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Everything posted by Cwanky

  1. First off let's get the record straight so that there's no confusion here. A lot of us, or at least me, are not mad at Twilight for becoming an alicorn. If anything I'd be more upset that Celestia played god by placing Twilight into a situation that she herself showed after her transformation was hardly ready for. The people I'm angry at are the writers to some extents, but mostly Hasbro for trying to use Twilicorn as a cash cow for toys that barely resemble her: 2. Yes I will say that Magical Mystery Cure was a very good episode given the time constraints imposed. But that's the inherent problem here. There simply was too little time to fit such a significant plot into one episode. The #1 biggest and most common criticism of MMC is exactly that: it felt very rushed and there simply wasn't enough time. Its again further compounded with the issue of Hasbro just being corporate douchebag trolls wanting to make money. If they wanted to make Twilight an alicorn they should have done it at the end of the Discord arc. Good time at the start of the season to sell any (alicorn) toys they might make while still drawing more viewers and potential buyers throughout the season. No Discord toy, no matter how cuddly and trolltastic, would outsell Twilicorn figures in Hasbro's world.
  2. Earth ponies 100% for me. I am terrified of heights and I'm sure in a world like Equestria, there's other ways for me to fly. As for magic, well the ability to cast powerful and useful spells is a great selling point but no offense to the unicorns, but I just don't like the idea of having a horn sticking outta my head, well unless I had 2 like Iron Will, that'd be a different story. I'd get a headache just focusing all my power into my horn on my head. There's something to Earth Ponies being the laboring and strong types. They still have abilities like natural strength, speed and arguably more durable bodies than unicorns and pegasi, with the similar ability of Equestrian equines of intellect, speech and wielding objects. Plus I have more of a connection to nature and the earth than magic and the sky.
  3. Celestia is still too far essential of a supporting character for Hasbro to replace. Even if she has been somewhat relegated to a more background role, she's still the ruler of Equestria and a goddess at that. Expect Twilight to continue looking to Celestia in the future for guidance. Giving Luna the boot is a remote possibility but it'd be a silly move at that. Her character is so underdeveloped to the point that you might say she's the background alicorn/goddess of the show, even moreso than Cadence. Hasbro has a lot of potential to build upon her that can really appeal to a Luna loving fanbase and advance the show. As for Cadence. Aside from what's been said, there's also the whole Shining Armor being a prince now. Hasbro's not gonna suddenly change royalty status in less than a season. Plus remember this little bugger Princess Skyla? If the rumors are true that she's indeed the daughter of Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armor, we have little reason to doubt that the latter 2 will continue to play a large role in season 4.
  4. If that were the only flaw to the episode, I'd be content to let everything be as is. But the Mirror Pond just in Pinkie Pie's hands alone proved to be potentially very dangerous, if not destructive. All on her own, Pinkie Pie managed to wreak havoc and destruction to Ponyville and literally raze Applejack's barn. I understand that Celestia is a busy person but she couldn't spare a minute to check out the disaster that was transpiring in Ponyville? She sure gave more than a rat's ass about Twilight when that last happened in Lesson Zero. There was a potent dangerous artifact lying around and no one had the insight to inform Celestia or Luna about it? Not even Mayor Mare of the town that was being afflicted by said cause of disaster? The best part of this all was at the very end the solution was to simply place a giant rock (presumably reliable Tom) over the said cave entrance and pretend that the Mirror Pond would go away. I don't buy it. Maybe they just decided to leave a plot hole open for future episodes or a comic book, but as Magic Duel demonstrates, MLP villains are very capable of being resourceful and intelligent. Trixie has to be given a lot of credit to be able to locate and acquire an artifact as potent and dangerous as the Alicorn Amulet, especially since the Mane 6 hardly knew a thing about it. Its not beyond the realm of possibility then that a villain, or any random individual, could just as well locate and use the Mirror Pond once again. Imagine if say, Alicorn Amulet Trixie used the Mirror Pond, or Celestia forbid Nightmare Moon or even Discord. Let's see whether the Mane 6 combined or even Celestia could stop that.
  5. I'm not sure Twilight would be remotely capable yet of fulfilling the roles of both Luna and Celestia, let alone tending to her friends AND Discord at the same time. Also Twilight replacing Cadence? I can see where you might be getting at that, but it comes off as sounding like a really bad incest ship fic between Twilight and her brother.
  6. Ross Scott by a landslide. He's the creator of the Freeman's Mind series based on Half Life 1 and the originator of the whole Mind playthrough voice over craze. His commentaries and works are very insightful, entertaining and he truly cares for his viewers. By a close 2nd I'd have to say Roahm Mythril. His play throughs are thorough and honest, equally insightful and entertaining, and he's not afraid to highlight and address his own mistakes. His commentary is honestly better than a lot of the online so called "gaming critique" showhosts and its not rushed or excessively rehearsed. Plus lets face it, a lot of Americans like me are still suckers for Brits.
  7. I'm a little curious but assuming we go by the show's canon status and the real Pinkie Pie survived, what would have happened if the real Pinkie Pie was struck? Best case scenario the spell backfires or perhaps banishes her back to the phantom zone. Worst case she might poof or blow up in a gruesome mess of blood that the show can't show. Thinking back on the scenario now, despite Twilight being a very rational and strategic minded person, this plan could have seriously backfired if they got the wrong Pinkie Pie. They were in a sense playing Russian roulette with Pinkie's life.
  8. Honestly, even though she's not my top pick of the Mane 6, Twilight would be the character I relate to the most, being a nerd, bookworm, introverted and person who at times has trouble interacting with others initially myself. Fluttershy is also someone is also relate to, albeit less so. To cut to the chase though, my top Mane 6 character is Applejack. Why? She has a boatload of flaws, her excessive protectiveness at times, xenophobia, stubbornness and pride for one. Yet despite them she is often willing to go outside her comfort zone to help others. Aside from that I must respect that she's a very open and sincere person, she may be blunt and harsh at times, but she's always willing to help others and be a decent person. Her and her element being orange (which makes its resemble a peach rather than an apple ironically) and my favorite being orange are just additional convenient coincidences. As for best villain? Well Discord duh. He's basically The Joker, minus the murder and bloodlust.
  9. Perchance may I inquire, To satisfy my mind's desire Is there more to your sorcery Than mere tricks and chicanery?
  10. Speaking of Equestria Girls and its desire to be race and ethnic neutral: Really brings up fond memories of Doug. To this day I can't even figure out what ethnicity or background Skeeter was supposed to be, or more than half the school for that matter. I'm really curious as to the setting of Equestria Girls is. It seems to be more/less an analogue to America, but for all we know its on some large floating continent. Ah well at least now I can speculate that Skeeter is Equestrian. It'll at least make for an interesting fanfic.
  11. I'm gonna get a lotta hate for this but: 1. excessive bias and obsessiveness over certain (background) characters, which often comes at the expense of neglecting other equally good characters. You know who you are. 2. Overused ship fics and how there's a ridiculous assumption that if 2 same sex characters are seen together or paired together (mares 99% of the time) they're automatically shipped and put into lesbo relationships. Seriously I'm all for equality but there's quite a few decent male characters to ship as well. 3. Certain parts of the fanbase being a bit in your face at times and obnoxious. 4. Excessive clopping.
  12. The Simpsons - In Equestria Marge- Fluttershy Homer- Pinkie Pie Lisa - Twilight Sparkle Bart - Rainbow Dash Maggie- Angel Bunny Santa's Little Helper- Spike Snowball- Owliscious Flanders- Applejack Mayor Quimby- Trollestia Celestia Selma- Rarity Patty- Derpy Ling- Sweetie Belle Mr. Burns- Luna Moe- Zecora Barney- Berry Punch
  13. Hello bronies, ponies, nonponies and the whole community and beyond. I recently began watching the newer MLP in 2012 as a curiosity and eventually got hooked to the show. I'm an aspiring writer and soon to be law student this fall. As you might notice from my avatar I'm quite a big fan of nonponies on MLP as well, especially donkeys including Cranky and Eeyore. I'm a big Applejack fan and she's #1 out of the mane 6 for me.
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