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Steel Accord

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Everything posted by Steel Accord

  1. Well I actually AM going to serve in the military. I wouldn't call it brave so much as, "unable to live with myself if I didn't." Everything I wrote about Steelquill is either completely true or just a tad bit of wish fulfillment. PM me if you want to know which bits are which.
  2. Somepony is posting a fan comic on deviantart with this as it's premise and it's actually rather good! Some ponies are drawn to the ruins of the Royal Pony Sisters where the essence of Nightmare Moon promises them their deepest desires if they help release her. In order to do that, she sends them to destroy the mane six's friendship. Midnight Glow - Bigotry Ignobility - Greed Gloomy Glob - Treachery Brazen Spite - Cruelty Sour Apples - Deceit Sinky Sigh - Crying It actually works rather well! I always thought their couldn't be an evil mane six because that would imply some kind of friendship between them, which isn't very evil. Then I read this and remembered that evil alliances are usually kept together by ONLY one thing, mutual gain. Also interesting to note is how the Elements of Discord act separately, they are most successful when it's just them and their counterparts. When the Elements of Harmony stand together, they're a well oiled machine. Contrast that when the EoH are alone they're vulnerable, and when the EoD are together what results can only be described as something resembling a tangled ball of snakes. http://freethinker5.deviantart.com/favourites/?offset=24#/d3kfr4j
  3. NO FUCKING WAY! I'm sorry for the curse but OH MY GOD! ADAM AND MORGAN? My brothers and I loved X-Play! I am SO using that as firepower against my anti-brony brother!
  4. When Discord's introductory scene ended. My reaction was something along the lines of . . . . Data: "Ooooooh shit!" I don't normally like to curse, but nothing seemed to underscore my feelings better. Discord took me by surprise, he wasn't scary per se, but he was very unnerving. He actually is very much like his oft mentioned sci-fi counterpart Q, and THAT'S what makes him scary. Dragons, Cockatrices, Hydras, Diamond Dogs (trolls really) they all have rules or weaknesses like in legends or fables. Post-singularity creatures like the Q Continuum are so advanced that any "rules" that do apply to them, only they know about. After seeing the ponies beat conventional fantasy monsters, Discord almost seemed out of context. The background music, his mask of amicability, his uncanny knowledge of the mane 6, Celestia close to panicking. Discord almost pranced around the ponies using the stain glassed windows for visual humor like we would use Powerpoint. With the echoing voice, it was less like Discord was where they were seeing him and more like the whole chamber had become his "presence" and he was using the windows as a courtesy to his "audience." What did it for me was when Discord was just able to erase the ponie's wings and horns without even being there. I don't know why, but it disturbed me on a deep level. The Mane 6 don't "fight" in the conventional sense, they overcome their enemies either by compromise, outsmarting them, or with raw magic. Discord had no intention of stopping, he was deviously cunning, and was powerful enough to simply take night and day away from Luna and Celestia. He subjected the Mane 6 to a game for the hell of it and they were completely at his mercy for the duration, separating and breaking them one by one. The scariest part? He was just PLAYING with them! He could have stopped the biggest threat to him from the beginning as he did with Fluttershy. Never have I seen the heroes of a story try to resist a villain that so utterly "beyond" themselves. So yeah . . . me too.
  5. Name: Steel Accord Species: Pegasus Gender: Male Age: 22 (or the pony equivalent of a young adult) (Image credit goes to FantasticSpastic93 on Deviantart and SirPonyLancelot on Youtube. I can't draw worth bit!) Cutie Mark: Sword crossed with a pen. It's meaning is thus, two fold. Writing - Steel posses a great gift of prose and narrative structure. Despite his insistence otherwise, even the drafts he discards are often very good. Steel once wrote a recount of Heart's Warming Eve as a comedy from each of the three leader's perspective. One of the messengers of the Pronghorn Network, themselves master storytellers, managed to skim a copy and thought it hilarious. He often bases his works off of personal experiences, but hides them under exaggerations and metaphors. He has also written poems, plays, prayers, songs and other creative texts. Sword: Steel is practiced in the ancient art of swordplay, particularly when using pegasus wing-sabres. He's bested many a noblecolt when he felt a lady's honor was on the line. The one time his skills were truly validated was when he fought the near mythic Red Pommel. Though the loser in that bout, Red testified to his skills. Personality: Steel Accord is a perfectionist, he will pour over his manuscripts for hours, only to tear them to shreds or crumple and discard them into the overflowing wastepaper basket when he isn't completely satisfied. He can also be very judgmental of other ponies. When somepony behaves dishonorably or unethically, (cheaters, thieves, haughty gentry, and bullies in particular) they receive an enormous amount of resentment, a biting lecture, a challenge to single combat, or any combination of the three. That said, he also has a great amount of faith in the good of others, always assuming they mean well until proven otherwise. Steel notably has a very low sense of self-worth. While this makes him admirably humble, it also leads to depressive tendencies. Because of his inability to credit himself, and stiffness in social protocols, Steel has trouble with those his own age. Most of his friends are actually many years his elder. He sees no problem in this as they are often mentor figures to him and he enjoys their experienced wisdom. He's a very devout pony who prays to the Princesses in any difficult tasks and to thank them for good fortune, confident that his worship reaches them in some manner. Steel is also very gullible and easy to persuade, he doesn't pick up on sarcasm or double speak very well, feels a natural duty to help other ponies, and usually takes a another's word for the truth. (Woe betide those that trick him into dishonorable action though, he will not forgive them anymore than he will forgive himself.) Lastly, Steel Accord always tries to conduct himself as a gentlecolt. Particularly in his interactions with females. This is a double edged sword though. He can quite easily talk with mares and those who appreciate manners and honor find him appealing, but in less formal situations he's practically paralyzed. Backstory: Steel Accord was born and raised in Canterlot into a military family. Indeed, his father would often boast that they were descended from Commander Hurricane himself. Steel never quite believed this relevant. The Commander had many foals so many pegasi were at least distantly related to him. Still, he respected Hurricane and looked to him as an example to follow. Steel admired the Commander's military prowess but also knew he didn't have much appreciation for the finer things in life, which Steel did. Steel was always a bit of an odd colt. They say he took after his mother, who was a natural painter, in being very creative but displayed almost prodigal skills at combat, taught to him by his father. Neither his creative nor physical ability was seen until one day he saw some ponies beating up a runt at flight school. Steel fetched his wooden practice sword and sent all of the bullies to the nurse's office. Sttel was so upset about it that he wrote a dramatic retelling of the event for a school project. That's when he got his cutie mark, a sword crossed with a pen. Choosing not to follow his father into the military, he focused on becoming a writer. He has yet to hit it big with his original works and is currently working as a columnist for a Canterlot newspaper. For additional income, Steel offered his services as a simple bodyguard for the Canterlot elite. That's when he met Fancypants. The two stallions hit it off right away. Steel admiring the older pony's confidence and compassion and Fancypants finding something of himself in the humble warrior poet. Steel Accord was hired as one of Fancypants' personal bodyguards and the two have become close friends. Dude, that's actually pretty cool! I dare say that could make a good amount of sense in the show. Those are both pretty cool! Shadow Chaser sounds a lot like mine, and seeing as my OC is also MY ponysona, sounds like we have actually have a lot in common. Brohoof? /)*
  6. Don't worry about it, once you "read it slow" and "spot a few points" that sounded like hindsight. So I didn't read the rest. You're good!
  7. I'm gonna have to stop reading right there. As I said, I haven't read the whole thing yet. I'll get back to you once I'm done.
  8. Wait! So Equestria is the bad guy? . . . . THIS STORY IS JUST AN INCREDIBLY ELABORATE "TYRANT CELESTIA" JOKE!
  9. No problem! Ironic though, that I posted for reassurance about the rest of the story and ended up encouraging others to read it.
  10. Having read more than my original posting, I will say it's at least worth a read. From where I'm at at the moment, Blaze seemed to be trying for a Heroic Fantasy adventure in Equestria with Spy Fiction background elements. Let me put it this way, Avatar's entire opening was spent telling us that the Earth is dying and it's our fault so we deserve extinction on our polluted planet unless we turn into the "better" species of another world, then the rest of the movie is on awesome (original meaning of that word) vistas, fantastic creatures, and a romantic sub plot. Swap the Na'vi for ponies (who I'd rather be anyway) and it's the exact same idea. No doubt, and he's given an excellent ready-made setting for others to use for wish fulfillment. My initial criticism came from the stories inability to mention all the good humanity has achieved, and the pony's shared consensus that no such good existed.
  11. They are all inspired by Blaze's original "The Conversion Bureau." It's set in the near future in an alternate universe. Equestria is isolationist island nation off the east coast of the United States. Humanity is on the decline as the magical radiation given off by Equestria is slowly killing the species. In an act of pity, Celestia and Luna have set up a global service to give those who wish it a whole new life in pony society called the Conversion Bureau . . . it's exactly what it sounds like. The Mane Six are still primary characters along with an OC who's the main protagonist. The conflict largely comes from how individuals and groups react to the rise of ponykind as the dominant species, and the fall of human society (good and bad.)
  12. Yeah. Mandopony is a genius! Give his other songs a listen. His and Acousticbrony's.
  13. True enough. It's just you could justify the horror fics by the author purposefully going for shock value or pure dissonance. Whereas this seems to be an actual (and slightly political) statement. Like I said though. The premise is utterly inspired! If you don't already know, Equestria is a small island nation off the East Coast of the U.S. Humanity is slowly dying but Celestia and Luna have extended a hoof of mercy by offering ponification to all humans who wish it. The global and personal reactions to this are explored, and it's interesting to see how a nation as fantastical as Equestria navigates international politics.
  14. Just need a little reassurance here. I've started to read, the Conversion Bureau by Blaze. I must say, I'm a little disturbed by it. When I first became a brony, I thought I found a group of fellow idealists who believed in their fellow man. Then I pick this up and it sounds like "James Cameron's: My Little Pony." The amount of misanthropy in the first few chapters is very disheartening. I can understand the need to set off the plot. Why are humans ponifying en masse? Okay! I get it, but there's already a justification given. There's a magic plague that ponies are immune to. BAM! Right there. You still have all the outside resistance from the human hold outs, who now have believable reasons to resist Equestrian dominance. We're destroying ourselves? We've been doing that since the invention of the nuke, before that WWI, before that the Napoleonic Wars, before THAT the Sengoku period, before THAT the Crusades, I could go back to the Trojan War! (Don't fight a historian when it comes to precedence. ) Anyway. The story has, so far, failed to mention the Lunar landing, the American Revolution, the Renaissance, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Benjamin Franklin, Mother Theresa, or any of human society's achievements. The main character states our species is driven by hate and greed and would buy and sell land in Equestria. (Private property?) Lily: "The Horror! The Horror!" What nailed it was Twilight responding with "Very well put," what was?! That was an opinionated supposition at best! Then we had Rainbow Dash saying "Let them stay in that manure-hole they live in." and Pinkie's "Human bodies are icky and big and ugly and...and mean! Humans are mean!" . . . All right! That last one was just a slap in the face! Hearing the characters I've grown to love (and identify as human) loose such venom on my species is just hurtful and not a little bit out-of-character. When Zecora showed up, they were irrationally suspicious, but they didn't break out the torches and pitchforks! Now maybe I'm jumping the gun a bit, since it IS early in the story. Not saying I'm gonna stop reading it. With a premise THIS kickass, how could I? (Plus a bit of human OC Fluttershy romance is never a bad thing. ) I just want to know if the story changes it's pitch about us later, or at least gets mentioned less as the plot picks up. So far, I just have to say I'm a little shocked. I thought the brony community was about hope in our potential to love and create. Can you honestly say a species of homicidal extortionists could create this?
  15. Maybe not as a movie, but that actually doesn't sound like a bad idea!
  16. They've done dragons twice in the series already. (Three time if you count Spike's rampage.) They need to up the ante!
  17. That actually sounds like the best idea. Prepare them for a strange encounter instead of . . . *knock* *knock* Owlicious: Who? You: Notin Spike: Notin what? You: Notinalien! Yeah see how THAT one goes over! I know how you feel. Still, I wouldn't feel right pursuing her. The one thing that keeps those feelings from being creepy to me, is that I would expect us both to be the same species at the same time. To be making googly eyes at her, with human eyeballs? I don't know. That's just me though!
  18. Spike's bipedal, they don't have a problem with him. And do you really think the Princess would just vaporize you on the spot? She's wise enough to see that you mean no harm. Rainbow: "That's you answer to everything!" (Sorry, I couldn't resist.) I've seen two fan-fictions thus far with just that scenario happening. Both cases had the human protagonist roughing it in the Everfree Forest. Why? You afraid she'll lock you in a cage and keep you as a pet? Yes and YES! Similarly, I am acquainted with the basics of combat. I've trained in three different unarmed arts, studied fencing for four years, know how to shoot, and have a masterful knowledge of strategy and a degree of familiarity with tactics. Not much, but altogether I'd be more than a match for anything that Celestia doesn't want to bother killing herself. Failing that, I would become the protector of Ponyville. Armed with a sabre and flintlock, I would be . . . The Highwayman!
  19. Glad to hear it! Trust me when I say time really does heal all wounds, but having others can be a tremendous boost! If you're ever feeling down, shoot me a message.
  20. Hey if Browncoats, like me, got our Firefly movie. Who's to say bronies can't pull off the support for this? Who says it can't be both? They fought against Discord, and the thing that let them beat him WAS their bond. TIREC! He would be the villain! It would be such a huge throwback and a marker to show how far this show has come!
  21. Hey! Don't go there! That is a very dark place to be in, believe me, I've been there. "Better to have love then lost then never to have loved at all." . . . Never thought I would say this but Tennyson doesn't know what he's talking about. You can't miss what you've never had, and to have someone in your life that you would gladly die for, only to have them leave is a terrible feeling! Look, I'm not a psychiatrist, but I have a theory about this. It's from another thread of mine. " When watching Mandopny's song Somepony's Waiting, the lyrics described them so well and evoked the feelings again, but this time without the trepidation. It clicked! It wasn't attraction to the ponies themselves, but what they meant in my head and heart. (Grab your INCEPTIONs it's about to Jungian up in this joint!) You see, according to Carl Jung, humans are hardwired to recognize certain things at a base level and are individual brains interpret them in different ways. (Dragons being common across mythology for instance.) The Mane 6 fit into ideal feminine archetypes. The little ones get their role models but our developed brains see past the cartoon and recognize the kind of people they represent. Thus any "sexual attraction" boasted on the internet, I humbly submit, is typical bravado covering up a deep seated emotional stimulus. Your brain recognizing the things you REALLY want in a relationship." Rainbow herself may not be real, but there's someone like her out there. Every brony I know doesn't want some one night stand, we want love. You WILL find her! Who knows? You might have a spunky little red head that you could name "Ashleigh." All I know for sure, is that if this fandom has taught me anything, it's that you nor I are ever alone and you should never feel like you are. So spread your wings, stay so awesome, and live that dream!
  22. I'm so sorry. I know how that feels. I haven't had such a dream yet, but I've felt for a while, that a deep part of me longs to be a father. (You can imagine what reading "My Little Dashie" did to me.) I obviously don't just want to "get on with it" because I want to give my children what my parents have given me. Still, I can sort of see where your coming from. Man! All these pony dreams just keep getting depressing because the good ones always have the same sad ending . . . "I woke up."
  23. Dude! I hesitate to "like" that. It's so horrifyingly sad. I mean, it ends beautifully and all but still! I hope whatever neuron projection thought of her killer rots in the Hell of the collective unconscious! I also hope any subsequent pony dreams you have are far more pleasant. AWWWWWW Boys? Girls? One of each? What were they're names? Wait! I'm dreaming? Well in that case! *clops hooves and appears in night club* Bring out the ponies! *Jazz music plays with Trixie, Pinkie, and Rarity singing "Mares of Prey."* I really should be ashamed that I typed that.
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