HERE Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PROJECT: Simon 3,955 September 13, 2015 Share September 13, 2015 It was a very quiet episode for me. Perfect Equestria Girl Artist / Infernus's adorable brother / PROJECT: Echo, My Little Kohai Having a bad day? Come relax in my profile, I'll try my best to make you at least smile a bit.. http://project-simon.deviantart.com/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrawnyCharger 513 February 5, 2016 Share February 5, 2016 Somehow I don't quite understand why Pinkie Pie assumed that the other Mane 5 would enjoy Maud. I do enjoy the shocking twist about how dull and stoic Maud Pie is compared to her sister, Pinkie. Now I understand that Pinkie truly loves Maud because you know, family, but I somehow get the feeling that Pinkie was somehow, for lack of a better term "overglorifying" her sister towards the other Mane 5 when she should know how bland Maud is. But then again, knowing Pinkie, she never was one to hold back on her love for her friends and family. But she's not even the LEAST bit worried about how well she is going to get along with her friends. This makes me question if one was to ask Pinkie how she and Maud's persona's are so opposite what she would answer. A rather weird episode if you ask me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Westj1211 15 February 7, 2016 Share February 7, 2016 (edited) I wanted to alter the episode by using a BSS-702 spacecraft that's modified for time travel. It'll alter the plotline and script of the entire episode's ending when Maud drills down a boulder at the end, to be replaced by Pinkie Pie, sliding down the rockslide as she first said: "First you climb, then you slide!" I am not sure that time travel to the past is improbable based on Stephen Hawking's theories of physics and the universe, but it'll utilize faster-than-light (FTL) time travel technology. The FTL time-traveling module of the modified BSS-702 will be manufactured by a U.S-Russian-European joint venture, consisting of Reshetnev Information Systems, RSC Energia, Airbus Defense and Space, Khrunichev State Research Production and Space Center, and Thales Alenia Space. Hasbro Studios would provide a rewrite of the story, CERN (the European Organization for Nuclear Research) will supply the protons that'll be used in FTL drive, and NASA, the Roscosmos State Corporation, and the Anderson Institute will handle funding. Here's the actual BSS-702 satellite in GEO orbit, And here's an Proton launcher that I'll be using to place the spacecraft into LEO (Low Earth Orbit): Of course, it'll be improbable to time travel to the past, so yeah. I still have to learn about time travel and the universe itself. UPDATE: The FTL theory is not possible yet, so I'll go on with the Time-warped Fields (TwF) theory instead, so CERN is out of the project. Reshetnev Information Systems, RSC Energia, Airbus Defense and Space, Khrunichev State Research Production and Space Center, and Thales Alenia Space will still build the time traveling payload,but it is no longer an FTL payload,it'll be a TwF payload instead. Boeing will still build the modified BSS-702 bus, and NASA, the Roscosmos State Corporation, the Anderson Institute, along with the newest member, the European Space Agency, will still fund the project. Edited March 24, 2016 by Westj1211 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Manard 7 March 5, 2016 Share March 5, 2016 Always love the introduction of essentially canon characters into the series. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shiny 54 March 21, 2016 Share March 21, 2016 We will, we will, ROCK you... ok, that was pretty cheesy but ya knoooow.... 1 "If things go wrong, get back on your hooves and try again!" -Shiny Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
powerpuff-tsubasa 448 May 18, 2016 Share May 18, 2016 good episode and great to see maud for the first time. she does have raven's personality (teen titans) and love that eyes Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cmarston1 5,959 June 21, 2016 Share June 21, 2016 I guess that you can say that this episode really rocks. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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