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Knowing Bronies That Fit The Negative Stereotype


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The typical stereotype for bronies is that we are socially awkward, overweight, neck beards, nerds, virgins, loners, basement dwellers or just ugly who only can fit in the MLP fandom as we are surrounded by others with the same traits. Also many believe MLP is an escape for people who are rejected in this world and thats why we are attracted to MLP.

I suppose I fit most of these.  I am socially awkward in many ways.  I'm a nerd and proud of it.  (Big Bang Theory = nerd is the new cool.)  I am a virgin, and 28 years old.  I've never even been on a date in my life because I just can't seem to find a way to meet anyone I'm compatible with.  I spend a lot of time in my room on my computer, and my room happens to be below ground level, although it's not technically a basement.  I tend to put off trimming my facial hair simply because I'm usually depressed and don't really have a reason to trim it most of the time because I don't have anyone to do anything with.  I am attracted to MLP partly as an escape because I feel rejected in this world.  I wish the world could be more like the show.  But I don't really see these things as a "negative stereotype."  It's just the way I am.  I'm also a horseback rider, an artist, a figure skater, and I swim regularly.  I'm unique, just like everyone else.  I guess my point is that it's not fair to stereotype because all types of people can be bronies, but having said traits doesn't make someone bad or negative either.  I just have a tough time fitting in to this world.


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I've seen some of those traits to be true, some where they were PAINFULLY true, and others who came off as cocky extroverts who did everythig to disprove that image. There's some truth to the stereotypes and just as many exceptions to the rule. That's what stereotypes generally are.

I have made brony music since 2011. I like all kinds of music and genres. I'm sure you'll like some of it..

Here's My YouTube..I have several albums on Bandcamp and Pony.FM.

Check out the 20+ Musician project Maressey which I am running. 


Check out the  Brony Music Directory and FimMusic. A portal to all things Brony + Music.

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 I knew a pair of bronies that in preparation for the new episodes did a huge marathon, skipped showering for like two days then went to a public event just reeking.

 When asked if they showered they said no, they were watching MLP and didn't want to miss anything so, no shower for two days... 
 Wasting time to shower would have been that, "a waste of time that could be used watching MLP".

 The other bronies nodded in agreement, as apparently choosing MLP over bathing, or eating was a common accepted practice in that group.


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I don't really care.
I don't meet that many people in real life, though, this is more by personal choice than anything else, so I myself do fit the stereotype of being sort of antisocial. I wouldn't say that I'm socially awkward, though.

Live and let live. The bronies that fit the so-called "negative" stereotypes, are just as worthy of your respect and friendship as any other supposedly "positive" example.
Threads like these are the prime example of why I personally avoid the label of "Brony". Bronies have become synonymous with hatred, intolerance, and bigotry for me, so I no longer want anything to do with the term.
You gotta love how many people feel the need to defend themselves from scrutiny in this thread by posting stats about themselves that shouldn't really mean JACK SHIT in the grand scheme of things. I guess most of you have some reason(s) to feel more insecure about yourselves than you let on.

To wrap this rant up, it's what's inside that counts.
Drop the fucking prejudiced attitude and dig a little bit deeper, will you? Some of these people might surprise you.

Edited by Derp My Life
  • Brohoof 1



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Here's what I think of what a stereotypical Brony looks like.



Except this is Gabe Newell. The guy technically is a billionaire, and could technically BUY Hasbro with all the Value money. But if only if Half Life 3 is released (lmao, he's probably waiting for HL3 stock to go up so he can sell and buy Hasbro)


Now you'll be like, that iPad has 3 numbers on it. HL3 Confirmed.

I just would like to point out that if anyone insulted the almighty GabeN, he'd probably just melt them with his lazers of badassery, and this is coming from someone who doesn't even game period. I love that guy :D



As for me, whatever. I know I fit some stereotypes, and my friends fit some stereotypes, but stereotypes usually have a bit of truth to them, because they wouldn't exist otherwise. It doesn't really matter, honestly. I could care less what another person does or looks like; just don't be a dick to me, we'll be chill :D

  • Brohoof 2


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

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  • 2 months later...

I saw a brony tale and the onyl bronies I really saw that fit the negative stereotype was at the bronycon segment when they did silent minutes shots of a couple of bronies as well as a bunch of bronies walking into bronycon. Besides that most of the bronies they interviewed seemed like awesome people and did not fit the negative image bronies are given.

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I'm probably one of these guys who can't grow a proper neck beard. I can try to convince my dad to grow a neck beard some time in the future; he could agree but I doubt it would happen. :3


Speaking of neck beard, he got one, but I doubt the haters would want to mess with him lol.



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  • 2 months later...

There was a recent brony meetup for the Rainbow Rocks movie and many of the bronies in the video what many haters use against us. Before the comments were disabled many of the top comments were from bronies voicing their disliking of the video saying this is why people make fun of bronies.



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No not really. Most of friends that are bronies are pretty cool. But my friend Mike is a clopper but not a stereotypical one however.

Edited by Red Sage
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I hate that I fit some of the more negative stereotypes. It's sad to think that no matter how genuinely I love and appreciate the show, those that know my darkest secrets can't help but see my affection for the show tainted by what they know, no matter how much I may plead that they're unrelated. 

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I hate that I fit some of the more negative stereotypes. It's sad to think that no matter how genuinely I love and appreciate the show, those that know my darkest secrets can't help but see my affection for the show tainted by what they know, no matter how much I may plead that they're unrelated. 


It really does suck how those rude people society treats us. Personally, even if a brony meets the negative stereotype on outworn appearance only, I dont judge them, its personality that counts.

  • Brohoof 1
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  • 6 months later...

Since going to meetups, I have only met about 10 of such bronies that meet this stereotype, but the rest being over 60 do not. Although i have yet to see a fedora at any of these meetups lol.

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Haven't met any bronies in real life. So, I can't say. I fit some of the general stereotype, but not all of it.




I dont judge them, its personality that counts.



 Even with personality in real life it's kinda hard to judge someone. You never know why someone is like the way they are. Someone who comes off as creepy and unsettling might only be that way because they never learned how to act properly, and with everyone around them finding them creepy, nobody is willing to help them learn, so they might never get a chance. Not everyone who is "Creepy" is a bad person, or trying to be that way.

Twilight is best pony.


Why hello MLPForums! What have ya been up to?


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Overweight: No

Neck beard: No

Basement dweller: No

Socially awkward: Yes

Geek: Yes

Nerd: Not anymore. I lost my title after I dropped out of school.

Loner: No

Ugly: No

Clopper: Yes

Zoophilie: No

Pedophile: NO!


I fit some but not most. I wish the last one wasn't even a stereotype.


Rarity Fan Club

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I only know myself sadly, but rather than a basement dweller, I'm a former concert pianist and (not to flatter myself) rather good looking. I never play video games and I'm an honors student with multiple scholarships at uni. The only stereotype I fit is the shy one. I had to stop performing because of panic attacks ... :blush:

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The typical stereotype for bronies is that we are 1. socially awkward, 2. overweight, 3. neck beards, 4. nerds, 5. virgins, 6. loners, 7. basement dwellers or just 8. ugly who only can fit in the MLP fandom as we are surrounded by others with the same traits. 9. Also many believe MLP is an escape for people who are rejected in this world and thats why we are attracted to MLP.

It's funny that those things are popularly attached to this fandom, while any member of any fandom could fit the bill just as well. xD

1. Guilty.  Though the internet has afforded me the opportunity to come out of my shell somewhat and express myself more readily.

2. Not since I lost roughly 80 pounds in my mid-twenties; I've kept the weight off for the most part since then.

3. My beard does have a tendency to spill down my neck. x3  I've never really understood this "stereotype."  The natural distribution of your facial hair has nothing whatsoever to do with who you are as a person.  Unless you're a lazy shaver, like myself.  In which case you're just a lazy shaver.  *Shrug.*

4. I prefer "egghead." x )

5. Depends on who you ask. ; )

6. Considering that I'm here on a pony forum posting to sometimes-complete strangers...  Not-so-much?  More importantly: I'm never truly alone. <3

7. Haven't got a basement.  But I suppose I might dwell in a basement if I had the chance.  I'm open to that one.

8. I've referred to myself as "ugly" before, but I have been discouraged from doing so.

9. I wasn't rejected by this world so much as I have rejected it. x )

Bonus: I consider myself a ponylover.  Commenters on Youtube will seemingly jump on anyone with a pony avatar and make certain accusations / use certain terms.  It's possible I fit their accusations better than many Bronies actually do. x3

Edited by Ziggy and Angelbaby

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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What is the definition of "Basement-Dweller"? Because my room happens to be in my basement, and I do spend a lot of time there. When I here "Basement Dweller", I imagine someone who sits in a dank celler at a musty old desk surrounded by storage boxes. My basement room is probably better furnished than most of my friends' rooms. Even has it's own washroom.


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Overweight: No

Neck beard: No

Basement dweller: No, but still reliant on parents

Socially awkward: Sometimes

Geek: Yes

Nerd: Not really

Loner: Not really, I have friends but don't do alot with them.

Ugly: Honestly no, I do actually look good, but prone to bad hair days.

Clopper: Unfortunately Yes, but only to show images not graphic porn

Zoophilie: No

Pedophile: NO!

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I only know of three bronies, and only one of them fits the overweigh description.

As for me:

-Overweigh: Formery, I started to work out two years back and I'm in shape

-Nerd: I tend to be better than many of my class groups before college, but I wouldn't call myself a nerd because I wouldn't do it if I didn't need to

-Virgin: No

-In a relationship: No, and I don't really care about one either, got enough to worry about without one

-Socially awkward: Yes, I rarely act my age, sometimes I act bellow, and others WAY over my age. Also, I'm more confortable with older people

-Ugly: I've never seem myself ugly, but I wouldn't call myself attractive before losing weight. Now, I can say with confidence that I'm quite a looker B) (Heck, I even look younger than my YOUNGER brother :lol: ) 

-Neckbeard: beard is a pain in the butt to maintain, and I don't like how it looks on me, so NOPE 

-Loner: yes, but I have my reasons for it, besides, being a loner has MANY advantages that people ignore

-Clopper: I REGRET NOTHING  :angry:

-Zoophile: I like clop, no denying, BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN I'LL PICK A HORSE AND START F%$&/& IT  :eww:





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Overweight: No

Neck beard: I have a little bit of it but not much

Basement dweller: No I don't even have a Basement but I do hang out in my room lots

Socially awkward: Yes

Geek: Yes

Nerd: Maybe

Loner: No

Ugly: No

Clopper: Yes, I regret nothing!

Zoophilie: No

Pedophile: Does liking loli count me as one? (I don't like 3D ones! :eww: )

Edited by MLG4Ever

*Boops You Nose!*

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I've seen some stereotypical ones at conventions, but I'm far out from pretty much all aspects of the stereotype (if I had a neck beard as a girl, that'd be something) aside from a nerdy personality and being something of an introvert. People would really have no idea unless I told them.


I tend to play down how interested I actually am in the show if I'm talking to a non-fan/a fan I don't know well ("It's actually pretty good!") since I'm quite a bit more analytically-excitable about television than most people I interact with in my day to day life. 

Edited by Stellafera

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I dislike hipsters! They drink too much, wear no lens glasses, wrar ultra tight pants, stare at hispanics and blacks badly, and have way too much inherited cash from their parents and spend all day doing lame hipster stuff. I could get along qith most people, but hipsters just think they're so "counterculture" and "trendy". They never protest about Wall street or black lives and hispanics matter. They have no idea they're just riding on some privilege and should REALLY check their privilege! Privilege sucks and it's institutionalized sexism, racism, and other stuff. Others had to go up against all odds just to get somewhere. Hipsters had everything handed to them. Whatever happened to good old environmentalists, hippies, activists, over achievers, equal justice for all, ect.?


I don't mean to come off as offensive, it's just hipsters make me cringe and get mad sometimes.


Bronies having fun = They're just having fun.

Underwater techno dancing = They're just having a good time.

Hipsters = Ultimate cringe!

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I'm a casual brony hispanic with good looks who can speak English and Spanish. I dress cool, but also normal. I always wear my pants normal and dislike thw pants below the wait "trend". Since when is acting like a gang and showing your underwear to people "style". That's not style! That's a trend that originated from jail cells. I might move to The Kingdom of North Sudan or something once they solve the water scarcity problem. Only then will a new society of dignity, equality, respect, and science, and free to be fancools(cool fandom people) emerge. I have transcende every shoddy stereotype people have of hispanics, fandoms, and intellectuals. I am singlehandedly redefining what it means to be the ultimate individual.

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