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ooc WAR (AU!/Action/Romance/SoL)


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(Insert evil Nightmare Moon laugh here)


Just keeping my players on their toes ;)


Anyway, I've been around. Watching from the shadows and waiting for Dovashy to respond to Low Light so I can post.

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Ahhh, so you've been waiting for me. I'll start work on my post soon then. Hopefully Destiny can get a post in as Winged Glory, otherwise I might just post as Stellar Nova and not the Princess too. 

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Only the incompetent ones.

I love how there is always that one position that nobody survives when taken.



P.S. I love how you're playing Cadence. I seriously hate her now XD

Edited by Lord Megatron
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Well the position is open, regardless. 







Hello, everyone in this roleplay. 

It has come to the attention of @Windbreaker, @Demirari, and myself that with the impeding Siege of Ponyville by Cadance's (superior) forces that this roleplay has no combat system currently in place. So in an attempt to settle disputes we have started creating one. It's still in its beginning stages, but what we've done so far is assign statistics to each type of soldier; earth, unicorn, pegasi, changeling, etc, aswell as determine how many troops each faction has, and some other stuff you don't really care about. 







Now as you may be wondering how in the name of Twilight's unholy name does this thing work? 

Well to paraphrase Demirari here's how.



"We take the numbers of each "division" and multiply it based on what they are made up of so lets say, there are 5,000 Crystal Pegasi in one division, we multiply it by their strength value of 30. Thus we have a total value of 150,000. Making 150,000 the total strength of this division of Crystal Pegasi. This figure will then be altered depending on the answer of proceeding questions, such as.. Have the division receive adequate amount of supplies? If yes, multiply by 10%. If not deduct off 25% off 150,000.

If you still don't get it, it doesn't matter too much since we'll be handling all the calculations so we don't have any manipulation of statistics. 

It has also come to our attention that for whatever reason that the seven sentence minimum requirement has been ignored, or forgottten. In either case, please ensure your posts are longer than seven sentences AND readable. 




And there is the end of my WAR Update for today. As always Crystal Empire, all the statistics, ranks and information relating to you will be on the first page of your PM. 



TL:DR version.

Welcome New Lunar Republic, Solar Empire, and Twilight’s Kingdom to the Too Long Didn’t Read version of the above. Unfortunately there is no TL:DR version. Apologies.

Edited by Dovashy
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