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Any Bronies/Pegasisters who actually keep real horses?


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I've never owned a horse, but I went horse riding for fifteen years, starting from when I was eight years old. So I know lots about actual horses.



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Well, I don't own a horse, but I go horse riding once a week and have a passion for horses for as long as I can remember.

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I have not known a single brony that had a real horse. But then again, I don't know many bronies/pegasisters.

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I would love to go horseback riding. I haven't ridden a horse since I was like 5 years old at some Birthday party or something. It was an actual full size horse. They're so majestic. Hopefully I'll have the opportunity to ride again some day.


Thanks to )O( Scarlet )O( for the signature!

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I don't have a horse anymore, but I used to when I lived on our farm.  She didn't move when I sat on her though, so I never got to ride her.  I think she just hated me because she gave everyone else rides.  lol

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I haven't owned a horse personally, but I've worked on a show pony farm and done a college course in which I looked after horses.  :)


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