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Everything posted by Unikitty

  1. I'd like to get into fishing more. Something nice about just chilling and waiting for a catch. Unfortunately, I have neither the money nor climate resistance where I live(NT, Australia) to carry out good fishing trips. So I've not gone out in years.
  2. In Australia, we don't have water. It all fell off our side of the earth long ago. It is very hot. Please send help.
  3. You misunderstand. The movie is going to be done in the same style as the TV show. It'll look the same, visually. It has Meghan McCarthy doing the screenplay, so it will have the same writing style. It will look and feel and sound like MLPFiM. The only difference is that it will be feature length. You are not going to see themes that you would consider out of place for MLPFiM. It is theMLP movie. It's basically exactly the same as the Pokemon movie franchise. Plotwise, they're not connected to the anime directly. But thematically, they appear in all ways to be a part of the Pokemon series franchise. This is what I mean by 'thematically'.
  4. Thematically. It's still MLPFiM in design, and thus would adhere to that style. It's not a retelling of the franchise, like the Transformers movies are. So it is an extension of the series in this regard.
  5. Does the show NEED a gay pairing? No. Do I care whether or not it gets one(or several)? Nope. But IF they were ever to have one, it would need to be it's own arc. Diversity for the sake of diversity is just as problematic and ignorant as outright exclusion. It becomes false awareness and these bandwagons can seriously hurt the cause. Ideally, you'd want focus on the relationship, and explanation as to why it's there. Same-sex relationships are still very much a controversial topic, and just throwing in a gay couple and saying "Hey have some gays, they exist so put up with it!" isn't actually helping explain the importance of the cause. That in lies your catch 22, due to this show being what it is. Such a topic is too controversial at this time, and doesn't appeal to the target demographic enough. The problems caused won't be able to outweigh the potential benefits. Shoehorning it in will just damage the franchise as a whole.
  6. All this reaching. No, there won't be any sort of saucy business in the movie. The movie is an extension of the show. Wouldn't want it anyway. Sauciness doesn't fit into the shows theme, and inserting it would just be off-putting. All these horny kids wanting adult themes in a children's cartoon are why the fandom get such a bad rap.
  7. Never been a believer of any diety. I'm entirely open to the potential possibility of a creator or higher lifeform, but there has yet to be any empirical evidence to support the existence of one. I support peer-reviewable and falsifiable evidence, and seeing as there is yet to be any that suggest a creator but plenty to discredit the claim of one, I do not believe there to be one. However, I'm not so shrewd as to ignore any potential future evidence. If it so happens that there is solid evidence of a creator, I would happily change my views. Choosing to ignore empirical evidence(in any situation) is a childish and ignorant way to view life and is the root of a great many problems and setbacks in human history.
  8. One I haven't seen mentioned here, is "Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law". It's a hilarious spoof involving old Hannah Barbera cartoons. Alongside that, Aqua Teen Hunger Force is one I've recently gotten into. Augh, I sometimes accidentally catch the opening to that show as it comes on after Bob's Burgers(also a great show), on the Free-to-Air here. It's not especially bad, but the 90s cartoon aesthetic makes me want to puke.
  9. With the existence of Alolan Raticate, Alolan Growlithe line is easily plausible. That new trailer more than made up for the lacklustre Direct info from earlier in the week. So much more hyped for SM than ever before.
  10. I love cheese, but I'm very picky about trying new ones. I like sharp cheese the best, but hate ones with pungent odours. Hard cheeses are preferred as some soft cheeses are weird in texture. No feta.
  11. Pretty nice work. You're certainly on the way to becoming an adept artist. When working with colour, avoid using black to define shades(instead picking colours that are darker while keeping away from black - such as going from a pink to a deep purple). Also keep in mind values, as they define lightness and darkness and will very much make your art pop and have depth.
  12. I don't think it's so much a genre/theme issue. A game isn't more or less a good retro game by having x or y retro tropes included/omitted. Rather it's about whether or not the game at its core is well made. If it's a game that has put together elements well and had plenty of heart put into its development, then the tropes and genre defining aspects become almost arbitrary. If a game plays well and feels reminiscent of the retro age(be it through mechanics, aesthetics, mood - any 'retro' trope), then it'll be a good retro-inspired game. Basically, retro isn't so much a theme as it is a feeling. If a game feels akin to those ol' game-y times, it's succeeded at bringing back the retro gaming vibe.
  13. A good Fantasy Life sequel. The first was so great but then Level 5 jumped right onto the mobile bandwagon and made the sequel into some dumb cash cow. A damn shame because the original was really fun and really well made. A sequel that took the original concept and revamped it would have been an instant victory.
  14. I just had a buttermilk scone with melted butter and peanut butter, to go with my ice-cold Captain Morgan Spiced Rum & Cola.
  15. I am currently enjoying an ice-cold Captain Morgan Spiced Rum & Cola.
  16. I don't believe in ghosts anymore, but I'm always up for exploring 'haunted' locations. I'm very eager to be proven wrong about my scepticism.
  17. Samsung Galaxy S4. I bought it many years ago and it's been through a lot. I live in a hot climate(north-end Australia) so battery heat damage was prevalent. Thankfully I could replace them on a whim. The phone is starting to show its wear as it gradually slows down and becomes harder to use. I've long since stopped bothering to factory wipe it. The battery warping has actually caused the phone to permanently bow in the middle. I can actually start to see beneath the screen. Yet through all this, I don't have a single crack or chip on my screen. I've only ever used those cheaper rubber cases, too. I'm gonna miss this guy when I upgrade soon, but I'm much more eager for my next phone: the sleek and powerful Galaxy S7.
  18. If it were ever defined further, I'd like it to take much inspiration from the Tartarus spoken in human legends. A pleace that's existed for longer than any alicorn. A place of great unweildy magic that seems to exist solely for the most evil of beings, and yet with origins lost to time.
  19. Creation. An artist by trade, a creator by ambition. If I want to make it, I'll figure a way to do so. Doesn't matter what, creation is just what courses through my veins.
  20. It wouldn't work, and if it did it'd be no different to any other country in the world with its own set of culture. You could just rename any existing country in the world and it'd be about the same.
  21. A damn shame to go out the way he did. At least he went later on in life and (hopefully) got the most out of his ventures.
  22. This thread has shown virtually no love for best horse, the pink one. Warning: Booty Shake
  23. RIP Gene Wilder, you crazy little chocolate man.

  24. I don't really believe that the natural magical aura gives off light. I can't recall specific scenes, but I feel like there have been times when magic such as telekinesis was used but wasn't attributed to a character by other characters. Don't forget that unicorns can do a variety of spells. In situations such as lighting a dark area(as shown in an image by a prior user) it's pretty clear that the light emitted is that of an active spell and not that of passive magical aura as seen when using other spells. In some cases, it could be speculated that raw magic aura could be seen - such as high powered spells being cast(Twilight moving the Ursa Minor). However I wouldn't so much consider this as part of their casual passive aura, but rather the fallout of intense and unstable magic use.
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