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Everything posted by fimdash

  1. Yeah, I mean that's just how I see it. Not even sure if floating around would be the right way to put it. You wouldn't have any sense of floating nor time. You're just lost forever. Sounds kind of sad, but at the same time I think that's what makes life worth living. You're only able to live your life just once, so you should try to live it the way you want to as much as you can.
  2. Like many have stated already, I believe that once you die you simply cease to exist, just like before you were born. Reincarnation and stuff like that would be nice, but it just seems like wishful thinking to me. I can't see it happening logically.
  3. i'm a bird now :3

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Champion RD92

      Champion RD92

      @fimdashie can't right now, my phones about to die, and I'm not on my comp, sorry :/

    3. fimdash




      s'all good man

    4. Rockymoo


      I'm a Charmeleon now. That's right. I just hit level 16, baby.

  4. fimdash

    music Muse

    Oh, I should check some of those out then :3 I think I've heard some of those, but most of them I haven't heard. EDIT: Wow, Stockholm Syndrome is a great song. Listening through these titles right now not sure if I'll get through all of them, but I'll try to check out as much as I can.
  5. fimdash


    nice dude looks good. Octavia is really pretty, and I think you captured that well with your drawing Borders look good too!
  6. fimdash

    music Muse

    Muse is definitely awesome they have a bunch of great songs. Some of my favorites would be Time Is Running Out, Hysteria, Starlight, Map of the Problematique, and Uprising
  7. hello welcome to the forums! i hope you end up enjoying your time here
  8. that is one of the nicest OCs I've ever seen :o

  9. Hmm after some reflecting, I'd say it was an alright episode. Right when I finished watching it I wasn't too big a fan (though I did like Flutterbat). I just couldn't really get into the episode I suppose. I haven't been as enthusiastic about MLP season 4 as I was the previous seasons, so I'm sure that had something to do with it. However, after reading some posts and statuses here I was reminded of some scenes that actually were pretty great, like the scene with Rarity in that hazmat suit and Pinkie Pie doing her drill thingy and that's just to name a few. I think I'll rewatch it again when the HD iTunes version comes out. Maybe it'll be better for me the second time.
  10. wow flutterbat fanart already. this fandom works as fast as lightning :o

  11. So far Daring Don't is my favorite by far. Very enjoyable episode imo can't really say the same for the other episodes though.. overall I'm not digging S4 so far :/ EDIT: Actually, that's not completely true. I thought Castle Mane-ia was pretty nice as well.
  12. Definitely won't be forgotten about. Not sure if it'll be Flutterbat exactly, but I'm sure something similar if not exact will pop up again in the future, just like that creepy last scene in Castle Mane-ia. S4 definitely seems to have a dark theme to it (noticing a lot more action as well), and it'll be interesting to see how it all unfolds. But yeah, that last scene of this episode is pretty much Chekhov's gun: You don't show something like that and not have it appear again. It's gonna be relevant for the future.
  13. Feeling that feel right now :/

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. RrVPfX9cPtw59FpC


      @Champ HE DOESN'T KNOW! Change your background, only the enlightened will understand.

    3. fimdash




      That feel when no gf

    4. Champion RD92

      Champion RD92

      @fimdashie yes, i feel that feel every day.....

  14. photo finish is my new waifu

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. fimdash




      idk i just like her lol :P

    3. Champion RD92
    4. CMQuickfireTK


      Photo finish is awesome tho

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. long gone

      long gone

      She's in the new-ish intro for S4.

    3. fimdash


      yeah, that was a nice addition to the intro. would be cool if she showed up in the episodes too

    4. TheInsaneShane


      I literally have no opinion for Photo Finish. She's just sort of...there. :/

  15. wow super cute twi avvie :P

    1. long gone

      long gone

      Just you wait until you see the full image!

    2. fimdash


      just saw it thanks to a google image search. super cute :D

    3. long gone
  16. had my phone's music player on shuffle and this one came up. Totally forgot about it, and it's nice hearing a song you used to listen to for the first time in years One of the best Oasis songs imo
  17. Hi Latino Brony welcome to the forum! I'm sure that you'll be able to make some friends here it's easy to do since the community is pretty friendly. Oh, and I'll have you know that there's another user here who has Latino in his name too xD he's a good friend of mine.
  18. I recently read The Numbers Don't Lie by shortskirtsandexplosions. I loved the story's idea, and it was executed very well. I love SS&E's work, and one thing I really love about his fics is that he is really spot on with getting the character personalities right, and this fic was no exception. Definitely worth checking out
  19. I recently started playing the Bioshock series. I'm still on the first one, and I like it so far I'm looking forward to starting Infinite, because I hear it's really good.
  20. Hate to be a negative nancy, but I was kind of disappointed with this episode :/ It was a good idea, but the episode turned out to be pretty insipid imo. The episode's predictability kind of hurt it as well. One thing I have to commend though is the animation. Some of the animation in the episode was really top-notch. Also, the Power Pony superheroes were pretty nice as well. My favorite would be Radiance her powers were really awesome.
  21. you know you're a member of MLP Forums when you don't go on for a few days and when you come back it feels like you missed so much o_o
  22. the new dashie why wub woo face is super cute
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