Here is Heartache (from Undertale) on the organ.
Enjoy. 😊
Special Thanks to the following patrons for supporting me on Patreon:
[Ultimate Fan] Juke Denton
[Moderate Fan] James Flores & Jesh PK.
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Hey. Y'know what really grinds my gears? When characters in TV and movies don't touch the food and drinks that they order.
Don't know what I'm talking about? You do. You just never noticed it before. Pay attention next time you watch basically anything. People in movies and TV constantly order food and drinks and never touch them. Picture the following scene. Dude comes into a restaurant to meet some other dude in some kind of drama, the dude sits down and orders a drink, the server
Day 5 - Dots and Ties
Augmentation dots and tenuto ties: markings used to alter a notes duration.
Dots increase duration by ½. A dotted quarter note, for example, is equal to a quarter note and an eighth note, or alternately three eighth notes
Ties merge notes of the same duration, allowing them to cross barriers such as measure lines. In the example given, there are two groups of quarter notes in 4/4 time, separated by a bar. If you use a tie to combine the 4
Maude is very funny.
They've tinkered with the opening before but this is an all new one.
Mud Briar is one of the few characters I really don't like. He's not just weird, I like weird, he's so annoying! And he's obsessed with sticks. Sticks aren't even a thing. They're just a piece that broke off a tree!
Pinkie can be incredibly patient for her sister.
Crack him open like a rock.
Day 4 - Rest Duration
Rests: periods of silence in a measure.
There are five types of rests, corresponding with each type of note: whole rest, half rest, quarter rest, eighth rest, and sixteenth rest. A whole rest looks like a box descending from the fourth staff line. A half rest looks similar, though it’s a box ascending from the middle staff line. A quarter rest resembles a sideways stylized V almost, and eighth rests and sixteenth rests resemble lines with apostrophes
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@Samurai Equine
@LyraLover 💚
Rarity looks so scholarly.
The lessons on the boards were funny. Ponies have a Pinocchio story!
Mental health breaks..I need!
Neighsay is voiced by Maurice LaMarche who did Brain from Pinkie and the Brain. I knew he sounded familiar.
"not everything can be fixed with dresses and cupcakes."
Shrimp DO attack. You don't want to mess with a Mantis Shrimp.
Pukwudgies are actually fairy-like creatures in native american myth: https://en.wikipedia.o
(Note about design: Red right eye is 'Canon', consider Poet Flame's two green eyes as artistic freedom.)
Name: Gleaming Grin Gender: Male Species: Pegasus Talent: Magic Personality and morals: Before corruption: Realist and brutally honest, but good-hearted and friendly all around, good morals. After corruption: Manipulative and selfish, no morals, even possible good deeds backed by foul intentions. Skills outside talent: Hoof to hoof combat, flying, acting. Source of income: Anything and
Day 3 - Measures and Time Signatures
Bar lines divide the staff into measures; measures are segments of musical notation denoting the notes according to the time signature.
Time signatures: amount and types of notes in a measure. If you have two measures containing time signatures in 4/4 and 3/4 time, that means each time signature contains a certain number of quarter notes - 4 and 3 quarter notes respectively; a 4/4 time signature therefore contains two half-notes (or a
Day 2 - Note Duration
Note duration: length of time a note is played - there are four types of notes; whole note, half note, quarter note, eighth note, sixteenth note
Whole note: longest duration in modern music, looks like an eyeball
Half note: half the duration of a whole note, looks like a lopsided oval with a straight line sticking out of it. Two half notes equal one whole note.
Quarter note: One-fourth of a whole note, resembles a half note, w
No better way to kick this new blog series off with a re-watch review on FiM's very first episode, am I right? Ahem, I'm not good at introductions so I'll just dive in....My Little Pony Friendship is Magic ep. 1: Friendship is Magic Part 1. A really bad episode review/followup by yours truly.
Can I just say, oh man, what a nostalgia BOMB this episode is. I honestly can't believe 2010 was ten years ago...has it really been that long? all starts with a book.
On Ponhenge is says "ᚹᛟᚾᛁ ᚱᚢᛚᛖᛋ"
Fluttershy found some cute little reptiles and amphibians. But in reality the snakes would eat the frogs.
This stuff looks radioactive. I wonder if Pinkie got some new superpowers.
Starswirl was kind of a jerk and this was a really good redemption for Starlight. Then, naturally, she had to say "I told you so."
Here is Shade Man Stage from Mega Man 7 on the Organ.
Enjoy. 😊
Special Thanks to the following patrons for supporting me on Patreon:
[Ultimate Fan] Juke Denton
[Moderate Fan] James Flores & Jesh PK
If you enjoy my content as much as they do and myself, then join them here:
Wild leaps in progress and productivity as we're settling into the flow of being a team. All just in time for the biggest game dev session yet. Next month is going to feel like half a year's worth of work done in just a couple weeks compared to rate we've been going so far.
There's been all kinds of improvements in terms of art, menus, and code architecture. It's really shaping up beautifully and we're excited about what we'll be able to deliver in just a couple months.
Sunburst packs like Rarity.
Starlight has to leave so he can get changed. I think ponies just don't like to put on clothes in front of other ponies.
I'm very funny.
That does look like a pretty fun game. It's a copy of Fireball Island.
Day 1 - Staff, Clefs, and Ledger Lines
Staff: what notes are drawn on; consists of five lines and four spaces. Each line and space represents a note on a keyboard.
Clefs: symbols that say where each note goes. Two kinds of clefs - treble (or G) and bass clef. Treble clef looks like a curved G with a tail, and bass clef looks like a curvy apostrophe and colon.
Treble clef: staff line is known as G, any note on treble clef line is G. Note above G is A (there is
When you get a free vacation you should always be suspicious.
That Cadence mask was creepy.
Why didn't they just come get Twilight to see the stars?
Their substitute was pretty silly.
I'm going to theorize because I can.
Looking back on the epilogue my eyes encountered this stained glass of the student six. I have to ask though.. what is going on here????
What is that creature they are fighting?? a dinosaur??? Are they in space?? what is happening?!
I feel compeled to create my own story from what is presented here so here we go.
One day in the magical land of equestria a giant portal opened in the middle of nowhere, and from it a group of creatures f
The movie is nothing groundbreaking but it's fun.
I forget how different the animation is until I'm watching it. The magic looks cool but I don't get the point of the bubbles in their eyes.
The opening song "Ponies Got the Beat" is silly but it fits.
Why is Twilight scared to ask for the princess's help? They're her friends and family. And why did they say no???
Of course we have to get the princesses out of action right away, even Cadence this time, but then Derpy saves Twil
That filly's obsession with circles is a little weird.
Sweetie's one breath speech was pretty funny. Applebloom did that in her first episode.
I kind of see Rumble's point. Getting locked into something forever sucks. Like a job. Even if a job isn't technically forever it sure feels like it.
Are you sure these are necessary?
moving on...
Are pony brains really that small?
And random nerdiness nopony will care about: Here they have two toes, which makes the artyodactyles. Regular horses and zebras are perissodactyles. It seems like a meaningless distinction but they're separated by millions of years of evolution.
Flash bees are cool and scary. Getting stung by a bee really does feel like a little electric shock.