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Everything posted by Envy

  1. Hm... There's one thing that makes my town particularly famous, but if I said it, I'd give exactly what town I live in away and I don't think I should... Actually there are two things (second one being a little more niche)... Oh I hate not being able to say it, oh well. Some neat things about my state in general, though: Second state to legalize same-sex marriage. It was a church from Danbury that wrote in to Jefferson with concern about a church establishing itself in the state that led to Jefferson coining the phrase "wall of separation between church and state" Famous for some media such as Gilmore Girls and Mystic Pizza (I think the latter is famous?? My mom mentioned it, I've never seen the movie). Also some Hallmark Christmas movies are filmed here.
  2. Never thought of that specifically as it just isn't practical. But I do like to dream of a country that consists of New England states. I'm far from the first person to ever think of it, though. Either way I consider myself a member of my region and state before I do the country. I have very little pride or faith left in my depraved, stupid country.
  3. I was raised with a strong work ethic, which also intermixed with certain aspects of my personality (being insecure and not wanting to burden others leading me to work even harder). In retail, this work ethic ended up getting me taken advantage of. Working hard doesn't often lead to rewards, it leads only to more work and burnout, so be careful anyone who was naive like me when entering the workforce. Thankfully not all jobs are like this. I still have this work ethic... It can't be turned off. I even tried back when I was in my retail years... lol I just naturally can't stop putting my best into my work.
  4. Yes, now that I live in the Northeast, I'm much happier with where I live. It has been a dream of mine to live here since I was young. One could even say I was meant to be born here. I've always been a northerner at heart. That sounds silly to say, especially since I don't believe in fate or anything like that, but it really bears out with my experience living here. I know, me being happy with where I live?? We live in bizarre times, don't we? I'm going to have to drop this username. With that said, my opinion of my country is subsequently dropping like an anchor. It's like once I finally got to move to a better region of the country, the country itself decides to go to all hell putting my well-being even in one of the best states in the union into question. Truly, what a mess. I don't really want to leave, though. New England should just become its own country. We're better than the depraved states of America.
  5. I know very little. I know that my mom's side of family immigrated from England to the USA in the early 20th century (or late 19th). That was a mistake. Since then my mom's side of the family history is mostly back in the mid-south region of the country (Oklahoma and Kansas), although some family is in California. Further back then England IDK. My dad's side is a mixture of the mid-South and the midwest. IDK much more than that. I don't know any further back.
  6. I wear sleepshirts and shorts. I can't really wear traditional pajamas aside from the tops because the bottoms are just too warm for me to sleep in.
  7. Until I get a real bed here, I'm currently sleeping on a mattress on the floor, so I don't have to worry about monsters underneath my bed. lol. But I do have closets, although I keep them open. I don't like sleeping on a mattress on the floor, though. It does feel very vulnerable. not to fictional monsters, but IDK?.. Mice? Rats? Haven't seen any of them here and I know they can get on beds, so it's kinda silly... just feels like it's too easy for them when your mattress is on the floor, you know?
  8. I've been doing some bus riding lately. It's not been the most positive experience. The first time was my fault, I got on the wrong bus. I ended up in a whole different town, as opposed to my intended destination. The most recent time, though, I got on the right numbered bus and it changed to another number after I got on and went, I kid you not, to the same different town that I had been sent to the time before. I can't even make this stuff up. >.< Also, the bus back came 30 minutes later than it was supposed to. I don't like being in public much, and I especially don't like standing outside in the scorching bright sunshine while waiting for a bus to come for an hour, surrounded by strangers, a lot of them men. God, I need to get to driving ASAP.
  9. I like it from the 30s to the 50s F. Preferably overcast. If under very specific conditions (overcast, windy/breezy from the north, and low humidity) and if I've been acclimated to the heat of the summer (to the best of my ability, I'm not great at it... Obviously lol) I can be fine in the 60s and lower 70s.
  10. I'd like to go to some beaches again like I did last summer, especially the ones in Rhode Island. This summer I hope to get to Cape Cod, MA. Almost did that last year, but settled on a beach in RI instead that day and then it was almost fall, and money was tight so didn't get to go back that direction.
  11. Around my height, or somewhat taller. My ex was around my height, but my most recent crush, she was taller than me and I loved that, OMG.
  12. I've been the one who disappeared... Had a lot of friends online twenty years ago but I was so rotten as a teenager and noticed that very quickly as I grew up and so I couldn't bear to remain a part of those communities. I was so embarrassed. When I say "rotten", I mean I was sometimes mean and caused drama. Nevertheless, I actually kinda reconnected with a few of them a few years ago. Kinda. On-topic, though: Actually in those same communities, there were a couple of members that I really liked. I'm not sure I could call myself their "friends", as I just don't think it was that way, but maybe acquaintances. They disappeared without a trace in like 2004 or early 2005. One of them disappearing was a big deal in the community, since she had made TONS of posts in a short amount of time and then was gone. It was sad. I hope she's okay. Flash forward to a decade ago, I had another person in a (non-Brony!) MLP community that I liked to talk to a lot. She worked at Walmart, as did I, so we could always vent with each other about that experience. One day she stopped responding and eventually I looked up her profile and she hadn't signed in since. I wonder what happened, and hope she is okay.
  13. I've never been a big fan of Discord. I follow some Discords to keep up with feeds (like a server that shows mod updates for The Sims), but I almost never participate in conversations. That "chat room" format online has never been for me ever since I first saw it. Discord is even worse than a slow chat room because they move so fast. I feel like I'm "interrupting" anytime I post unless it's a really slow server, but if it's fast it's like you're always interrupting and that's just not in my personality. Long live forums! The best format!
  14. I love my parents! It is rough being 1500 miles apart from them, now. But they will be coming up to see me in a month and I'm very much looking forward to that. =)
  15. I got a new therapist when I moved, of course, and she has told me that based off of knowing me and everything she has researched on the subject if she could, she would diagnose me as autistic. o.o My current insurance does allow me to go get screened with a specialist, and we've been trying to get that together ever since I started back in the fall. Referrals and such are complicated so it has taken a while. But my therapist feels like whenever I do get screened she's confident I will be diagnosed based off of what she knows. o.o All of this time I have been like "Not going to self-diagnose" and I stick with that, but it is quite surprising to have a therapist just come out and say that, and we're going to go forward in sessions like I am diagnosed, apparently. That's kinda nice, as I just want to get my "quirks" addressed.
  16. I don't even have the money for that right now. Lol. It sucks. But that should change someday, hopefully in a couple of months.
  17. Well, for the most part, I have gotten my personal life in order over the past several years, so as to be able to look forward to the future again for the first time in forever. However, it does seem there always has to be something, huh? I have a severely high fear of the future of my country and the world on a larger scale now... The fear is trying to bring about the hesitation I had to live for the future before because I thought I didn't have a future. The sad thing is that this time my fear is more grounded in reality. I've done what I can to brace for the future, though. I moved to a better state. I will continue to live for the future to the best of my ability because I have to.
  18. Well, I don't have one yet because I don't currently have any spending money. I want one and one of the New England regional flags.
  19. I've been using Firefox for like two decades now and see no reason to change.
  20. Never needed excuses to not go to parties because I've never been a partier to begin with so no one invites me. =P That probably sounds like "Oh no, you're not even getting invited? Wow...". IDK, perhaps, but partying is so not in my nature, so I don't really care. Truth be told, partiers are not my kind of people to begin with, and thus I don't tend to make friends who are partiers, so it actually makes a lot of sense that I rarely ever get invited.
  21. Well, I just moved into my apartment and it'll be a couple of months or so before all of my stuff makes it here, so right now there's not much - just a calendar.
  22. Gosh, that's rough to decide! I want to say the Washington D.C. metro and Maryland trip. I love history, so getting to see all of the landmarks and museums. I was in love. Also, although Baltimore isn't the Northeast persay, I kinda considered it so back then and probably for a long time and it helped really build the image from which I wanted to move to the Northeast. So it was a pretty important trip! Other amazing trips - My trip to Connecticut before moving here. It wasn't even a vacationy type of trip. It was a week to visit all of the areas of the state I was potentially thinking of moving to with just a couple of fun excursions (like to beaches and seeing a little of MA and RI), but I had a blast! and I fell in love immediately. l immediately made the decision it would be my new home. Last Autumn trip into New Hampshire and Maine. Very beautiful! It was a fairly quick trip mostly to see the leaves in Northern NH but then we were able to also head east to Maine. I flipping love Maine, okay? I had always wanted to live there since being a teen! So of course this whole trip was magical! Colorado trip a couple of years ago. I got to go with a friend and her family. I got to go to a cool conference and I got to meet the woman who inspired me to play the oboe. Also, it was Colorado and the mountains were beautiful! Southern California. So different from what I am used to. One of the rare opportunities I got to see a beach up until last year when I moved out of a landlocked state to a coastal state. I loved the mountains, architecture and those tall skinny palm trees!
  23. Personally, I'd rather bring back G1 or G3, because the toys were so darn good.
  24. Vegeta was the very first character that came to mind! I need to think of more, though. Like I was thinking of Robin (One Piece) even though her role as a villain was very short-lived in the grand scheme of things and... it's been a looonggg time since I've re-familiarized myself with Alabasta or any of the early One Piece content. Either way, she has blossomed into one of my favorite characters.
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