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gaming Moments when your team have pissed your off


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So I just finished a game of League.  We just finished a minor teamfight, resulting in the ace of the enemy team, my team decided to recall, leaving me to push down the nexus towers and the nexus. I managed to get the nexus down to about 1/8 of its health, my team start pinging and yelling "DONT END IT TWITCH, YOU FUCKING SCRUB", and started the surrender vote, I hit the nexus and watched as it blew up in a glorious purple explosion....Then I heard another explosion, our nexus, the surrender vote went through , and the words defeat spread across my screen. 
I sat in the end game lobby, resisting the urge to put my fist through the screen, the chat going insane with consist "Wtf" and "Fuck you Twitch"

TL;DR. I lost a ranked game becuase my team screwed me over.

Question is, what have your teammates done to fuck you over/ piss you off

Edited by Ritan Kurai
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Annoying stuff I know I go though it too I just shut them up and do whatever if they are going to react like that some people need to chill while gaming -_- (well I don't 100% shut them out I keep a small listen till they stop and when they do I carry on)

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In TF2, or other games for that matter, but especially in TF2.


When my team sits back in base instead of actually going out trying to do something about the objective, or do anything at all for that matter ><

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Oh......OP, I am so glad you made a thread on this, b/c I was going to myself, :lol:.   I can give you an entire bible on my moments when teammates really piss me off. As a competitive player, I have somewhat of a similarity to Rainbow Dash, in which we both hate losing.  And when I lose and realize that Im at the top of my team...........that means 1 thing.  Lack of cooperation and teamwork.  


I stick mostly to FPS, specifically Halo, COD: Ghosts, and Titanfall, and before I start, I always tell my teammates:

"Im your sniper, so I expect all of you to haul some ass, b/c im not interested in losing.  Im here to win, not sit and scratch my ass, nailing betrayals.".


Im very simple, even at tournaments, which sometimes, when it gets intense, I always tell people if im covering their ass, they better do the same with me.  Yet, I tend to play more Free-For-All, but when it comes to teams, I want a good, winning team. 

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competitive player, I have somewhat of a similarity to Rainbow Dash, in which we both hate losing.  And when I lose and realize that Im at the top of my team...........that means 1 thing.  Lack of cooperation and teamwork.  

Im the exact same way. People always ask me why I always try so hard in games and not just have fun, my response always being "I have fun when I win"



In cod, I always get pissy when my entire team snipes, like one or two is fine, but when its the entire goddamn team. They sit there and do nothing and then bitch at me when we lose.

Its reasons like this that I like battlefield so much, people sorta work together a bit better....just

Edited by Ritan Kurai
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I wouldn't quite say it pisses me off when it happens, but I mainly play Zilean (League, for those who don't know). And I try to save people's lives with my ult when they're really low on health, but then they just run away until my ult wears off and they're still low on health, then they just run back in and die!!! It's so frustrating!!

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