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How come nopony has an earth pony OC?

Colorful Respawn

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I'm assuming this is how people see it:


Pegasus: "I can fly!"


Unicorn: "I can use magic!"


Alicorn: "I can fly AND use magic!"


Earth Pony: "I can bake food and buck trees!"



Honestly though, I think Earth ponies play an important role. While they may not have any mythological abilities, being physically stronger seems like a nice advantage and I wish that the show would show this more often.


I have had an idea for an Earth pony OC in mind, and the fact that people think earth ponies aren't that unique could be a character trait that the earth pony is trying to prove wrong.

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Nopony? NOPONY?!


What about ME?!  Tetrakemy!? Master chemist, Toxicologist, pharmacist, and has great understanding of the complete physiology of over 20 different sentient species including all three kinds of ponies, Minotaurs, whatever tirrek is, changelings, humans, and so on.  


I may go through other ponies, but for right now. This is my OC. 




Picture by: Melon Blitz - Feel free to draw your own Tetrakemy and share it with the class.



Edited by Ramsey the Goat
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I like earth ponies because of the connection they have with the ground, whether it be land or water. :P Das why my surfer pony is an earth pony and not a pegasus, because he found a new way to fly without wings XD

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I am going to get a bit elitist and snobby here, so don't hate me.


The reason is obvious as many already pointed out: earth ponies don't seemingly have any special racial traits that allow them to stand out, despite the fact to the contrary that the show says they in fact do.  :mellow: Unicorns can use magic, pegasi can fly. and alicorns are basically gods (at least when improperly played :comeatus: )


Since I don't actually role play here at all, I can't say much about the mechanics, but it doesn't seem too well designed for balancing purposes. If for example in World of Warcraft there wasn't any balancing measures, Warlocks, mages and others could overrun warriors and melee classes with ease. Priests and shaman in turn could overpower mages and magic dependent classes based on their inherent abilities. At least combat wise, MLP doesn't have a system in place to counteract these problems.


Of course outside of combat RP, I would think many more earth ponies OCs should exist and its a shame if there aren't. Those who think that something superficial like flying or magic is what makes a character fun to RP with are being incredibly shortsighted. :wat:  If that were the case Rainbow Dash would be a terribly bland character that doesn't stand out from any other pegasi, and Fluttershy would be pitiful for her underwhelming flight abilities. That of course isn't the case, since both characters like the rest of the Mane 6 are defined by the whole of their traits, not just 1 superficial aspect.  ;)


Myself personally, since I like earth ponies would have at least 1 earth pony OC, along with at least 1 nonpony OC. But at least for now I don't actually RP sadly. Its unfortunately equally a misunderstanding of what an earth pony is just as much as it is some unfounded prejudice.


I also personally think more people should have nonpony OCs. Outside of dragons which may be OP, there's seriously a lot of fun to be had. Zebras are capable of magic and potion making (healers hint hint), griffons can both fly and have melee advantages, minotaurs are tough and well


Well I'm actually surprised no one's made a draconequus OC yet.  :umad: Don't look at me like that. Yea sure Discord godmodes, but I don't think it impossible to make a toned down trickster variety of draconequus that can be RP'd with.


But that's just me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've seen plenty of Earth Pony OCs, especially in the Roleplay section... I agree that not everyone wants to play an Earth Pony, but I think that those who do know that an OC need not wield magic or the ability to fly to be interesting!



... That being said, I should look into creating an Earth Pony OC!

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  • 4 weeks later...

It's the same reason why nopony wants to play a human fighter in D&D.


I already live in a world with swords and muscles, if I'm gonna put myself into one with potions and spells, you bet I'm gonna take part in all the kinds of things I can't do irl!

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I've seen plenty with an Earth pony OC, they're the minority but they are there.


I chose my OC because I thought it fit me. No, I do not want to fly, or at least that's not why I chose it. Pegasi are the most martial of the three races and I am a martial artist in real life. If I was more of the mind to create and craft, I would have chosen an earth pony OC, but that's only half of who I am.

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A lot of people do not see the appeal in Earth Ponies. They truly are an underappreciated race. I will admit however, that if I was writing a fan fiction, I would not make the main character an Earth Pony. I'd go with Unicorns because they are the most powerful.

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Uh, I do his name is Ice Blizzard. And I don't see why someone wouldn't wanna have an Earth Pony OC, EARTHREALMERS RULE!!!


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I'm assuming this is how people see it:


Pegasus: "I can fly!"


Unicorn: "I can use magic!"


Alicorn: "I can fly AND use magic!"


Earth Pony: "I can bake food and buck trees!"



Honestly though, I think Earth ponies play an important role. While they may not have any mythological abilities, being physically stronger seems like a nice advantage and I wish that the show would show this more often.


I have had an idea for an Earth pony OC in mind, and the fact that people think earth ponies aren't that unique could be a character trait that the earth pony is trying to prove wrong.

Not to mention, without Earthrealmers, there would be no Ponyville! The town where 90% of the episodes occur, would not exsist with out Earthrealm ponies. How's that? :toldya:

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Most people don't like earth pony OCs because earth ponies don't have as obvious powers as opposed to unicorns or pegasi which have wings or a horn and I personally would rather have the abilities of levitation of flight as opposed or super strength.

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I would like to toss my Stetson into the ring here...



Now I know, im just some Minnesota born Pegasister (land of a thousand whaaaaaaaaaa?) That isnt "in touch" and "likes EQ girls waaaaaaay to much to be a real PS!", But I for one HAVE a OC that IS very much a Mud Pony


...oh snap, she didnt...she said it...


That's right, and not ONLY does my Earth Pony Gal rock those no magic, no wingness, but she is WEEKLY Roleplayed at a little joint in St.Paul called "The Source" (A comic and game store).




That's her name! "But Jock, Ponies dont have fangs, and why is her sprite brown with red mane if her name is Silver?" Hmm...seems you might need to ROLEPLAY to find out eh?



Earth Ponies are ignored, because they are white bread in a bakery of bagels and muffins. Why get jelly on toast when you can get cream cheese on a summer roll? SF is no differnt then your norm. Hard working, Hard Drinking, and heavy in the flank to boot. Always willing to help or take up a job and for sure a mare who knows her place in Ponyville.


I LOVE Earth Ponies, I was born in 83, I have been ah Sister of the Herd since 89..thats right, i was Six when my Mother bought me my first Pony (Glory, for you old school fans...I still have her).


In my mind-cannon all "Regular" Ponies are Mud Ponies, the snobs are Unicorns and the Fighters or thugs are Pegasi. (DONT HATE ME RARITY-SEMPAI!)


So of course I as a thirty year old bitch, would RP a Earth Pony! But I wont lie, I do love Pegasi and Unicorns, shiiiiiiiiiiiiit gurl I have three differnt Rarity themed Tattoos...reminds me I should start an MLP Tatt thread.


Bottom line, if a narrow minded Mare like me can RP a rooter of the earth and farmer of the mundane, SO-CAN-YOU!


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Most ponies don't go with earth ponies because they want to fly and be Harry potter. Roleplay wise, they can use that stuff to their own free will. And earth ponies are just... There. So mainly people want special abilities.

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Neither of my OC's are earth ponies purely because firstly pegasi are my favourite types of ponies and also because for the backstory I am working on for my second OC, she has to be a unicorn for it to make sense

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Neither of my OC's are earth ponies purely because firstly pegasi are my favourite types of ponies and also because for the backstory I am working on for my second OC, she has to be a unicorn for it to make sense


And that's perfectly fine. I too have a unicorn character, as well as a pegasus character. Doesn't hurt to have some diversity!



Most ponies don't go with earth ponies because they want to fly and be Harry potter. Roleplay wise, they can use that stuff to their own free will. And earth ponies are just... There. So mainly people want special abilities.


That right there makes me sad... Because that's exactly the issue: People can't see a character for more than their abilities in this sort of context. Ooh, pegasi can fly! Ooh, unicorns can use magic! Earth Ponies can't do either, so they're boring!


But there's so much more to a character than what they can do. Look at my unicorn character, Ariel. She's a unicorn, a tad more powerful than the average unicorn mare (not talking Twilight-levels here; maybe just with a little more magic potential than, say, Rarity) since her special talent is directly magic-related. But her magic and her magical talent are only a small part of who she is. It's her backstory, it's the issues she's had to face and how she tries her best to overcome them, it's her struggles that make her an interesting character - not what she's able to do with the horn on her head. That's just my opinion, though.

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That right there makes me sad... Because that's exactly the issue: People can't see a character for more than their abilities in this sort of context. Ooh, pegasi can fly! Ooh, unicorns can use magic! Earth Ponies can't do either, so they're boring!


But there's so much more to a character than what they can do. Look at my unicorn character, Ariel. She's a unicorn, a tad more powerful than the average unicorn mare (not talking Twilight-levels here; maybe just with a little more magic potential than, say, Rarity) since her special talent is directly magic-related. But her magic and her magical talent are only a small part of who she is. It's her backstory, it's the issues she's had to face and how she tries her best to overcome them, it's her struggles that make her an interesting character - not what she's able to do with the horn on her head. That's just my opinion, though.

Exactly, it's character that counts, not their race. Most people care about what they don't have, And I think there's going to be a story here. :3

There once was a fish who lived in the pond near a village. The fish wanted to have legs so he could go play with the boy who lived in the nearby village. Then, a fairy came by and offered the fish a wish. The fish wishes for legs so his gills turn into legs, and he goes to the village and plays with the boy. But one day, the boy fell into the lake and couldn't swim. Due to the fish didn't have his gills he couldn't save the boy. Sadly, the boy drowned.

So perhaps if you make the most of earth ponies, you can do almost anything, if your earth pony is an inventor they could make a flying machine to fly, earth ponies can do a lot more then the other races can.

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as for me, the reason why i like to go with unicorn/ pegasus (thought i perfer bat ponies over pegasus) is because, im a person whos fond of wizards and stuff, so ofcourse i'm gonna like things that are magical. as for pegasi, similar reason for before, i always adored things that could fly. thought those arent the reasons thats gonna stop me from making a earth pony. they have nothing, and tbh that's kinda special and unique to me.

but in the general, its because people want to be special snowflakes, they want powers, they want to control the weather and fly. they just dont want to be normal (and lame). so yeah.

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My OC is an earth pony :) see sig. But she's not exactly happy about it :/ as a filly she always thought she drew the short straw having class mates that were unicorns/pegasi but it never made her dislike them nor did she mention it to anypony other than her mother. She just wishes she had wings so she could see the stars close up. 



Sirius:"But mum I just want to take a closer look at the stars can't dad magic me some wings?" 

Mum:"No even your father couldn't do that sweetie and if he could I wouldn't let him. Your head is in the clouds most of the time as it is. We'd never see you *giggles*


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I do!   :D And i love it!  :squee:


I always enjoy making up new oc's in that species, but i suck at drawing them.

My OC is an earth pony :) see sig. But she's not exactly happy about it :/ as a filly she always thought she drew the short straw having class mates that were unicorns/pegasi but it never made her dislike them nor did she mention it to anypony other than her mother. She just wishes she had wings so she could see the stars close up. 

She could always have a wing spell cast on her, she could enjoy it while it lasts. never mind. Though i gotta admit that's cute for the dialogue..

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