LordDiscord 289 April 12, 2014 Share April 12, 2014 As many of you might be aware of by now, Hasbro confirmed a while back that their '' My Little Pony'' franchise would last another ''5 years'' but other than that statement there has been little to no confirmation on what exactly that entails. With Season 4 coming to a close and Season 5 on the horizon, I question just how much more they can actually stretch the story before it becomes 'forced'' rather than natural. Most of the characters are already close to fulfilling their dreams and the gag about the CMC is starting to get old. With that out of the way, what evidence do we have that the above statement means that the Show itself will last another 5 years and not just the toy line. Trust me I don't want the show to end, but I also don't want to believe something only to be disappointed later on, especially when that statement is so vague. Hasbro never said ''5 more years of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic'' they only said ''5 more years of Mlp'' that could easily mean the toyline and not the show, as I have a strong feeling that the show could easily finish up its story arch next season. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Malinter 3,064 April 12, 2014 Share April 12, 2014 Also "5 years of MLP" could quite easily mean generations after gen4 with totally different characters. Its a rather vague term 2 My OC's: Malinter, Rahl, Vengeful impact & alias-the-marked-one First fic i've written since forever here Skype: Malinter@Outlook.com "Defeating a sandwich only makes it tastier." most legendary quote ever. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Discordian 6,015 April 12, 2014 Share April 12, 2014 Spongebob did it for the last fifteen years, I think FiM can too. They just need to expand the show's horizons. Add more main characters, new locations, explore the realms of magic and what it can truly do... The show is only as limited as the creators make it. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LordDiscord 289 April 12, 2014 Author Share April 12, 2014 Spongebob did it for the last fifteen years, I think FiM can too. They just need to expand the show's horizons. Add more main characters, new locations, explore the realms of magic and what it can truly do... The show is only as limited as the creators make it. While I agree, Hasbro might not see it that way, as commercials, would be much cheaper to produce to advertise their toy line, then keeping the show alive. Also it might be possible that they want to finish up Gen. 4 so they can move into Gen. 5 with new characters and locations. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kurai 304 April 12, 2014 Share April 12, 2014 If something is written well, it can last for more then a few decades. I know some shows that started in the 90s still making new episodes now generations after gen4 It would be interesting to see a new gen where Twi is the ruler. Be amusing to see how she handles things. 1 http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/kurai-r7957 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Discordian 6,015 April 12, 2014 Share April 12, 2014 While I agree, Hasbro might not see it that way, as commercials, would be much cheaper to produce to advertise their toy line, then keeping the show alive. Also it might be possible that they want to finish up Gen. 4 so they can move into Gen. 5 with new characters and locations. Well see, that's just an example of how they can expand the show. They honestly don't have to stick to FiM. FiM simply set a pretty high bar. The next generation could be just as good, if not better. People will miss the Mane 6 and all that for awhile but it has every chance of bringing in even more members the same way this generation did. As long as they don't pull a Gen 3.5. That'll kill any and all chance of MLP ever being popular again. The internet never forgets. LOL Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tabe 216 April 12, 2014 Share April 12, 2014 As much as i want the show to go on forever, it WILL get boring at some point, so changes are welcome for me. I am a brony, and I am proud Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mywas 687 April 12, 2014 Share April 12, 2014 We will have to wait and see. Be patient my young one 1 Credits to Mint Drop for an awesome Sig. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RockinRarity 1,605 April 12, 2014 Share April 12, 2014 While I agree, Hasbro might not see it that way, as commercials, would be much cheaper to produce to advertise their toy line, then keeping the show alive. Also it might be possible that they want to finish up Gen. 4 so they can move into Gen. 5 with new characters and locations. Commercials may be cheaper to produce, but Hasbro hasn't had a greater commercial than FiM. Their profits will shrink incredibly if they don't keep the bar raised high so that bronies and little girls alike can keep buying their products. I am not sure myself if the quality of the show will decrease because the show will last another 5 years. It might. But it also might not. The writers I think surprised us this season with many of the ideas that they introduced. There are so many things that the series could still do that the writers haven't explored yet. Proof of that is founded by the fact that there's so much friggin fanfiction out there for MLP. Sure a lot of it may be crap (as is the case for pretty much every fandom with fanfiction b/c the writers are amateur and probably haven't written anything besides a short essay or book report before writing fanfics) but there are gems, and even some of the crappy fanfics have at least decent premises - they were just poorly executed. My point is that it's just hard to say at this point where the show is heading for the next 5 years. I will say, however, that I am looking forward to 5 more years of pony despite being unsure. It is rare for one of my favorite shows to get this much attention and care from the creators. When I was in the Teen Titans fandom we BEGGED for more episodes past the 65-syndication mark. It never happened. Granted, several years later we got Teen Titans Go, buuuuut it's not the same. I've rewatched the Teen Titans from 10 years ago recently (I have them all on DVD) and I had forgotten just how good of a show it was. It still disappoints me that they didn't create more episodes of that particular franchise, even though I have mostly let go of any dreams of there being a legitimate reboot. So I am grateful for the guaranteed 5 more years. Follow my blog! ~The Mind of Sally - Experiences, Opinions, Musings~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Revertz 159 April 12, 2014 Share April 12, 2014 YAY MLP WILL LAST ME THROUGH COLLEGE! that was one of my greatest fears not meeting cool bronies in university while the show was still running. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RockinRarity 1,605 April 12, 2014 Share April 12, 2014 YAY MLP WILL LAST ME THROUGH COLLEGE! that was one of my greatest fears not meeting cool bronies in university while the show was still running. Not only that, but I think that the fandom will still be strong even after the show is over. It'll take a long, long time for it to die down, if it ever will. Follow my blog! ~The Mind of Sally - Experiences, Opinions, Musings~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Revertz 159 April 12, 2014 Share April 12, 2014 Not only that, but I think that the fandom will still be strong even after the show is over. It'll take a long, long time for it to die down, if it ever will. i doubt it will die plus hasbro would probably eventually make a gen 5 which could either destroy or rebirth the fandom Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RockinRarity 1,605 April 12, 2014 Share April 12, 2014 i doubt it will die plus hasbro would probably eventually make a gen 5 which could either destroy or rebirth the fandom If bronies end up hating gen 5, it will just create a subdivision of the fandom... of course there might be bronies who love gen 5 and bronies who hate gen 5... ... ...this sounds worse than Twilacorn. Follow my blog! ~The Mind of Sally - Experiences, Opinions, Musings~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Forlong 1,726 April 12, 2014 Share April 12, 2014 Spongebob did it for the last fifteen years, I think FiM can too. They just need to expand the show's horizons. Add more main characters, new locations, explore the realms of magic and what it can truly do... The show is only as limited as the creators make it. https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/2425284864/h68296528/ Not something I think we should compare FiM with. Dr. Who is a better example. It's been around since forever. Check out my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5qXAcUzrizEHvorGalU5jg?feature=watch Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skullbuster 1,906 April 12, 2014 Share April 12, 2014 it wouldnt be in hasbros best interest to end gen 4 any time soon, they are not oblivious to the shows popularity,any good company will milk this franchise for years until every drop is spent and then some, and the concerns that characters are reaching their goals soon, thats an easy fix, once they reach those goals, just give them new long term goals that they work for, i can see this show running for a long long time, a standard cartoon show can last 5 seasons, a show like this, with tremendous popularity can last much longer, spongebobs been on since 1998 and even the TMNT cartoon back in the late 80's ran for 10 seasons, so very likely this will be a long lasting show My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/ NEW SONG: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Katana 298 April 12, 2014 Share April 12, 2014 See, I get what's being said about Spongebob and The Simpsons. But the difference I think is, those shows don't have a story arc. At all. Everything gets a "reset button" at the end of the episode, and even season enders tend not to dramatically change anything. You're lucky if once in a while, some old plotline like Sideshow Bob happens to be mentioned again. MLP, however, seems to have been making a point of slowly "taking things up to the next level". Making permanent character changes, attempting to grow the state of things from "6 friends having fun" to "multiple kingdoms in danger", as happens with many animes. I've expressed my negative opinion about that trend, though a lot of fans seem to enjoy it. But, the problem is, if you're seeing the show as a potential destination, and not a journey, then it necessarily means that stories have to work towards some conclusion. At any rate, it would seem ridiculous at the point when they're spending a season saving multiple galaxies from FreezaPony or something. But in spite of my pessimism, there HAVE even been shows like Doctor Who that have incremental "now it r srs time" moments, that have made the show very, very long-running. So, there's a very indeterminate chance it could go either way. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StarSwirlTheBearded 356 April 12, 2014 Share April 12, 2014 Five more years probably means five more seasons. However, I would not be surprised if in a few years they make a G5 or G4.5 in the same universe as FIM (Equestria). They'd keep most of it constant, however, the characters (except perhaps Twilight as a ruler) and most of the settings (meaning it wouldn't be in Ponyville) would be different. They'd be sure to retain the bronies' interest, unless the fandom is very small by the time the next gen comes around. I can tell you for certain that the next generation won't be like pre-G4 MLP. Not only would doing that scare off the bronies, but a kids' cartoon that belongs in the 90s would struggle to appear relevant today, let alone in the 2020s. I doubt that five more years means they cancel the show in two years and just have toys and reruns for the next three, but it's always possible. Sig by Kyoshi — Ask me anything – http://mlpforums.com/topic/94670-ask-sstb-me/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shift 4,272 April 12, 2014 Share April 12, 2014 @@Discordian, ...except that Spongebob is horrible now. A good example of a long-running show that's still good is Doctor Who. But yes, the term is vague. All we know is that we are getting a fifth season. We could be getting a reboot, or generation 5. Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pastel 7,630 April 12, 2014 Share April 12, 2014 Really? I immediately interpreted that as 5 new seasons of Friendship is Magic. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rift enchanted 380 April 12, 2014 Share April 12, 2014 They're gonna obviously make 5 more seasons. Like the content might be terrible but they'll still make them for the money You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it save equistria with its five candy coloured friends and shoot rainbows at bad guys using their necklaces and tiara unless you're celestiaAlso if your not familiar with the count to one million post then check out our welcoming cheer!http://mlpforums.com/topic/69955-count-to-one-million/page-1188Just scroll to the bottom and it'll be there Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Red Cedar 1,408 April 12, 2014 Share April 12, 2014 Hasbro told the shareholders they would keep the show and related goodies going for UP TO five more years IF it remains profitable to do so. Remember, they're a business first. 1 Roleplaying OC: Red Cedar - Cast Character: Applejack Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Frostgage 7,976 April 12, 2014 Share April 12, 2014 I know a lot of shows have gone on too long and gotten stale, and that's a common fear of what will happen to FiM. But honestly, I think it's much better than having nothing at all. I have faith in the staff to make it work and I'm certainly glad the show won't be ending anytime soon. I don't care that much about an amazing overarching plot, anyway. I enjoy the slice-of-life episodes more than anything. Signature by Lacerna | You should fill out my Johari Window. All the cool kids are doing it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EnderDash 4 April 12, 2014 Share April 12, 2014 If 5 years = 5 seasons then ok everything fine but I'm kinda scared for g5 because they might change the whole idea of the show,make a new mane 6 but I think FIM will last longer than 5 more years and even if it does end(not anytime soon) g5 might not be so bad.or they could just be taking a break from making new episodes because I have seen that in a lot of shows. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LordDiscord 289 April 12, 2014 Author Share April 12, 2014 it wouldnt be in hasbros best interest to end gen 4 any time soon, they are not oblivious to the shows popularity,any good company will milk this franchise for years until every drop is spent and then some, and the concerns that characters are reaching their goals soon, thats an easy fix, once they reach those goals, just give them new long term goals that they work for, i can see this show running for a long long time, a standard cartoon show can last 5 seasons, a show like this, with tremendous popularity can last much longer, spongebobs been on since 1998 and even the TMNT cartoon back in the late 80's ran for 10 seasons, so very likely this will be a long lasting show The problem with that is, these goals that they are close to accomplishing are ''long term goals'' , I don't see really any other long term goal Twilight could aim for now that she is a princess, I can't see any goals for Rainbow Dash when she is spending all her time training with the Wonderbolts, I can't thank of any ambition that Rarity would be interested in pursuing once her dresses finally gets noticed, ect. There isn't really any goals I think they could give these characters that would not feel forced, and it would just being annoying to keep dodging the current goals and milking them as there will eventually come a time where we are sick of seeing Rainbow Dash constantly trying to become a Wonderbolt when we know she should already be one, we would also be sick of seeing Rarity constantly impress top of the line fashionistas, yet she still has yet to get a offer to be a designer for one or become a professional one herself. This is why I am skeptical about whether, Season 5 will be the final or if the Show is included in the '' 5 more years of MLP'' statement. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Discordian 6,015 April 12, 2014 Share April 12, 2014 https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/2425284864/h68296528/ Not something I think we should compare FiM with. Dr. Who is a better example. It's been around since forever. @@Discordian, ...except that Spongebob is horrible now. A good example of a long-running show that's still good is Doctor Who. But yes, the term is vague. All we know is that we are getting a fifth season. We could be getting a reboot, or generation 5. I still like Spongebob though... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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