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Nobody Special

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Everything posted by Nobody Special

  1. It does, but it summed me up pretty well. Also, you stand no chance of stealing my stuff, I stole the Equestrian Royal Guard to, well, guard it.
  2. Going home tomorrow, I'm so happy I could cry... if my head wasn't a desert.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TheInsaneShane


      Damn, I'm really sorry about you're friend, at least he's with God now. Btw, how is you're head desert?

    3. Nobody Special

      Nobody Special

      It's just a saying, desert don't really have water and head doesn't either.

  3. iSTP, I'm most like Spike... Don't know how, don't care how, I'm a dragon now. Time to get my greed on, by stealing other dragon's possessions. >
  4. Too hot, everything but winter is too hot for me though. I prefer my temperature at about a 35 to 40 degrees farenheit. Anything warmer is shorts and tee shirt weather.
  5. Uhh, Five Guy's... Why you so good?

  6. I highly suggest watching this video before visiting Columbia. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7ZWirICmG8 I myself would want to go to Skyrim, just all the mysterious things that are there. I would definitely want to study dwarven ruins, and see if I could understand them. Or to the the dlc map of battlefield 3, Bandar Desert. It's right next to a massive lake and, overall, just looks like a nice vacation spot
  7. I'm pretty sure my grandma could be considered deaf. She had a tumor near her ear and the they accidentally hit one of her audio cords connecting to her ear, or something like that. After sais accident she could only hear out of one ear. So I guess she would be half deaf.
  8. Going to the mall today, but now my sisters coming with. I look at three stores, but now it's going to take 3 hours.

  9. I would love a German Shepard, for a cat, I would have to chose the cheetah. I don't like cats so I have to choose something in the cat family that is not a house cat.
  10. I really, really miss home, a lot.

    1. Sugar Pea

      Sugar Pea

      Don't worry...i'm sure home misses you too. Lighten up. :)

    2. Nobody Special

      Nobody Special

      I'm trying to be positive, but I'm running out of things to be positive about. Only a few more days....

    3. Sugar Pea

      Sugar Pea

      Think of kittens...dancing gummy bears in their underwear, landsharks...narwals..just try to be positive, mk? :3

  11. I would be a redwood tree. I would tower over those who would stand in between my goals and me (That and I stand at 6'4" at fourteen years old.) Or I would be a pine tree, In places where the cold is all there is, and I stand in rural areas, some where humans even dread to go.
  12. Today couldn't have been better! I got the entire day to keep to myself, I didn't have to go somewhere and do something I would have preferred not doing.

    1. Nobody Special

      Nobody Special

      One minute later, dad, "Son... you need to get a life." He doesn't realise I don't want a life in Tennessee, I want one at my home, Wisconsin.

  13. Easy to pick up on, meaning, easy to get use to playing, as in the skills are easy to pick up. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
  14. For FPS, Battlefield 3 for realism, CoD for very easy to pick up and play, Halo 4 for fantasy. RPG, Skyrim is just all around good, Pokemon for team building strategies or just for fun. Simulation, Gran Turismo 5 for ps3 and forza 4 for x box 360, note both of these are racing. Third person, Assassin's Creed any one for a more stealth oriented killer, Infamous for ps3 for one of the best super hero games I've ever played, Gears of War for x box 360 and Uncharted for your third person shooters.
  15. Today WILL be better then yesterday! I won't let it be worse!

  16. The only time I really get sick is when my parents force me to get shots. The sickness I get from the shots is worse than the virus it's trying to prevent.
  17. Like I said, my day sucked. Still happy to have had it though! Because for everyday I get upset about, I'm sure lots of people are having a much worse day. At the end of the day, I still have a roof over my head and some food in my stomach.

    1. ShadowFoxz


      *hug* I hope tomorrow is better for you

    2. repsol rave

      repsol rave

      dude, that is one epic code to live by. and if today sucked, tomorrow can pretty much only be better :3

  18. My day is slowly, but surely, going to shit, but I'm not gonna let it get my mood down. :P

    1. repsol rave

      repsol rave

      that's the spirit! good to hear man :3

    2. breezy00


      well as long as you are happy

  19. If you show no emotion at all, they get bored fast and will most likely leave/stop. No one really has the nerve to pick on me accept dumb people.
  20. I just told my mom that my sister has four hooves and I don't think she has used them today... oh mlp.

    1. breezy00


      lol ok why did you say that

    2. Nobody Special

      Nobody Special

      I had mlp on my mind, just like how I sometimes say everypony.

    3. breezy00


      ikr i do that sometimes too

  21. I just told my mom that my sister has four hooves and I don't think she has used them today... oh mlp.

  22. I just told my mom that my sister has four hooves and I don't think she has used them today... oh mlp.

  23. When I realised that academics are extremely important to jobs that I wish to get, and when I returned to my school after a year of absence to find how incredibly immature my class mates were. I realise that being a child is fun and all, but it gets you nowhere in the real world. I feel I am much more mature, both physically and mentally, than all of my class mates. I can uphold a serious conversation without laughing because someone said something like pencil or stick. I feel that academic success is more important than being a star player on a sports team, which, with my larger than average body, I am very capable of doing. I see no need for many friends, although I have many acquaintances. My childhood, in my own opinion, has ended at an early age of 14 years old, I wish I had used the time more wisely rather than wasted it away.
  24. Went golfing, on hole seven realises he sucks at golfing, still wins at golfing, and by that I mean average +4 or 5 each hole.

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