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The 2014 MLPF World Cup Interviews


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Well, here's the interview for Applejack from @Sugar Cube. By popular demand, I also hope to have a surprise interview either today or tomorrow ;)


1. How did you first stumble upon My Little Pony?

Well, for one for thing, I was never a fan of any previous generations of My Little Pony.

It was the late summer of 2011. Season 1 had already ended and season 2 was well on its way. I had started to see these colorful cartoon ponies pop up all over the internet, especially on the different message boards that I frequented. In time, I discovered that this was a new My Little Pony cartoon. My Little Pony? Those toys for little girls? With my interest piqued, I decided to do a little research on the show to see what the big deal was, and I learned all about the brony fandom in the process. If there were all these teenage males and adult men watching the show, then it had to be something extraordinary. Growing up, I always enjoyed more tomboyish media like action shows, so I was just as skeptical of the show as I am sure many males bronies were.

So one day when I was browsing through my TV channels, I noticed that Friendship is Magic was playing on The Hub. I figured now was the best chance to see what was so appealing about it, so I tuned in and was hooked almost immediately. From there, I started prowling the depths of YouTube for every episode and I finished the series the entire first season within a few days. I can say without unreasonable doubt that this show has impacted my life in the most amazing way, and I am so glad that I gave it the chance that I did. Simply put, there’s never been a children’s cartoon with better female role models than these six wonderful ponies, and no cartoon has ever impacted me the way FiM has.

2. What was the defining moment of you deciding on your favourite character, if any?

My favorite pony is Applejack and I’ve loved her since the first season. As soon as I finished all 26 episodes, I knew for sure that Applejack was my favorite then, now, and forever. It’s hard to pinpoint just one defining moment that solidified her as my favorite, as I think she had many standout points throughout the first season. I tend to credit her many noble and altruistic acts, such as her willingness to help a petrified Fluttershy around the cliff another way in Dragonshy, or her desire to use money earned at the Gala to help fix her Granny’s hip. Her virtues, combined with her irresistible country charm, stereotype-killing strength of character, and her close association with family made her the character that I connected with and admired on a deeper and more personal level. And boy howdy, she’s just adorable too. <3

It should be no secret that I love the entire Apple Family, with Apple Bloom being my favorite filly, Big Mac being my favorite stallion, and Granny Smith being a character that I think very highly of as well. The first episode of FiM that I ever saw was Bridle Gossip, and I immediately found the plucky Apple Bloom to be really adorable. She has always reminded me of Blossom from The PowerPuff Girls, (they both wear a bow, have reddish hair, and act as the unofficial leader of their trio) who was a childhood favorite character of mine. As for Big Mac, he’s always been a lovable, strong but silent guy, and he’s been a hit for me ever since Applebuck Season where he played the role of the wiser older brother to the much more stubborn Applejack. I didn’t really appreciate Granny Smith until season 2’s Family Appreciation Day, fittingly enough, when it was revealed that she helped found Ponyville. Ever since then, I’ve loved the kooky old lady more and more with each episode she’s been featured in. She’s a hoot!

3. Why do you love your character?

I love Applejack because she really inspires me to be the best that I can be for my friends and loved ones, and to find my own happiness and contentment with what I have in life. Applejack has overcome some tough hurdles in her life (namely the implied loss of her parents; something I can relate to) but despite that, she is not at all bitter. She knows that life is short and that you have to make the most of it with what you have. And for Applejack, putting the needs of others above her own is second nature for her and she wouldn’t have it any other way. Applejack is exemplary of the perfect friend. Yes, she does have some very real faults, namely her stubbornness, but she’ll go to great lengths to appease others, and I find myself thinking that not only is that the kind of friend that I wish I had, but also the kind of friend that I would like to be for others. Applejack has a well-rounded personality too, which appeals to me because I’m not particularly extreme in any way just as she isn’t.

Applejack is so family oriented, and that hits home with me, because I really love my family and I place them above anything else in life just like Applejack does. And all of the Apples are so invigorating that I can’t help but beam from ear to ear whenever they’re together. I cannot describe the childlike joy that I felt upon seeing Pinkie Apple Pie for the first time. The way they interacted with one another reminded me of my own family, for better or for worse, but the Apples are as genuine as they are entertaining. I think I could watch an entire series dedicated to just the daily lives of the Apples and never grow bored.

4. If you were to give out a few rallying cries to your fellow fans for the MLPF World Cup, what would you say and do?

Can the Apples win this tournament? Yes we can!
- Yeehaw! 
- Yessiree! 
- Darn tootin’!
- ‘Eeyup. 

Win or lose, let’s all do our best to ensure that the World Cup is a fun, friendly and positive experience for everyone. We may all have our favorite and least favorite characters, but one thing we all share in common is that we all love this show. We’re bronies forever. Bronies together. We’re a fandom but so much moooorrreeee!  :D

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Personally, I don't mind what happens, but I do kind of have a problem with the fact that it's only moderators being interviewed. It comes across like the regular people are getting shafted because we don't hold those positions of power :\ I appreciate the work the mods do and all (sometimes) but let's face it, man, it's only been mods interviewed thus far, and I feel that's a bit unfair :\


I'd like to see Stellafera take the AJ fan spot more than anything. She's put in a lot of work to help out with this tourney, going as far as to make a PMV for this tourney on top of rooting for her best pony. She honestly deserves it, and it really wouldn't bother me if group interviews didn't happen, since that was an honest suggestion to help regular members feel more included, but I really don't think the AJ person has time on their hands for this, and I feel like she's earned it. :D

Not all of us interviewed are mods/admins around here. ;) Stella would still be a great choice, and it looks like maybe that has happened. We'll just have to see who the surprise interviewee is now.


Well, here's the interview for Applejack from @Sugar Cube. By popular demand, I also hope to have a surprise interview either today or tomorrow ;)

Glad to see Sugar Cube got their interview in, and a surprise interview... AJ sure is finally getting the recognition after this season. :D Edited by The Mane-iac
  • Brohoof 4


WTB: Luna, Trixie dog tags & AJ blind bag | This fandom needs more Mane-iac! | AJ, Rarity, and Trixie trot into a bar.

The Dreamcast didn't fail, we failed the Dreamcast

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@@ghostfacekiller39 made a fine point concerning moderators getting the spotlight for the interviews. There are some truly passionate members here that may not have a royal guard badge that could just as easily fill the interview spots. If the surprise interviewer happens to be Stellafera, and I hope that it is, then I vote that she be the true Applejack supporter here. I'd be fine with the title of being the representative for the rest of the Apple Family. I think that's definitely fair enough. :)

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@@ghostfacekiller39 made a fine point concerning moderators getting the spotlight for the interviews. There are some truly passionate members here that may not have a royal guard badge that could just as easily fill the interview spots. If the surprise interviewer happens to be Stellafera, and I hope that it is, then I vote that she be the true Applejack supporter here. I'd be fine with the title of being the representative for the rest of the Apple Family. I think that's definitely fair enough. :)

Perfectly exemplifying AJ's humility there :) 



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and I'm about 99% sure we're awaiting an interview from Sugar Cube.


I'm sure this isn't quite what you were implying, but I wouldn't count Sugar Cube out simply to break what I'm sure is a purely coincidental trend of Sterling picking out moderators to interview. With no disrespect to Stellafera - who IS quite the AJ fan, from what I discern - I just feel the need to point out that Sugar Cube, though perhaps a bit too humble to admit it, truly is one of the biggest AJ fans I've ever run across in the year I've been here. In fact, it's been her ever passionate walls o' text highlighting the virtues of our favorite orange cowpony that've really sold me (and no small number of others, I'm guessing) on a character that was once largely written off under the demeaning title of "background pony". And more than anypony else I know, Sugar Cube has consistently shown the heartfelt tact to support the queen of applebuckin', no matter what arguments AJ's detractors put forth in an attempt to tear her down.


Whoever ends up being interviewed, though, I'm sure will be well-chosen. Whatever happens, let's just hope the World Cup doesn't fall prey to the type of shenanigans that made March Madness a drag. Fun is all that should be had here. :)

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I'm surprised that everyone thinks I was being biased for picking all the moderators. Clearly many of you haven't read all the interviews yet, cause many of the members I picked were not moderators of any kind. Read the interviews again and you'll see what I mean.

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I'm surprised that everyone thinks I was being biased for picking all the moderators. Clearly many of you haven't read all the interviews yet, cause many of the members I picked were not moderators of any kind. Read the interviews again and you'll see what I mean.

You picked exclusively moderators for the major ponies that have the largest fanbases, when there was a plethora of fans to choose from - I think that's the problem many have with it, because it's a bit unfair to the regular members to just interview people in positions of power. You gave smaller-named ponies (no offense) to the regular ones, but it seems you saved the big ones for the people in power, and I gotta say, that's a bit unfair to the regular members of MLPF :\ It wouldn't have hurt to do a few regular members, because let's face it - doing entirely people in positions of power on this site for the 6 biggest name ponies out there is just unfair to the regular members, given it feels as if the rest of the fanbase was shoved aside for the people in power. Even Sugar Cube had this to say:

@@ghostfacekiller39 made a fine point concerning moderators getting the spotlight for the interviews. There are some truly passionate members here that may not have a royal guard badge that could just as easily fill the interview spots. If the surprise interviewer happens to be Stellafera, and I hope that it is, then I vote that she be the true Applejack supporter here. I'd be fine with the title of being the representative for the rest of the Apple Family. I think that's definitely fair enough.  :)


I feel like that's a bit of an injustice to the regular members of MLPF, personally, but you do as you please. It's not my choice who you interview, but if people are unhappy with the process you picked to interview them by for a tourney you set up to be site-wide, than I think they should have all the rights to say so, since I really find this hard not to view as an injustice to the regular members based on authoritative level of the people you selected.


Again, I don't make the decisions here, but I'd just like to say it's very easy to understand where they're coming from :D


EDIT: My post screwed up, for some reason -_-

Edited by ghostfacekiller39
  • Brohoof 1


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

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I think that's the problem many have with it, because it's a bit unfair to the regular members to just interview people in positions of power.


Thing is... I didn't pick them because they were in a position of power  -_- . I picked them because they were really nice folks who loved their character. I did the same with all the other characters really. Be happy I'm having bonus interviews of awesome folks ok?  :squee:

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Thing is... I didn't pick them because they were in a position of power  -_- . I picked them because they were really nice folks who loved their character. I did the same with all the other characters really. Be happy I'm having bonus interviews of awesome folks ok?  :squee:

But that's the thing, man -_- There's a LOT of fans like that on this site, and I mean a LOT, and I mentioned a number of them in my posts last night...I'm sorry, but it's still hard to view this any other way.


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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But that's the thing, man -_- There's a LOT of fans like that on this site, and I mean a LOT, and I mentioned a number of them in my posts last night...I'm sorry, but it's still hard to view this any other way.

Well one can only pick one member to interview correct? I can't please everyone. It's a lose lose if you put it that way.

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Well one can only pick one member to interview correct? I can't please everyone. It's a lose lose if you put it that way.

Well, then the question is why did you pick exclusively moderators? I find that to be a bit fishy, to be honest. This is a bit of an injustice to the regular members. It wouldn't hurt to go through and give them a chance, too, because, honestly, it feels like you didn't, and when people say that, it's easy to understand why.


Then again, this is your interview thing -_- You choose who you wish to interview, Sterling. That's all it comes down to, but if you're going to pick exclusively moderators and leave the rest of the regular members who are huge fans feeling cut out, than it's only fair to expect criticism for your decisions, and that's all I have to say about that.

  • Brohoof 1


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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Well, then the question is why did you pick exclusively moderators? I find that to be a bit fishy, to be honest. This is a bit of an injustice to the regular members. It wouldn't hurt to go through and give them a chance, too, because, honestly, it feels like you didn't, and when people say that, it's easy to understand why.


Then again, this is your interview thing -_- You choose who you wish to interview, Sterling. That's all it comes down to, but if you're going to pick exclusively moderators and leave the rest of the regular members who are huge fans feeling cut out, than it's only fair to expect criticism for your decisions, and that's all I have to say about that.

I was already expecting criticism from the start. And I accept it. I already included regular members in this anyway. You have already risked criticism from all the forum members who love background characters with this statement:




You gave smaller-named ponies (no offense) to the regular ones, but it seems you saved the big ones for the people in power, and I gotta say, that's a bit unfair to the regular members of MLPF :\



They still love their character regardless and they find them very special despite them being small, and I'm sure there's many moderators who love those characters too. Like Chaotic Discord and Spitfire. That's the point of these interviews really.


Thanks for the notice though. I already have some more interviews planned that would really encompass all MLPF if that helps.

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I was already expecting criticism from the start. And I accept it. I already included regular members in this anyway. You have already risked criticism from all the forum members who love background characters with this statement:

Heh. To be fair, this is in terms of fanbase size I was speaking of - and honestly, it's really hard to contend background ponies against mane 6 ponies in terms of fame amongst the fandom. That's really just reason :muffins: 


Now, if you were expecting criticism, than why this?


I'm surprised that everyone thinks I was being biased for picking all the moderators.


Now, no one ever directly accused you of being biased, it was just really how we felt shafted for people in positions of power. Not only did you assume we were accusing you of being biased when we never said anything, but you really just said it yourself that you were surprised that people were doing that. So I find the claims you made above hard to believe based off of that sentiment.


No one ever said you were biased, it was just that we felt it was a bit unfair to the rest of us since only mods got interviewed. That's a reasonable thing to feel, don't you think?

Edited by ghostfacekiller39


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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Heh. To be fair, this is in terms of fanbase size I was speaking of - and honestly, it's really hard to contend background ponies against mane 6 ponies in terms of fame amongst the fandom. That's really just reason :muffins: 


Now, if you were expecting criticism, than why this?



Now, no one ever directly accused you of being biased, it was just really how we felt shafted for people in positions of power. Not only did you assume we were accusing you of being biased when we never said anything, but you really just said it yourself that you were surprised that people were doing that. So I find the claims you made above hard to believe based off of that sentiment.


No one ever said you were biased, it was just that we felt it was a bit unfair to the rest of us since only mods got interviewed. That's a reasonable thing to feel, don't you think?

Because I'm just explaining myself. Wouldn't want people thinking I did this on purpose or anything.


EDIT: Just because people don't say it doesn't mean they don't think it.

Edited by Sterling Crimson
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Now, no one ever directly accused you of being biased, it was just really how we felt shafted for people in positions of power. Not only did you assume we were accusing you of being biased when we never said anything, but you really just said it yourself that you were surprised that people were doing that. So I find the claims you made above hard to believe based off of that sentiment.


No one ever said you were biased, it was just that we felt it was a bit unfair to the rest of us since only mods got interviewed. That's a reasonable thing to feel, don't you think?

Are you saying that the general feel of regular users is that they were shafted, or are you just personally somewhat disappointed that you weren't asked for being interviewed about Rarity? (Which isn't all that much of a surprise, seeing as most anyone can see it would be a redundant choice seeing as you're happy to explain your waifu-love every tenth post or thereabouts.)

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Because I'm just explaining myself. Wouldn't want people thinking I did this on purpose or anything.


EDIT: Just because people don't say it doesn't mean they don't think it.

Well, I'm sorry, but it feels that way, and you have offered any explanation past "Well, they're big fans themselves" which isn't really satisfying the question of why it was exclusively mods picked and regular members got the shaft.


Also, you shouldn't really accuse people of stuff you can't prove to be true :\ That's just uncool.




Are you saying that the general feel of regular users is that they were shafted, or are you just personally somewhat disappointed that you weren't asked for being interviewed about Rarity? (Which isn't all that much of a surprise, seeing as most anyone can see it would be a redundant choice seeing as you're happy to explain your waifu-love every tenth post or thereabouts.)

I'm stating it was unfair to the regular members that only mods got picked for interviews. That's all.


Personally, I'm happy that 64 got the interview :D I won the best fan tourney back in January, and he's a huge fan himself who deserves some recognition for that. I'm not going to greedy like that, man :\

Edited by ghostfacekiller39


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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Well, I'm sorry, but it feels that way, and you have offered any explanation past "Well, they're big fans themselves" which isn't really satisfying the question of why it was exclusively mods picked and regular members got the shaft.   Also, you shouldn't really accuse people of stuff you can't prove to be true :\ That's just uncool.


Well I'm sorry too if anyone felt excluded. That's why I already wanted to rectify the situation by having more interviews along the way. Starting with this one :catface: of @Champion RD92.I originally wanted him as my Rainbow Dash interview, but his... came very late.


1. How did you first stumble upon My Little Pony? 



I first stumbled upon MLP after my friend found this funny MLP video, and at the time, neither of us had even heard of the show, and looking through the comments on the video, I saw people discussing all the good qualities of the show, so out of curiosity, I decided to check out the show and I ended up really enjoying it.




2. What was the defining moment of you deciding on your favourite character, if any



I think the defining moment of deciding that Rainbow Dash was my favorite character was when I was watching a Rainbow Dash PMV and it made me realize how cool Dashie is. And from that point I was just like “wow, she’s really awesome” and she became my favorite character.



3. Why do you love your character?



I love that she is cute and also awesome at the same time. She also is very loyal to her friends, which I respect. I also love how she can be tough but can also be affectionate at times.

Edited by Sterling Crimson
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Well I'm sorry too if anyone felt excluded. That's why I already wanted to rectify the situation by having more interviews along the way. Starting with this one :catface:


1. How did you first stumble upon My Little Pony? 



I first stumbled upon MLP after my friend found this funny MLP video, and at the time, neither of us had even heard of the show, and looking through the comments on the video, I saw people discussing all the good qualities of the show, so out of curiosity, I decided to check out the show and I ended up really enjoying it.




2. What was the defining moment of you deciding on your favourite character, if any



I think the defining moment of deciding that Rainbow Dash was my favorite character was when I was watching a Rainbow Dash PMV and it made me realize how cool Dashie is. And from that point I was just like “wow, she’s really awesome” and she became my favorite character.



3. Why do you love your character?



I love that she is cute and also awesome at the same time. She also is very loyal to her friends, which I respect. I also love how she can be tough but can also be affectionate at times.

I'm sorry if I came across as harsh, myself.


Who's that one? Sounds like Champ to me, for some reason :D


EDIT: Well, that edit made my question redundant :P


Edited by ghostfacekiller39
  • Brohoof 2


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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Time for another surprise interview with another Applejack fan, @Stellafera! By the way, she's the one who made the epic World Cup Opening Ceremony video! :)


How did you first stumble upon My Little Pony?


Listen my children and you shall hear the unexciting tale of Stellafera. The year is 2011, the season is Summer, and Stellafera is browsing the TV Tropes. "An MLP show that is good?" she gasps at a link in awe.


"Looks interesting enough", she says in hushed tones, and spoils herself to the entirety of Season 1. She decides that Rarity is her favorite character (even if that cowgirl pony has a pretty design), watches the episodes, and excitedly waits for the Season 2 premiere.


What was the defining moment of you deciding on your favorite character, if any?


It took me until Season 3 to decide on it once and for all. My two Season 1 favorites were Rarity and Twilight, and the other characters didn't matter much to me.




Hearth's Warming Eve was the first time where I saw potential in Applejack. She was sarcastic and dry and basically best pony... of the episode. The ending of The Last Roundup was the second time. It was such a good moral, and suddenly the well-designed apple pony got a whole lot more interesting.


"BUT I IS STILL A RARITY FAN!!!!" I said, riding along Denial to Lower Egypt, which is actually above Upper Egypt on a map but is lower in elevation because an interview for a forum popularity contest is my favorite time to teach you about geography. But when Applejack was busy being amazing in every one of her Season 3 appearances, it was hard to stay on course. I lost track of my extended metaphor and named Applejack my favorite pony. 


Why do you love your character?


Applejack is the Element of Honesty. Keeping to her word is everything to her. Integrity is her mantra. She's incredibly trustworthy. The entire town has faith in her. She never lies to the other ponies, and she likes to keep it straight. 


Applejack is crap at her element.


Please imagine that in the most endearing light possible. Applejack is flat out terrible at following her Element of Harmony. How terrible? Let's see... there are one, two, three episodes in the show before Applejack's first episode, which is the first non-Twilight episode of the entire series. Okay, good, so that's three episodes before Applejack had an entire plot centered around her lying to herself. What's a more flagrant lie than this?



A lot of times, apparently, since you keep having episodes about it.


Far from being flat or simple, Applejack's depth of character is established very early on, even if it is unclear until later developments. She's a character that wants so badly to be responsible and is so stubborn that she'll act completely irresponsibly. I find a lot to relate to with Applejack. I don't like physical work, I was on Rarity's side in the sleep over episode, and I'm not a horse, but I probably share her Element and a definitely a few of those character flaws.   :muffins:


She's also always shooting for virtue, though, and the fact that her flaw is "trying too hard to be amazing" is pretty sympathetic. Trying to figure out how to be a good person is a big idea and Applejack confronts it very often. Her episodes return to similar themes, but they have substance, and all in all she has a ridiculously high amount of great episodes that keep being amongst the best of their seasons. 


Applejack is also just plain loveable. Applejack can play both the straight mare and the Whatever-You-Call-The-Thing-She Was Doing In Apple Family Reunion Mare. She has saved the lives of other characters many times without expecting thanks, because only Applejack is enough of a workaholic dork that she thinks saving Spike's life is just what friends do. Of course, simultaneously, that's also awesome, because she frickin saves your life and treats it with all the pomp and circumstance of holding the door open. 


Did I mention she was adorable, because-oh man this is looking long. Don't worry, I have a plan.


If you were to give out a few rallying cries to your fellow fans for the MLPF World Cup, what would you say and do?








Now you have a double surprise interview.


Applejack's in what some say is an easy group in Group B. How does that make you feel and what are your plans with AJ in the World Cup?


I wouldn't count them out just yet. Chrysalis vs Applejack was the closest match of June 12 if you look at the stats. Good on her fans! But I see what you mean, because AJ's pretty much guaranteed to top Group B. How do I feel? I feel lucky to not have to worry as much about Applejack for now.


We'll still have to have some tough matches in the knockout stage just like everyone else. Pinkie vs Applejack 2.0 is on the horizon unless Scootaloo pulls an upset, for example. Now that's a hard one.


It must greatly pain you to hear that some people still call Applejack a background pony. Why is that, and what would you say in the kindest way is the best response against such statements?


curse words naturally


Half of it is carried over from previous seasons, and the other half is other people not finding Applejack interesting. I don't begrudge them for not being fans. As for dealing with bias from Seasons 1-2, the kindest response is to show them an episode appearance chart for AJ and say.


"You might not care for this pony, but she has been getting a LOT of high priority roles lately. When you say that she's a background pony, it gives the impression that you have been ignoring this recent screentime in favor of what you remember, which isn't fair. 


In addition, HOW DARE YOU."

Edited by Sterling Crimson
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Here's another special interview for the World Cup series, featuring a lovely Pinkie Pie fan in !

How did you first stumble upon My Little Pony?

Well, I first stumbled upon mlp from one of my sisters friends talking about it in August of 2011. At the the time I'm like, "Oh, probably just another internet inside joke." Then in early 2012, I started getting back into cartoons and saw people talking about it again. I finally gave in and gave it a watch. I was hooked at that point.


What was the defining moment of you deciding on your favourite character, if any?

The defining moment for Pinkie would defiantly be either the Smile Song or Pinkie's Lament. The Smile song, for summing up why I love her perfectly, and Pinkie's Lament for making you really care for her character.


Why do you love your character?

Well I love Pinkie because I can relate to her the most. Her happy, hyper attitude is kind of like how I act around my friends and family. Also, she's the comic relief, and I'm a sucker for comic relief characters. And of coarse, she's the funniest. She always seems to make me laugh when she's on screen. Well she is the element of laughter after all.


If you were to give out a few rallying cries to your fellow fans for the MLPF World Cup, what would you say and do?

I would tell my fellow Pinkie lovers to spread the word. Send private messages to ever Pinkie fan you know telling that they should vote for Pinkie in the World Cup and say it's easy, just click and they don't even have to post.


What's your favourite Pinkie Pie episode?

My favorite episode would have to be Pinkie Pride. After half a season of not having the best characterization, this episode comes in and shows Pinkie at her best. It's the perfect combination of emotion and humor. You feel emotional for Pinkie especially during Pinkie's Lament and you are laughing because it's Weird Al and Pinkie in an episode.


Pinkie Pie's in what some tout to be a Group of Death. What's her chances and how far can she go?

I'm not 100% sure Pinkie will win this since she is not the most popular on these forums but Pinkie will get far. She has a loving fan club of over 800 posts. Well that's the least amount of posts of all the mane six fan clubs, she will still get pretty far with that popularity. After all, she did take second in March Madness

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