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Alery looked around at the Pokemon in distress. "Jeez they're as impressive as you Walter... Oh uh... Yea I'm just so overwhelmed!" He quickly tried to fix his statement, but the small Rattata didn't shift his hard gaze. Trying to change the subject, Al pointed over at an orange Pokemon by the shore. "Hey that one looks pretty strong. Though it looks like a Water type Pokemon." "Grow Grow!" "I know it's obvious Vee! I was saying that it meant I couldn't use you! Abby let's have you try your luck hmm?" The bird Pokemon simply scoffs, as if she needed luck. She had Super Luck (Ba dum tss). Walter looked rather disappointing as the bird Pokemon swooped towards the orange Water Pokemon, beak glowing white for a Peck attack. 

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"Ursaaa..."  The Teddiursa tried to speak up casually as Helioptile attempted to use Thunder Wave, but it was no use.  As the electrical discharge goes off, the Wobbuffet shimmers slightly with the effects of a Safeguard but seemed otherwise unaffected.  "Teddi."  The tiny cub Pokemon nods its head slightly, as though trying to say 'I told you so'.  It had probably already tried to do something similar.  "Axew!"  The tiny dragon type chimes in in agitation, gesturing in annoyance at the Wobbuffet blocking all of their paths.  It didn't seem all that upset it was in their way, though.  In fact it didn't seem like it planned on moving soon at all.






 The small Krabby didn't really seem to know what was happening.  It started to turn around slowly, enough to see Abigail and her Clefairy and hearing the Pokemon's song.  "Koo...  Ky..?"  The Krabby's eyes started drifting closed as the song continued, and it had soon fallen asleep right there on its rock.






The Buizel didn't even move, staying where it was lounging up against the trunk of the berry tree with its arms crossed behind its head.  As the Murkrow started to get closer, the water-type watched it without seemingly getting too worked up.  Once it had gotten closer, about as close as the small berries it had been shooting out of the branches with precise shots of water gun, it opened its mouth and proceeded to fire a drenching blast at the attacking Murkrow.  Even after the attack it didn't move to get up from its relaxed position, the Pokemon's twin tails twirling idly.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Helioptile growled at the two, before climbing back onto Stella's shoulder. "Huh. No matter." Stella said. "Plan B. Phanpy, you're next!" With that, Phanpy was summoned. ​"Use Roll-out on Wobbuffet, Phanpy!" Phanpy nodded, trumpeting his trunk. However, Roll-out continued to not be very accurate, due to the grooves on the ground. Phanpy hit every bit of the wall near Wobbuffet, but Wobbuffet himself.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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"Très bien!" Abigail exclaimed happily when the krabby fell asleep to Isabella's lullaby, clapping her hands together in excitement. "Now for the catch." She rustled through her bag for an empty pokeball, and brought it out. She looked at it hesitantly, "wait, so I have to throw this all the way at that pokemon? D'aww, I suck at throwing things!"


Rather than take the chance of throwing the pokeball at her current distance, she skipped over to the edge of the bay. She noticed a couple of stones protruding from the water, and quickly charted a course in her head. She hopped from one to another, hoping to get closer to her intended target. The rocks where a bit irregular and a tad wet, and she nearly slipped off the last stone. She corrected herself, though, by frantically waving her arms about. "Perhaps, that wasn't such a good idea," Abigail thought, a little too late.


Regardless, she was in a more favorable position, and she locked her gaze upon the krabby. She tossed her ball at the krabby, and the ball hit its mark. The toss itself, however, unbalanced Abigail to the point where she once again nearly fell off. She managed to correct herself again, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

Edited by Aged Rain
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@@Aerodynas, @@Umbreon, @@Sylveon, @@Vaporeon

((OOC: @Umbreon I'm curious. Are we the moves strictly limited to the game mechanics? Like I can only learn four moves and if Lumi learns a new attack she forgets a previous one? Also, how strictly implemented is the learning of moves? I was thinking to have Lumi learn aurora beam soon as a precursor to ice beam. The problem is aurora beam isn't in Glaceon's in game movepool))


"Sure, I guess I can help out." Jason gestured to Lumi for her to attack the Galvantula. Lumi gave her trainer a nod and readied to attack. Jason turned back towards Muna. "What's a Galvan---" He was cut off by a signal beam heading towards him. Jason ducked down just barely managing to avoid it as it swept past. Lumi however was not so fortunate. "Lumi, are you alright?" Jason called out as he turned to face his Glaceon.

Lumi stood still for a while easily chilling the air in an attempt to strike the Glavantula with icy wind. However her attack was interrupted by the signal beam erratically heading straight towards her. Lumi quickly flash froze the ground under her feet and attempted to dodge by ducking and sliding to the side. Though she tried to avoid it, the beam still got a good hit on her and she was knocked backwards. She felt a sudden nausea and her vision was blurred, and any sound she could her was distorted and distant. Lumi saw the blurred image of Jason turn as he said something. She tried to make sense of what Jason had said, but was unable to. "Glaci?" She blurted out in a disoriented tone as she finally managed to stand. She saw what appeared to be Jason approaching and walked towards him slowly.


Jason knew what had happened. He saw all the symptoms of confusion in Lumi. He quickly headed towards his Pokemon. "Come on Lumi. Focus, just look at me. It's just confusion at work." Jason said as he knelt next to his Glaceon. His words seemed to have had an impact as Lumi quickly stepped to the side and fired off a shard of ice towards the Galvantula. However the shot was wide and missed by quite a lot. Jason wished he had a potion to cure status ailments with him as Lumi readied another attack. "Focus Lumi, you can do this." He encouraged his Pokemon.


Lumi fired a second ice attack yet it still missed. She turned to Jason and back towards the Galvantula. She did not want to disappoint her trainer and with all her will she focused and attempted a third attack. This time Lumi's aim was true and the ice shard flew straight towards the Galvantula, and would impact at the same time as Muna's Wurmple would use poison sting.

Edited by Glaceon

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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The Pokeball shook vigorously a few times before giving off a satisfying ding!  The Krabby was caught.




Krabby.  The River Crab Pokemon.  It can be found near the sea.  The large pincers grow back if they are torn out of their sockets.


Gender:  Female                 OT:  Abigail                    Quirky Nature / A little quick tempered (Affects RP, not battle)

Knows Mud Sport, Bubble, Vice Grip, and Harden.  Can be taught Bubble Beam, Mud Shot, and Metal Claw with training.

Ability:  Shell Armor








As the Rollout struck everywhere except for its intended target, the ground around them started to shake.  The Axew and Teddiursa both scrambled on top of a boulder behind Stella, and abruptly the ground underneath the Wobbuffet gave away and it disappeared into the small crevice that had formed in the path.


"Wooobbbbuuufffeetttt!"  Looking down the hole would show that the Wobbuffet was actually perfectly fine - it had landed in the water of the underground lake and was floating on its back, just floating where it had landed.


"Axew axew!"  "Teddi!"  Both of the smaller Pokemon cheered that their path was now mostly clear, other than the hole in the floor, and together the two Pokemon started to try pushing one of the boulders up that seemed big enough to bridge the gap.  After a couple moments of not being able to move it, the Axew turns to look at Stella.  "Axew!"  It calls out somewhat demandingly, expecting her to help.  She had to go that way too after all, right?





@@Glaceon, @@Aerodynas,


"GAAALLL!"  The Pokemon cried out in pain and rage as Wurmple hit it with poison sting, a slight purple hue coming over Galvantula's features.  It had been poisoned.  Before it could try to squash Wurmple beneath it however it was struck by a shard of ice and knocked to the side.  


"Tu...  La..."  As Galvantula starts to pick itself back up, suddenly a barrage of sticky webs fly from the tree it was fighting so hard to protect.  The Joltik were staying out of sight, but they weren't staying out of the fight it seemed.  The sticky strands weren't all that coordinated, at least it didn't seem so since none of them were aimed at any of the opposing Pokemon, but soon a large sticky Spider Web had formed over the battlefield.


"Galvantula!"  Quickly leaping up to one of the web strands hanging from a nearby tree, Galvantula hung on at an angle and fired another Electroweb down at its attackers.  Without waiting to see if it had hit the electric type had moved to a different strand of web and fired a second Electroweb, trying to overcome its opponents by attacking from multiple angles before it would have a chance to succumb to the poison.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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Abby spluttered and cawed angrily, and upon seeing the Buizel barely moving, she cried even louder. Without waiting for a command, the Murkrow dived forward the short distance between the two Pokemon, this time attacking with Pursuit, a more powerful move than the Peck she had used previously. Alery grinned at the strategy of the Pokemon, since he had been about to tell her to use Pursuit anyway.





Callie woke up groggily, grinning as she saw the time. She had woken up kind of late, but that wasn't why she was grinning. Today was the day she actually went on an adventure with Moss! The two had been planning, albeit somewhat one-sided, since she had turned 14. Her mother had recently told her that she could go on a journey, since her brother Cedric had come back from his travels and was going to stay for quite some time. She climbed down the stairs, still in her pajamas, and took a seat at the table with her dad and Cedric, while her  mother was finishing up a brunch, since nobody woke up early enough for breakfast. "Morning Ceddy. Morning Dad." "Mmm..." the boy mumbled, not entirely awake. His hair stuck out at odd ends, and his head jerked up every once and a while before it could slam into the table. Her father however, was simply mumbling to himself, eyes darting around as he held a nonexistent newspaper. It seemed he had managed to string in a "Morn'" before he continued mumbling. After a little while, he held up his hands and tilted his head back, as if trying to show his wife something on the paper. "Look honey, it says someone's coming home after being away for a long time! Isn't that nice?" Marie simply smiled as she brought over some pancakes and other things. "Oh, would that happen to be Revvy?" The family had recently got a call that the final child of the Witlock family was coming home for a quick visit on his way to Kanto. But Callie's father shook his head. "No, it isn't Sherrinford. Someone who has been away for a reaalllllly long time. I think he's gonna stop by!" Callie and Marie simply smiled at Sherrinford Sr. while he continued to "read his paper". Callie's father had been the way he was since she could remember, but there was a time where the purple haired man was simply a miner from faraway Oreburgh City. But that's a different story for a different time. Callie wasn't really listening afterwards, eating quickly and slipping some to the Trapinch under the table. She'd be leaving by the afternoon.


((Bit of a wall of text, but I couldn't help myself XD There are certain times where I like back story :P))

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"Oh!!  Thank goodness!"  Muna cried out, relieved that Wurmple had avoided harm from the Galvantula.  Unfortunately, the ground was soon covered by a sticky, binding Spider Web, so Muna couldn’t make it over to where Wurmple was.  Huffing with frustration at his web-covered shoes,
Muna looked back at Wurmple and shouted so his Pokemon could hear.  “Don’t worry, baby!  Daddy will come save you!”  Looking to Audino, Muna’s brow was furrowed with determination.  “Alright, Audino!  Use Protect again, but this time do a somersault at the same time!”


Audino nodded, raising her arms above and behind her head.  “Auuuudiiii…NO!!”  Flinging her body weight forward full-force, Audino was able to free her feet from the sticky web.  She then immediately tucked her arms and legs in, ducking her head like she was about to start rolling.  At that precise moment, she activated her Protect, projecting a green force field ball around herself.  Using her momentum Audino rolled about the area, the whole time her Protect wrapping up and destroying the Spider Web trap on the ground.


While Audino delt with the Spider Web, Muna kept his eye on the Galvantula, which had just fired two more Electro Webs at the group.  Gritting his teeth and preparing for impact, Muna hoped that the other trainers had some Pokemon moves at their disposal that could get rid of the Electro Webs.

Edited by Sylveon









@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos     @Flareon: Descant/Bard




@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee       @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne



Pokemon fan?  Play X and Y?  Wynaut check out the MLP Forums Pokemon League!


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"Your a tough one aren't ya?" Sable said after Galvantua overtook Umbreon's Confuse Ray. It also didn't help that the Joltik were laying Sticky Web across the field, though it was quickly remedied by Muna's surprisingly quick thinking. "You two!" Sable said turning to Jason and Allen "Cover my Umbreon. Make sure those Joltik don't get any cheap shots in." When she turned back Galvantula had shot two more Electrowebs at the group. "Go for it, Umbreon!" "Umbreee!" the dark type cried out as it used Quick Attack to dodge the Electrowebs and get closer to Galvantula. It then jumped up and disappered only to reappear seconds later and knock the electric spider down. "Now you with the Glaceon." she said to Jason "Try and freeze him in place long enough for me to catch him."



"ENOUGH!" Cilla called out, standing in between Espeon and Makuhita with her arms out. "Stop this, both of you. I-I'm sorry about attacking your friends, Makuhita I had no idea." she said kneeling down to the sumo Pokemon. "No...That's a lie. I of all people should know it's wrong to capture a Pokemon against it's will. Tell ya what." she started. "Why don't we just start over? Let me talk to Marill, I promise I won't attack. Right Espeon." Though hesitant at first, the psychic type relaxed itself and nodded it's head. "See? Oh I think I have some berries in here somewhere." Cilla said searching through her bag until she found a couple of Oran Berries and held them out to Makuhita, hoping that Marill would join in. "Whaddya say?"



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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"Phanpy, could you help out, please?" Stella asked. Her pokemon nodded in response, carrying a few large boulders on it's back to fill the gap. Once it had been filled, Stella returned Phanpy to his pokeball then knelt down to the two pokemon. "Are either of you hurt at all? Counter can be a pain, sometimes..." 



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Abigail turned around to hear the pokeball she had thrown make a ding! and smiled widely. "Ha ha!" she enthusiastically exclaimed, and turned to her clefairy still on the shore line, "Isabella! Regarde! C'est on ne peut mieux, non?" The clefairy simply shrugged indifferently, "clefairy." Abigail pouted at her pokemon's lack of enthusiasm, and turned her attention back to the ball. She bent down to reach over and pick the ball up, carefully balancing herself so as to not slip from the stone she stood on. She grabbed it, and with a "humph," she shot straight back up, "ta-da! My very first catch!" she exclaimed to no-one in particular.


She turned her attention back to the shore-line, and Abigail happily hopped from stone to stone back towards her clefairy. She summoned her newly caught krabby, though it was still asleep. She brought out her pokedex and looked at the information on it, "hmm, but what should I call you... Mademoiselle... Jeanne... Belizaire? Mhm! Mademoiselle Jeanne Belizaire! Alright, Jeanne, wake up!" She said, poking the sleeping krabby.


The newly dubbed krabby opened its eyes slowly, confused as to what happened and why a strange person was poking it. It snapped its pincers loudly and questioned, "kooky?", clearly irritated. This sudden response caught Abigail off-guard and she fell backwards. She landed on her rump, and scratched the back of her head in confusion. "Je suis désolé!" she exclaimed, before clearing her throat, "uhm, I didn't mean to wake you up, if you wanted to rest some more. I just thought I'd introduce myself."


The krabby eyed her suspicously, still perturbed at what was happening. Isabella, however, had walked up behind the krabby. She raised her hand, and was about to slap the back of the krabby's head. Before that could connect, however, Abigail reached over and grabbed the clefairy's arm, "what are you doing, Isabella? That's no way to treat our new friend..." she reprimanded, but the clefairy wrestled her arm free. "Fairy!" She exclaimed, pointing towards the krabby, and then to Abigail, and then did her best to pantomime Jeanne's pincer snapping. "She's cranky and confused! That's no reason for you to hit her, even if you are worried about my safety." Both Abigail and her clefairy pouted at one another, with the krabby in between them positively perplexed, "koo... ky?"


Abigail turned her attention back to the krabby, and she bent down resting her arms on the ground in front of her, "I'm so sorry, please forgive us!" Abigail really had no idea how to go about befriending a new pokemon. She had Isabella since she was an egg, and was the only pokemon she ever had. She just kinda thought that if you caught a pokemon, they'd be your friend immediately.


"-ky. -ky. -ky", the krabby did its best to pat its new trainer in forgiveness. Abigail's perked her head back up, tears in her eyes, "huh? Don- don't you hate me?" She tried to stifle a sniffle, but it was clear that she wasn't doing a good job of hiding her emotions. The krabby shook its head, "-ky." Abigail could not hold back anymore, and her tears flowed in great streams down her face, as she lunged forward and wrapped the krabby in a warm embrace, "really? You'll be mon amie?" "-ky." Abigail stood up, still holding her krabby in her arms. "Oh, thank you, Jeanne! Let's make sure to be great friends!"


Isabella, however, simply sighed and shook her head at the display, "fairy..."


Abigail perked up, a wide grin on her face, "alright! Now, I am ready to properly start my adventure! Let's go!" She said, loudly, running off towards the edge of Cherrygrove City, before pausing. "Wait... where should I even be going?" Isabella came up behind her, panting, "-ry... -ry... -ry." And once she caught her breath she faced her trainer, "Clefairy! Clefairy clefairy?" Abigail's pokemon now reprimanded her. "Yeah, yeah, I'm sorry. Got caught up in the moment..." She pulled out her map with one hand, the other still holding Jeanne. "Right, looks like we can go to Violet City or Blackthorn City... oh! and the way to Blackthorn is through a 'dark cave'. Doesn't that sound exciting, Isabella?"


The clefairy gave her trainer a very skeptical look, and then proceed to cover her eyes as if though to pantomime the lack of sight in a dark cave. "Oh... right. We don't really have anyway to light up a cave." She said, with a disappointed pout. "I guess we'll have to get back to that at some point, huh? Don't you think that would be fun, Jeanne?" She asked, looking down at the krabby in her arm, "-ky!"


The trio traversed north to route 30, Abigail walking slowly enough for Isabella to follow along this time. She looked around as she walked, but didn't pay any special attention to anything in the area. She contemplated catching another pokemon on this route, but she decided against it. "Not until I get to know Jeanne better."




They proceeded onward to route 31, Abigail briefly pausing to look forlornly at the cave entrance. However, something else was brought to her attention by Isabella, poking her leg. "Huh, what is it, Isabella?" she questioned, turning around to see what her clefairy was pointing at.


It was a trainer, apparently engaged in combat with a wild pokemon. "What about him, Isabella?" Abigail paused, and thought about what her pokemon might be asking about, "Oh! Do you want us to say hi to him, is that it?" The clefairy shook its head in disagreement, "ooh, don't be like that. It would be rude not to, right?" The clefairy tapped its foot impatiently. She had brought him to her trainer's attention so that they could AVOID bothering with him, but her trainer clearly had different ideas. "C'mon." Abigail said enthusiastically, bounding her way towards the other trainer.


She came up behind him, and cheerfully said "Bonjour!" clearly not even considering the fact that the trainer was occupied with a battle.


((omg, >4500 characters. You have no idea how long this took to write, I had to pause several times just to reply to other things.))

Edited by Aged Rain
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Makuhita didn't seem all that sure, but it also seemed in no condition to really continue the fight.  With a heavy thud!  it sat down in front of Cilla, trying to catch its breath.  The Marill and Azurill quickly ran up to see that the fighting type was okay, Marill taking one of the Oran Berries from Cilla and sticking it in Makuhita's mouth.  After the sumo Pokemon had managed to swallow the berry it had been force fed by the water type, it pats Marill on the head and all three of them silently turn to look at Cilla.  They still seemed wary of her, but they weren't running or trying to attack again.






Axew shook its head no at the same time that Teddiursa pointed at Axew.  With a growl the little dragon Pokemon bopped the cub on the head, and Teddiursa responded by sticking its tongue out at Axew.  Both of the small Pokemon were now grumbling at each other, momentarily seeming to forget Stella was even there.  Eventually though they turn their attention back to the trainer, Axew crossing its little arms across its chest and looking away from her quickly.  Teddiursa just stuck one of its little hands in its mouth and pointed at the dragon again.




@, @,


Buizel continued to watch as Murkrow came closer, before abruptly becoming covered in a veil of water.  In an incredibly fast movement the Buizel had used Aqua Jet to dart into the Murkrow, taking some damage from the Pursuit but also counter-attacking at the same time.  As the Buizel lands and the effects of the aqua jet disappear, it looks at the Murkrow and the pair of trainers...  Before abruptly bringing a hand to its mouth and yawning quite loudly.  "Buiiii..."











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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Alery wasn't sure whether to smile at the Buizel's tenacity and technique, or whether to scream at for being smugger than his old Luxray! Abby was also getting furious, but she was definitely starting to tire out. "Gah! Abby just come back! Walter, you're up! Show me what you can do! Quick Attack!" Walter, already excited for the battle, had charged up a Focus Energy while Alery had been talking. Now, he rushed forward at the Buizel, hoping his smaller body would give him a maneuverable advantage over the Buizel as well as make it hard for it to see him easily. Alery seemed to focused on the battle to notice Abigail's greeting. Alery's Growlithe, Vulcan, however, bounded over to the friendly girl, tongue lolling around. "Grow?" 

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@@Aerodynas, @@Vaporeon @@Sylveon, @@Umbreon,

Jason nodded to Sable. "You heard her Lumi, go freeze that Galvantula when you are ready. Remember, focus first to try to lessen the effects of the confusion. You don't want to be hitting anyone else." He said giving Lumi an encouraging pat on the head then turned to his friend. "Allen, try having Noi distract the Joltiks. She should be fast enough to easily avoid those webs." 

"Glaci!" Lumi replied as she took a deep breath and did her best to cool the air around her. The disorientation of being confused made it difficult but she was able to manage to cool the air enough to turn the water vapor in the air into liquid and blew the icy wind towards the Galvantula. As the wind drifted towards the electric spider the moisture in the air condensed into water and landed everywhere the wind passed.The wind soon arrived around the Galvantula wetting the Pokemon. Lumi then quickly dropped the temperature of the air, and almost instantly the water froze trapping several Joltiks who were unfortunate enough to get wet. Ice began to form around the Galvantula slowing its movement and possibly freezing the Pokemon all together. "Glaceon!" Lumi said to Jason proudly indicating her success.

Jason smiled as his Pokemon succeeded in trapping several Joltiks and hopefully freezing the Galvantula. "Looks like that Galvantula has been crippled. It's all yours now." He called out to Sable, then turned towards Lumi. "Good job Lumi. You should take a break first, to clear that confusion." He instructed his Glaceon.

"Glaci." Lumi proceeded to take a few steps back exiting the current area of battle and sat next to Jason looking mentally strained.

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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Abigail knelt down to pet the growlithe, scratching behind it's ear. "Hey there! You're a cute little growlithe, " she said to it, "you kind of remind me of my brother's, actually."


Jeanne, still being held by Abigail, eyed the growlithe with mild suspicion, "koo..."


Isabella, who just caught up to her trainer, was more concerned about Alery. She watched the battle between him and the buizel sternly, clearly still irritated that her trainer deigned to bother with greetings.

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Stella glanced at the Axew with concerned interest. "Now, now." She said, patting the dragon type on the head. "No need to be so selfless. I have tons of potions, after all." Stella fumbled through her bag, before pulling out a purple potion. She then waited for Axew to show her where it was hurt.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Sable smirked upon seeing Jason's Glaceon freeze the Galvantula, everything was going according to plan. "Looks like it's over, Galvantula. You. Are. MINE!" Sable then threw a Pokeball as hard as she could at the giant spider and watched eagerly as the ball shook back and forth.



"Isn't that better?" Cilla asked Makuhita once it had eaten the berry. "Oh, why don't you all meet my other Pokemon?" she said taking out Aipom's Pokeball and releasing him. "Pom pom!" the monkey said happily once he was out of his ball.  He then extended his tail to the three wild Pokemon as if he expected a handshake. "Seems like he likes you all." Cilla said with a giggle. "I'm really not a bad person, Marill. Please would you joining our team?" Cilla said gently placing a Pokeball in front of the water type.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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The Buizel barely had time to react as the small Rattata barreled into it, causing the water type to fall backwards into the grass.  It simply stayed where it fell, surprisingly, not knocked out but folding its hands up behind its head and using them like a pillow.  Lazily it turns its head to look at the Rattata, not bothering to get back up as it responds with a Growl attack.






The Axew huffs and looks away, but the Teddiursa leans over to point at a red mark on the back of the dragon's head as he does.  "Teddi." it states simply while it points out where Axew had been hurt, causing the small green dragon to growl and glare at the cub Pokemon.  






Makuhita, Marill, and Azurill looked at each other in confusion before the Makuhita slowly reached out to shake Aipom's tail.  When Cilla asked Marill to join her team, the water type turned to look at Makuhita and Azurill, and the three Pokemon started speaking quickly.  After a somewhat heated discussion, Marill hugs Azurill and then Makuhita before tapping the Pokeball with its tail.  Makuhita carefully picks up Azurill with one hand and points at Cilla, like he was warning her to take good care of his little friend.




Marill.  The Aqua Mouse Pokemon.  The tip of its tail is filled with oil that is lighter than water, so it acts as a float.


Gender:  Male               OT:  Cilla                    Bashful Nature / Good perserverance (Affects RP, not battle)

Knows Tackle, Water Gun, Defense Curl, and Tail Whip.  Can be taught Rollout, Bubblebeam, Helping Hand, and Aqua Ring with training.

Ability:  Thick Fat







@@Glaceon,  @@Aerodynas


Unable to move out of the way quickly enough, and with the poison wearing it down, the Galvantula disappeared with a flash inside the Pokeball.  The ball started to shake vigorously, slowing down to seem as though it were caught multiple times before starting to shake again.  After what would feel like an incredibly long pause, the Pokeball finally gives off a satisfying ding!  Galvantula was caught.




Galvantula.  The EleSpider Pokemon.  When attacked, they create an electric barrier by spitting out many electrically charged threads.


Gender:  Female                  OT:  Sable                  Hasty Nature / Likes to fight (Affects RP, not battle)

Knows Electroweb, Signal Beam, Spider Web, and Thunder Wave.  Could be taught Discharge, Bug Buzz, Sticky Web, and Agility with training.

Ability:  Compoundeyes



  • Brohoof 1











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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Before Axew could do anything to avoid the potion, Stella spritzed the red bit on Axew's head until it was of a normal pigment. "There we go! All better." Stella said, getting up and brushing off her jacket. Well this is a bit of a shame... The girl thought. It'd be nice to catch that Axew, but the other one's a normal type. And I already have one. Owning multiple would be a bit silly, I think. And I'd hate to only catch one of them. The other might be sad... 


"Well, I best be going now!" Stella said, quickly turning to go. "Hopefully nothing like that'll ever happen again!"



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Muna ran over to Audino, bending over to hold hands with her and then jumping around in a circle.  "Yayayayayay!  We did it, Audino!"  He stopped the spinning in time to pick Audino up and give her a good squeeze.  "You did amazing!  I couldn't be prouder~"


Audino hugged Muna back, giggling with merriment. "Audino!"


After putting Audino back on the ground, Muna ran over to Wurmple with Audino following closely behind him.  "Wurmple, my baby, are you o-..."  Muna abruptly stopped takling mid-sentence as he gazed in awe at his Wurmple, who was currently glowing white on the ground.  "...oh my gosh, he's evolving," Muna whispered urgently to Audino.  Audino gasped in response, joining Muna at his right side to observe the whole metamorphosis.


The white light engulfing Wurmple continued to expand, to the point that his features were indistinguishable except for the general outline.  Slowly the outline started to change into a rounder one, the whole time emitting an eerie buzzing sound.  Not long after that, the light quickly dissipated, leaving a silky purplish cocoon in its wake.  The cocoon, however, proved itself to be a Pokemon when it opened its two red eyes.


“Coon?”  The Cascoon blinked, and then gazed up at Muna.  Recognizing him, its eyes turned upwards amiably.  “Coon!  Cascoon!”  It did, however, remain motionless, most likely do to its lack of limbs.


“Cascoon?”  Muna said softly, bending down to pick up his newly evolved Pokemon.  Almost instantaneously he hugged him tightly, his face scrunched up with emotion.  “Aww, Cascoon!  Just look at that lovely shade of lavender you’ve become!”  He placed a kiss on top of what he assumed to be Cascoon’s head.  "Daddy's proud of you, too, sweetie.  You were very brave today."


“Coon…”  Cascoon sighed, happy to be held and praised by his trainer.


After a few tender moments with Cascoon, Muna returned to the others, a giant grin plastered across his face.  "Congrats on the capture, Sable!  And look..."  Muna held Cascoon out towards Sable so that he was only a few inches away from her face, "...Wurmple evolved!  Say hello to Cascoon!"


Cascoon smiled with his eyes, since he didn't seem to have a visible mouth.  "Cas!"

Edited by Sylveon









@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos     @Flareon: Descant/Bard




@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee       @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne



Pokemon fan?  Play X and Y?  Wynaut check out the MLP Forums Pokemon League!


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@@Sylveon, @@Umbreon, @@Vaporeon, @@Aerodynas,


Jason watched the Galvantula get caught. Yet as the pokeball dinged to show the successful capture something else caught his attention. A white glow surrounded the Wurmple. Jason smiled as he knew what was happening. He walked towards the Wurmple in order to examine the evolution from a closer perspective. "Congratulations to you two." He said to both Muna and Sable as the Wurmple who was now a cascoon. "I am Jason by the way. Nice to meet the both of you." He introduced himself with a smile.


Lumi followed behind Jason and remained quiet as he spoke. She silently observed the evolution and took note of the Pokemon of the other trainers.

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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"Hm? Oh yeah that's...that's great Muna." Sable said as she rolled her eyes. At this point she didn't really care about Muna seeing as he had fulfilled his purpose. "Right. I'm Sable and that there is Muna, I think. I suppose I should thank you for helping us back there." She told Jason while picking up Galvantula's Pokeball. "Anyway I'm off to Blackthorn so I guess this is goodbye. Have a nice life and I hope you're very happy with your Kakuna or whatever." Sable said in a rushed tone, clearly wanting to just leave.


As she left, however, Umbreon stopped her with a disappointed look on his face. "Umbre!" "But Umbreon he'll just hold us back." Sable whispered to her Pokemon. "He'll be fine by himself now lets just go to Blackthorn and get the Rising Badge." Umbreon just shook his head and motioned towards Muna. "Bre bre." Sighing, Sable turned back clearly not able to change Umbreon's mind. "So uh...Muna. You actually did a pretty nice job back there so...do you want to come with me to Blackthorn? Maybe you can even watch me beat Clair." She said. Though she was being forced to take Muna along, Sable did actually think he did well in the battle against Galvantula though she would never admit it.



"Thank you Marill you won't be disappointed." Cilla said with a smile. "And don't worry you two I'll be sure to take good care of him. Your friend is safe with me." With that she returned Aipom to his Pokeball and waved goodbye to Makuhita and Azurill. After walking through the cave for awhile and traversing a couple ledges Cilla could finally see the exit in the distance. "Oh finally. Come on Espeon, Violet City is right around the corner."

Edited by Vaporeon



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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Muna, still holding Cascoon in his arms, beamed back at Jason as he introduced himself to Muna and Sable.  “Hi, Jason!  As Sable said, I’m Munashe, although most people just call me Muna.  You and your Glaceon are really talented!”  He was about to ask the name of the other boy when Sable rushed out a ‘goodbye’ and started to leave.  Gawking, Muna shared a confused look with Audino.  “S-Sable?  W-Where are you…hold on, wait up!”  About to start chasing after her, he sighed in relief when she turned around and asked if he’d like to go with her to Blackthorn City.  “Oh, Jeez, don’t scare me like that!  Ahem…”  Recomposing himself, Muna broke out in his usual grin once again.  “Sure!  That sounds like fun, actually.”


“Audi!”  Audino chimed in with agreement, currently hugging Muna’s leg.  She liked how well she and Umbreon seemed to complement each other in battle.  “Ah, Aud!”  Audino muttered, remembering something she was supposed to do.  Toddling over to Glaceon, she closed her eyes and began radiating a pink energy from her hands, which she held over Glaceon’s head.  “Auuuuuuuuuud….”  She chanted, using Heal Pulse to restore energy and healthiness to Glaceon.  Once the move was complete, Audino used Heal Pulse once more, but this time on Umbreon instead.









@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos     @Flareon: Descant/Bard




@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee       @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne



Pokemon fan?  Play X and Y?  Wynaut check out the MLP Forums Pokemon League!


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Walter was a little thrown off by the simple Growl, while Alery simply despaired. "Just hit it again Walter. I can't handle all this sass." As the Rattata rushed in with another Quick Attack, Alery lazily threw a Pokeball at the Buizel. The sass was simply too much to handle, and was making Alery function slower. Alery's only weakness was sass. ((I'm so tired...))


Vulcan beat his leg repeatedly against the ground at Abigail's scratches. He looked up at the Krabby and barked softly. This behavior would have been scolded severely by Alery if he had been paying attention.

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Abigail was happy to have befriended this growlithe, but she was caught surprised when it barked at her krabby. She held Jeanne closer to her chest, "it's alright, you two. No need to snap at each other."  She stood up and considered the growlithe's trainer. She let out a small gasp as he threw his pokeball at the buizel. "Huh? I missed the entire thing, what happened?" Abigail said quietely so that only her pokemon could hear her.


Isabella simply responded by putting her hand to her face, "clef-".


Abigail walked around the growlithe and came to stand by the trainer, "bonjour!" she tried to greet him again. She pointed to the still shaking pokeball, "you're catching that pokemon, bravo. Or, I suppose... um, congratulations."


"I dunno if I should speak like I normally would... people here may not understand."

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