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Nobody Special

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Everything posted by Nobody Special

  1. I eat mine very strangely, I carefully set the cookie into the milk and let it float, once it starts to sink I will grab it and eat it. Letting it sit until it sinks gives it enough time to taste delicious.
  2. First place in an archery tournament, but I wasn't using my bow, the sights weren't set for me, and I had never shot the bow before in my life.

    1. repsol rave

      repsol rave

      nice man, that's pretty damn impressive :3

    2. Nobody Special

      Nobody Special

      First course was hard, but after I adapted to using my fathers bow, I was scoring quite decently. I did hope to do better though.

  3. You must fight trough today to survive through tomorrow.

    1. repsol rave
    2. Nobody Special

      Nobody Special

      This is one I think of all the time whenever I face any difficulty in my life.

  4. Jaywalking is crossing the street when or where you are not suppose to. In most places it's fine, but you can get in pretty big trouble in larger cities.
  5. I'm hoping it will move to the playstation soon, but we have a smaller fan base on PS3 so maybe they will notice us on the ps4, sounds like more people are getting ps4 anyways.
  6. I don't like chocolate, there, I said it! Call of Duty Black Ops two is the worst multiplayer game ever, zombies and campaign are good though. I don't think FPS is the best game genre, even though I play them the most.
  7. Once I return can upload a picture. My prized possession is my entire racing crew signed Jeff Gordon #24 Nascar Limited Edition truck and trailer. Pretty awesome considering he's my favorite driver.
  8. As the title states, has anyone ever even thought about commiting a crime before. If so, and your comfortable with sharing, please do! Can be anything from stealing something as a kid, to a more serious thing, such as shoplifting. When I was around four or five, I tried to steal a candy bar from the store. I was a terrible liar, as most children are, so I was like, "Hey mom, don't check under my shirt, cause I don't have anything there," Quite funny to me. Then recently I have thought of hurting someone, not sure where that falls in on the scale.
  9. Gone for a couple hours, 68 notifications... gone for a couple days 32... strange.

  10. Season Four announced! :P

    1. Diamond*


      Eeyup. November 23.

    2. Crispy


      November 23. 11/23/13. Three ones, one plus two is three, and we're left with another three.



  11. The Black Hawk is a cool helicopter.

  12. I was in the locker rooms and one of the smallest kids in the grade came up to me, I'm the largest kid so I wondered what he wanted. He started to pick on me and such, this did urk me a little, but then he threw a punch, which landed, without much effect I may add, so I waited for him to punch again and grabbed his arm, I spun him around once and threw him into the nearest lockers. He was one of the ones who never picked on me again.
  13. I think, personally, that it gives them a sense of self-satisfaction. A have been bullied a few times, but not much more. (They learn not to after the first time, that is, if they're smart enough.) I can't stand bullying at all, and, to be frank, won't put up with that shit.
  14. To @Vinyl Scratch, Happy birthday!!

  15. One more week 'till I get to go home!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nobody Special

      Nobody Special

      Not home... :P jk I'm in Tennessee

    3. Nobody Special

      Nobody Special

      or Kentucky...right on the border.

    4. breezy00


      oh ok cool what are you doing there


  16. Well I'm going to bed, see you tomorrow!

    1. Remi


      Have a good night mate!

  17. I would be exercising everyday, but right now I'm kind of aroud 700 miles from home. I can still do stuff that requires no equipment though. I don't do very advanced stuff and do what I see others around me do. I'm just about in every sport our school offers though, that keeps me tone ish. I'm still overweight, but I have changed my eating habits and am losing weight.
  18. One person I hate with more than a burning passion is my sister. She thinks she's perfect, is a complete smart plot, thinks she knows what she's doing no matter what it is, constantly is picking on me and I cannot do anything about it because she will bruise herself to get me in trouble, my mom believes her over me, is constantly lying her plot off, and she never shuts the f*ck up. I would be happy to see her gone forever, and have thought of making that a reality. Never harmed her severely, although I have my fair share of punches landed on her. She may be older, but I'm bigger, a lot bigger. She is starting to learn her place, and more importantly, I'm not afraid to get in trouble in exchange for a few blows to the face.
  19. When I'm angry I allow video games to calm me, but anything else, hail is a big one and then there is being cold. Being cold just makes me happy in general. That's why I normally am chilling near an AC unit. EDIT: When I say I like the cold I'm talking from zero to thirty-two degrees farenheit.
  20. Just got back from Nashville. Makes me miss Wisconsin :(

    1. Radiance64


      Wanna trade places? :P

    2. Nobody Special

      Nobody Special

      Still a little south but still Wisconsin, so yes! Will be coming back in like a week.

  21. I'm probably the only one who is going to say this, but Lavender Town's music. It just adds so much and is very mysterious overall. I don't know why people hate it, I mean I listened to it for three hours once and had a bad headache and felt sick, but really who is going to be in Lavender Town for 3 hours straight?
  22. I don't think my mother cares, but mydad doesn't like it that much. I have the ability to make fun of myself, so that makes it easier for me. Nobody really seems to care overall, all my friends know, and by "friends" I don't mean acquaintances, I mean the people who represent the elements of harmony in real life. So saying the two or three people who I call friends are now bronys.
  23. What to post as a status...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kyoshi Frost Wolf
    3. Nobody Special

      Nobody Special

      That's flipping awesome.

    4. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      You bet your hamburgers it's flipping awesome! :P


      OOOO, burger pony! That has been done I bet.

  24. Just got done sitting in an apache longbow :P

  25. Got my glasses fixed, might go and buy black ops today.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Soundgarden


      @STO Not really, deathmatch never gets old, no matter skill level

      @TPSC TF2 is 4 liddul babies

    3. Zerrodo


      Zelda master race.

    4. ~StatesTheOblivious~
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