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BronyCAN 2014: Who on the forum is going?

Red Cedar

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Same here. It's the morning of, and I'm getting ready to go. My registered pass says Tross on it, so you should recognize me, and my friend and I are trying to get into the meet and greet mixer. He doesn't have a pre-registered pass though, so we'll have to see about that.

My pass has Cork Top on it. Also, I'll be wearing a Canada-themed hat with little Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash plushies clipped on the sides. If you see someone wearing a Canada-themed hat with Twilight and Pinkie Pie clipped onto the sides, that would be my brother. I'll be going to the meet and greet mixer too. I hope to see you there :)

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My pass has Cork Top on it. Also, I'll be wearing a Canada-themed hat with little Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash plushies clipped on the sides. If you see someone wearing a Canada-themed hat with Twilight and Pinkie Pie clipped onto the sides, that would be my brother. I'll be going to the meet and greet mixer too. I hope to see you there :)

My attire isn't quite so obvious, but I'm sure I'll recognize you. I'll cya at the meet and greet.:)
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Well, I dropped by during my lunch to see the line for pass pick-up was about 8 times as big as last year.  Suffice to say, I just didn't have time.  I'll have to pick it up tomorrow.


EDIT:  How was everyone's first day?

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Yeah, I was in that line for about half an hour. Kudos to them for moving that many people as quick as they did.


Saw a couple panels. saw the dealers room. My daughter got her face painted. I stalked Feld0, the usual.

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Roleplaying OC: Red Cedar - Cast Character: Applejack
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My pass has Cork Top on it. Also, I'll be wearing a Canada-themed hat with little Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash plushies clipped on the sides. If you see someone wearing a Canada-themed hat with Twilight and Pinkie Pie clipped onto the sides, that would be my brother. I'll be going to the meet and greet mixer too. I hope to see you there :)

I think I saw you, guys.  I was wearing the anti-bullying t-shirt.

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My day was good. My friend and I didn't end up staying for the entire day. We had a good time though. We actually ran into Cork Top and his brother in the line(we were right behind them). It's a good thing too, since I didn't see them at the Meet and Greet. Then again, I could have missed them, since I got lost trying to find my way around till closer to the end of it. We made good memories, I got a bit of merchandise, and we ended up going back to my place. I think I'm going to try to come back on Sunday to meet Nicole Oliver and Amy Mebberson. Oh, and my friend learned what shipping is.

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For my first Brony Con, it was interesting.


I love the couple who were dressed up as Apple Jack and to be honest I do not know who the guy was supposed to be.


I was wearing my anti-bullying shirt (that got dirty :( )


Bit sad the anti-bullying panel wasn't rescheduled.  I am going to work on something outside of the Con, regardless.


BTW, I am not a Changeling, but Brent Hodge is. ;) Shhhh

I left early, tonight.


I want to send a shout out to the people chatting with me as I was charging my phone. Hope to see you, guys, on Saturday/Sunday.

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My day was good. My friend and I didn't end up staying for the entire day. We had a good time though. We actually ran into Cork Top and his brother in the line(we were right behind them). It's a good thing too, since I didn't see them at the Meet and Greet. Then again, I could have missed them, since I got lost trying to find my way around till closer to the end of it. We made good memories, I got a bit of merchandise, and we ended up going back to my place. I think I'm going to try to come back on Sunday to meet Nicole Oliver and Amy Mebberson. Oh, and my friend learned what shipping is.

We didn't end up going to the Meet and Greet like I said I would, since my brother didn't really want to and I didn't feel like arguing with him...  But, that's okay, because we met you guys in line anyways (and if we hadn't, I would've gone to the Meet and Greet anyways without my brother to make sure I met you since I said I'd see you there), so it's no problem.



So after registration we checked out the vendor's hall (since it was open by that time, having taken us about an hour and a half of being in the line up to get registered; I'm not complaining though, the time seemed to go by quickly), bought some stuff, and then went out for lunch (to the food court at the mall nearby, which we walked to), got back, checked out the vendor's hall again, bought some more stuff, and then attended the "Ponies on the Internet" panel, where we watched Cloudbolt and Feld0 speak about their experiences of doing pony-related things online (I was very excited to see Feld0, since he created this wonderful site :) ). After this we attended the Brent Hodges panel on his documentary "A Brony Tale" (I also bought a copy of the DVD :) ), stayed in the same room for the Opening Ceremonies, drove to Subway for dinner (we could've walked, but it was a little cold out, plus we just didn't feel like walking), got back for the panel hosted by Jim Miller and Jayson Thiessen (and, as it turned out, joined by Stephanie Mahoney), which was pretty cool. Nicole Oliver was there too, just watching in the front row, except at one point a question was asked that pertained to voice actors, so she got up and said some stuff about it, so that was pretty cool. And then we went to the concert, which goes till 11:30 except that we left at around 9:30.

So overall, 'twas a fun day, filled with much ponies, very friendly people, and my buying WAY more merch than my mom was pleased at when I got home (I think it was worth it, though). A lot of people complemented us on our hats, so that's nice.



I got a bit of merchandise

Oh really? What did you buy?

I think I'm going to try to come back on Sunday to meet Nicole Oliver and Amy Mebberson. 

Not Saturday? :(


I think I saw you, guys.  I was wearing the anti-bullying t-shirt.

Unfortunately, I did not notice an anti-bullying shirt-wearing person... but if you do see me, feel free to introduce yourself if you want! Just mention you are Aquaryan so I know it's you. And I'm the one with Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy clipped to the sides of my hat. If you introduce yourself as Aquaryan to the guy with Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie clipped to the sides of his hat, he won't have any clue who you are, though I'm sure he'd be friendly enough.



about half an hour.


I stalked Feld0

Haha, sounds perfectly normal.


Well, I dropped by during my lunch to see the line for pass pick-up was about 8 times as big as last year.  Suffice to say, I just didn't have time.  I'll have to pick it up tomorrow.


EDIT:  How was everyone's first day?

It was AWESOME. But the next days are gonna be even MORE awesome because there'll be even more awesome panels to attend, including quite a few that I'm really looking forward to. Gonna be a great weekend :D .

Edited by Cork Top
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Oh really? What did you buy?

Not Saturday? :(


The Meet and Greet wasn't all that special IMHO, but I got to meet a guy named Squid(which isn't actually his real name, but the one he goes by), and the official Apricity for the event, who's really pretty. I'll answer those questions one at a time. I bought a copy of issue 22 of the comics with the con exclusive cover while I was looking for the Meet and Greet. I think $10 is a little steep, but I really wanted it, largely for the cover, and because it is my first time owning an actual issue of the comics(I've just gotten the graphic novels up till now). I brought $35 for spending, but that turned out to be a little low, to put it mildly. I actually had to get another pass issued before I could enter the vendor hall, since I got a youth pass by mistake. The attendant's machine spit out a second youth pass, but thankfully she tried it again, and I got a proper weekend pass. I ended up spending my remaining funds on Twilight Sparkle's Secret Shipfic Folder. I was $5, after spending $10 on the comic, but I got my friend to lend me $5. That is also why I ended up explaining shipping to him.


I could try to go tomorrow, but I'd have to come up with another cover story, and I'd be driving myself, and paying for parking. The reason my friend and I left early was because we both kind of felt we got our fill, but then again, I think I was at least a little more into it than him. He didn't end up buying anything. I ended up winning a muffin for each of us at the Pony Poems panel, even though we weren't actually participants, mind you. I don't think that counts though. I think I do want to come back and make more memories on my own. I hadn't really set aside tomorrow for the event, since the panel with Nicole Oliver and Amy Mebberson that I really want to go to is on that day, and wasn't sure about going it alone, but I did pay for a weekend pass. I'm looking to get my fill and then some on Sunday. I might as well set aside the rest of the day, after some errands I have to run in the morning. Maybe I should try to go tomorrow. I'll have to see about that though. It sounds like you had a more full day. I had no idea Nicole Oliver would be there today. Oh well. I'll do my best to make a point of seeing her.


Edit: I think I can actually make it tomorrow. Not for the whole thing, but I'm shooting to be there before 1:30, and stay for the rest of the day.

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I am going to be late today (Saturday) as I am hanging with friends in the morning. With August winding down (Boooo), doing fun outdoor activities is becoming limited.

So, I opted to hike in the morning, which results injuring myself on the way back.  :/ 


I should have just gone to the Convention.  :(

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So I was around quite a bit today.  Not sure if I ran into any of you because I didn't really look at anybody's badges.  I spent a good amount of time in the game room playing Brawl, and a wee bit of Mario Kart 8.

I also went to the DHX, Friendship is Movie Magic, and the Comic panels.  The last of those was surprisingly sparsely attended unfortunately.


EDIT:  I'm pretty sure I ran into Feld0, or at least somebody who looked extremely similar to what I remember him looking like when we met last year.

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I managed to make it out today, and I'm glad I did. I caught the tail end of To Love and Tolerate, and it wasn't too bad. I left when they started talking about fluffy ponies near the end though. I went to the Horse Game panel, and as a gamer, I found it interesting. I caught the tail end of Friendship is Moviemagic when I showed up for Flipping Through the Comic, since that panel ran over, and I'm glad it did, because I got to watch some of the voice actors.


The comic panel was a lot of fun. I asked two questions at that. One was how they come up with the cutie marks for characters, and the other was what the biggest challenge was with Micro Series #8(which was the subject of this panel). I headed over to the panel for Journey of the Spark, which looks like the feature length film fans have been wanting, even though it's actually a fan film(they could have fooled me though). I was the one who asked if they had any challenges finding sound-alike voice actors. That was when I finally met up with Cork Top and his brother again, though I was behind them at that point, and didn't end up talking to them till the next panel, when I sat with them. I then stayed for most of What in Equestria Am I Reading? I had to leave around 6:45, because my parking pass expired, and I didn't want to pay for more, since I wasn't particularly interested in the panels after that last one.


All in all, I'm glad I made it back out. I think today had most of the best panels, and I had a much better time. I went alone today, but it was a lot easier to move from panel to panel that way. I'm not implying I wouldn't have wanted my friend there, but it worked out anyways. I didn't end up buying anything today, but I came to make memories, and I did just that. I may or may not see if there's any other merchandise fit for a closet Brony. All I have right now is a comic and a card game. I had fun today though, and that's the important thing.

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Is there any livestream?

No livestream that I am aware of.



I hope everyone that is attending today has an awesome day!


Looking forward to the Cosplay photo shoot.

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No livestream that I am aware of.SUNDAY!


I hope everyone that is attending today has an awesome day!


Looking forward to the Cosplay photo shoot.

I don't know about a livestream, but there were cameras filming every panel. If we can re-watch the panels, that would be really cool. That way I could take my friend through my day yesterday. I think there was mention of it being posted on the con's website. I'll be sure to check it out after all is said and done.
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Well it's over now.  I caught up with Feld0 a couple times, but I'm not sure I ran into anybody else from the forums.


Special shout out to the Fluttershy cosplayer who put a heart sticker on my chest while I was in line for the Art of Putting Hats on Ponies panel.  That was cute.


EDIT: Oh yeah, I went through the Changeling detector once.  I was not a changeling!

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I wasn't a changeling on the first day. Then Second day I kept getting registered as a changeling!!! XD


All I had to say to it was LIES AND SALAMANDER!!!


Also after my experience with BronyCan I can safely say I will be attending it again next year, with glee! (After my experience with Anime Revolution and comparing the two, AR just sucked in comparison)

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I wasn't a changeling on the first day. Then Second day I kept getting registered as a changeling!!! XD


All I had to say to it was LIES AND SALAMANDER!!!


Also after my experience with BronyCan I can safely say I will be attending it again next year, with glee! (After my experience with Anime Revolution and comparing the two, AR just sucked in comparison)

You could be a changeling and not realize it.  Did you check yourself, today? 


I missed Anime Revolution for the past couple of years.  This was my first Brony Convention.

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You could be a changeling and not realize it.  Did you check yourself, today? 


I missed Anime Revolution for the past couple of years.  This was my first Brony Convention.


If I am a changling I'm certainly not one of those that belong to Queen...Valkerie?....Vulcan?...Vullacrollalopolis?

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My last day was fun. I took out $40, figuring a comic and a card game wasn't enough merchandise. I ended up buying five con exclusive cards for Twilight Sparkle's Secret Shipfic Folder, two of those pony and collector card packs with random ponies, mostly for the fun of seeing what I would get, and last, but certainly not least, a small sketch of Fluttershy by Amy Mebberson which trumps all my other merchandise IMHO. I attended the Dear Princess Celestia panel, and it was a lot of fun hearing some of the questions fans had for Nicole Oliver, and asking one of my own(I asked if she thought Princess Celestia would want more than anything to just have a casual visit with someone). Cork Top was there, so I sat with him.


The two of us went to the outdoor concert afterwards. Cork Top was heading there, and I joined him, since there was a long line for that autograph session, and I couldn't afford an autograph, since I had already spent my money. I'll take a signed sketch over just a signature anyway though, especially since they both cost the same. That was nice and relaxing.


We went up to the games room afterwards. Cork Top stayed for a bit, but went to the scavenger hunt. I stayed and hung out with the karaoke crowd. Even those of us who didn't participate sung along to some of the songs. If adults of both genders bonding over a little girl's show wasn't an odd enough notion, how about adults of both genders bonding over songs like the Cafeteria Song from Equestria Girls? Either way, I had a great time, though it was intriguing all the same, and I'm glad I was there for that. The karaoke machine had fan songs too, some of which I had never heard, but I followed along as best as I could. The closing ceremonies were fun. I met up with Cork Top again, and even saw his brother afterwards. Nicole Oliver doing the ice bucket challenge was just the icing on the cake.


I guess to sum up my experience at Brony Can, I will say I had a great time. I made some great memories, spent way more than I should have on merchandise, and enjoyed being in the physical proximity of the Brony community. Seeing Amy Mebberson sketch stuff was also a one of a kind experience. All in all, I'm glad I did this, and I think I want to do it again next year.

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